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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Kundun (1997) 5/10

About the current Dalai Lama and his early life before his escape to India.The best part of it is the music by Philip Glass. But the film is uncritical and lacks any nuance. Dalai Lama is made into a superhero. Nothing about his character is remotely believable. Too bad. I know for a fact that the current Dalai Lama is actually an interesting person. They could have made something good. But went for shallow lameness.
Saving Private Ryan (1998) - 8/10 - A visually stunning movie let down by the tendency to get overly mawkish from time to time. But overall a great movie.
Saving Private Ryan was overly sentimental, but I have to concur with Archimedes more than Angelo. Overall it's quite good despite the occasional syrup.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2002. A little long in the tooth now, and is corny and sugary as they come but you could do worst than waste around 100 minutes of your precious time. Became a hit for it's time and grabbed the soap fans by the thousands. Let's face it. A wedding in any soap show will always rated it's socks off. 4/10
Saving Private Ryan was overly sentimental, but I have to concur with Archimedes more than Angelo. Overall it's quite good despite the occasional syrup.
I'd say the first 20 minutes was 4 of 4, the remainder 3 of 4.
The Great Beauty (Italian) 8/10

"We're all on the brink of despair, all we can do is look each other in the face, keep each other company, joke a little... Don't you agree?"

“This is how it always ends.With death...
But first there was life.
Hidden beneath the blah, blah, blah.
It is all settled beneath the chitter chatter and the noise.
Silence and sentiment.
Emotion and fear.
The haggard, inconstant flashes of beauty.
And then the wretched squalor and miserable humanity.
All buried under the cover of the embarrassment of being in the world … blah, blah, blah.This is how it always ends. With death.
Beyond there is what lies beyond.
I don’t deal with what lies beyond.
Therefore …
Let this novel begin.
After all…It’s just a trick.
Yes,it’s just a trick”
Gravity 8/10

Now I wish I'd seen this in the theater. Visually stunning film. I especially liked the way it switched perspective...made you really feel like you were "inside" the space suit at times, but it wasn't over-used.

There were a couple points where my suspension of disbelief was a bit overwhelmed, but that's just nit-picking an otherwise outstanding movie.
The love Guru Surely I'm not alone in thinking that Mike Myers along with Ben Affleck are the most overrated actors in the known universe! The only reason I watched this crap was to get a glimpse of the very delicious Jessica Alba.

2/10 The only reason I don't rate it 0/10 is because of Alba. :p
Beyond the Lights - 7/10 Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Nate Parker. Fairly decent film about a singer named Noni pushed into stardom by her domineering manager/mother. When a night on the town almost ends with her taking a dive off a balcony, an officer intervenes and makes Noni question the way her life is going. I liked the twists and turns in the film, some of which I didn't expect. Minnie Driver does a great job as the mother of a biracial girl struggling to make it.

The Fault in Our Stars - 9/10 Shailene Woodle, Ansel Elgort. A teenage cancer survivor joins a therapy group hosted by a local church and meets another survivor quirky enough to capture her interest. A very touching love story. I started bawling half way through the thing and was still grabbing tissues when the credits started rolling. Can't wait to read the book.

The Lego Movie - 10/10 By this time, I've seen it often enough that I can quote entire sections of it, but it still makes me laugh. You can't really be unhappy watching this movie. Too much funny stuff in it.

It was listed as sci-fi by Netflix.

Definitely not sci-fi in the usual sense. A dark, surrealistic movie about personal identity and morality. And lots of strangeness.

A man's face has been destroyed in an industrial accident. He goes to a psychiatrist who offers him a mask (not a face transplant) that looks real. At the same time, a young woman who suffered radiation burns at Nagasaki tries to survive.

Once I realized it wasn't a standard sci-fi, I really enjoyed this. I plan to see two other movies by this director, Hiroshi Teshigahara: Woman in the Dunes and Pitfall

Somewhat like the film with Travolta and Nicolas Cage starring. Faceoff. Travolta is the baddie in this while Cage is the hero. Travolta captures Cage and has a surgeon transplant their faces. Travolta's charecter then assumes Cages character's identity. A very good crime thriller which I rate 7.5/10 at least.
it has been many many years since I last saw this movie
And it is still a weird experience even today
Firstly the scenery was awesome, with lots of interesting and different locations
The puppetry/costuming was absolutely superb
I felt the random musical numbers felt a little flat, the overall script was a little on the weak side and Connelly was a little flat in her performance
It was a still a fun movie even when it didn't always fire
it has been many many years since I last saw this movie
And it is still a weird experience even today
Firstly the scenery was awesome, with lots of interesting and different locations
The puppetry/costuming was absolutely superb
I felt the random musical numbers felt a little flat, the overall script was a little on the weak side and Connelly was a little flat in her performance
It was a still a fun movie even when it didn't always fire

Labyrinth is one of my favourite movies from my younger years. I would actually rate it a bit higher.
Somewhat like the film with Travolta and Nicolas Cage starring. Faceoff. Travolta is the baddie in this while Cage is the hero. Travolta captures Cage and has a surgeon transplant their faces. Travolta's charecter then assumes Cages character's identity. A very good crime thriller which I rate 7.5/10 at least.
The movie works as a very good smorgasbord of action films, up to the boat chase scene, which is where it starts lining up the shark jumps.
it has been many many years since I last saw this movie
And it is still a weird experience even today
Firstly the scenery was awesome, with lots of interesting and different locations
The puppetry/costuming was absolutely superb
I felt the random musical numbers felt a little flat, the overall script was a little on the weak side and Connelly was a little flat in her performance
It was a still a fun movie even when it didn't always fire

Labyrinth is one of my favourite movies from my younger years. I would actually rate it a bit higher.

Don't you think you're a teeny weeny bit biased? I mean... it's cool in many ways. But in many ways a stinker. I give them A for effort. I love it to. But in the same way I like any cult movie. I gloss over the flaws because of the gold.
I've noticed that for a number of my favourite movies from my younger years, the best part about them is the half-remembered memories of them which can get painfully shattered if I watch them again now.
Labyrinth is one of my favourite movies from my younger years. I would actually rate it a bit higher.

Don't you think you're a teeny weeny bit biased? I mean... it's cool in many ways. But in many ways a stinker. I give them A for effort. I love it to. But in the same way I like any cult movie. I gloss over the flaws because of the gold.

Hey - some people here like other movies. Taste in movies, IMO, is very similar to taste in music. Just because I don't like Heavy metal, or Opera that much, doesn't mean my tastes are wrong. I suppose you will be saying you don't like Brussel Sprouts then either.... :eek: :p
I've noticed that for a number of my favourite movies from my younger years, the best part about them is the half-remembered memories of them which can get painfully shattered if I watch them again now.

This is why I can never watch Excalibur or Alice's Restaurant again. The memory is often so much better than the actual movie.
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