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What will be the October Surprise?

Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
In the upcoming election there is no excluded middle.

At least not in this universe.

Nah! One can vote Green or libertarian. Protest vote!
So, for Trump but pretending your hands are clean.
So you couldn't bother to Google argumentum ad logicam. Figures. The point is that whether Zipr's argument was sound or not has no effect on the fact that you are a Trumplicker.
Except that I am not a "Trumplicker", so your argument is wrong no matter how much gratuitous Latin you use.
Despite your protests your tunnel vision has become unmistakable. You defended John McCain -- whom I admire -- with a fallacy and refused to click the links I posted to refute your ignorance.
I did defend him because you kept unfairly attacking him. For example on the Sunni/Shia issue where I showed that you were wrong.

The final straw was when you placed your Mayor of Alaska
Governor of Alaska. And I was right about you that you will keep bringing up that typo over and over again. That is your MO because you simply have nothing else.
on a pedestal
I did not put her on a pedestal. I just think she is more accomplished than she is given credit for, which is a far cry from putting her on a pedestal given the very low regard those on the left give her. I still think she was not the right choice for McCain, but she is not nearly as stupid as your Ilk thinks.
while denigrating Every.Single.Woman to the left of Sean Hannity.
BS. Criticizing is not the same as "denigrating".
Your attempts to denigrate Ms. Harris -- (are her shoes still upside down?) -- are stupid wastes of time. To paraphrase your own fellow Gingrich-licker Don Rumsfeld, we fight the fascists with the candidates we have, not the candidates we wish we had.
Why is it a "stupid waste of time" to criticize Kamala Harris? Why do you think Democratic women should be beyond criticism?

Energy policy is very important and it is right to scrutinize the VP's positions on it. Especially since they might become an issue for the VP debate later on.
I think there could be a big surprise before October. I have pretty well always thought Brandon would drop out before now and I think that is becoming ever more likely.
I remember how Hillary Clinton was also "suffering" from debilitating seizures and other ailments.

I assume this is sarcasm.
No, it was alleged that her health was failing in 2016.

Really? She looks healthy to me. A very attractive woman back in her day. Can't think why her husband would be chasing skirt and hassling women as he did. But then again, who knows what goes on in other people's marriages.
Note the word "alleged". Prominent Democrats are always in "failing health".

But if you think Brandon is not getting worse, 'tis you that is the optimist. The only way is down for Brandon.
Well yes, he is in his 80s, he isn't getting any younger. This isn't a shock.

It's not about his age. It's about his mental and general decline which is becoming quite rapid. You know this of course because it is widely reported and an awful lot of voters are very concerned about Brandon's age.
I don't see signs of mental decline. But I see very obvious signs of dementia aping in The Felon.

However, with meth, blow and hooker fiend son Hunter possibly facing jail time, it could be enough to set the old guy over the edge and he has to withdraw due to ill health.
Ever the optimist. Much like Trump isn't getting jail time for his felony, seems likely that Hunter won't as well.
I agree, it is very unlikely Hunter will get any jail time. But this shameful episode and the thought of his precious son Beau (let's face it, Brandon can't keep things straight) going to jail could have an adverse effect on the old duffer making him even worse.
Hunter being convicted on paperwork fraud is not exactly the bottom Hunter Biden hit.

Hunter being tried in a very public manner, being convicted of a felony and facing possible jail time could weigh heavily on the already frail Brandon.
A paperwork crime that deserved a nullification. Unlike your guy's very much not a paperwork crime of felon in possession.
The surprise will be if Trump shows up for the debates, where the press can’t ignore his bizarre, rambling, incoherent nonsense
Have you seen the press lately? Of course they can. They can ignore anything they want. And so can their audiences.

But I like Josh Johnson’s take on the debates:

Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
When you said
And you get President Kamala by supporting Biden, not Trump.
which you intentionally left out BTW, makes you sound like a trump supporter. You're essentially saying Trump would be better than Harris.
So I suspect we will have an October Surprise that will determine the election. The question is what will it be.

