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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Beastmaster 2 4/10


As a kid I just loved fantasy barbarian movies. Conan, Red Sonja and Beastmaster. So I was very happy to see that there had been made a sequel to Beastmaster. And not only that, but it was free on Youtube. Oh, joy. But was disappointed. The problem isn't that it's stupid. Because it is. But I love that about these films. The over-the-top acting is to be expected and much welcomed. Or that they travel through a time portal and go to the 1980'ies. Which rarely works. Or that it's tongue in cheek. It is very self referential. I don't even mind the obvious b-movie quality to it. The problems it has it tries to be too much. So it's mostly just confusing. There's very little suspense. Jokes are flat. I never cared about any character. The damsel in distress is annoying. I just kept hoping she would die. The witch is a fantastic character. But under utilised. She mostly just stood there while everybody commented on her boobs.
Shallow Hal Jack Black and side kick Jason Alexander are good in this savvy twist on the ugly duckling story. Naturally Gweneth Paltrow provides some eye candy. Alexander hasn't done much since Seinfeld but he plays the same quirky character in this film as the highly strung best friend. One will either love this film or hate it. It's harmless and entertaining. 7/10
Behind the Candelabra 8/10

A biopic about Liberace. Or about being an older affluent gay guy in a world that doesn't accept homosexuality. I thought it was very clever in the way that it played on the old predatory homosexual trope of Liberace "exploiting" young men. I love films that act to show that I have preconceptions that I'd hoped I didn't have. Both Michael Douglas (Liberace) and Matt Damon (the young lover) are very well played. They both play total flaming queens without being characters of ridicule. I thought it was a really touching portrayal. One of the sweetest scenes is when the young lover walks in on Liberace without his hair-piece on and fails to disguise his shock.
Shallow Hal Jack Black and side kick Jason Alexander are good in this savvy twist on the ugly duckling story. Naturally Gweneth Paltrow provides some eye candy. Alexander hasn't done much since Seinfeld but he plays the same quirky character in this film as the highly strung best friend. One will either love this film or hate it. It's harmless and entertaining. 7/10

It is a good movie..
Next goal wins. 10/10
Brilliant documentary about an American Dutch guy coaching the American Samoa national team. Possibly my favourite all time documentary and one of my favourite ever films. Outstanding
Fun With Dick & Jane Jim Carry at his comic best. Tea Leoni almost steals the show. I think it's the third time I've seen this film. It's one of those movies that like wine get better with age. 8/10


This went to air a few months ago and I tried to find it on Youtube to post here, but couldn't.

I heartily suggest you give it 13 minutes of your time if you get the chance.
Must be good if it can tell it's story in 13 minutes. I hate over long dramas that stretch into 3 and even 4 hours. Shindlers list comes to mind.

It's just a little vignette that makes you smile and go "OK. Point taken."' in the last 20 seconds.

Schindler's list didn't burden me. It was absorbing.
Casino What can one say about a Martin Scorsese film. I re-watched this classic again last night. Joe Pesci absolutely steals the show. Sharon Stone as the love interest is brilliant and at her sexy best.

I love the line "the longer they stay the more they lose" , how true is that! Would a Mafia movie be complete without De Niro in it?


An excellent film noir about a disreputable fellow finding his true calling in a disreputable business. Jake Gyllenhaal will most likely score a Best Actor nomination for this one. The supporting cast is good, too, and the story is captivating. Fair warning, though: the main character is really creepy. The more I got to know him, the more uncomfortable I became watching him pursue his goals, so I can't say I actually enjoyed watching this movie. But it's very, very good.

Django Unchained


An out-and-out Spaghetti Western from Quentin Tarantino, many of whose films are heavily influenced by the genre. Tarantino fans will likely enjoy this one, which has all the director's usual trademarks--the visual style, the sumptuous violence, etc. Those not so taken by him will probably be equally happy to give it a miss. Christoph Waltz stands out in the strong cast--he won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar, to match the one he took home for Inglorious Basterds.
A Charles Bronson oldie but a goodie which has been re-made but is not a patch on this original. The Mechanic also starring Jan-Michael Vincent who hasn't made anything of note for decades. Bronson's Mrs Jill Ireland was also in this as she was in a few other Charles Bronson films. The vintage is 1972 so I'm guessing that many of the actors in this crime thriller are dead by now. Still worth a watch even if it's the second or third or more viewing.
Temple Grandin (2010) 10/10

It's a film about the scientist Temple Grandin. But more than that it's a film about autism. What made the film so powerful was the fact that I'd heard an interview with Temple Grandin where they talked about the film, where she said that she had demanded that no facts were changed for dramatic effect. So everything in the film is exactly as it happened. Which is brave on Temple's part since Temple Grandin does not come off as a particularly sympathetic character. A completely self-absorbed but driven person. If you've had anybody in your life with autism, I can recommend this as well. You'll recognise a lot, obviously.

Zulu Dawn (1979) 6.5/10

A good mastodont movie from the 70'ies. The Brits are basically stiff upper lip caricatures. The Africans are cardboard cut outs. I'm guessing the black actors were only directed to "look more menacing". Any black actors there where there to get shot. So basically, you've got to lay any ideas of political correctness aside to enjoy this. This is a film by racists for racists. The fighting scenes are great. And I actually enjoyed the slow build up. But there's not much of a story. Nothing goes anywhere. A lot of characters are introduced and then disappear.
A Charles Bronson oldie but a goodie which has been re-made but is not a patch on this original. The Mechanic also starring Jan-Michael Vincent who hasn't made anything of note for decades. Bronson's Mrs Jill Ireland was also in this as she was in a few other Charles Bronson films. The vintage is 1972 so I'm guessing that many of the actors in this crime thriller are dead by now. Still worth a watch even if it's the second or third or more viewing.

Jan-Michael Vincent used to be a raging alcoholic, which probably is what deep-sixed his otherwise decent career.

The lovely Jill Ireland, Mr. Bronson's wife, lost a terrible battle with breast cancer. She fought long and hard and was reduced to skin and bones using experimental treatments at the end. Very sad.

Mr. Bronson joined her in death in 2003.
A Charles Bronson oldie but a goodie which has been re-made but is not a patch on this original. The Mechanic also starring Jan-Michael Vincent who hasn't made anything of note for decades. Bronson's Mrs Jill Ireland was also in this as she was in a few other Charles Bronson films. The vintage is 1972 so I'm guessing that many of the actors in this crime thriller are dead by now. Still worth a watch even if it's the second or third or more viewing.

Jan-Michael Vincent used to be a raging alcoholic, which probably is what deep-sixed his otherwise decent career.

The lovely Jill Ireland, Mr. Bronson's wife, lost a terrible battle with breast cancer. She fought long and hard and was reduced to skin and bones using experimental treatments at the end. Very sad.

Mr. Bronson joined her in death in 2003.

I'll always remember Jill Ireland from that Star Trek:TOS episode where she and Mr. Spock have a little romantic interlude after Spock gets blasted by the lovey dovey plant spores. I could watch that episode over and over just for her! :love:
Silver Linings Playbook


While everything in this unconventional romance doesn't work for me, it's nice to see a film of this sort that steers away from the usual rom-com conventions. One thing that definitely does work is Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar-winning performance--she was, deservedly, the second-youngest Best Actress winner ever.
Big Hero 6

For the 12 people who actually bought the comic book, this movie takes extreme liberties with the source material, but I don't expect very many people will care about that.

For everyone else, it's a rousing and adorable children's movie. The characters are all adorable, have interesting personalities, and the key characters have believable motives.
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