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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

To be fair to Nolan: his showing up wasn't "random" per se, and he was actually a former test pilot of that very spaceship.

Yes, but IIRC 10 years had passed since he'd flown the thing, and he knew nothing about the mission, which was supposedly humanity's last hope. It's presented as if he finds out about it, gets a quick tour, casually says goodbye to his family and then takes off the next day. Maybe the original script explained this better, but as it stands it came across as poor writing.
An oldie. Angel co starring Rory Calhoun whom I haven't seen in anything for decades. It's about a school kid who turns to prostitution just to make living.

To complicate matters there's a serial killer roaming the red light district for his victims. For it's time it was quite a bold film as it has full nudity and necrophilia in it.

The Comedians (1967) 6/10

A film set in Papa Doc's Haiti. Which in reality was, basically, a capitalist version of North Korea. Supported, bizarrely enough, by USA. I've read the Graham Greene book, which I highly recommend. The film is excellent at catching the horror of living under that regime. The film very effectively shows how living in a police state warps everybody, making everybody distrust one another. But I docked some points for the production being overly 60'ies. It hasn't aged well. Every scene is about creating as much tension as possible... mostly for no reason. Which is something that annoys me about 60'ies films. The acting is excellent with all the biggest stars from it's age. But the main character (played by Richard Burton) is a bit too wooden for me to care about what happens to him. I'm not saying Burton played him badly. I just didn't like that character. It works better in the book, because we're privy to Burton's thoughts. The dialogue is awesome. Everything fits perfectly and works. Nothing is redundant. I love that kind of tight writing. But isn't surprising since it's Graham Greene himself who wrote the screenplay. Bonus points for Darth Vader's voice in it.


Whicker's World François "Papa Doc" Duvalier (1968) 10/10

Here's a documentary about Papa Doc during his rule. They made this right after The Comedians came out, and they discuss the film in this documentary. If you want to see an interview with pure evil. This is it. The interviewer asks candid straight forward questions about the situation in Haiti. Papa Doc gives bullshit, dictator, answers.


I also recommend reading about Haitian history. This is the first and only country ever formed after the black slaves rose up and took power. They've been punished for this by the rest of the world since. They quickly went from being the Caribbean richest colony to it's poorest, much thanks to the rest of the world. They never got a chance to prove themselves. That's what's so chilling about the Whicker documentary. When Papa Doc says that the rest of the world hates his regime it's only because he's a black leader of a country... it's mostly true. Sure, he was evil incarnate. But that's not why the rest of the world condemned his rule. This racist attitude gave dictators like Idi Amin, Bokassa and Papa Doc pretty much free hands to do whatever. And the world just looked on passively.

Anyhoo... a terrifying piece of history.
I watched A real weird film last night titled Looper starring some unknowns as well as action hero Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt. "In the year 2074, a crime syndicate uses time travel to send people back 30 years to be killed by a hired assassin. Why they couldn't be killed then and there is anyone's guess. Some critics have rated this film highly. I couldn't for the life of me see why. I rate it 3/10
I watched A real weird film last night titled Looper starring some unknowns as well as action hero Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt. "In the year 2074, a crime syndicate uses time travel to send people back 30 years to be killed by a hired assassin. Why they couldn't be killed then and there is anyone's guess. Some critics have rated this film highly. I couldn't for the life of me see why. I rate it 3/10

I'm impressed you went as high as "3".
Much Ado About Nothing (1993 version)


Kenneth Branagh's film is not at the level of his epic adaptation of Hamlet, but it is quite enjoyable and does justice to one of Shakespeare's best comedies. Branagh and his then-wife, Emma Thompson, have the central roles as the eternally-bickering (but perfect for each other) Benedick and Beatrice, while Kate Beckinsale made her film debut as Hero.
Top Hat 7/10

The sets are atrocious. Venice? Really?

The plot is idiotic.

The dancing is great, you know, solid Astaire and Rogers.
I watched A real weird film last night titled Looper starring some unknowns as well as action hero Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt. "In the year 2074, a crime syndicate uses time travel to send people back 30 years to be killed by a hired assassin. Why they couldn't be killed then and there is anyone's guess. Some critics have rated this film highly. I couldn't for the life of me see why. I rate it 3/10

Something to do with getting rid of the body and evidence. I think they still have laws against murder in the year 2074.

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Much Ado About Nothing (1993 version)


Kenneth Branagh's film is not at the level of his epic adaptation of Hamlet, but it is quite enjoyable and does justice to one of Shakespeare's best comedies. Branagh and his then-wife, Emma Thompson, have the central roles as the eternally-bickering (but perfect for each other) Benedick and Beatrice, while Kate Beckinsale made her film debut as Hero.

Love this movie.

The Italian setting just makes it more gorgeously delicious.

Michael Keaton's Dogberry is hysterical.
The Grey [thriller] Starring Liam Neeson, Dermot Mulroney. After their plane crashes in the Alaskan wilderness , a group of oil drillers must find find their way back to civilasation before they're all hunted down by hoards of wild wolves.

A good paced thriller, and Neeson is brilliant as usual. 6.5/10 Would've rated it slightly lower had it not been for Liam Neeson's role in it.
Interstellar (2014)

An entertaining movie with a decent story, acting and visuals.

The plot seems to be an attempt to emulate 2001. Minus the mystery and with a happy ending tacked on.

Good, not great.

Interstellar (2014)

An entertaining movie with a decent story, acting and visuals.

The plot seems to be an attempt to emulate 2001. Minus the mystery and with a happy ending tacked on.

Good, not great.

How would you compare it to 2001?
I watched an engrossing film last night titled The Sessions [2012] starring John Hawkes, Helen Hunt [as the sex therapist] and one of my all time favourite actors William H. Macy as a priest. "A poet paralysed from the neck down hires a sex surrogate to help him lose his virginity. "

There's nudity in it so watch the kiddies, but well worth a look. [Helen still looks great for age if that's her and not a double :p]
8.5/10 I enjoyed it, great drama.
Interstellar (2014)

An entertaining movie with a decent story, acting and visuals.

The plot seems to be an attempt to emulate 2001. Minus the mystery and with a happy ending tacked on.

Good, not great.

How would you compare it to 2001?

2001 is about a 9.5. I like the unresolved questions left in 2001. The musical score is better and the simpler plot is more enjoyable in 2001.
Big Hero 6

A very enjoyable movie on a par with How To Train Your Dragon or Wreck-it Ralph. It's not top shelf but it has some interesting characters (although some others just barely avoid being trite), a decent plot, and some very funny moments.

Oz the Great and Powerful


Visually, this one is stunning, but when you look "behind the curtain," if you'll pardon the expression, it's not all that satisfying. A revisionist take on the land of Oz is, in the post-Wicked era, not the most original of concepts. There's a talented cast, but they have difficulty rising above the limits of a pedestrian, cliche-ridden script; Mila Kunis, in the most complex role in the film, is an exception with a convincing performance. Perhaps a small fraction of the spfx and production design budget could have been better spent on hiring a script doctor.
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