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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Incredibles 2 7/10

Not quite as entertaining as the first one, but pretty good for a summer movie. It has enough variety in the humor for all ages. The baby steals the show.
Totally agree. Six Million Dollar Man did not hold up well.

Yeah, and The Bionic Woman was worse.

You know what really held up well? The Incredible Hulk. I watched the 2 part episode today where Banner meets and falls in love with Dr. Carolyn Fields. Weird side note, I actually had a girlfriend whose name was Carolyn Fields. Anyway, Bill Bixby carried that show around on his shoulders. The parts where he turned into the Hulk could be ridiculous, but for the time (and considering the subject matter) it was pretty well done. Bixby was a far better Banner than anything portrayed in the new movies.
Love, Simon - 8.5/10

A really touching and enjoyable coming-of-age film with a gay twist. It really hits the points of how difficult and terrifying coming out can be, even when you know you have very accepting family and friends. The moment you come out it changes how the world and yourself views you, as the main character says, and the movie shows that this is true in both terrible and wonderful ways. I really appreciated that the movie very much shies away from the typical "camp" view of gay people, showing Simon as a very normal, common person ... even to the point of making a bit of fun at the whole rainbows and dance sequences view of the gay world.

Throughout the last hour of the film my wife was in tears of both sadness and happiness based on what was going on on the screen and I felt a few tears coming from me as well, it was that touching.
Kubo Two Strings. This is a couple years old, but very good and a different story. 8/10
Unsane 7/10. There were tiny blips of reality when it comes to the mental health system, which will prolly go overlooked as unseemly and unreal by watchers who don't have a loved one or a time when they themselves were in treatment. And it was a bit clichéd in the ending, but otherwise the acting was quite good, the characters done well enough, and no clichéd soundtracking or haunting music leading watchers to an inevitable jump scare that never happened since its more a suspense instead of the jump out your seat kinda horror.

The only thing I'd have changed was that it wasn't so honest in how some hospitals are run, paid for, and staffed because it may inhibit people who do need care in seeking it, considering how many people take their education from film and TV nowadays, anyway.

I think I'll try Hereditary next, se if that one is better.
Ant-Man and the Wasp

Fun, light-hearted romp, but not as good as the first Ant-Man movie. It was more predictable than even the usual Marvel movie (which is saying a lot), but the action/shrink gags are better.

There is a mid-credits scene and a post-credits scene.

I guess my biggest beef is with the movie version of Janet van Dyne. The best way to explain my beef with the Janet character is to talk about my beef with the movie version of Hawkeye.

I don't mind that Joss Whedon made major changes to the backstory of Hawkeye. I don't mind that he's no longer an ex-criminal ex-circus performer. I don't have any problem with turning him into a family man. However making the movie version of Hawkeye less of an asshole than comic book Hawkeye was completely unforgivable. The flaws are what make Marvel heroes interesting, and it's what distinguishes them from DC heroes.

Similarly, Janet van Dyne is now a super-scientist who survived alone in a hostile environment for decades living as some sort of badass zen-ified Mad Max character who picked up new superpowers while living in the quantum realm. She's an impossibly idealized superhero that would fit better in the DC universe than the camera-mugging, sometimes-flighty fame-obsessed socialite with more enthusiasm than good sense that we know from other incarnations of the character. As with Hawkeye, I don't have a problem with the fact that they changed her, but I have a big problem with the fact that the movie version is a lot less flawed.

Oh, and[ent]hellip[/ent]

[ent]hellip[/ent]the mid-credits scene will punch you in the gut. Brace yourself.

- - - Updated - - -

Totally agree. Six Million Dollar Man did not hold up well.

Yeah, and The Bionic Woman was worse.

