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What TV are you watching and how would you rate it? [Revive from FRDB]

Jim Jefferies - Bare, 7/10: A special performance from Australian comic Jim Jefferies. I thought his stuff was quite funny in places and in other parts less so. He has a bit of a reputation for being a bit of a misogynist and I think there is some validity to that in this performance. He's a selfish lover is one way of putting it. I didn't enjoy this performance as much as the one he did for HBO (I think).
REALLY liked last night's episode of Broadchurch, where the head prosecutor Jocelyn Knight rebukes the single-mother ex-colleague Sharon Bishop who is now the defense lawyer.

The defense lawyer's son, the junkie manslaughterer who's gotten in yet another fight is still in prison and he blames his lawyer mother for not being able to get him out. Upset, she promptly blames her ex-colleague for not taking his case.

And Knight responds that she didn't take the case because she didn't like Bishop because she always blamed other people for her problems (hinting that's one reason why her son is where he is now) and Knight knew Bishop would blame her if she lost his case.

Yep. Nice to bring up that not all single mothers are martyrs and good parents. They're just as flawed as anyone else and their kids may be assholes because they were shitty parents.

I knew one lady just like that. Single mom, upset the police just dragged off to prison her 21 year old son for a drugs charge. She said, "Why do they have to treat him like that? He's just a kid, he doesn't know what he's doing."

Somehow I got the impression she's been excusing her son with that reason for sometime...which is why he is the way he is now.
iZombie (7/10)


It's hardly great art, but it doesn't take itself too seriously, is quirky and light-hearted. It has a very comic-booky vibe, I'm guessing due to the enormous liberties they've taken with the zombie mythology, although the fact that they use comic book panels for some scene transitions probably factors in.

In this show, zombies have to eat brains, or else they lose their intelligence and become mindless like movie zombies. Once this happens, the loss of intelligence is permanent. They can also "zombie out" under certain conditions, becoming stronger, more aggressive, etc., like "fast zombies" from movies, although they haven't really established any rules about when and how they do this. They seem to be able to do it on purpose (as well as stop doing it on purpose), but they haven't really explained when and how it can be triggered against their will.

Eating brains also causes them to temporarily gain personality traits, skills, and even memories of the person the brain belonged to, but the memories only come in infrequent visions that the zombie can't control. The lead character works as a medical examiner, which is where she gets her brains from. Since many of them are murder victims, she uses the memory flashbacks to solve crimes by feeding tips to a cop who works homicide, but doesn't know she's a zombie.

Anyway, the whole thing is available for viewing online, although I presume there are the usual copyright restrictions based on what nation you come from.
iZombie (7/10)


It's hardly great art, but it doesn't take itself too seriously, is quirky and light-hearted. It has a very comic-booky vibe, I'm guessing due to the enormous liberties they've taken with the zombie mythology, although the fact that they use comic book panels for some scene transitions probably factors in.

Might also have something to do with it being based on a comic book ;)
Un village français (10/10)


Historical drama about life in a regular French village during German occupation of WW2. I´ve always preferred historical dramas about ordinary people in extraordinary times. This is one such series. They´ve obviously aimed for historical accuracy. It´s exactly what you you´ll expect it to be. It´s plenty of warmth and joy in harsh times.
Un village français (10/10)


Historical drama about life in a regular French village during German occupation of WW2. I´ve always preferred historical dramas about ordinary people in extraordinary times. This is one such series. They´ve obviously aimed for historical accuracy. It´s exactly what you you´ll expect it to be. It´s plenty of warmth and joy in harsh times.

So basically 'Allo 'Allo, but with occasional moments of humour?
Un village français (10/10)


Historical drama about life in a regular French village during German occupation of WW2. I´ve always preferred historical dramas about ordinary people in extraordinary times. This is one such series. They´ve obviously aimed for historical accuracy. It´s exactly what you you´ll expect it to be. It´s plenty of warmth and joy in harsh times.

So basically 'Allo 'Allo, but with occasional moments of humour?

Yes. Exactly the same. Just with a different tone. I do think Allo Allo is pure genius. Also 10/10 IMHO. I´m pretty sure Helga and Herr Gruber shaped my sexuality into more interesting ways than it´d otherwise been. I´m forever indebted to them for that.
Elementary Season 2
Strong start, but a bit of a weak finish
I thought that the overall season is not quite as strong as the first and towards the end it become a little bit too complicated and doesn't really pull off it's finale

Game of Thrones Season 4
Yes yes yes I'm way behind the times:D
Still just started the first couple of episodes and intrigued where this season goes

Community Season 2
Liked season 1 so just started season 2
Breaking Bad, 9/10: Just finished watching the the last episode. I really enjoyed it except one episode about a fly. I quite enjoyed the lack of swearing in it too. Not that cussing offends me but sometimes it gets overdone in these types of programs.
Vikings, Season 1 & 2 10/10

I really enjoyed this series. Well made, lots of mythology and folklore. Bloody enough to have me saying "hell yeah" to the screen. Memorable enough that I've been dreaming about Odin and the gods. Can't wait to binge on Season 3.

Hannibal, Season 1 & 2 10/10

Red Dragon is one of my favorite books. Can't get much better than this. And Mads Mikkelsen is such an eloquent badass as Hannibal. I find myself cheering him on even though I know better. :)
Breaking Bad, 9/10: Just finished watching the the last episode. I really enjoyed it except one episode about a fly. I quite enjoyed the lack of swearing in it too. Not that cussing offends me but sometimes it gets overdone in these types of programs.
That was a bad episode. An entire hour about chasing down a fly in the lab. Writers block, I guess.
Finale of Broadchurch Season 2 aired.

