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What TV are you watching and how would you rate it? [Revive from FRDB]

Shogun (2024)

The lead actress is giving a super bland and wooden performance. Hard to take.
Fallout, just finished it. Awesome with the moral philosophy and game theory, characters, writing, acting, humor, I'd give it a 10/10.
I’ve started rewatching Killing Eve. I had watched a couple of seasons a while back but now all four are on Netflix. Despite the usual feminist trope of having all competent women with the men being mostly nincompoops it is enjoyable. However, I read reviews that the last couple seasons (especially 4) aren’t that good so my enthusiasm for getting back into it has waned. Any opinions?
I am watching Fargo Season 5. I'll score it 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. Co-stars who do a very good job include Jon Hamm and Jennifer Jason Leigh but it is the heroine played by Juno Temple who steals the show.

Fargo has always been one of my very favorite movies; I consider it the best of Coen & Coen's movies, and that's saying a lot!

Fargo TV is a sort of spinoff from the movie, with each Season an independent mini-series. I watched Seasons 1 & 2, thought 1 much better than 2 IIRC, but neither was in the same high class as the movie. I stopped watching Fargo TV.

But for some reason I stumbled on Season 5 a few days ago, and am binge-watching it now. It is an epic tale. In some ways it is much better than the movie.
I’ve started rewatching Killing Eve. I had watched a couple of seasons a while back but now all four are on Netflix. Despite the usual feminist trope of having all competent women with the men being mostly nincompoops it is enjoyable. However, I read reviews that the last couple seasons (especially 4) aren’t that good so my enthusiasm for getting back into it has waned. Any opinions?

I quit it after 3, which I struggled to finish.
Attack on Titan, first episode.

Rating: wtf/bbq
I’ve started rewatching Killing Eve. I had watched a couple of seasons a while back but now all four are on Netflix. Despite the usual feminist trope of having all competent women with the men being mostly nincompoops it is enjoyable. However, I read reviews that the last couple seasons (especially 4) aren’t that good so my enthusiasm for getting back into it has waned. Any opinions?
I agree with the reviews.
Do miniseries (e.g. A Man in Full (2024)) belong here, or in the Movies thread?

But first can we all please agree that Tom Wolfe is the greatest living American novelist? Others of his books have been made into movies, so when I saw this mini-series I had to watch!

Jeff Daniels plays Charlie Croker, an Atlanta real-estate developer, complete with ex-wife and all -- does the story remind of Trump? The Croker Concourse however was a building too far, and the bank wants to foreclose, forcing Mr. Croker into bankruptcy.

Much of the 1998 novel's superb story-line was discarded to squeeze the miniseries into 4(?) hours. This is of course disappointing for someone, such as I, who loved the novel; so I don't know how to rate this show.

Maybe I'm just not a Jeff Daniels fan, but I wonder if there were better casting choices for Charlie Croker.
1. Shogun: it's a pretty darn good show. Each episode feels like a mini movie and even though I'm enjoying it, I can't wait for it to be over. But I do like it. Whatever.

2. For All Mankind (season 3): The show has always had its bits of relationship melodrama, but it's become too much in season 3. For example *SPOILER* ... I'm going to ask the guy who fucked my wife and helped destroy my marriage to go with me on a 3 year round trip journey to Mars. Fucking seriously? And it's not just that. I'll finish watching the season at some point, but it's like show brought on a bunch of soap opera writers in order to increase the least appealing aspects of the show.

I highly recommend the first two seasons though. They're great.
I'm going to ask the guy who fucked my wife and helped destroy my marriage to go with me on a 3 year round trip journey to Mars
Bladwin never found out Danny fucked his wife. He always viewed him as his best mate's son and a reminder of his own boy.
1. Shogun: it's a pretty darn good show. Each episode feels like a mini movie and even though I'm enjoying it, I can't wait for it to be over. But I do like it. Whatever.

Shogun is one of my all-time favorite books. And I did enjoy the old Richard Chamberlain series. But the new one is on Hulu right? Don’t need to pay for yet another streaming service.

2. For All Mankind (season 3): The show has always had its bits of relationship melodrama, but it's become too much in season 3. For example *SPOILER* ... I'm going to ask the guy who fucked my wife and helped destroy my marriage to go with me on a 3 year round trip journey to Mars. Fucking seriously? And it's not just that. I'll finish watching the season at some point, but it's like show brought on a bunch of soap opera writers in order to increase the least appealing aspects of the show.

I highly recommend the first two seasons though. They're great.
Yeah. It’s a good show but the most recent season was the least enjoyable so far.
1. Shogun: it's a pretty darn good show. Each episode feels like a mini movie and even though I'm enjoying it, I can't wait for it to be over. But I do like it. Whatever.

