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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

I have to think that somewhere there are horror script writers who really do write characters that make all the right decisions, but still lose; where the internal rules are strictly adhered to; where the whole thing doesn't collapse into shit-heap at the end in a desperate move to shock the audience.

But those writers must be hated by those who make horror films.
there's three horror movies i can think of that actually do this correctly, and i honestly can't think of a single other that does - event horizon, the descent, and slither.

huh... maybe that's why those are my three favorite horror movies.
there's three horror movies i can think of that actually do this correctly, and i honestly can't think of a single other that does - event horizon, the descent, and slither.

huh... maybe that's why those are my three favorite horror movies.

It is hard. At least Cabin In The Woods gives some explanation for it.
Then there is this:
I have to think that somewhere there are horror script writers who really do write characters that make all the right decisions, but still lose; where the internal rules are strictly adhered to; where the whole thing doesn't collapse into shit-heap at the end in a desperate move to shock the audience.

But those writers must be hated by those who make horror films.
there's three horror movies i can think of that actually do this correctly, and i honestly can't think of a single other that does - event horizon, the descent, and slither.

huh... maybe that's why those are my three favorite horror movies.

I remember my wife watching The Descent. Scared the holy crap out of her and she refuses to watch it again.
Avengers: Infinity War

Holy [bad word]!

Be very careful about spoilers when talking to anyone who watched the movie.

Holy [bad word].

Don't click on the show button below. I'm dead serious. Don't click on it.




The snap happened.

They went through with it. The most infamous finger snap in comic book history happened in the movie.

Cryptic remarks from Dr. Strange suggest that something will happen to roll back at least some of the deaths. Apparently, half of all life in the universe included more than half of the Marvel heroes.

At the end credits scene, Nick Fury got off some kind of message to Captain Marvel just before he disappeared as a result of the snap. He had some kind of pager with weird-looking advanced tech attached to it. Since we know that the Captain Marvel movie will be set in the 1990s, I'm guessing his message went back in time and somehow Captain Marvel will do something in the past that fixes the present.

There is only one end-credits scene and it is at the very, very end. That gives you more than enough time to go to the bathroom and come back.

Do not drink anything before going. The movie is a roller coaster ride from start to finish. You don't want to miss anything because you had to visit the bathroom in the middle of it.

This did not follow the usual Marvel formula. If anything, Thanos was the protagonist of the movie.
total irrelevant aside but i've been seeing a lot of this and it fascinates and confounds me:
can most people not go 2 1/2 hours without going to the bathroom? is that seriously a thing?
Not clicking! Going at 6:00pm tonight!!
Avengers: Infinity War

Holy [bad word]!

Be very careful about spoilers when talking to anyone who watched the movie.

Holy [bad word].

Don't click on the show button below. I'm dead serious. Don't click on it.




The snap happened.

They went through with it. The most infamous finger snap in comic book history happened in the movie.

Cryptic remarks from Dr. Strange suggest that something will happen to roll back at least some of the deaths. Apparently, half of all life in the universe included more than half of the Marvel heroes.

At the end credits scene, Nick Fury got off some kind of message to Captain Marvel just before he disappeared as a result of the snap. He had some kind of pager with weird-looking advanced tech attached to it. Since we know that the Captain Marvel movie will be set in the 1990s, I'm guessing his message went back in time and somehow Captain Marvel will do something in the past that fixes the present.

There is only one end-credits scene and it is at the very, very end. That gives you more than enough time to go to the bathroom and come back.

Do not drink anything before going. The movie is a roller coaster ride from start to finish. You don't want to miss anything because you had to visit the bathroom in the middle of it.

This did not follow the usual Marvel formula. If anything, Thanos was the protagonist of the movie.
Avengers: Infinity War

Holy [bad word]!

Be very careful about spoilers when talking to anyone who watched the movie.

Holy [bad word].

Don't click on the show button below. I'm dead serious. Don't click on it.




The snap happened.

They went through with it. The most infamous finger snap in comic book history happened in the movie.

Cryptic remarks from Dr. Strange suggest that something will happen to roll back at least some of the deaths. Apparently, half of all life in the universe included more than half of the Marvel heroes.

At the end credits scene, Nick Fury got off some kind of message to Captain Marvel just before he disappeared as a result of the snap. He had some kind of pager with weird-looking advanced tech attached to it. Since we know that the Captain Marvel movie will be set in the 1990s, I'm guessing his message went back in time and somehow Captain Marvel will do something in the past that fixes the present.

There is only one end-credits scene and it is at the very, very end. That gives you more than enough time to go to the bathroom and come back.

Do not drink anything before going. The movie is a roller coaster ride from start to finish. You don't want to miss anything because you had to visit the bathroom in the middle of it.

This did not follow the usual Marvel formula. If anything, Thanos was the protagonist of the movie.

Why did you end the post like that? I know it is vague, but *sigh*.
Avengers: Infinity War

Holy [bad word]!

Be very careful about spoilers when talking to anyone who watched the movie.

Holy [bad word].

Don't click on the show button below. I'm dead serious. Don't click on it.




The snap happened.

