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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Oh, one more spoiler thing.

Xandar was decimated, or should I say semimated? Technically decimated means killing one out of every ten. Whatever. It was not depicted in the movie, but was mentioned in passing. Thanos f*cked up the capital planet of the Xandarian empire, which means the path is paved for a future Nova movie, or at least the appearance of Nova in someone else's movie.

Xandar will basically need to be destroyed, and the Worldmind in it's last throes for Nova to come on the scene, but yes, I think that is perfectly set up in Infinity War for a Nova movie, and Marvel is giving big hints that they want to do a Nova movie. I would place good money on that happening in the next phase of the MCU.


I enjoyed this analysis, largely because I came into the movies entirely unfamiliar with the source comics.
Infinity War - Jebus. This movie had tremendous hype, and not from the producers. It came from an unprecedented string of at worst good super hero movies. The last several have been just getting better and better. And with the initial success of merging the Avengers together, this film was to merge a number of very popular and individualized franchises into one massive conglomerations on the big screen for a 2.5 hours.

Let’s create an analogy. Marvel Studios managed to place 14 miles of Xmas lights into a box, shook it up, and were able to pull them all out without it being a tangled mess.

I won’t mention much else. I stated this would be the best film ever (or room along with the best films ever) and I think it lived up to it. This deserves an Oscar nomination and award for Best Picture and Director.

4 of 4
Infinity War - Jebus. This movie had tremendous hype, and not from the producers. It came from an unprecedented string of at worst good super hero movies. The last several have been just getting better and better. And with the initial success of merging the Avengers together, this film was to merge a number of very popular and individualized franchises into one massive conglomerations on the big screen for a 2.5 hours.

Let’s create an analogy. Marvel Studios managed to place 14 miles of Xmas lights into a box, shook it up, and were able to pull them all out without it being a tangled mess.

I won’t mention much else. I stated this would be the best film ever (or room along with the best films ever) and I think it lived up to it. This deserves an Oscar nomination and award for Best Picture and Director.

4 of 4

Also Best Suporting Actor for Groot. I believed he was playing that video game.
Infinity War - Jebus. This movie had tremendous hype, and not from the producers. It came from an unprecedented string of at worst good super hero movies. The last several have been just getting better and better. And with the initial success of merging the Avengers together, this film was to merge a number of very popular and individualized franchises into one massive conglomerations on the big screen for a 2.5 hours.

Let’s create an analogy. Marvel Studios managed to place 14 miles of Xmas lights into a box, shook it up, and were able to pull them all out without it being a tangled mess.

I won’t mention much else. I stated this would be the best film ever (or room along with the best films ever) and I think it lived up to it. This deserves an Oscar nomination and award for Best Picture and Director.

4 of 4

Also Best Suporting Actor for Groot. I believed he was playing that video game.
I almost choked up when...

When Groot put the axe together. A fucking tree in a super hero movie and that nearly chokes me up. Though to be fair there were a couple other moments as well.

Oh, one more spoiler thing.

Xandar was decimated, or should I say semimated? Technically decimated means killing one out of every ten. Whatever. It was not depicted in the movie, but was mentioned in passing. Thanos f*cked up the capital planet of the Xandarian empire, which means the path is paved for a future Nova movie, or at least the appearance of Nova in someone else's movie.

Xandar will basically need to be destroyed, and the Worldmind in it's last throes for Nova to come on the scene, but yes, I think that is perfectly set up in Infinity War for a Nova movie, and Marvel is giving big hints that they want to do a Nova movie. I would place good money on that happening in the next phase of the MCU.

I'll be honest: I'm not sure why Marvel is so interested in those characters since[ent]hellip[/ent]

[ent]hellip[/ent]the Novas so obviously Green Lantern knockoffs. Of all the many Marvel stories they could emphasize, why Nova? He turns up in Ultimate Spider-Man, recent Avengers comic books, it's obvious that they are trying to push him, but why? Do his comic books sell that well?

Infinity War - Jebus. This movie had tremendous hype, and not from the producers. It came from an unprecedented string of at worst good super hero movies. The last several have been just getting better and better. And with the initial success of merging the Avengers together, this film was to merge a number of very popular and individualized franchises into one massive conglomerations on the big screen for a 2.5 hours.

Let’s create an analogy. Marvel Studios managed to place 14 miles of Xmas lights into a box, shook it up, and were able to pull them all out without it being a tangled mess.

I won’t mention much else. I stated this would be the best film ever (or room along with the best films ever) and I think it lived up to it. This deserves an Oscar nomination and award for Best Picture and Director.

