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Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

I'm pretty sure that in order to whisper in someone's ear, you have to be in the same room as them.
The image is not to be taken literally. But the Left is having a lot of influence on Biden - starting with the $3.5T Spendapalooza which is just a slightly downsized version of the spending plan Bernie Sandersman the White proposed.
I see no evidence that Ocasio-Cortez has any access at all to the President. She's popular with the American people and the media, not with the Party leadership. If anything it's been the other way around lately, she's been boosting his flagging campaign to the detriment of her own political career all though this year, and I don't see her major issues getting any airtime in exchange. Medicare for all. Divestment from war. Puerto Rico. Abolition of ICE. None of it has been taken up by Biden's administration, even as a hypothetical or a vague campaign promise. I wish they were.
Kamala Harris can beat Trump if Senator Harris steps forward, not presidential candidate Harris. I always found her very impressive in Senate hearings. She could roast Trump in a debate. Trump would be a fool to debate her. But I repeat myself.
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Kamala Harris can beat Trump if Senator Harris steps forward, not presidential candidate Harris. I always found her very impressive in Senate hearings. She could roast Trump in a debate. Trump would be a fool to debate her. But I repeat myself.
I've noticed that a lot of politicians can seem impressive in Senate hearings when they are the ones who are critiquing ideas and finding fault in others and have a list of prepared questions and comebacks. That's not particularly difficult. Its a lot harder to be on the other end (in a debate, for example) where you have to defend your own record and ideas (with their inevitable weaknesses and flaws) without stumbling or making a fool of yourself. We saw KH in debates when she was running for POTUS, and it was not very impressive. She had to drop out before even the Iowa caucus.
Kamala Harris can beat Trump if Senator Harris steps forward, not presidential candidate Harris. I always found her very impressive in Senate hearings.
Somehow, when she got to the executive level, she lost her workmanlike tenor, and started sounding nasal and whiney.
She could roast Trump in a debate. Trump would be a fool to debate her. But I repeat myself.
Yeah - if.
I am not sure Senator Harris can be resurrected.
Kamala Harris can beat Trump if Senator Harris steps forward, not presidential candidate Harris. I always found her very impressive in Senate hearings. She could roast Trump in a debate. Trump would be a fool to debate her. But I repeat myself.
I've noticed that a lot of politicians can seem impressive in Senate hearings when they are the ones who are critiquing ideas and finding fault in others and have a list of prepared questions and comebacks. That's not particularly difficult. Its a lot harder to be on the other end (in a debate, for example) where you have to defend your own record and ideas (with their inevitable weaknesses and flaws) without stumbling or making a fool of yourself. We saw KH in debates when she was running for POTUS, and it was not very impressive. She had to drop out before even the Iowa caucus.
True to a point. In a senate hearing the senator’s prepared questions still need to be on firm ground and the witness is often a subject matter expert.
Kamala Harris can beat Trump if Senator Harris steps forward, not presidential candidate Harris. I always found her very impressive in Senate hearings. She could roast Trump in a debate. Trump would be a fool to debate her. But I repeat myself.
I think Trump would be more than happy to debate her. She's a woman, and a woman of color to boot. He sees her as inferior, and his ego wouldn't let him pass up the chance to belittle her. Which is what he'd do. He would treat her like he treated Hillary. Would he win that contest? Probably not. Would she win the election?

I have concerns. There's a reason she's VP and not POTUS. She was out of the primary before Iowa, and hasn't shown since taking office that the party really screwed up by not selecting her as the candidate. The only other candidate from the 2020 race that's in the administration is Buttigieg at Transportation Secretary, and from what I've seen, he would be the better choice than Harris. Whenever he appears on a cable news show he's even-keeled, well prepared, and when it's a hostile network like Fox he wipes the floor with everyone who tries a "gotcha" question.
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Kamala Harris can beat Trump if Senator Harris steps forward, not presidential candidate Harris. I always found her very impressive in Senate hearings. She could roast Trump in a debate. Trump would be a fool to debate her. But I repeat myself.
I've noticed that a lot of politicians can seem impressive in Senate hearings when they are the ones who are critiquing ideas and finding fault in others and have a list of prepared questions and comebacks. That's not particularly difficult. Its a lot harder to be on the other end (in a debate, for example) where you have to defend your own record and ideas (with their inevitable weaknesses and flaws) without stumbling or making a fool of yourself. We saw KH in debates when she was running for POTUS, and it was not very impressive. She had to drop out before even the Iowa caucus.
True to a point. In a senate hearing the senator’s prepared questions still need to be on firm ground and the witness is often a subject matter expert.

