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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Yes? And?

After all the screaming and crying we fans did about the prequel trilogy, you should have expected Episode 7 to be as close to Episode 4 as possible. You can fault the studio/producers for responding to fan complaints, but I'm not sure that would be productive.
I was expecting to watch a new movie, not a remastered one.

And the fans are complaining that episode 8 was too much unlike Star Wars, so guess what episode 9 is going to be like?
Yes? And?

After all the screaming and crying we fans did about the prequel trilogy, you should have expected Episode 7 to be as close to Episode 4 as possible. You can fault the studio/producers for responding to fan complaints, but I'm not sure that would be productive.
I was expecting to watch a new movie, not a remastered one.

And the fans are complaining that episode 8 was too much unlike Star Wars, so guess what episode 9 is going to be like?
I haven't seen 8 yet, so I can't speak to it. Regardless, the box office numbers are pretty much all that is cared about. I felt this way about Star Trek: Wrath of Khan Remix. I went in there for a new movie, not a remix. If they advertised remix, fine. Granted, I don't watch previews, though.
And the fans are complaining that episode 8 was too much unlike Star Wars, so guess what episode 9 is going to be like?
I haven't seen 8 yet, so I can't speak to it. Regardless, the box office numbers are pretty much all that is cared about. I felt this way about Star Trek: Wrath of Khan Remix. I went in there for a new movie, not a remix. If they advertised remix, fine. Granted, I don't watch previews, though.

I have mixed feelings about the Star Trek reboot.

On the one hand, they get the characters so right, and none of the changes to the characters bother me.

On the other hand, it's not Star Trek anymore. It's Star Wars. Everything that makes JJ Abrams the right person to do Star Wars makes him the wrong person to do Star Trek. I think what grates me the most is that Ghost in the Shell has gone through a similar dumbing-down in its latest incarnation (Arise).

It used to be that Star Wars was dumb and fast, Star Trek was smart and slow, and Ghost in the Shell was smart and fast, and dammit, I liked it that way. But now all 3 franchises are going for fast 'n dumb, probably because Star Wars makes so much fucking money, and I hate it. I really like the new Star Wars movies, but I hate what's happened to the other two sci-fi franchises in the process.
Maybe that's why I like the Star Wars reboots and you don't, Jimmy.

I like my Star Wars fast 'n dumb because that's how I've always seen the franchise.
Rogue One

A prequel to an obscure scifi franchise from the 70s. Surprisingly good.
Maybe that's why I like the Star Wars reboots and you don't, Jimmy.

I like my Star Wars fast 'n dumb because that's how I've always seen the franchise.

The biggest difference between the two is Rey didn't have her sweater puppies bouncing around like Leia did. I miss that.
The Jungle

To be fair, I only got halfway through this movie. I always hope to see Radcliffe throw off the Harry Potter typecast so that he can have a long career, but this one really stank.

The movie is about a group of guys who go hiking in a South American jungle. Radcliffe is apparently supposed to be of some kind Latino descent and his accent tries to reflect that. But it's labored and inauthentic. One of the members of the hiking group who is supposed to be super experienced constantly gets freaked out, fucks up his foot in a way that only an absolute novice hiker would...

Bah. It's just lame all the way around. Maybe it got better, but I doubt it.

I only mention this film as a kind of public service announcement so that others can avoid it.

The Secret Life of Pets - I have a small kid, so we linger around films these days. Luckily, it is the 2010's and there is a lot more parent friendly kids films than there were in the 80's and 90's. The film has grown on me. Still the one thing I don't like is the cliche new guy drama plot. But otherwise, it is a good enough film to watch with your young daughter and sing "Welcome to New York... here... have some pork". 2.5 of 4
Maybe that's why I like the Star Wars reboots and you don't, Jimmy.

I like my Star Wars fast 'n dumb because that's how I've always seen the franchise.
Original Star Wars, Luke loses his hand after it is chopped off, and it is replaced with a robotic hand.

New Star Wars, Finn is sliced through the spine... he's okay now. It is stuff like that that drives me nuts.

And like I said earlier, if they show a new movie, it should be new. I didn't love Rogue One, mainly because the characters aren't particularly around long enough to feel so bad about the end, and the issues with trying to explain why so many died in the end... poorly. But Rogue One was its own film. I hated how VII and Into the Darkness were remakes, not original films.

Oh how I wish someone would flash $200 million at Whedon to do a second Serenity film.
Maybe that's why I like the Star Wars reboots and you don't, Jimmy.

