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Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

I’m sorry to not have properly considered your reasoning skills. What I am saying is that your pronouncement of something as drivel is a de facto endorsement for rational people.
If you say so. Nevertheless, there is nothing in this anonymous woman’s diatribe that is “must view”. What did she say in that 20 minutes that was “must view”? What was the unique perspective, the never thought of before angle this genius bestows upon us? Tell the audience the exact minute in the video where the genius reveals what was not known before.
What anonymous woman? She identifies herself and presents her bona fides.
just because you are an avid follower of this Internet personality does not mean she is widely known. But you still haven’t answered the question and I don’t think you will so I guess we are done here.

Not widely known doesn't equal anonymous.

Democratic lawmakers are not happy with the Stephanopoulos interview results. I didn’t watch it. Also there are some concerns that Biden was given the questions beforehand. Nicht gut!
I watched it but as I said before, it wasn't really an interview imo. It was more like an attempt to talk Biden into stepping down. Biden denied that he was behind in the polls. He was in denial about a lot of things. I don't think anyone gave him the questions before hand. Almost all of the questions were about why he wasn't stepping down. No. The interview didn't help him and he's so stressed out and frustrated at this point, imo, I do think he needs to step out of the race, although I'm not optimistic that his replacement will do any better at this point.

I don't think he has dementia. I think he's just an older adult suffering from common symptoms of aging and he has to deal with way too much stress and pushback to continue running for president at this point. Still, I will vote for him or any Democrat who runs against the Trump cult. Trump owns the Repub party and its very dangerous to have the Republicans control anything at this point. And then there's SCOTUS, which now seems to be run by the Trump cult too, at least to some extent.

Democratic lawmakers are not happy with the Stephanopoulos interview results. I didn’t watch it. Also there are some concerns that Biden was given the questions beforehand. Nicht gut!
I watched it but as I said before, it wasn't really an interview imo. It was more like an attempt to talk Biden into stepping down. Biden denied that he was behind in the polls. He was in denial about a lot of things. I don't think anyone gave him the questions before hand. Almost all of the questions were about why he wasn't stepping down. No. The interview didn't help him and he's so stressed out and frustrated at this point, imo, I do think he needs to step out of the race, although I'm not optimistic that his replacement will do any better at this point.

I don't think he has dementia. I think he's just an older adult suffering from common symptoms of aging and he has to deal with way too much stress and pushback to continue running for president at this point. Still, I will vote for him or any Democrat who runs against the Trump cult. Trump owns the Repub party and its very dangerous to have the Republicans control anything at this point. And then there's SCOTUS, which now seems to be run by the Trump cult too, at least to some extent.
Seems like if Biden just took and passed the exact same (and apparently super easy to pass) cognitive test that Trump took earlier that would go a long way towards alleviating concerns about his mental acuity. In fact, have Trump retake it again as well to make sure he hasn't slipped since the last time he (apparently) took it. The tests should be overseen and published by a non-partisan entity, so as to erase any doubt about bias or corruption. If Biden is so sure of himself, then he should submit to it, no? At least then Democrats will have something objective to go on and the people can use that to help decide for themselves between the two candidates. Right now, we have people saying he's fine, and was just a little tired and/or had a cold, and others are saying his brain is toast. Everyone is just speculating.
OMG! I just watched Bernie on Face the Nation yelling that he supports Biden and nobody else can beat tRump etc. etc. He doesn't want Biden to step down. He criticized the news media for focusing so much on Biden's bad debate. Wow Bernie!

Then, creepy Lindsey Graham came on ranting what a great president Trump will be if given a second term, defending Trump's crazy claims, while ignoring some of the concerns about Trump. It's all about the border and the terrible job that Biden, who he said likes by the way, isn't capable of doing the job, as if Trump can do the job. OMG!

Earlier, JD Vance was on Meet the Press. Boy, is he a great bullshit artist. Gotta give it to him. He did a great job of deflecting questions and saying things about Trump as if Trump would be the greatest president ever, while playing down the things in Project 2025 etc. Damn. We're fucked if Vance is the VP. I don't see Harris being able to debate him. He's a really good BS artist. If she replaces Biden, there's a bunch of other problems.