They went through with it. The most infamous finger snap in comic book history happened in the movie.

Cryptic remarks from Dr. Strange suggest that something will happen to roll back at least some of the deaths. Apparently, half of all life in the universe included more than half of the Marvel heroes.

At the end credits scene, Nick Fury got off some kind of message to Captain Marvel just before he disappeared as a result of the snap. He had some kind of pager with weird-looking advanced tech attached to it. Since we know that the Captain Marvel movie will be set in the 1990s, I'm guessing his message went back in time and somehow Captain Marvel will do something in the past that fixes the present.

There is only one end-credits scene and it is at the very, very end. That gives you more than enough time to go to the bathroom and come back.

Do not drink anything before going. The movie is a roller coaster ride from start to finish. You don't want to miss anything because you had to visit the bathroom in the middle of it.

This did not follow the usual Marvel formula. If anything, Thanos was the protagonist of the movie.

Why did you end the post like that? I know it is vague, but *sigh*.

I mentioned it because a lot of reviewers are saying the same thing, so if you didn't hear it from me, you would likely have read it in a review somewhere. The comment is just about the focus of the story. Marvel movies typically have weak villains because they don't give a movie enough time to make sure the audience understands the motives of the villain. That's very much not the case with this movie.
total irrelevant aside but i've been seeing a lot of this and it fascinates and confounds me:
can most people not go 2 1/2 hours without going to the bathroom? is that seriously a thing?

It's a thing.

By the way, Bucky looks good in African clothes, and this time it wasn't just children calling him White Wolf. T'Challa also called him White Wolf. I think it's safe to say that he is now the first immigrant of Wakanda and will no longer be going by Winter Soldier.
total irrelevant aside but i've been seeing a lot of this and it fascinates and confounds me:
can most people not go 2 1/2 hours without going to the bathroom? is that seriously a thing?

I made the mistake of going to see Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World after a couple of pints of beer.

Due to technical issues, the start of the movie was delayed by almost half an hour; and I then had to sit through 138 minutes of waves, ocean spray, and other splashing water sounds and images. That was the longest 138 minutes of my life :)
Oh, one more spoiler thing.

Xandar was decimated, or should I say semimated? Technically decimated means killing one out of every ten. Whatever. It was not depicted in the movie, but was mentioned in passing. Thanos f*cked up the capital planet of the Xandarian empire, which means the path is paved for a future Nova movie, or at least the appearance of Nova in someone else's movie.

I agree that the best part of Infinity War was the portrayal of Thanos. Hands down the best villain in the MCU since Loki. They give him more than enough screen time that you can understand and maybe even empathize with his motivations while still being horrified by his solution, he's a well-realized villain. The movie itself was pretty well done, though nothing as jaw-dropping as the first Avengers IMO. The cast is really just too big and with so much focus on making Thanos such a good villain everyone else gets left with too little time to make an impact, except perhaps Gamora. Captain America, for instance, almost feels like he's in there because ... well, you gotta have Cap.
I have to think that somewhere there are horror script writers who really do write characters that make all the right decisions, but still lose; where the internal rules are strictly adhered to; where the whole thing doesn't collapse into shit-heap at the end in a desperate move to shock the audience.

But those writers must be hated by those who make horror films.
there's three horror movies i can think of that actually do this correctly, and i honestly can't think of a single other that does - event horizon, the descent, and slither.

huh... maybe that's why those are my three favorite horror movies.

Yes on Event Horizon and The Descent, the latter of which was truly unsettling due to its claustrophobic elements and character development. I haven't seen Slither for some reason, so thanks for the heads up on that.
Star Wars 23 - The Last Jedi

Good news everyone! It wasn't awful or a remake or suffer the irredeemable flaws of Star Wars VII - IV Again. But there are flaws. First off, the character development, overall, was done well, which is something I can't say for the writers who tried to come up with the dumbest fucking explanation that is the underlying basis for the film, and any battle in general.

I'm talking about the main cruiser and the empire fleet. Yeah, the ships can fly through the shield, and cause damage but the energy weapons can't get through the shield. So they have a bazillion disposable tie fighters they can ram into the cruiser, but don't.

And then there is the whole bombers moving at 1 mph to strike the Dreadnought ship. Then they arm the bombs... and I literally thought to myself... probably better to arm those after you launch them, right? Big massive bombs, tie fighters all over the place... oh yeah... that whole thing. We need to take out the cannons to launch the bombs.... Umm, remember the Tie Fighters idiot?! They should have spaced the fuck head for losing most of their fleet.

And of course, the whole plan was to drive right by a planet that was right near them and not mentioned until it became convenient. Oh! They are only tracking a big ship and won't scan for other ships... but they'll be cloaked, but a decoder will break through that somehow... WHAT?!

And this takes away so much from the film, but seems to be what we are to expect from JJ Abrams products.

And now to the other issue with the film... Jar Jar Finn. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick! It isn't as much the spineless character he is (which I suppose would be a bit ironic), but the writing for his character is just gawd awful!

And then when I think we are going to be blessed by both Finn's redemption and his death...

