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Another Fucking Mass Shooting At US School

The source I posted uses more than two or three people shot.
73 people shot by white people is hardly two or three.
No, no. For eaching shooting event. If more than two or three people shot, it's a mass shooting.
You still can't reveal where the source data is for that crap you posted.
If you go to the home page of that site, you can get the link to each story and picture of the perp.
Which roughly fits the the demographics of each group
Well, . . .

Huh? Nothing about the price of tea in China?
I don't live in London, and didn't know that was what we were talking about.
I'm more interested in how the US came to be a rat's nest of cowardly weenies holed up in their shitty houses with AR15s and thousands of rounds of ammunition because they are terrified of "others".

I'm done here, until the next right wing terrorist attack.
I'm more interested in how the US came to be a rat's nest of cowardly weenies holed up in their shitty houses with AR15s and thousands of rounds of ammunition because they are terrified of "others".
Ah, and there it is. Who cares about all the young black men killing each other in Chicago? There's some white guy in the 'burbs with guns locked in his safe. That's the real problem. Derp.
That's the real problem. Derp.
Indeed. He's a cowardly weenie, not a real man. He should be out shooting up buses or sumtin.
Children ages 6 and 9 shot getting off DC bus
This monomaniacal obsession leftists like Elixir and β have with AR15s would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
That's the real problem. Derp.
Indeed. He's a cowardly weenie, not a real man. He should be out shooting up buses or sumtin.
Children ages 6 and 9 shot getting off DC bus
This monomaniacal obsession leftists like Elixir and β have with AR15s would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
What's sad is when people excuse private ownership of AR15's and similar semi-automatic weapons because those aren't the only ones which are used to shoot people. We obviously have a serious problem with easy access to guns in the US. Dancing around the issue pointing fingers isn't helping.
This monomaniacal obsession leftists like Elixir and β have with AR15s would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
To distinguish them from a 22 is not so monomaniacal as conflating them is ignorant- or dishonest.
Ah, and there it is. Who cares about all the young black men killing each other in Chicago? There's some white guy in the 'burbs with guns locked in his safe. That's the real problem. Derp.
I am so sick of this rathole of bad faith.

The black community, and particularly the black community IN CHICAGO have been pounding for decades for better gun control. And the stupid white gun-loving yahoos have been preventing them from getting any relief, and then they smugly blame them for the problem that the white guys in the burbs are keeping going.

You wanna ask about that?? You WANNA??
Let’s talk about that black on black crime, shall we?

The guns that criminals in places like chicago are carrying have very specific reasons why they get there. And that issue (that you claim without evidence no one is talking about, even though these communities have been TRYING for DECADES to get your attention!) is absolutely the fault of people who have been denying those communities the capability of stopping the flow of illegal guns.

They have asked for:
- stronger sentences against anyone caught carrying a gun (so the price for carrying one around is too high to risk doing it)
- complete and annual audits of the inventories of gun stores (so they can’t funnel thousands to a street dealer’s trunk)
- registration of gun owners (so no one person can buy 600 guns in a summer and sell them on the streets)
- elimination of no-paper-trail trade show sales (so no one can easily and frequently sell to unlicensed people)
- requirement of background checks (so criminals can’t get them without implicating the seller)

And the fucking white hillbilly and suburban yahoos that fight tooth and nail against these laws make sure that the fresh stream of guns and the ease of getting away with being found with one continues despite the wishes of the community on whom they are used.

STOP THE GUNS. But you assholes won’t, and you’ll turn around and blame the community for your fucking choices.


6 Gun Shops, 11,000 ‘Crime Guns’: A Rare Peek at the Pipeline​

In Philadelphia, the most comprehensive study in decades found a handful of dealers selling a huge number of guns used illegally. A House panel is uncovering similar patterns elsewhere.

Why? Because they are supported by gun-fetishist assholes who point at ”black on black crime” with one smug finger while crumpling up attempts to stop them on the other.

6 stores sold 11,000 gund that were recovered in Philly crimes. How many more did they sell to illegal owners that weren’t recovered? Ya think that MAYBE you could do something about gun deaths if you lifted a fucking finger to keep eleven thousand guns out of a city??

How did they get away with funneling death into a city for money? Because gun-loving blowhards kept screaming “Mah Rahts!!! to Fox news and prevented legislation that would audit and catch those dealers.

STOP THE GUNS. They flow like a river into illegal hands and you fucking yahoos won’t lift a bigoted finger to help the cries of grieving mothers. Cold fucking bastards. If you gave one soft shit about “black on black crime” you’d listen to the cries of those mothers and support laws to stop the flow of guns.
Which roughly fits the the demographics of each group
Well, . . .

Huh? Nothing about the price of tea in China?
I don't live in London, and didn't know that was what we were talking about.
I'm more interested in how the US came to be a rat's nest of cowardly weenies holed up in their shitty houses with AR15s and thousands of rounds of ammunition because they are terrified of "others".