Plus, some guy on Meet the Press, a Republican who used to work for Scott in SC, made some really good points about Harris, if she replaces Biden. He said she would be asked if she knew about Biden's cognitive decline, and if so, why did she keep it secret. She would be blasted about the border and a bunch of other things that made sense. Watch it for yourself. I don't remember all the details. He didn't sound like he supported Trump. He simply sounded like he was giving some honest opinions, which is very rare these days. Gotta give the guy credit for that. In fact, the Dems in the group agreed with him, even if they didn't agree with his political views. He just seemed far more objective compared to anyone else lately.

I don't know, but this is becoming more and more disturbing. This drama doesn't look like it's going to have a happy ending.
OMG! I just watched Bernie on Face the Nation yelling that he supports Biden and nobody else can beat tRump etc. etc. He doesn't want Biden to step down. He criticized the news media for focusing so much on Biden's bad debate. Wow Bernie!

Then, creepy Lindsey Graham came on ranting what a great president Trump will be if given a second term, defending Trump's crazy claims, while ignoring some of the concerns about Trump. It's all about the border and the terrible job that Biden, who he said likes by the way, isn't capable of doing the job, as if Trump can do the job. OMG!

Earlier, JD Vance was on Meet the Press. Boy, is he a great bullshit artist. Gotta give it to him. He did a great job of deflecting questions and saying things about Trump as if Trump would be the greatest president ever, while playing down the things in Project 2025 etc. Damn. We're fucked if Vance is the VP. I don't see Harris being able to debate him. He's a really good BS artist. If she replaces Biden, there's a bunch of other problems.

Plus, some guy on Meet the Press, a Republican who used to work for Scott in SC, made some really good points about Harris, if she replaces Biden. He said she would be asked if she knew about Biden's cognitive decline, and if so, why did she keep it secret. She would be blasted about the border and a bunch of other things that made sense. Watch it for yourself. I don't remember all the details. He didn't sound like he supported Trump. He simply sounded like he was giving some honest opinions, which is very rare these days. Gotta give the guy credit for that. In fact, the Dems in the group agreed with him, even if they didn't agree with his political views. He just seemed far more objective compared to anyone else lately.

I don't know, but this is becoming more and more disturbing. This drama doesn't look like it's going to have a happy ending.
It will have a happy ending, I truly believe that.

I've just lost hope that the happy ending will be in November. Everyone I know who is actually useful and does things in their community is preparing themselves for what's almost certainly coming over the next four years. The Democrats didn't just need a win. To avoid a consitutional crisis, they needed a landslide. And that just isn't on the cards.
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I think that Michael Smerconish has the right take on the status of the campaign right now. He is advocating for Harris to replace Biden.

I think that Michael Smerconish has the right take on the status of the campaign right now. He is advocating for Harris to replace Biden.
Actually, he is advocating that KH should have to fight for the nomination rather than it just be handed to her. And I agree.
OMG! I just watched Bernie on Face the Nation yelling that he supports Biden and nobody else can beat tRump etc. etc. He doesn't want Biden to step down. He criticized the news media for focusing so much on Biden's bad debate. Wow Bernie!
He knows that he and the rest of the Left (e.g. Alexandria Wormtongue-Cortez) can manipulate Old Man Biden easier than a younger candidate.

OMG! I just watched Bernie on Face the Nation yelling that he supports Biden and nobody else can beat tRump etc. etc. He doesn't want Biden to step down. He criticized the news media for focusing so much on Biden's bad debate. Wow Bernie!
He knows that he and the rest of the Left (e.g. Alexandria Wormtongue-Cortez) can manipulate Old Man Biden easier than a younger candidate.