You know what really held up well? The Incredible Hulk. I watched the 2 part episode today where Banner meets and falls in love with Dr. Carolyn Fields. Weird side note, I actually had a girlfriend whose name was Carolyn Fields. Anyway, Bill Bixby carried that show around on his shoulders. The parts where he turned into the Hulk could be ridiculous, but for the time (and considering the subject matter) it was pretty well done. Bixby was a far better Banner than anything portrayed in the new movies.

Good to hear.

I always thought that was a great take on the Hulk character. It's much more interesting when you focus on Banner's suffering instead of Hulk's action scenes.

I actually liked Ang Lee's version right up until the action got heavy. Lee had a great little psychodrama going on, but the moment Hulk showed up and started punching things, all the air went out of the drama parts Lee spent so much time and effort constructing.
Sunday's Illness 10. I didn't know something so quiet could leave me so breathless and shattered.

Instant classic.

It's like the makers of the film sat and talked for hours, going over details until the late hours of the night, discussing how to make a movie, the sole purpose of which is to be ridiculed. It may require multiple viewings to truly absorb the stupid fabric this film is made up of. This is not your average awful movie. It is a professionally woven tapestry of bad, from the opening few minutes, all the way through, and capped off by an ending that's... there's no fucking way it was that retarded by accident.

I hate movies that could've been good, but where clearly bad choices were made that ruined the film (see Tau).

This is not one of those films. It could never have been good, and the clear purpose was to make bad choices. We had an unexpectedly great time watching it.

10 outta 10.

Instant classic.

It's like the makers of the film sat and talked for hours, going over details until the late hours of the night, discussing how to make a movie, the sole purpose of which is to be ridiculed. It may require multiple viewings to truly absorb the stupid fabric this film is made up of. This is not your average awful movie. It is a professionally woven tapestry of bad, from the opening few minutes, all the way through, and capped off by an ending that's... there's no fucking way it was that retarded by accident.

I hate movies that could've been good, but where clearly bad choices were made that ruined the film (see Tau).

This is not one of those films. It could never have been good, and the clear purpose was to make bad choices. We had an unexpectedly great time watching it.

10 outta 10.

Given that it is soooo hard to get money and make a movie, one wonders how something like this gets, not only the red light to start, but finished and released.

Instant classic.

It's like the makers of the film sat and talked for hours, going over details until the late hours of the night, discussing how to make a movie, the sole purpose of which is to be ridiculed. It may require multiple viewings to truly absorb the stupid fabric this film is made up of. This is not your average awful movie. It is a professionally woven tapestry of bad, from the opening few minutes, all the way through, and capped off by an ending that's... there's no fucking way it was that retarded by accident.

I hate movies that could've been good, but where clearly bad choices were made that ruined the film (see Tau).

This is not one of those films. It could never have been good, and the clear purpose was to make bad choices. We had an unexpectedly great time watching it.

10 outta 10.

Given that it is soooo hard to get money and make a movie, one wonders how something like this gets, not only the red light to start, but finished and released.

Why do I find myself hoping that you don't drive a car?

Instant classic.

It's like the makers of the film sat and talked for hours, going over details until the late hours of the night, discussing how to make a movie, the sole purpose of which is to be ridiculed. It may require multiple viewings to truly absorb the stupid fabric this film is made up of. This is not your average awful movie. It is a professionally woven tapestry of bad, from the opening few minutes, all the way through, and capped off by an ending that's... there's no fucking way it was that retarded by accident.

I hate movies that could've been good, but where clearly bad choices were made that ruined the film (see Tau).

This is not one of those films. It could never have been good, and the clear purpose was to make bad choices. We had an unexpectedly great time watching it.

10 outta 10.

Based on the trailer, it looks like a remake of Home Alone, except without a little kid, it's two bearded men.

Instant classic.

It's like the makers of the film sat and talked for hours, going over details until the late hours of the night, discussing how to make a movie, the sole purpose of which is to be ridiculed. It may require multiple viewings to truly absorb the stupid fabric this film is made up of. This is not your average awful movie. It is a professionally woven tapestry of bad, from the opening few minutes, all the way through, and capped off by an ending that's... there's no fucking way it was that retarded by accident.