Shogun is one of my all-time favorite books. And I did enjoy the old Richard Chamberlain series. But the new one is on Hulu right? Don’t need to pay for yet another streaming service.

2. For All Mankind (season 3): The show has always had its bits of relationship melodrama, but it's become too much in season 3. For example *SPOILER* ... I'm going to ask the guy who fucked my wife and helped destroy my marriage to go with me on a 3 year round trip journey to Mars. Fucking seriously? And it's not just that. I'll finish watching the season at some point, but it's like show brought on a bunch of soap opera writers in order to increase the least appealing aspects of the show.

I highly recommend the first two seasons though. They're great.
Yeah. It’s a good show but the most recent season was the least enjoyable so far.
I hear ya' on paying for yet another service. I finished out Shogun last night because my subscription for Hulu runs out on the 13th of this month. $69 for the Hulu + ESPN + Disney package and you have to watch commercials? I guess I should've read more carefully before signing up, but I've been peeved about this for months.

Anyway, I binge rewatched American Horror Story's 1984 because I never finished it in the first place. It's a fun romp and quite gory. Like nearly every single AHS season, they could've trimmed a good two episodes out of this one, but it's one of the better seasons. I had started rewatching AHS's Roanoke, but remembered why I never finished it. Good god, it is so... it's just so bad. I declare it Unwatchable. I didn't get 15 through the second episode before turning it off.
I'm going to ask the guy who fucked my wife and helped destroy my marriage to go with me on a 3 year round trip journey to Mars
Bladwin never found out Danny fucked his wife. He always viewed him as his best mate's son and a reminder of his own boy.
Really? .... holy crap, you're right. Oh well, I can give that criticism a rest. Still though, that's far from the only insufferable aspect.
I'm going to ask the guy who fucked my wife and helped destroy my marriage to go with me on a 3 year round trip journey to Mars
Bladwin never found out Danny fucked his wife. He always viewed him as his best mate's son and a reminder of his own boy.
Really? .... holy crap, you're right. Oh well, I can give that criticism a rest. Still though, that's far from the only insufferable aspect.
I can put up with the drama. But I also like BSG and DS9 and those shows were pretty packed with that as well. I guess RDM likes his soap. I'm also a big Turtledove fan so I really enjoy how someone's imagination of one particular thing changing (in the case of For All Mankind Sergei Korolev surviving) can utterly rewrite history.
Tried to get into House, but a few episodes into it, I'm having a hard time buying this. It is virtually a clone of Bones (or more accurately visa versa), with the main difference being that in Bones it makes sense they get they really weird cases, where as House's hospital is always getting the weirdest stuff. And it is wrong, wrong, wrong, we got it redundancy. I like Hugh Laurie, he is a great actor/comic. But his character is a bit too anti-hero for my taste. Also, I don't need the graphic aspects of medical care and suffering. The graphical biological stuff is interesting, but I don't need to see spinal taps and what not.

Should I keep pushing or is this formula going to persist for a while. I did give up on Bones after four or so seasons due to repetitiveness.
It’s Survivor night!
Next week is the season finale.
The evolution of the game has produced a situation where now, every blessing is a curse, every advantage earned is a liability, and strength - especially physical strength - is a weakness. I’m waiting for some very capable person to hoodwink the rest into believing they’re hapless, right up to the end. But no… as soon as any player gets away with hiding their strengths, they get an irrational, irresistible urge to turn it into a Big Play … so they share their secret - and get axed.
Sorry, but I find it fascinating.
Tried to get into House, but a few episodes into it, I'm having a hard time buying this. It is virtually a clone of Bones (or more accurately visa versa), with the main difference being that in Bones it makes sense they get they really weird cases, where as House's hospital is always getting the weirdest stuff. And it is wrong, wrong, wrong, we got it redundancy. I like Hugh Laurie, he is a great actor/comic. But his character is a bit too anti-hero for my taste. Also, I don't need the graphic aspects of medical care and suffering. The graphical biological stuff is interesting, but I don't need to see spinal taps and what not.

Should I keep pushing or is this formula going to persist for a while. I did give up on Bones after four or so seasons due to repetitiveness.
House is very formulaic in that sense. The medical stuff basically stays like that through the whole series. What could keep one coming back is the character study of House, not the medical stuff. He remains the "anti-hero" as you describe, so if that's not appealing now then you'll probably not enjoy the run. Also, his relationships with his staff (and his friend and boss) are a big part of the non-medical story, and those range from very interesting to overly sappy.
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