I'm pretty sure that in order to whisper in someone's ear, you have to be in the same room as them.
It was one fucking debate. JFC. He's done extraordinarily well before and since. If you're doubting Biden right now, you're just falling for fear mongering bullshit. And yes, journalistic integrity is in the toilet because coverage of the Authoritarian party translates into huge profits and capitalism is king.
But it's more than one fucking debate. I'm a Dem, now and forever; would never vote for any candidate who belongs to the venomous, antidemocratic Republican Party with its mentally ill leader. But the fact is, appearances matter, and Biden looked and sounded played out in his inauguration week. At his earliest press conferences as Pres., he had the weary tones and breathy delivery of advanced old age. Things have progressed since then -- the stiff gait, the hesitant steps, the slack-jawed appearance, the squint, the ever more wispy voice. Younger voters -- who use today's partisan news sources -- aren't likely to find any confidence in Biden's ability to perform. When the President says he's going to cut back his evening hours and get more sleep, that's a very dodgy proposal to make... Biden has a good record to run on, and it's unfair as hell, but all that is undercut by the advancing years. He cannot see himself objectively, and that led to the miscalculation to run again. He has my vote, no question. But the assessments I just described were all there in January 2021, just not in as dramatic a form. He looks as haggard as FDR in the '44 election season. If he sees the threat to democracy as urgently as he tells us, he should consider stepping off the scene and asking for an open convention. (Not gonna happen, my realist side tells me.)
Here's the thing:

We have two candidates who each had a term as POTUS. It is easy to compare the two.

Trump botched the response to the pandemic and tanked the economy and tried to overturn the results of a fair and free election that he lost and was more than ready to throw his VP to the crowds Trump had helped rile up. He burned bridges with long time allies in favor of cozying up to dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Oh, he's a convicted felon facing many more charges, including ones that could result in life in prison if convicted. He's a known rapist and bankrupt businessman and a cheat.

Biden has done a pretty decent job getting the economy back on track, restored our relationships with valuable allies and has made good progress on progressive agenda items, despite having a divided Congress to work with. He's sane, ethical and a decent human being.

Both have kids with serious drug problems.
You're right. All true. Trump, because he was a President who tried to overturn our democratic system, who was complicit in sending lying lawyers to the state courts, phony electors to the statehouses, who lies to this day about losing the election, who invited a mob to Washington and then let them run riot for 3 hours -- is arguably the worst American in the history of the republic. If our country was rational, he'd have no political support at all and would have the social standing of, say, Charles Manson, instead of being in a position of increasing influence and power. But we're not rational, and the times call for a precedent-shattering response.
I think that Michael Smerconish has the right take on the status of the campaign right now. He is advocating for Harris to replace Biden.
Actually, he is advocating that KH should have to fight for the nomination rather than it just be handed to her. And I agree.

As a political commentator, that would be the juiciest outcome for him, but I didn't really buy his argument on that score. I think that the Democrats are so panicked at this point that they would be relieved if he anointed Harris as his successor. The last thing that Democrats want is a food fight over who gets the nomination. Most of us will vote blue no matter what in November, and the main issue at this point is electability. Harris's rivals lack her incumbency or name recognition, so she would appear to be the most electable, given the short time to the election.
What I find problematic about various Democrats calling for Biden to step down as Presidential candidate is timing issues. It seems that they are doing this in response to the debate and the alleged Trump victory in the debate.
If they had come out six months ago and suggested that the Democratic Party should choose a younger candidate, then they would have more plausibility.
What I find problematic about various Democrats calling for Biden to step down as Presidential candidate is timing issues. It seems that they are doing this in response to the debate and the alleged Trump victory in the debate.
If they had come out six months ago and suggested that the Democratic Party should choose a younger candidate, then they would have more plausibility.
It is entirely possible that they're focused not on the upcoming election, but rather on their own agendas. Taking advantage of a crisis in order to advance their own desires for the future direction of the party. A number of them seem to be settled on replacing Biden with Harris. Is that because it's the best move at the moment? Or is it because they're "Team Harris" and have been so since the 2020 campaign?
What I find problematic about various Democrats calling for Biden to step down as Presidential candidate is timing issues. It seems that they are doing this in response to the debate and the alleged Trump victory in the debate.
If they had come out six months ago and suggested that the Democratic Party should choose a younger candidate, then they would have more plausibility.