4 of 4

Also Best Suporting Actor for Groot. I believed he was playing that video game.
I almost choked up when...

When Groot put the axe together. A fucking tree in a super hero movie and that nearly chokes me up. Though to be fair there were a couple other moments as well.

You know how they always write double lines of dialog for Groot in order to help Vin Diesel with his performance? There is what he says ("I am Groot") and what he means to convey.

According to Vin Diesel and James Gunn, Groot's last line of dialog in the movie was[ent]hellip[/ent]

"Dad," which was directed at Rocket just before he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Oh, one more spoiler thing.

Xandar was decimated, or should I say semimated? Technically decimated means killing one out of every ten. Whatever. It was not depicted in the movie, but was mentioned in passing. Thanos f*cked up the capital planet of the Xandarian empire, which means the path is paved for a future Nova movie, or at least the appearance of Nova in someone else's movie.

Xandar will basically need to be destroyed, and the Worldmind in it's last throes for Nova to come on the scene, but yes, I think that is perfectly set up in Infinity War for a Nova movie, and Marvel is giving big hints that they want to do a Nova movie. I would place good money on that happening in the next phase of the MCU.

I'll be honest: I'm not sure why Marvel is so interested in those characters since[ent]hellip[/ent]

[ent]hellip[/ent]the Novas so obviously Green Lantern knockoffs. Of all the many Marvel stories they could emphasize, why Nova? He turns up in Ultimate Spider-Man, recent Avengers comic books, it's obvious that they are trying to push him, but why? Do his comic books sell that well?

I think we can safely pull this one out of hide tags, since it isn't actually spoiling an existing movie. There are so many knock offs between DC and Marvel (though it is usually Marvel knocking off DC) that I don't think it matters that much any more. Certainly, Deadpool was a direct knockoff of Deathstroke, but Deadpool has become a much more popular character. I don't think the Nova Corps goes to quite that extreme with ripping off the Green Lantern Corps, and Nova's origin story necessitates the end of the Nova Corps (at least for a while), so it wouldn't be a Nova Corps movie. Nova becomes much more powerful than any single member of the Nova Corps was before, once the Worldmind is imparted to him, so there is a different dynamic at play here.
Okja 7/10

This is the best Netflix original movie I've seen. They managed to get a lot of talent on board with the Snowpiercer director. This one has the same wtf style, it has Tilda Swinton in a similar role, makes me think of anime. It's about a big pig and bad people who want to do bad things to it, like eating it.
Movie days over. No movie. Besides, going to movies has become very costly in India. I take that as a waste of money.
I watched three movies yesterday, all good ones.

The Changeling

Excellent! Absorbing and devastating, top performances all around.


I don't usually watch horror movies because quite frankly they hardly ever scare me. Unless your idea of "horror" is being poked with a stick just as you're falling asleep, most are just not that scary. For the most part, they're just cinematic manipulation. Movies categorized as "psychological thriller" and such are more likely to give me that thrill.

I can't put my finger on exactly what is different about Babadook. Whatever it is, damn if this movie didn't give me deep, head-to-toe chills in broad daylight!

The Fundamentals of Caring

Enjoyed, good performances for the most part. Great humor. Only one character was not believable to me but her lines were good. I had no idea why another character was even there. Humorous and touching story about how life sucks but jumping in anyway is totally worth it.

Edit: I watched four, not three. I can't believe I forgot this one.

Wind River

Mystery/vengeance. Excellent movie and fairly satisfying ending.
Last edited:
Deadpool 2 - 7.5/10

Not as funny as the first to me, the audience there seemed to be enjoying the humour more though. A few tears, More action than the first. Not sure how binding the end credits scene is. No scene at the very end of the credis.
bad samaritan:
1.5/10 as an actual movie, 9/10 as a hilariously god awful piece of shit that you can laugh at with your friends

this is an odd duck, it's a cat-and-mouse serial killer thriller that would have been perfectly framed coming out a couple months after se7en was a huge hit and trying to capitalize on that, but it makes no sense whatsoever this movie exists outside of the mid 90s. it's schlocky, dumb as fuck, the acting is terrible, every character is a god awful cliche or racial stereotype, characters and plot points are introduced and then abandoned seemingly at random... it's just an utter mess.
for the movie itself, the only positive thing i can say about it is that they managed to point the camera in the right direction for most of the film and the post-production was competently done, as well as there were perhaps 2-3 moments in the film that it did something well or had a single line of dialogue that was unexpectedly well done.

