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Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

Right, the criminals who are serving time for what they did were just careless tourists. A few broken door jambs, windows, cops clubbed with flag poles or sprayed with pepper spray...no big deal. Have you actually seen the footage? That was one swarm of angry morons and yes, it was a riot and attempted insurrection.

Insurrection?! lol, it was a mostly peaceful protest. Calm down, such drama.

Make up your minds! (Or is it a hive mind?) Were these false-flag Antifas hired by Soros? Tourists who wanted to visit the Capitol and had to break the windows because the doors were locked? Tourists who needed to shit but with the queues backed up thought shitting in the Rotunda was their best option? Inquiring minds want to know!

Some people -- not many I'm afraid -- prefer fact to fiction. Researchers have studied the 400+ people arrested as J6 rioters. The results of the research was rather startling. Instead of the usual rioter demographics -- young unemployed men, often black -- these rioters were older: family men, business owners, CEOs, etc.! Fewer than expected were "Oathkeepers", etc. What WAS the common denominator? The rioters believed in the "Great Replacement Theory" -- they were whites afraid of replacement by blacks, Latinos, etc. They came NOT from "red" counties, but from "blue" counties where demographics were moving against whites.

More generally, the tens of millions of Trump voters willing to use violence to support an election "Steal", are motivated by this "Great Replacement Theory."
Kamala's amazing rise: It wasn't flipping the script — it was releasing pent-up emotion | Salon.com - July 30, 2024 9:01AM - "Something special happened last week: The speed and efficiency of Harris' takeover testifies to how ready she was"

"You can’t look at the transformation of the Democratic Party and the presidential campaign in any other way than amazement."
What happened after that is by now well known: the Zoom call by an independent group of 44,000 Black women that raised $1.4 million in a matter of three hours. Other groups began to form and have Zoom calls of their own – “Moms Demand Action” was one, and “White Dudes for Harris” was another. The money flooded in, heading toward the $200 million that would be raised by the end of the week.

The Democratic Party may be headquartered in Washington, but the people who vote for Democrats live in every county of the 50 states that vote in presidential elections. It was out there that the real earthquake shook the ground. Looking back over the last week, it was as if the entire party not only exhaled at once but began dancing in the streets. Social media accounts blew up. There was relief that the Dark Three Weeks following the Biden-Trump debate were over, replaced immediately by enthusiasm that the party had Harris standing in the door and ready to go.

So remarkable. KH got the support of around half of Congressional Democrats in the next 24 hours, and most of the rest in the 24 hours after that.
But orders of magnitude more dangerous to democaracy of the United States.
Idiots putting their feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk or dragging a lectern while wearing a Fred Flintstone headdress is not "dangerous to democaracy[sic] of the United States".
The acts themselves, even the violent ones you conveniently omit, weren’t by themselves a threat to democracy. It’s what those acts were intended to prevent, i.e. peaceful transfer of power.

But you know that. You’re just being deliberately obtuse. SS, DD.
But orders of magnitude more dangerous to democaracy of the United States.
Idiots putting their feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk or dragging a lectern while wearing a Fred Flintstone headdress is not "dangerous to democaracy[sic] of the United States".
Yeah, that's all that happened. :rolleyes:
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But orders of magnitude more dangerous to democaracy of the United States.
Idiots putting their feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk or dragging a lectern while wearing a Fred Flintstone headdress is not "dangerous to democaracy[sic] of the United States".
To make something clear, they were putting their feet up on Pelosi's desk like a Frat prank because the US Capitol was evacuated due to the incursion, which was an attempt to overthrow the results of the democratic election.
So what if it was “mostly” peaceful. It’s the part that wasn’t peaceful that’s the problem.
But that's not what the Ilk says about the 2020 riots though. The double standard is the problem here.
That's what you heard, but it isn't what was said. No one minimized the violence and destruction. What was actually said was that in general, most of the protests were peaceful, and once the sun went down in some places, hooligans came out and bad stuff happened. Some were swinging their broad brushes, trying to make it seem like the hooligan actions of night time were generally the typical experience from all the protests, which wasn't accurate. Then add to this, the destruction caused by alt-right's at some of these protests to make it look like the protestors. Looting that occurred wasn't widespread and a form of protest, rather it was criminals taking advantage of a situation.

The BLM riots certainly were violent, destructive and very costly. You can blame your man Walz for much of that.