In 1968, Nixon sunk peace talks on Vietnam. In 1980, there is evidence that Reagan stopped an Iran hostage deal.

Now there is rumbling about Putin doing something to embarrass Biden, or make him appear weak. North Korea may create a serious crisis or a terrorist attack, thinly coordinated by Putin.

https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/terrorism-warning-lights-are-blinking-red-again?utm_medium=newsletters&utm_source=fatoday&utm_campaign=The Terrorism Warning Lights Are Blinking Red Again&utm_content=20240610&utm_term=FA Today - 112017

What will Trump do to stir the pot or prevent Biden from appearing a strong competent leader? Can Democrats prevent it?

Or could Biden be holding some key evidence about Trump that he won’t release until later. Evidence he was involved with Epstein in screwing little girls? Connections to Russian intelligence?
We'll find out that one of the candidates has been legally dead for months, and we've just been watching an AI generated simulacrum. It'll turn out that even most their staff was in the dark.
So I suspect we will have an October Surprise that will determine the election. The question is what will it be.

In 1968, Nixon sunk peace talks on Vietnam. In 1980, there is evidence that Reagan stopped an Iran hostage deal.

Now there is rumbling about Putin doing something to embarrass Biden, or make him appear weak. North Korea may create a serious crisis or a terrorist attack, thinly coordinated by Putin.

https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/terrorism-warning-lights-are-blinking-red-again?utm_medium=newsletters&utm_source=fatoday&utm_campaign=The Terrorism Warning Lights Are Blinking Red Again&utm_content=20240610&utm_term=FA Today - 112017

What will Trump do to stir the pot or prevent Biden from appearing a strong competent leader? Can Democrats prevent it?

Or could Biden be holding some key evidence about Trump that he won’t release until later. Evidence he was involved with Epstein in screwing little girls? Connections to Russian intelligence?
We'll find out that one of the candidates has been legally dead for months, and we've just been watching an AI generated simulacrum. It'll turn out that even most their staff was in the dark.
Well, it's not Trump then because as bad as AI can be, it's not going to expulse such unintelligible word salads.
We'll find out that one of the candidates has been legally dead for months, and we've just been watching an AI generated simulacrum. It'll turn out that even most their staff was in the dark.
Hey, John Ashcroft lost to a dead man, so being legally dead is not necessarily a deal breaker for voters.
Said by the not-a-Trump-supporter.
Fallacy of the excluded middle. Just because I am opposed to Kamala "there is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking and offshore drilling" Harris does not mean that I support Trump.
When you said
And you get President Kamala by supporting Biden, not Trump.
which you intentionally left out BTW, makes you sound like a trump supporter. You're essentially saying Trump would be better than Harris.
Are you crazy?

It's almost as though you don't understand that the very worst possible thing for America, worse than falling into dictatorship, worse than breaking apart, worse than being invaded and subjugated by a tyrannical foreign power, and worse even than being destroyed in nuclear fire, leaving a wasteland in which the living envy the dead, would be a female President.