Brandon’s age and mental state has been a subject for discussion for months but the Whitehouse gaslit anyone who dare raise questions. The debate made it obvious that the old duffer is a busted flush.

It is entirely possible that they're focused not on the upcoming election, but rather on their own agendas. Taking advantage of a crisis in order to advance their own desires for the future direction of the party. A number of them seem to be settled on replacing Biden with Harris. Is that because it's the best move at the moment? Or is it because they're "Team Harris" and have been so since the 2020 campaign?

Team Harris, lol. No one has ever been “Team Harris”.

Thanks for the laugh.
What I find problematic about various Democrats calling for Biden to step down as Presidential candidate is timing issues. It seems that they are doing this in response to the debate and the alleged Trump victory in the debate.
If they had come out six months ago and suggested that the Democratic Party should choose a younger candidate, then they would have more plausibility.

I have to object to your view that Democrats are just now saying that Biden is too old and should be replaced by a younger candidate. I and many other Democrats have said that from the very beginning, and polls show that most Democrats were at best lukewarm to his candidacy. I am more critical of those of us who succumbed to wishful thinking that this man could somehow maintain his earlier stamina and survive to win election in November of 2024. Biden himself made the decision to debate Trump, which, again, many Democrats thought was a totally unnecessary gamble. He lost that gamble, and it called his judgment even more into question than it had been in the past. Biden's main argument for a second term was that he would be the most electable Democrat to run against Trump, but that is no longer a credible argument for the majority of Democrats, not to mention the general public. Biden is surrounded by people with a very heavy investment in keeping him in the race, but most Democrats are not that invested in him and never have been. There were questions about his viability in 2020, but those questions were much easier to ignore in 2020. They are not in 2024. Many of Biden's former defenders have abandoned him, and more are jumping ship every day.
My guess is that many Democratic voters who voted for him in 2020 did not expect him to run again. So his support could be lukewarm a bit for that reason, too.
My guess is that many Democratic voters who voted for him in 2020 did not expect him to run again. So his support could be lukewarm a bit for that reason, too.
Yeah, I was one of those. I just thought that after 2020, Trump would not run again. I had hoped he would have a serious health issue. It didn’t happen. Biden is running probably because he doesn’t trust Kamala Harris to beat Trump. He’s proven before that he can, and needs to do so again. Normally I would say he’s right. But his failure in the debate was likely catastrophic to his candidacy. It confirmed everyone’s suspicions about him.

I now suspect that Trump will run again in 2028 if he loses this time. He may even run again if he wins.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not lukewarm for Biden. I think he’s done damn good job. The economy is going pretty good, and I agree with his foreign policy for the most part. But I fear he can’t motivate enough people to show up and vote for him. I know he’s had some good rallies lately, but is it enough? Will he stumble again, only much later in the game when it really is too late?

I don’t know. I agree I don’t like all the heat he’s taking. Dems do need to be united. But they would be if Joe had never ran to begin with. The Democratic nominee would have a huge name recognition by now.

IAE, I just meant to post that today four more democratic law makers called for him to pass the torch.

I'm pretty sure that in order to whisper in someone's ear, you have to be in the same room as them.
The image is not to be taken literally. But the Left is having a lot of influence on Biden - starting with the $3.5T Spendapalooza which is just a slightly downsized version of the spending plan Bernie Sandersman the White proposed.
As a political commentator, that would be the juiciest outcome for him, but I didn't really buy his argument on that score. I think that the Democrats are so panicked at this point that they would be relieved if he anointed Harris as his successor.
I am sure Dems would be. They also wanted a Hillary coronation in 2016 and saw Bernie as a thorn in their sides. I think Obama was helped in 2008 by having to go through a challenging primary season and conversely, Hillary was harmed by DNC attempting a coronation. I understand the schedule is compressed a lot compared to a regular primary season.
The last thing that Democrats want is a food fight over who gets the nomination. Most of us will vote blue no matter what in November, and the main issue at this point is electability. Harris's rivals lack her incumbency or name recognition, so she would appear to be the most electable, given the short time to the election.
This is the only real argument for Her Accidency, and it fills me with dread.
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