• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

What will be the October Surprise?

You refer to non-USA oil exporters because the US exports fracked oil?
US relies on fracking for >1/2 of oil production. Another big chunk is offshore.'

Kamala Harris stated that she was in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling. That would eliminate vast majority of US oil production, giving more profits to other producers. So it stands to reason they would be happy with somebody like her taking the reigns at the White House.
the orange felon is no spring chicken either - what if he has a female VP pick. What to do? What to do?🙅‍♂️😨
Depends entirely on who she is.
How hot, not who.
Any personality or intellectual capacity beyond the very superficial, is invisible and irrelevant to The Felon.
It's about letting Central Casting carry the show.
As Don Henley said "I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear."
You refer to non-USA oil exporters because the US exports fracked oil?
US relies on fracking for >1/2 of oil production. Another big chunk is offshore.'

Kamala Harris stated that she was in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling. That would eliminate vast majority of US oil production, giving more profits to other producers. So it stands to reason they would be happy with somebody like her taking the reigns at the White House.
Yes but US producers would be hurt. Given Biden’s America first economic policy, VP Harris’s views are not terribly meaningful while Mr Biden is alive.
It's almost as though you don't understand that the very worst possible thing for America, worse than falling into dictatorship, worse than breaking apart, worse than being invaded and subjugated by a tyrannical foreign power, and worse even than being destroyed in nuclear fire, leaving a wasteland in which the living envy the dead, would be a female President.
I guess Trump has the Incel vote sewn up?
Most of them probably don’t vote, as a habit.
the orange felon is no spring chicken either - what if he has a female VP pick. What to do? What to do?🙅‍♂️😨
Interesting thought. The eventual pick will be someone Trump believes to be 100% under his thumb. As a lifelong misogynist, that might very well mean he will pick a woman. M or F, it will certainly be someone he thinks he can grab by the pussy.
I sure am glad Mike Pence would not let Trump grab his on January 6th 2021.
We all see you said this:
And you get President Kamala by supporting Biden, not Trump.
Reading comprehension fail. This means that oil exporters would prefer Kamala over Trump because she wants to ban fracking and offshore drilling. It does not mean I support Trump.
You made no mention of oil exporters. I therefore assume you are moving the goalposts.
What are the Russians doing in Cuba now? :unsure:
Preparing a Red October?
Probably just ramping up pressure so they can try to get more concessions by NATO. However the more pessimistic part of me thinks they would actually be willing to risk a nuclear war and they might be legitimately insane.
I sure am glad Mike Pence would not let Trump grab his on January 6th 2021.
Right? I'm pretty sure that Trump, stupid though he is, won't make that mistake again.
Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
In the upcoming election there is no excluded middle.

At least not in this universe.
That's why this political environment is so detestable and yet so dull at the same time. There's no nuance, no legitimate debate to have. There's this monster blocking the view of everything else that would otherwise be on the table, e.g. healthcare, military spending, etc. Instead, we just have to vote for Biden no matter what because the alternative is unacceptable (and frightening).

It's like an airplane plummeting towards the earth. The pilot isn't worried about fuel consumption or arrival times. He's just trying to keep the plane from crashing into the earth.
You refer to non-USA oil exporters because the US exports fracked oil?
US relies on fracking for >1/2 of oil production. Another big chunk is offshore.'

Kamala Harris stated that she was in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling. That would eliminate vast majority of US oil production, giving more profits to other producers. So it stands to reason they would be happy with somebody like her taking the reigns at the White House.
Fracking enabled the US to become a major producer and exporter of oil and firmly pushed back on the myth that the US did not have any oil. The Russians who rely on the income from exporting oil did not have fracking technology and the evidence suggests that the Russians invaded our social media to push the idea that fracking is unsafe. Many on the far left embraced this idea because anything the oil and gas industry does has to be wrong and not environmentally sound, (which created hysteria over it). Which was true in the past, however, the industry is much different today and many more controls and best management practices have changed the industry.

I am a subject matter expert and have testified as an expert witness in hearings regarding rule making for the industry. I do not work in the O&G industry, but a consultant for water resources and environment. I have seen and watched very well run oil and gas drilling operations. Depends upon the State though.
I do not know anything about off shore drilling.

I agree that fracking should be allowed to continue in the US - otherwise the US would have to rely on imports of oil. O&G is not going away any time soon no matter how many windfarms and solar panels we make.
O&G is not going away any time soon no matter how many windfarms and solar panels we make.
Indeed, frackers love wind and solar. Intermittent renewable generation is a HUGE boost for anyone who wants to see more gas turbine power generation.