It was frustrating. The writers did a

bait and switch. So you were very angry that the child killer got off, but you were tossed a bone in that other child killers were caught. And the writers made sure the other child killers were the very lowest animalistic, soulless, conscienceless scum of humanity so you could forget about the less offensive first child killer who was released into society.

But the other child killers were killers of opportunity, not preying on children while the first was a sexual predator murderer, so IMO, the killer that got off is more of a danger to society than the 2nd killers. So I was not satisfied. Even the 1st child killer being 'banished' from his hometown didn't satisfy me. I wanted the townsfolk to toss him off a cliff and pretend it was suicide. Instead he was driven out of town...yet you could tell from what he said, that if there is a 3rd season, it will deal with him wanting to come back. The family of the dead kid seem strangely cheerful, ready to put the past all behind them though they got absolutely no justice.

The cops were OK

with this, though they couldn't keep a sexual predator murderer in jail and had to watch him walk.

The prosecutor...

she went crawling back to her ex-colleague, already to make up and go work with her again, since she lost her case and wants to go out on a win. As a bribe, she's going to work on getting her ex-colleague prison scum son out on a technicality. Completely lost respect

for her in that scene.

Not happy with this finale.
iZombie (7/10)


It's hardly great art, but it doesn't take itself too seriously, is quirky and light-hearted. It has a very comic-booky vibe, I'm guessing due to the enormous liberties they've taken with the zombie mythology, although the fact that they use comic book panels for some scene transitions probably factors in.

Might also have something to do with it being based on a comic book ;)
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Thanks for clearing that up. I saw the images, but was too lazy to look up which came first: the comic books or the show.
Welcome to Sweden 6/10


This is a pretty silly comedy about an American moving to Sweden. I´m not sure if it´s made for Americans or Swedes. The humour is of an American style, (ie very short build up to jokes and mostly one-liners. And jokes revolving an extreme respect for famous people or an extreme respect for people higher in hierarchies or "successful" which is a cultural thing that just doesn´t exist here. So no Swede would think it´s funny). It does have an extremely impressive list of Hollywood celebrities. And plenty of A-list Swedish actors who only would impress a Swedish audience. So... yeah... not sure who they´re catering to?

The entire show revolves around culture clashes between Swedish and American culture. If you´ve ever wanted to learn about Swedish culture, this is a good start.
The Killing, 7/10: An American adaptation of a foreign crime/drama/thriller. I think it was originally based in Finland or Denmark but this series is based in Seattle. I'm streaming from Netflix so I can rattle through the episodes. The story kicks off with the body of a 17 year old girl in the trunk of a car that belongs to the campaign office of a politician running for mayor of Seattle. As the series progresses, a number of characters become suspects. But this is done sequentially and each couple of episodes leads you to believe a suspect is guilty as hell before some other event proves them innocent before moving on to the next narrative. It's decent and each episode usually ends with a cliffhanger of sorts. It's decent but I'll be glad when it's over.
Eurovision Song Contest 2015

Americans, you don't know what you are missing. To summarize, it's an annual song writing / performance / lip-sync contest where European countries like Malta, Kazakhzstan and Australia try to out-ridiculous each other. The winner gets to host the party the following year. As a sample, here is UK from this year's finals:



(For the record, UK didn't win.)
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the whispers

Started watching this without knowing anything about it and started recognizing things. It is based on a Ray Bradbury short story I'd read as a child.

Obviously, the makers of the series have to stretch out a short story to novel size, so they're introducing all these outside and backstories. Will be interested to see where they go with it. So far, I'm having problems sorting out all the white suburban type women that are in the plot. They all look the same.
South Park 10/10 - Without a doubt the best show since the Twilight Zone, the most spiritual show ever on Television. At times it is repulsive, but that's life.

Penn & Teller's Bullshit 9/10 - I hope that old shows count. The second most spiritual show ever on Television. At times it is bias, but that's life.

Twilight Zone 8/10 - Second best TV show of all time. Occasionally an episode will suck, but that's life.
12 Monkeys TV-series (3/10)

I guess it could have been worse. They spend way too much time explaining time-travel. Who gives a fuck? Time-travel isn´t a real scientific thing. Just do it. Don´t explain it. All time-travel paradoxes are retarded anyway. The acting. It´s like I can hear the director in the back of my head yelling "look surprised, look happy, cry, look angry". I don´t think it´s the actors that is the problem. I think it´s the shit script and terrible directing. The only really terrible actors is the lady in charge of the humans in the future. Golly gosh what she annoyed me. Horrible horrible acting. Dr. Cassandra Railly was played well I guess. I just thought it was an odd casting choice. Also the character was weakly drawn. She was all over the place. Apparently she would just be whatever the script needed her to be... no matter if it worked for the character. It became boring.

The story; ... where to begin. It´s horrendously confused and often stupid. It´s virtually impossible to keep track of time lines. I still haven´t figured out if they live in a deterministic universe or if they can actually change stuff. To make time-travel movies work the time-travel gimmick needs to be intelligently handled. It all needs to come together toward the end.... in each episode. In this series they don´t give a fuck. If there´s a plot hole... just throw in some time travel thing and fix it. It just ends up being a mess. The virus thing... I just stopped caring. Because I have no idea if anything they do will actually matter in the end.

It annoyed me how Jennifer Goines was based on Brad Pitt´s Jeffrey Goines. You can´t fake crazy. If you´re going to play crazy you gotta play it in your own way or it won´t be convincing. She looked like a person trying to be Brad Pitt. Fail.

Overall it felt like an under-worked and rushed production. If they´d given it a little bit more love it could have been good. But they didn´t.
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