Your boy Donnie Dump didn’t think so back in 2020. A few days ago a news station played a recording of him congratulating Walz for his handling of the unrest. :rofl:

Amigo, just to add to your post, below is the link (from the very liberal Fox News!):

I think that we're all going to need a hyperlink to the above and will need to post it over and over.
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But orders of magnitude more dangerous to democaracy of the United States.
Idiots putting their feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk or dragging a lectern while wearing a Fred Flintstone headdress is not "dangerous to democaracy[sic] of the United States".
To make something clear, they were putting their feet up on Pelosi's desk like a Frat prank because the US Capitol was evacuated due to the incursion, which was an attempt to overthrow the results of the democratic election.
So what if it was “mostly” peaceful. It’s the part that wasn’t peaceful that’s the problem.
But that's not what the Ilk says about the 2020 riots though. The double standard is the problem here.
That's what you heard, but it isn't what was said. No one minimized the violence and destruction. What was actually said was that in general, most of the protests were peaceful, and once the sun went down in some places, hooligans came out and bad stuff happened. Some were swinging their broad brushes, trying to make it seem like the hooligan actions of night time were generally the typical experience from all the protests, which wasn't accurate. Then add to this, the destruction caused by alt-right's at some of these protests to make it look like the protestors. Looting that occurred wasn't widespread and a form of protest, rather it was criminals taking advantage of a situation.

The real big difference here is that the 2020 protests wanted to change how we do our policing (which I didn't agree with BTW). The US Capitol protests were really about trying to stop the election certification process and prevent the peaceful transfer of power. The difference is huuuuge!
But orders of magnitude more dangerous to democaracy of the United States.
Idiots putting their feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk or dragging a lectern while wearing a Fred Flintstone headdress is not "dangerous to democaracy[sic] of the United States".
To make something clear, they were putting their feet up on Pelosi's desk like a Frat prank because the US Capitol was evacuated due to the incursion, which was an attempt to overthrow the results of the democratic election.
So what if it was “mostly” peaceful. It’s the part that wasn’t peaceful that’s the problem.
But that's not what the Ilk says about the 2020 riots though. The double standard is the problem here.
That's what you heard, but it isn't what was said. No one minimized the violence and destruction. What was actually said was that in general, most of the protests were peaceful, and once the sun went down in some places, hooligans came out and bad stuff happened. Some were swinging their broad brushes, trying to make it seem like the hooligan actions of night time were generally the typical experience from all the protests, which wasn't accurate. Then add to this, the destruction caused by alt-right's at some of these protests to make it look like the protestors. Looting that occurred wasn't widespread and a form of protest, rather it was criminals taking advantage of a situation.

The real big difference here is that the 2020 protests wanted to change how we do our policing (which I didn't agree with BTW). The US Capitol protests were really about trying to stop the election certification process and prevent the peaceful transfer of power. The difference is huuuuge!
That isn't unreasonable, but I'd comment that the killing of *fuck I have to look the names up, been too many!* Floyd by an officer who had several complaints against him, and in a situation that ONLY came to light because someone caught it on video, was also about protesting the disinterest in police violence against blacks in America. While some took it further and wanted to "defund" the police, others wanted to demilitarize the police, and others wanted the police to be more responsive to complaints and responsible for their actions. So I feel there was nuance to the multiple positions being held in the protests. The idea that passing a fake $20 bill leads to someone's death really does bring into question field tactics of some officers.
Then add to this, the destruction caused by alt-right's at some of these protests to make it look like the protestors.
Can't forgot Mike Pence blaming the murders committed by right wing nut Steven Carillo in his speech at the Republican convention.
What are you suggesting? That one day Senile in Chief says "I will resign from running again only if almighty tells me to"
The next day he is like "On a second thought......"
Of course there was a fucking coup, senile piece of shit did not want to go, despite it being as clear as day that democrat elders were telling him to go.
You said he was dead. Why are you still talking? Just delete your account already.
Where did I say that?


Let's wait and see if Biden actually confirms all that in person in front of camera and journalists.

Just watched the video of Kamala supposedly talking to Biden (audio only from Biden)
She called Biden talking "recording". The voice was like Biden few years back, not recent one.
I think the POS is either clinically dead or does not want to talk.
If he had managed go on to win another term, he have would tried. I doubt he would have survived another term. He was in no shape to run a campaign, and that was reflected in the polls. At the DNC, he gave a good long speech without any signs of dementia. Oh, well. You guys did a great job with the dementia campaign. It helped to seal his fate. So we have you to thank for driving him out.
Me drive him out? It was his party that drove him out by all accounts. Pelosi in particular I read. Besides, he was never going to last to November, in my opinion. He looked totally out of it at times.

Not you personally. Your party's dementia smear campaign, which even relied on doctored videos before the debate to sell the meme. Biden does seem to be suffering from motion difficulties, but he doesn't have dementia. There was no sign of it when he gave that long speech at the DNC convention. He still could have stayed in the race, if he had wanted, but he did the right thing to withdraw voluntarily.