...speaking of which, yeah, we have one guy coming at the cannon... should we fire on him?

Regardless... what the fuck Rose?! Just let him die... you are too fucking important to risk over him.

I think the film took a little privilege with the abilities of using the force, but overall, I think they managed to keep things reasonable within the plot and the explanations made sense. And I won't complain about the Leia thing. I'm fine with it.

One question:

Maybe my physics are off, but wouldn't a ship with a massive weight, colliding near light speed into another ship have pretty much obliterated the area, if not star system?

I remember reading someone noting they didn't know where they were going to go from here, so I was expecting a much more conclusive ending, but from how things end in the film, both sides are fucked as they are being run by impulsive idiots. Oh and Rei is there too, in order to actually help the good guys win, despite poor leadership.

There were other issues:

Such as the execution of Finn and Rose with soldiers all over the place, but then kaboom... and then there was a character reset on the stage?

The decoder who is in the movie for about 5 minutes... who betrays Finn and Rose. It is like the writer put himself into a corner and figured, "We'll just have a famous guy play this shit idea and hope people find it compelling."

But I don't want to harmp on it that much. Rei and Drive-Thru Helmet Dude got some decent character development in a film that while far from perfect, was an original film, and had characters that usually mattered what happened to them (what hurt Rogue One).

2.25 of 4

I'm taking a quarter of a point away for some of the obvious Riffs that'll occur in the rifftrax of this film, such as when Skywalker gets that "whatever it was" from that "whatever it was" to drink. The beast looks at Rei and the obvious riff is "Careful honey, that ain't milk."
Little Evil

This is one of those insidious films that has just enough going for it, just long enough, to make you watch until the end. At some point, you know you've been roped in but you keep watching because maybe it'll regain earlier form. But as it goes on, it becomes obvious that you're watching a terrible movie. Then at the end, you're mad at yourself for not turning the damn thing off at the 45 minute mark.

It's a horror-comedy about a guy who becomes an evil kid's stepdad. As mentioned above, it starts out well enough, but turns to crap.

total irrelevant aside but i've been seeing a lot of this and it fascinates and confounds me:
can most people not go 2 1/2 hours without going to the bathroom? is that seriously a thing?

It's some kind of theater law. The higher the frequency someone has to leave the theater to go pee, the further from the aisle they will be seated.
Avengers: Infinity War




The snap happened.

They went through with it. The most infamous finger snap in comic book history happened in the movie.

Cryptic remarks from Dr. Strange suggest that something will happen to roll back at least some of the deaths. Apparently, half of all life in the universe included more than half of the Marvel heroes.

At the end credits scene, Nick Fury got off some kind of message to Captain Marvel just before he disappeared as a result of the snap. He had some kind of pager with weird-looking advanced tech attached to it. Since we know that the Captain Marvel movie will be set in the 1990s, I'm guessing his message went back in time and somehow Captain Marvel will do something in the past that fixes the present.

My thought on that last part

I don’t think the message went through time. Probably at the end of the Captain Marvel movie she will go off into space, leaving Fury that device to call her in case of an emergency

Women have smaller bladders and Diet Coke is a diuretic. Choose your beverage wisely! ;)
total irrelevant aside but i've been seeing a lot of this and it fascinates and confounds me:
can most people not go 2 1/2 hours without going to the bathroom? is that seriously a thing?
Avengers: Infinity War

Holy [bad word]!

Be very careful about spoilers when talking to anyone who watched the movie.

Holy [bad word].

Don't click on the show button below. I'm dead serious. Don't click on it.




The snap happened.

They went through with it. The most infamous finger snap in comic book history happened in the movie.

Cryptic remarks from Dr. Strange suggest that something will happen to roll back at least some of the deaths. Apparently, half of all life in the universe included more than half of the Marvel heroes.

At the end credits scene, Nick Fury got off some kind of message to Captain Marvel just before he disappeared as a result of the snap. He had some kind of pager with weird-looking advanced tech attached to it. Since we know that the Captain Marvel movie will be set in the 1990s, I'm guessing his message went back in time and somehow Captain Marvel will do something in the past that fixes the present.

I don't think that will be the case, at least not directly. Captain Marvel will be in Avengers 4, so that is where she will do whatever she does to undo what Thanos did. The Captain Marvel movie will be an origin story, since most of the MCU watchers do not know anything about her, and at some point they will fling her off into a different galaxy, or dimension. I think the only bridge with Infinity War we will see in Captain Marvel will be her meeting Nick Fury, likely in an end credits scene.

There is only one end-credits scene and it is at the very, very end. That gives you more than enough time to go to the bathroom and come back.

Do not drink anything before going. The movie is a roller coaster ride from start to finish. You don't want to miss anything because you had to visit the bathroom in the middle of it.

Heh, I saw it at the local movie bistro, and had three beers during the movie. I waited until after the end credits scene to break the seal.

This did not follow the usual Marvel formula. If anything, Thanos was the protagonist of the movie.

That was a good thing, and hopefully this will mean a lot more Thanos in the MCU, maybe he will even become a good guy for a while, like he did in the Infinity War comics.
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