It's like you are completely unfamiliar with Derec's posting history.
It's almost as though you don't understand that the very worst possible thing for America, worse than falling into dictatorship, worse than breaking apart, worse than being invaded and subjugated by a tyrannical foreign power, and worse even than being destroyed in nuclear fire, leaving a wasteland in which the living envy the dead, would be a female President.
I guess Trump has the Incel vote sewn up?
Most of them probably don’t vote, as a habit.
It's almost as though you don't understand that the very worst possible thing for America, worse than falling into dictatorship, worse than breaking apart, worse than being invaded and subjugated by a tyrannical foreign power, and worse even than being destroyed in nuclear fire, leaving a wasteland in which the living envy the dead, would be a female President.
I guess Trump has the Incel vote sewn up?
Most of them probably don’t vote, as a habit.
the orange felon is no spring chicken either - what if he has a female VP pick. What to do? What to do?🙅‍♂️😨
It's almost as though you don't understand that the very worst possible thing for America, worse than falling into dictatorship, worse than breaking apart, worse than being invaded and subjugated by a tyrannical foreign power, and worse even than being destroyed in nuclear fire, leaving a wasteland in which the living envy the dead, would be a female President.
I guess Trump has the Incel vote sewn up?
Most of them probably don’t vote, as a habit.
the orange felon is no spring chicken either - what if he has a female VP pick. What to do? What to do?🙅‍♂️😨
Interesting thought. The eventual pick will be someone Trump believes to be 100% under his thumb. As a lifelong misogynist, that might very well mean he will pick a woman. M or F, it will certainly be someone he thinks he can grab by the pussy.
When you said
And you get President Kamala by supporting Biden, not Trump.
which you intentionally left out BTW, makes you sound like a trump supporter. You're essentially saying Trump would be better than Harris.
Again, reading comprehension fail. You are ignoring context.
The context I was writing this in was that the oil exporters would prefer a president who wants to ban fracking and offshore drilling.
It's almost as though you don't understand that the very worst possible thing for America, worse than falling into dictatorship, worse than breaking apart, worse than being invaded and subjugated by a tyrannical foreign power, and worse even than being destroyed in nuclear fire, leaving a wasteland in which the living envy the dead, would be a female President.
Yes, because criticizing the Heiress Apparent on a policy issue is the same as not wanting any female to run for president. :rolleyesa: :banghead:

Do you, or anybody else, have any substantive comment about her policy position I was criticizing? Or are lazy ad hominems all you have?
When you said
And you get President Kamala by supporting Biden, not Trump.
which you intentionally left out BTW, makes you sound like a trump supporter. You're essentially saying Trump would be better than Harris.
Again, reading comprehension fail. You are ignoring context.
The context I was writing this in was that the oil exporters would prefer a president who wants to ban fracking and offshore drilling.
You refer to non-USA oil exporters because the US exports fracked oil?
So you couldn't bother to Google argumentum ad logicam. Figures. The point is that whether Zipr's argument was sound or not has no effect on the fact that you are a Trumplicker.
Except that I am not a "Trumplicker", so your argument is wrong no matter how much gratuitous Latin you use.
Despite your protests your tunnel vision has become unmistakable. You defended John McCain -- whom I admire -- with a fallacy and refused to click the links I posted to refute your ignorance.
I did defend him because you kept unfairly attacking him. For example on the Sunni/Shia issue where I showed that you were wrong.

The final straw was when you placed your Mayor of Alaska
Governor of Alaska. And I was right about you that you will keep bringing up that typo over and over again. That is your MO because you simply have nothing else.
on a pedestal
I did not put her on a pedestal. I just think she is more accomplished than she is given credit for, which is a far cry from putting her on a pedestal given the very low regard those on the left give her. I still think she was not the right choice for McCain, but she is not nearly as stupid as your Ilk thinks.
while denigrating Every.Single.Woman to the left of Sean Hannity.
BS. Criticizing is not the same as "denigrating".
Your attempts to denigrate Ms. Harris -- (are her shoes still upside down?) -- are stupid wastes of time. To paraphrase your own fellow Gingrich-licker Don Rumsfeld, we fight the fascists with the candidates we have, not the candidates we wish we had.
Why is it a "stupid waste of time" to criticize Kamala Harris? Why do you think Democratic women should be beyond criticism?

Energy policy is very important and it is right to scrutinize the VP's positions on it. Especially since they might become an issue for the VP debate later on.
Your criticism of Kamala Harris do not seem related to her actual job performance but rather to sexist opinions of her sex life and success.

I think that no one is ever exempt from criticism, especially when they chose to run for and hold public office. I just respect it more when the discussion is centered on what they actually say and do that is relevant to the office they hold. Example: I don’t care how many affairs Donald Trump or Bill Clinton have had. I do think the affairs reflect badly on their character but except for the part where one of them committed multiple felonies attempting to circumvent election laws, I think their sex lives are between them, their partners and their spouses. And yeah, I believed the women who accused Clinton of rape. I found that disqualifying and I did not vote for Clinton either time he ran because I think he is an unethical person. Clinton was never criminally charged with rape but probably should have been,
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