None of us believes for a second that you would be voting for Harris reluctantly if you lived in a swing state, so don't pretend that you care whether your vote counts or not.

I wasn’t pretending, I said I wasn’t voting for Harris anyway. What makes you think I’m pretending?

You don't read very carefully. You were pretending to care whether your vote counted when you pointed out it wouldn't matter anyway. That had nothing to do with your vote. If you lived in a red state or a swing state, you would still be voting for Trump.

I don’t particularly care for Trump, I can’t stand the way he talks but I’ll take my chances with Trump and the republicans before I’d vote for Harris and the democrats.

You can't stand him because of the way he talks???? Most people can't stand him because he has no respect for the law, is a sexual predator, a convicted criminal, a serial liar, a bully, a fraudster, and a danger to our democracy. But I do admit that he talks funny, too.
Me drive him out? It was his party that drove him out by all accounts. Pelosi in particular I read. Besides, he was never going to last to November, in my opinion. He looked totally out of it at times.
Not you personally. Your party's dementia smear campaign, which even relied on doctored videos before the debate to sell the meme.

What are you on about? My party? Look, I don't have a party. Are you saying the reason the Dems rounded on Joe is because they were duped by a republican party "dementia smear campaign"?

Biden does seem to be suffering from motion difficulties, but he doesn't have dementia. There was no sign of it when he gave that long speech at the DNC convention. He still could have stayed in the race, if he had wanted, but he did the right thing to withdraw voluntarily.

He absolutely could not. His party would not allow it. He tried to stay in it but wasn't allowed to.

You don't read very carefully. You were pretending to care whether your vote counted when you pointed out it wouldn't matter anyway. That had nothing to do with your vote. If you lived in a red state or a swing state, you would still be voting for Trump.

I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe I wasn't clear. It was just a remark, since California overwhelmingly votes democrat, a vote for Trump does not really count for much. But I will vote for Trump anyway. (y)

You can't stand him because of the way he talks???? Most people can't stand him because he has no respect for the law, is a sexual predator, a convicted criminal, a serial liar, a bully, a fraudster, and a danger to our democracy. But I do admit that he talks funny, too.

Don't vote for him if that upsets you so much.
He absolutely could not. His party would not allow it. He tried to stay in it but wasn't allowed to.

He was vastly better than Trump, but he was losing and he knew it. He stepped aside and cleared the way towards victory for the People.

And it's working. Everyone knows it. As People, all the really smart people, are saying, "Trump is getting his ass kicked by a colored chick, and Vance is kinda weird."
Everybody is saying it. (even Fox).
Me drive him out? It was his party that drove him out by all accounts. Pelosi in particular I read. Besides, he was never going to last to November, in my opinion. He looked totally out of it at times.
Not you personally. Your party's dementia smear campaign, which even relied on doctored videos before the debate to sell the meme.

What are you on about? My party? Look, I don't have a party. Are you saying the reason the Dems rounded on Joe is because they were duped by a republican party "dementia smear campaign"?

I forgot. You obviously aren't a Republican, just someone who always votes for Republicans and promotes their talking points. Got it. ;) Generally speaking, it's just Republicans and non-Republicans who reliably vote Republicans that get duped. What the Dems did was show Biden what he asked for--proof that he was losing the election and diminishing their chances of winning either house of Congress.

Biden does seem to be suffering from motion difficulties, but he doesn't have dementia. There was no sign of it when he gave that long speech at the DNC convention. He still could have stayed in the race, if he had wanted, but he did the right thing to withdraw voluntarily.

He absolutely could not. His party would not allow it. He tried to stay in it but wasn't allowed to.

You know that what you are saying is bullshit, because it has already been explained to you. Joe Biden controlled sufficient delegates to the convention that he had a lock on the nomination. The party had no way to deny him the nomination, if he wanted it. He only promised to voluntarily withdraw if someone would show him proof that he was going to lose the race. At first he quipped that that person would have to be "the Almighty", but he later made clear that he had to see polling data. They showed him the proof he asked for, so he made the voluntary decision to withdraw. Nobody should have to explain this to you again, but that doesn't prevent you from repeating the Republican talking point.

You don't read very carefully. You were pretending to care whether your vote counted when you pointed out it wouldn't matter anyway. That had nothing to do with your vote. If you lived in a red state or a swing state, you would still be voting for Trump.

I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe I wasn't clear. It was just a remark, since California overwhelmingly votes democrat, a vote for Trump does not really count for much. But I will vote for Trump anyway. (y)

You would have been clearer to say nothing at all, since the same is true of everyone who votes in any state, including swing states. We all know that it doesn't matter what state you live in. You would vote for Trump in any state, and you would try to influence others to vote for him, to the extent possible.