Congressional hearings are different from debates in that Senate and House rules give enormous control to the ones asking the questions. Quite often, politicians use those hearings to make speeches and score points with their base rather than fulfill legislative aims. So-called debates are compromises between the two major parties that try to structure the debate rules to give their candidates a tactical advantage in dominating the narrative. Joe Biden, hampered by a longstanding speech impediment, a tendency to make gaffes, and age-related memory issues, is at a disadvantage to Donald Trump, who is more used to using mass media to communicate with his supporters and detractors. Like Ronald Reagan, Trump is more of an entertainer, but he is also hampered by a tendency to make gaffes and also has memory issues.

The worst problem for any Democratic politician who debates Trump is that he is a master of the Gish gallop. That is, he spouts a torrent of lies, inaccuracies, personal attacks, and half-truths, peppering his opponent with an overwhelming number of claims that cannot possibly be countered effectively in the time allotted to his opponent. It is possible for a politician to win a debate with a Gish galloper, but I think that it is a rare skill. The better strategy is to avoid stepping into that quagmire. Kamala Harris might stand a better chance than Biden did. Most politicians seem to react to Trump by getting down in the gutter with him and trading insults. That is a losing strategy. Harris has an intelligent mind, a good sense of humor and can be quick on her feet in an exchange with opponents, but she would need to avoid trading insults with the man. He is better at that game. Laughing at him would be more effective, and she does have a good laugh. People make fun of it, so it is becoming a trademark for her. Making jokes of his behavior and the content of his most outrageous claims might be effective. Biden just isn't able to do that.
There’s no point in rebutting Trump’s lies, or responding to moderator questions.
All that can be done in a debate against Trump is to tell the truth about him, his crimes, lies and malevolence, and keep repeating ad nauseum.
Kamala Harris can beat Trump if Senator Harris steps forward, not presidential candidate Harris. I always found her very impressive in Senate hearings. She could roast Trump in a debate. Trump would be a fool to debate her. But I repeat myself.
I think Trump would be more than happy to debate her. She's a woman, and a woman of color to boot. He sees her as inferior, and his ego wouldn't let him pass up the chance to belittle her. Which is what he'd do. He would treat her like he treated Hillary. Would he win that contest? Probably not. Would she win the election?

I have concerns. There's a reason she's VP and not POTUS. She was out of the primary before Iowa, and hasn't shown since taking office that the party really screwed up by not selecting her as the candidate. The only other candidate from the 2020 race that's in the administration is Buttigieg at Transportation Secretary, and from what I've seen, he would be the better choice than Harris. Whenever he appears on a cable news show he's even-keeled, well prepared, and when it's a hostile network like Fox he wipes the floor with everyone who tries a "gotcha" question.

I agree with you that Buttigieg would make a splendid president, but I see him as far less electable than Kamala Harris. The voting public has a problem with electing female presidents, but I think they are ready to overcome that mental barrier. I don't think that they are yet ready for an openly gay president in a same-sex marriage.
There’s no point in rebutting Trump’s lies, or responding to moderator questions.
All that can be done in a debate against Trump is to tell the truth about him, his crimes, lies and malevolence, and keep repeating ad nauseum.

The problem is that the public has seen all of this for years. They have seen his lies, pettiness, and nastiness exposed over and over, but he still has half the country ready to vote him back into office. His opponent needs to be someone who the public genuinely likes. Trump has charisma for a lot of people. Joe Biden has lost much of the little charisma that he had in the past. Kamala Harris can be entertaining at times, but Democrats don't really have another charismatic speechmaker like Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton certainly never had that kind of charisma.
Pretty good Lincoln Project vid:

Many will go on thinking "can't happen in America" and that's a problem to figure out if it can be -- how to help them understand this is real.

Pretty much what I would expect him to do. Or at least try.