I like my Star Wars fast 'n dumb because that's how I've always seen the franchise.

The biggest difference between the two is Rey didn't have her sweater puppies bouncing around like Leia did. I miss that.

Well, that's because there's no underwear in space, didn't you know that?


Ignore the title, it's the best scene in a movie that is a guilty pleasure of mine, it uplifts what would otherwise be a boring poorly plotted movie. Its kitchy 80s sword and sandles fantasy and I love rotoscope!

Ignore the title, it's the best scene in a movie that is a guilty pleasure of mine, it uplifts what would otherwise be a boring poorly plotted movie. Its kitchy 80s sword and sandles fantasy and I love rotoscope!
That is a pretty hard title to ignore.

Ignore the title, it's the best scene in a movie that is a guilty pleasure of mine, it uplifts what would otherwise be a boring poorly plotted movie. Its kitchy 80s sword and sandles fantasy and I love rotoscope!
That is a pretty hard title to ignore.

its the only video I could find of the scene so I gave up and said "good enough..."
Spider-Man: Homecoming

I used to read Spider-Man comics when I was a kid, so this character is close to my heart and truthfully, this movie nails it. It doesn't bother going through the origin story for the 100th time, which is good. The villain is better than any marvel movie so far because he's relatable, something that marvel and DC movies have really forgotten in their special-effects filled orgies as of late... and also because he's played by Micheal Keaton. Some people are obviously pissed that they dialed the skin tones of regular cast of characters, and totally changed the personality of one particular character, but I say go for it. All in all it's still very loyal to the source material in spirit, from classic villains to silly bantering to "with great powers comes great responsibility" and so on.

And the post-credits clip is hilarious.
Atomic Blonde

Some good, and even believable, action scenes make up for a somewhat complicated and hard to follow plot. It's a spy thriller set at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall with Charlize Theron playing an MI6 agent attempting to recover a list of agents active in Berlin.
Atomic Blonde

Some good, and even believable, action scenes make up for a somewhat complicated and hard to follow plot. It's a spy thriller set at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall with Charlize Theron playing an MI6 agent attempting to recover a list of agents active in Berlin.

Agreed on all counts. The action scene in the second act was epic, but yeah, I had to check Wikipedia repeatedly for the plot points to understand what the heck was going on. Still, I watched it twice back to back and enjoyed it.
isle of dogs: 6/10
it's wes anderson... you're either in for that sort of thing or you're not.
i love me some anderson, but this movie seemed far heavier on the quirk and less so on the charm and whimsy, and i think all 3 are vital for anderson's best films. so i didn't love this one like i have his last few movies, but it will still just great.

a quiet place: 5/10
so when it comes to your jump-scare monster movie genre you pretty much seem to have either comedic gorefests or serious dramas with monsters in the background, and this was of the latter variety.
well executed, a hook that fit into the narrative organically, i just wish that the people who make these types of films could find a way to do so without them being so utterly fraught with logical plot holes and stupid character decisions - i get suspension of disbelief and all that, i just find it vexing when my enjoyment of a film get sand-bagged by how many pointlessly stupid things are thrown at me in what is otherwise trying to be a more serious and grounded movie.
Avengers Infinity War.

Proof we are all wrong and there is a loving and benign God. :p

10/10. Solid Movie. and just fantastic.


Unhappy ending - which I love! But seriously after Thor Ragnarok - Fuck Asguardians. Peter Dinkage plays a dwarf - about twice as tall as Thor! Heroes die. Hawkeye and Antman give themselves up before the movie and are under house arrest so they're not in the movie. Love the after credits sceene.

a quiet place: 5/10
so when it comes to your jump-scare monster movie genre you pretty much seem to have either comedic gorefests or serious dramas with monsters in the background, and this was of the latter variety.
well executed, a hook that fit into the narrative organically, i just wish that the people who make these types of films could find a way to do so without them being so utterly fraught with logical plot holes and stupid character decisions - i get suspension of disbelief and all that, i just find it vexing when my enjoyment of a film get sand-bagged by how many pointlessly stupid things are thrown at me in what is otherwise trying to be a more serious and grounded movie.

I have to think that somewhere there are horror script writers who really do write characters that make all the right decisions, but still lose; where the internal rules are strictly adhered to; where the whole thing doesn't collapse into shit-heap at the end in a desperate move to shock the audience.

But those writers must be hated by those who make horror films.
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