I'm done here, until the next right wing terrorist attack.
Which might be soon
We are never going to fix the problem if we refuse to acknowledge our history. I see it as reaping what we sowed.
It was the redlining wut done it.

and Chicago is not really any worse, per capita, than a lot of small cites and towns that don't keep such accurate statistics. I once lived in such places.
In case there’s a paywall above:

The report’s conclusions confirm what law enforcement officials have long known. A small percentage of gun stores — 1.2 percent of the state’s licensed dealers, according to Brady — accounted for 57 percent of firearms that ended up in the hands of criminals through illegal resale or direct purchases by “straw” buyers who turned them over to people barred from owning guns.

That finding was in line with a new batch of tracing data obtained by the House Oversight and Reform Committee, which also found that a small number of retailers in Georgia, Indiana, Florida and Michigan were responsible for a high proportion of so-called crime guns traced by law enforcement, according to a letter the committee sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on Thursday.

“There is a wide spectrum of behavior we’re dealing with when it comes to these stores,” T. Christian Heyne, Brady’s vice president for policy, said in an interview. “Some of them need support, some need more scrutiny, and some of them just need to be shut down.”

The vast majority of dealers, Mr. Heyne added, “sell guns safely and often exceed the letter of the law.” The purpose of releasing the report, he said, was to pressure federal, state and local officials to focus on countering “the bad actions of a few.”
A.T.F. officials have long argued against making any inferences from crime-gun data in isolation without knowing the percentage of a store’s overall guns that end up in the wrong hands. But that information, along with many other details about individual store operations, is not made public.

Because the “Mah Rahts!” Crowd thinks that keeping the information private is good for society. 11,000 illegal guns in one city alone over just a 6 year period. 11,000 that were recovered.

Twenty years ago, the gun lobby pushed an amendment through Congress preventing the A.T.F. from distributing trace data beyond law enforcement agencies. That means even basic numbers are hard to come by. When Ms. Maloney’s staff requested granular information about dealers with high numbers of crime gun sales, the A.T.F. refused to identify retailers by name — giving each an anonymized numeric label.

Yah, we know who is to blame. The gun lobby and all of it’s enablers. We see you.
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More NYT
The House oversight committee asked the A.T.F. in 2019 for data on gun shops that had received warnings or recommendations that their licenses be pulled, including the name and location of the dealer, the violations identified, the recommendations by the inspector and what steps the bureau took after the inspection.

The A.T.F. has not yet provided that information, which the committee says it needs to complete its investigation, now two and a half years old, into the role that gun dealers play in the epidemic of gun crime.

Two gun shops in Georgia and Indiana — identified as “GA01” and “IN02” — presented an especially troubling picture: On average, about 10 percent of their monthly guns sold were used in crimes. GA01 sold more than 6,000 crime guns from 2014 to 2019, accounting for more than half of Georgia’s reported guns later recovered at crime scenes. About 7 percent of the monthly guns sold at a Michigan store identified as “MI01” were crime guns, according to the analysis by Ms. Maloney’s committee.

Over the past decade, more than 1,000 crime guns have been traced to Firing Line Inc., a gun store in South Philadelphia that federal inspectors have cited for failing to stop straw purchases, losing track of weapons, refusing to run timely background checks and a lack of reporting on suspicious buyers.

In 2017, after several warnings, A.T.F. officials concluded that the owner “failed to maintain accurate information,” but they allowed the shop to remain in business, in part, because inspectors must prove intent to shutter a licensed dealer.

You should NOT need intent. If you’re bad at selling guns legally, you should not be allowed to keep selling guns.

Since then, 399 new crime guns have been traced to the location, according to Brady.
To distinguish them from a 22 is not so monomaniacal as conflating them is ignorant- or dishonest.
Try 9mm. Most popular caliber for your Princes of Brooklyn Center and other real men (not "coward weenies" at all!) worthy of being honored. Like this guy.