I hate movies that could've been good, but where clearly bad choices were made that ruined the film (see Tau).

This is not one of those films. It could never have been good, and the clear purpose was to make bad choices. We had an unexpectedly great time watching it.

10 outta 10.

Given that it is soooo hard to get money and make a movie, one wonders how something like this gets, not only the red light to start, but finished and released.

I think the star of the movie has a solid core of fans who will go see anything he's in. He has gotten better as an actor, and he's the new Aquaman. So this was a guaranteed moneymaker to at least some small degree. Also, it's a flick 9 year-old boys would dig--and the kind of movie 9 year old boys would make.

There's guns and shootings and some violence with unintentionally great comedic timing----and there's some kickass violence too. The action shots have this great sense of timing, which contrasts wonderfully with the epic badness of the rest of the film.
I always thought that was a great take on the Hulk character. It's much more interesting when you focus on Banner's suffering instead of Hulk's action scenes.

The new Immortal Hulk comic book is going this route. It is very much like the old TV series, at least in the first few issues, but I get the feeling that it may not stay that way for long. I haven't read a whole lot of Hulk comics, with only 3 or 4 issues in my collection before I started reading it towards the end of the Amadeus Cho run when they revisited Planet Hulk. So, I'm not sure if any of the Hulk books have gone with the TV series' feel before this.
ant-man and the wasp: 5.5/10

another perfectly fine entry in the marvel franchise - nothing special, but at this point i don't think they really need to be.
the MCU is basically the movie equivalent of a TV show: it's no longer about any individual episode, some are weaker and some are stronger, you're watching it because you enjoy the series.
the MCU is the movie equivalent of breaking bad at this point, IMO - it's all good, but some are better than others.

though while discussing the movie with my movie buddy i figured out my issue with this movie and simultaneously my issue with black panther.
ant-man and the wasp has a good number of fun, funny, or interesting scenes that were enjoyable to watch, but the overall story narrative was pretty stupid as well as shallow and inessential, and told poorly on top of it.
its presentation was rather incoherent, and thus the film only succeeds on the power of its individual scenes, because they don't come together at all to form a complete whole. it's not a very good movie, but enough of it was fun to watch that it was enjoyable to view it.
black panther was pretty much exactly the opposite: the story narrative was interesting and well told and the presentation was solid, but there weren't any scenes i enjoyed watching or sequences that stood out, so it was a good movie but i didn't find any of it very enjoyable to watch.

looking back over the MCU on the whole i think most of the movies fall into one or the other of these categories, and the few real standouts (iron man, avengers, winter soldier, thor 3, avengers 3, guardians 1) are the ones that manage to do both.
Wonder Woman

I have to applaud this film for doing what few movies have ever done - making me regret watching it in the first place. There's just so much wrong here that it's difficult to know where to begin. One problem is that it's entirely involved with the wrong war in the first place. Superhero(ine) stories are supposed to be about Good vs. Evil, but placing it in WWI makes it fall right in the middle of a conflict which was Stupid vs. Stupid, which really leaves nobody to root for on either side, They attempt to resolve that by the supposed "twist" of having the English civil servant instead of Ludendorff being Ares - which was, incidentally, the most prefuckingdictable "twist" I've ever seen - but by that point, anyway, I'd completely run out of fucks to give after an hour and a half of stock characters, instantly forgettable dialogue, and non-existant character progression. I came into this movie under the impression that it was supposed to contain some kind of feminist message, but if it did, it was so lost beneath all the bad writing, bland performances, and cliché shooting that I doubt I'd be able to find it with both hands and an atlas.

Disappointing? Yes, it was disappointing, if by "disappointing" you mean "sets the whole superhero genre back 30 years" and "made me want to claw my eyes out so I never had to watch anything so poor again".

1/10 Yes, I'm feeling generous.
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