You can't stand him because of the way he talks???? Most people can't stand him because he has no respect for the law, is a sexual predator, a convicted criminal, a serial liar, a bully, a fraudster, and a danger to our democracy. But I do admit that he talks funny, too.

Don't vote for him if that upsets you so much.

Thanks. You have convinced me not to vote for him. What I find more worrisome is that you would pick the way he talks as what upsets you rather than what he has actually done.
I forgot. You obviously aren't a Republican, just someone who always votes for Republicans and promotes their talking points. Got it. ;) Generally speaking, it's just Republicans and non-Republicans who reliably vote Republicans that get duped. What the Dems did was show Biden what he asked for--proof that he was losing the election and diminishing their chances of winning either house of Congress.

And you believe that? LOL, a week before he withdrew we were being told Brandon was all in for 2024, nothing wrong with Brandon, smart as a whip. It was probably Obama and Pelosi who talked him round. But it doesn't matter now, it's a moo point.

You know that what you are saying is bullshit, because it has already been explained to you. Joe Biden controlled sufficient delegates to the convention that he had a lock on the nomination. The party had no way to deny him the nomination, if he wanted it. He only promised to voluntarily withdraw if someone would show him proof that he was going to lose the race. At first he quipped that that person would have to be "the Almighty", but he later made clear that he had to see polling data. They showed him the proof he asked for, so he made the voluntary decision to withdraw. Nobody should have to explain this to you again, but that doesn't prevent you from repeating the Republican talking point.

Okay (y)

You would have been clearer to say nothing at all, since the same is true of everyone who votes in any state, including swing states. We all know that it doesn't matter what state you live in. You would vote for Trump in any state, and you would try to influence others to vote for him, to the extent possible.

Geez, calm down fella. I can't think of a reason why me being in a different state would make me vote for Harris.
I forgot. You obviously aren't a Republican, just someone who always votes for Republicans and promotes their talking points. Got it. ;) Generally speaking, it's just Republicans and non-Republicans who reliably vote Republicans that get duped. What the Dems did was show Biden what he asked for--proof that he was losing the election and diminishing their chances of winning either house of Congress.

And you believe that? LOL, a week before he withdrew we were being told Brandon was all in for 2024, nothing wrong with Brandon, smart as a whip. It was probably Obama and Pelosi who talked him round. But it doesn't matter now, it's a moo point...

If it didn't matter to you, you wouldn't keep repeating the falsehood. Neither Obama nor Pelosi had any power to force him out. Biden and his supporters were vowing to stay in as a response to all the criticism, but the falling poll numbers were the sign that he needed to convince him to leave voluntarily. He still isn't happy that he didn't get more support, and it is reported that he hasn't talked to Pelosi since he withdrew. She was very public about not wanting him to keep the nomination. He was upset that Obama had remained silent in the face of all the criticism, not that Obama talked him out of anything. But he has repeatedly said that he decided to withdraw on his own "for the good of the country". He gave a full-throated endorsement of Harris at the convention and will help with her campaign. He is more concerned about beating Trump than serving another term in office.
I forgot. You obviously aren't a Republican, just someone who always votes for Republicans and promotes their talking points. Got it. ;) Generally speaking, it's just Republicans and non-Republicans who reliably vote Republicans that get duped. What the Dems did was show Biden what he asked for--proof that he was losing the election and diminishing their chances of winning either house of Congress.

And you believe that? LOL, a week before he withdrew we were being told Brandon was all in for 2024, nothing wrong with Brandon, smart as a whip. It was probably Obama and Pelosi who talked him round. But it doesn't matter now, it's a moo point...

If it didn't matter to you, you wouldn't keep repeating the falsehood. Neither Obama nor Pelosi had any power to force him out. Biden and his supporters were vowing to stay in as a response to all the criticism, but the falling poll numbers were the sign that he needed to convince him to leave voluntarily. He still isn't happy that he didn't get more support, and it is reported that he hasn't talked to Pelosi since he withdrew. She was very public about not wanting him to keep the nomination. He was upset that Obama had remained silent in the face of all the criticism, not that Obama talked him out of anything. But he has repeatedly said that he decided to withdraw on his own "for the good of the country". He gave a full-throated endorsement of Harris at the convention and will help with her campaign. He is more concerned about beating Trump than serving another term in office.

He either went voluntarily or he didn't and it makes no difference to me but I don't think you can be 100% certain that Brandon decided to withdraw of his own volition. Politics is a dirty game.

He gave a full-throated endorsement of Harris at the convention and will help with her campaign. He is more concerned about beating Trump than serving another term in office.
Why was Biden put on so late at night? I would have thought the sitting President deserved an earlier time.
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