having said all that...
my friend and i went to see this because david tennant is in it and she gets a girl-boner for him longer than my forearm, and the theater was empty except for the two of us, so after actually watching it for about 10 minutes we gave up and just MST3K'd the whole thing, yelling loudly at the screen and laughing hysterically through this atrocious crapfest of a movie.
it was actually a LOT of fun, this movie is so perfect for mockery and those "why would they DO THAT!?" moments of comedic bafflement, i don't think i enjoyed the act of watching a movie this much since we saw kingsman in the theater and were blown away by how ridiculous it was.

so high marks for "fun" factor if you see it with friends and just trash it nonstop, but holy good god this film was a dumpster fire in terms of actually being a piece of cinema.

This one held a lot of promise because the idea is an interesting one: what if humanity could make physically make itself a fraction of its current size, thereby greatly reducing the use of resources and creating more living space for everyone?

Unfortunately, the movie goes south very quickly. Rather than making humans say, 1/3 of their current size, they're made a barely visible 5 inches tall. The first thing I thought of is weather: every rain shower would be a deluge; a strong breeze would be hurricane force. And a good snowfall? Also, insects and all other manner of critter would suddenly become horrifying predators. The filmmakers do try to mitigate this by having the shrink-ees live under domes, but then the film shows at least one colony not living under a dome. Suffice it to say the problems created by the choices made are immediately too ridiculous to overcome.

Then there's the plot. Matt Damon and his wife choose to be miniaturized. She backs out while he's in the miniaturization process and he's left alone in his new small domed community. Stupidity and wild inconsistency ensues. At the end, there was a chance for the movie to redeem itself by making an interesting choice, but instead it stayed true to form, thereby farting in the viewers face one last time before the credits rolled.

It's a shame because the idea has such great potential.

Mama Mia 4/10

Finally got around to seeing this now that it's on Netflix. I always thought I'd like it, but it's almost over now and I'm only watching to find out the answer to the big question although I'm not sure I care now.

Consistently annoying and awkward at the same time, all the way through. I give it 4 stars because I've always loved ABBA even though nearly every song sung badly and no one seemed comfortable singing except for Amanda Seyfried, the bright spot of this film and the one who can sing both beautifully and comfortably.

edit: Oh god the ending is the worst part...
The new Avengers movie: 5/10--the protracted fake tragic ending setting up for a sequel ruined it for me.
I watched three movies yesterday, all good ones.

The Changeling

Excellent! Absorbing and devastating, top performances all around.


I don't usually watch horror movies because quite frankly they hardly ever scare me. Unless your idea of "horror" is being poked with a stick just as you're falling asleep, most are just not that scary. For the most part, they're just cinematic manipulation. Movies categorized as "psychological thriller" and such are more likely to give me that thrill.

I can't put my finger on exactly what is different about Babadook. Whatever it is, damn if this movie didn't give me deep, head-to-toe chills in broad daylight!

The Fundamentals of Caring

Enjoyed, good performances for the most part. Great humor. Only one character was not believable to me but her lines were good. I had no idea why another character was even there. Humorous and touching story about how life sucks but jumping in anyway is totally worth it.

Edit: I watched four, not three. I can't believe I forgot this one.

Wind River

Mystery/vengeance. Excellent movie and fairly satisfying ending.
I agree completely on 1 & 2. Haven't seen the others. And yes, the Babadok was......different somehow. My daughter loved it.
Agree. Great premise.....lousy story.

This one held a lot of promise because the idea is an interesting one: what if humanity could make physically make itself a fraction of its current size, thereby greatly reducing the use of resources and creating more living space for everyone?

Unfortunately, the movie goes south very quickly. Rather than making humans say, 1/3 of their current size, they're made a barely visible 5 inches tall. The first thing I thought of is weather: every rain shower would be a deluge; a strong breeze would be hurricane force. And a good snowfall? Also, insects and all other manner of critter would suddenly become horrifying predators. The filmmakers do try to mitigate this by having the shrink-ees live under domes, but then the film shows at least one colony not living under a dome. Suffice it to say the problems created by the choices made are immediately too ridiculous to overcome.

Then there's the plot. Matt Damon and his wife choose to be miniaturized. She backs out while he's in the miniaturization process and he's left alone in his new small domed community. Stupidity and wild inconsistency ensues. At the end, there was a chance for the movie to redeem itself by making an interesting choice, but instead it stayed true to form, thereby farting in the viewers face one last time before the credits rolled.

It's a shame because the idea has such great potential.

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