The problem with ads like this is that aren’t going anywhere. How do you telegraph this to the American public? I really don’t think the democrats Have gone negative enough and really have a mass communications problem. It’s hard these days with the death of regular tv. Really, who watches boring old tv when you can find it on some streaming service without or with minimal ads.
Musical interlude based on today's headlines:

Biden email says "Come Together"​

Vote me
Vote me
Vote me
Vote me

Here come Dark Brandon
He come groovin up slowly
He got speech impairment
He still gives the speeches
He got email down to his Dems
Got to be the candidate for you and for them

Vote me
Vote me
Vote me
Vote me

He wear no spray tan
He got normal sized hands
He got normal finger
He shoot - we don't say it
He say "I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come together, right now
Vote for me

Vote me
Vote me
Vote me

He bag production
He hate party elites
He got general election
He don't call them Crackers
He got peeps down his email tree
Hold you all accountable you feel his angry

Come together, right now
Vote for me

Vote me
Come, come, come, come, come

This roller coaster
He got early warnin'
He clear muddy water
He one MOJO filter
He say "I fixed our economy"
Got to be our Prez 'cause Trump is such a dummy

Come together
Right now
Vote for me

Vote me
Vote me
Vote me

Come together, yeah
(Repeat and Vote 🗳)

Soundtrack for story:

If the Democrats force out a proven effective leader in Biden because of stupid and ageist concerns from one debate performance, they will kiss my vote good bye. I suspect they will insure a Trump victory if that SOB is still alive.
I'm pretty sure that in order to whisper in someone's ear, you have to be in the same room as them.
The image is not to be taken literally. But the Left is having a lot of influence on Biden - starting with the $3.5T Spendapalooza which is just a slightly downsized version of the spending plan Bernie Sandersman the White proposed.
? If this is your criteria, I'd run from Trump. Trump borrowed twice as much as Biden did:

Pretty good Lincoln Project vid:

Many will go on thinking "can't happen in America" and that's a problem to figure out if it can be -- how to help them understand this is real.

That was hilarious. The government is going to monitor women's periods :ROFLMAO:
Pretty good Lincoln Project vid:

Many will go on thinking "can't happen in America" and that's a problem to figure out if it can be -- how to help them understand this is real.

Yeah, I would need a lot of help to understand that this is anything but election year fearmongering designed to whip up votes for the Democratic candidate. Whoever wins, half the country will still be extremely opposed to anything like this scenario, but the video wasn't making any attempt to be realistic. It was just going along with the idea that Trump's delusional fantasies could be carried out easily through presidential decrees without interference from Congress or the Supreme Court. It's easy to scare half the country into voting against Trump, but Democrats need to have a better strategy than just being not Donald Trump.

It is going to be very hard for them to dislodge a defiant Joe Biden, and he continues to behave as if the groundswell of opposition to him in his own party is some kind of elitist conspiracy that will melt away. I listened to his extended call into Morning Joe this morning, and it sounded much the same, if not worse, than the interview with Stephanopoulos. He is doing nothing to restore confidence in his campaign, and every stumble he takes just worsens the meltdown in support for him. Those who are trying to prop him up are doing the party no favors. It looks inevitable that he will either find a way to drop out gracefully, or he will put himself ahead of his party and his country. The problems he is experiencing are not going to simply fade away, but he is acting as if they will. All he has to do is keep reminding people of what a great job he did in the past and how bad Donald Trump is for the country while maintaining that he is as fit as ever for a second term. Meanwhile, he still struggles to express all of that in reasonably coherent English and refuses to consider any cognitive exam in which the results might help to calm people down. He clearly feels that the results would be what people fear. He should at least have the presence of mind to offer to take any such exam that Donald Trump will.
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Pretty good Lincoln Project vid:

Many will go on thinking "can't happen in America" and that's a problem to figure out if it can be -- how to help them understand this is real.

That was hilarious. The government is going to monitor women's periods :ROFLMAO:

Yes, amusing. Just like statehouses in Louisiana, Missouri, and at least 4 other states with proposed laws that make define abortion as homicide and would lead to murder charges against women who got one. Just like states where investigating miscarriages is now a police function.
That was hilarious. The government is going to monitor women's periods :ROFLMAO:
Only if the people you support get their way.

Funny all the stuff you learn about Republicunts when you aren't solely dependent on the Daily Fail.
Yes, amusing. Just like statehouses in Louisiana, Missouri, and at least 4 other states with proposed laws that make define abortion as homicide and would lead to murder charges against women who got one. Just like states where investigating miscarriages is now a police function.

Trump is not president right now, this is happening under Brandon's watch.

The video is just silly.
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