Oil and Gas corporations are all-in for wind and solar, because they understand that these technologies are an opportunity for more gas sales, not a threatening competitor; And because promoting wind and solar makes them look good in the eyes of the ignorant mass of voters.

They hate nuclear power, because it's a genuine threat to fossil fuel sales.
Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
In the upcoming election there is no excluded middle.

At least not in this universe.

Nah! One can vote Green or libertarian. Protest vote!
So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean.
That reminds me of when I lived in California. I voted 3rd party in the 2016 election, and was told my 3rd party vote in California is the reason she lost Pennsylvania.

Unless you are in a swing state, "So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean" is a false claim.
Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
In the upcoming election there is no excluded middle.

At least not in this universe.

Nah! One can vote Green or libertarian. Protest vote!
So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean.
That reminds me of when I lived in California. I voted 3rd party in the 2016 election, and was told my 3rd party vote in California is the reason she lost Pennsylvania.

Unless you are in a swing state, "So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean" is a false claim.
Sure. No one’s vote means anything. Reality is an illusion. Protest votes really show the man and change everything.

Cynicism is just how cowards describe themselves to feel better about themselves.
Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
In the upcoming election there is no excluded middle.

At least not in this universe.

Nah! One can vote Green or libertarian. Protest vote!
So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean.
That reminds me of when I lived in California. I voted 3rd party in the 2016 election, and was told my 3rd party vote in California is the reason she lost Pennsylvania.

Unless you are in a swing state, "So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean" is a false claim.
May or may not have been the reason she lost, however your third party vote was useless, so good job I guess?
Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
In the upcoming election there is no excluded middle.

At least not in this universe.

Nah! One can vote Green or libertarian. Protest vote!
So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean.
That reminds me of when I lived in California. I voted 3rd party in the 2016 election, and was told my 3rd party vote in California is the reason she lost Pennsylvania.

Unless you are in a swing state, "So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean" is a false claim.
Sure. No one’s vote means anything. Reality is an illusion. Protest votes really show the man and change everything.

Cynicism is just how cowards describe themselves to feel better about themselves.
I take it you are bad at math. There is no possible in which my votes for first Mitt Romney and then Jill Stein in 2012 could possibly have cost Obama the election. It just isn't possible. Run the simulation as many times as you like. Obama won fully 60% of my states' vote, that year. So why should I have cast a dishonest vote for someone I didn't want to continue in office? It cost Obama nothing but gave me a small measure of personal peace. If anyone noticed my vote at all, it was to note it as part of a broad statistic of how many voters desired an alternative to the blood-soaked, xenophobic "centrism" that passed for the political Left in those days. A message I would have been more than happy to send, in the unlikely event that anyone was listening at all.
Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
In the upcoming election there is no excluded middle.

At least not in this universe.

Nah! One can vote Green or libertarian. Protest vote!
So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean.
That reminds me of when I lived in California. I voted 3rd party in the 2016 election, and was told my 3rd party vote in California is the reason she lost Pennsylvania.

Unless you are in a swing state, "So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean" is a false claim.
May or may not have been the reason she lost, however your third party vote was useless, so good job I guess?
Whereas an expected, party line vote would have been useful? How? What is "useful" about it?
That's why this political environment is so detestable and yet so dull at the same time. There's no nuance, no legitimate debate to have. There's this monster blocking the view of everything else that would otherwise be on the table, e.g. healthcare, military spending, etc. Instead, we just have to vote for Biden no matter what because the alternative is unacceptable (and frightening).

It's like an airplane plummeting towards the earth. The pilot isn't worried about fuel consumption or arrival times. He's just trying to keep the plane from crashing into the earth.
Aviate. Navigate. Communicate.

Voting straight D falls under the aviate category. But it looks like we aren't supposed to even do that, Firefox flagged it as a spelling error.
Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
In the upcoming election there is no excluded middle.

At least not in this universe.

Nah! One can vote Green or libertarian. Protest vote!
So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean.
That reminds me of when I lived in California. I voted 3rd party in the 2016 election, and was told my 3rd party vote in California is the reason she lost Pennsylvania.

Unless you are in a swing state, "So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean" is a false claim.
May or may not have been the reason she lost, however your third party vote was useless, so good job I guess?
Whereas an expected, party line vote would have been useful? How? What is "useful" about it?

I dunno I just think it's pretty useful not to have a fascist in office who'll kill everyone you love if given the chance. :realitycheck:
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