What's sad is when people excuse private ownership of AR15's and similar semi-automatic weapons because those aren't the only ones which are used to shoot people.
Not just "not the only ones", but that they constitute a tiny fraction of "[guns] which are used to shoot people". And even in the cases where AR15s and the like were used, weapons not subject to any "assault weapons ban" could be easily substituted.
We obviously have a serious problem with easy access to guns in the US. Dancing around the issue pointing fingers isn't helping.
Agreed. And this monomaniacal obsession with "cowardly weenies" with AR15s is counterproductive. How about locking up gun criminals? Kenyatta Lee Oglesby plead guilty to gun crimes. So why the fuck did the judge release him until sentencing so he could shoot up his girlfriend's family and kill a 3 year old? Why was not Chris Copeland not locked up for his parole violation? Instead he was free to rob a convenience store and execute the clerk.
Kind of pointless talking about new gun laws when those who violate present ones are treated with kid gloves. Or even praised as "princes" or honored with decals on NFL helmets.
What's sad is when people excuse private ownership of AR15's and similar semi-automatic weapons because those aren't the only ones which are used to shoot people.
Not just "not the only ones", but that they constitute a tiny fraction of "[guns] which are used to shoot people". And even in the cases where AR15s and the like were used, weapons not subject to any "assault weapons ban" could be easily substituted.
We obviously have a serious problem with easy access to guns in the US. Dancing around the issue pointing fingers isn't helping.
Agreed. And this monomaniacal obsession with "cowardly weenies" with AR15s is counterproductive. How about locking up gun criminals? Kenyatta Lee Oglesby plead guilty to gun crimes. So why the fuck did the judge release him until sentencing so he could shoot up his girlfriend's family and kill a 3 year old? Why was not Chris Copeland not locked up for his parole violation? Instead he was free to rob a convenience store and execute the clerk.
Kind of pointless talking about new gun laws when those who violate present ones are treated with kid gloves. Or even praised as "princes" or honored with decals on NFL helmets.
Those crimes would not have been committed without easy access to firearms.
We obviously have a serious problem with easy access to guns in the US. Dancing around the issue pointing fingers isn't helping.
Agreed. And this monomaniacal obsession with "cowardly weenies" with AR15s is counterproductive. How about locking up gun criminals? Kenyatta Lee Oglesby plead guilty to gun crimes. So why the fuck did the judge release him until sentencing so he could shoot up his girlfriend's family and kill a 3 year old? Why was not Chris Copeland not locked up for his parole violation? Instead he was free to rob a convenience store and execute the clerk.
Kind of pointless talking about new gun laws when those who violate present ones are treated with kid gloves. Or even praised as "princes" or honored with decals on NFL helmets.
This will probably be only time I will agree with Derec on this issue. It is correct that there is no point introducing new gun laws if the existing ones are not enforced.

So Derec, IF (a big if I know) the existing gun laws are enforced will you please stop bleating about guns being confiscated?

And why your obsession with AR-15s or derivatives? Most of your posts seem have you shoe-horning in the word AR-15.
What's sad is when people excuse private ownership of AR15's and similar semi-automatic weapons because those aren't the only ones which are used to shoot people.
Not just "not the only ones", but that they constitute a tiny fraction of "[guns] which are used to shoot people". And even in the cases where AR15s and the like were used, weapons not subject to any "assault weapons ban" could be easily substituted.
We obviously have a serious problem with easy access to guns in the US. Dancing around the issue pointing fingers isn't helping.
Agreed. And this monomaniacal obsession with "cowardly weenies" with AR15s is counterproductive. How about locking up gun criminals? Kenyatta Lee Oglesby plead guilty to gun crimes. So why the fuck did the judge release him until sentencing so he could shoot up his girlfriend's family and kill a 3 year old? Why was not Chris Copeland not locked up for his parole violation? Instead he was free to rob a convenience store and execute the clerk.
Kind of pointless talking about new gun laws when those who violate present ones are treated with kid gloves. Or even praised as "princes" or honored with decals on NFL helmets.
Those crimes would not have been committed without easy access to firearms.
That might be a long bow. It seems this bastard would have attacked those people regardless of whether he had a gun. But the gun allowed more carnage.
Why was he released by that stupid magistrate? Don't you Yanks have recall elections for judges? I can think of at least 1 judge who is begging for a recall.
What's sad is when people excuse private ownership of AR15's and similar semi-automatic weapons because those aren't the only ones which are used to shoot people.
Not just "not the only ones", but that they constitute a tiny fraction of "[guns] which are used to shoot people". And even in the cases where AR15s and the like were used, weapons not subject to any "assault weapons ban" could be easily substituted.
We obviously have a serious problem with easy access to guns in the US. Dancing around the issue pointing fingers isn't helping.
Agreed. And this monomaniacal obsession with "cowardly weenies" with AR15s is counterproductive. How about locking up gun criminals? Kenyatta Lee Oglesby plead guilty to gun crimes. So why the fuck did the judge release him until sentencing so he could shoot up his girlfriend's family and kill a 3 year old? Why was not Chris Copeland not locked up for his parole violation? Instead he was free to rob a convenience store and execute the clerk.
Kind of pointless talking about new gun laws when those who violate present ones are treated with kid gloves. Or even praised as "princes" or honored with decals on NFL helmets.
Those crimes would not have been committed without easy access to firearms.
That might be a long bow. It seems this bastard would have attacked those people regardless of whether he had a gun. But the gun allowed more carnage.
Why was he released by that stupid magistrate? Don't you Yanks have recall elections for judges? I can think of at least 1 judge who is begging for a recall.
Long bows are less common and require more skill, I think. Compound bows are used for hunting some game and those are fairly powerful. There are bow hunting seasons for deer and perhaps bear in some places.

Jails and prisons are crowded in the US where we lock people up over a lot of minor stuff, including possession of small amounts of pot. I'm sure there will be political blow back over this but that doesn't help those who got killed much.
Illinois bans semi-auto firearms. Gov sez it will save “hundreds of lives”. Current owners are required to register their guns within a year, and are responsible for any crime committed therewith.
Let‘s see.
Will gun deaths go down in Illinois?
If it only saves ONE life, is it worth it?
How about ten lives?
If no, then how many?

Have Illinois residents lost their freedumb?
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