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To Give You a Size of the Immense and Growing Size of Illegal Immigration

How is that malevolence?
how is that contradictory?
Reduce births globally and move people around to cover shortfalls.
Very rational.

I didn't understand the point to repo's post either. Neither statement is even incorrect, much less malicious.
Unless you're starting with the tacit assumption that white European people matter more than other people.
It isn't a question of who is worth more but the issue of private property, individual rights, and liberty. And in that context, the Europeans ARE worth more because THEY were the ones who produced their society and infrastructure they now enjoy. It is THEIR offspring who should enjoy those liberties despite what is convenient for the global elite.
?? Not to brag, but this non-European hasn't done too shabby! Started a company from scratch that today employs 26 people. And we're still growing.
All the more reason why how would and should expect your own descendants to enjoy what your have produced.
How is that malevolence?
how is that contradictory?
Reduce births globally and move people around to cover shortfalls.
Very rational.

I didn't understand the point to repo's post either. Neither statement is even incorrect, much less malicious.
Unless you're starting with the tacit assumption that white European people matter more than other people.
It isn't a question of who is worth more but the issue of private property, individual rights, and liberty. And in that context, the Europeans ARE worth more because THEY were the ones who produced their society and infrastructure they now enjoy. It is THEIR offspring who should enjoy those liberties despite what is convenient for the global elite.
?? Not to brag, but this non-European hasn't done too shabby! Started a company from scratch that today employs 26 people. And we're still growing.

Not to mention all the non-European others who helped build infrastructure, including ones who were forced into it...
You guys are searching for racism so much you can not see the end of your nose.

Leave out the US for a moment. Do you think it is fair for Sweden to be over run by immigrants who had nothing to do with their culture or country? How about Japan? Would it be fair for Chinese or Phillipino's to come and invade their island with immigrants? I guess you would not technically call it an invasion if the Japanese were stupid enough to leave their shores open (like the US is). But it is exactly the same difference.
It isn't a question of who is worth more but the issue of private property, individual rights, and liberty. And in that context, the Europeans ARE worth more because THEY were the ones who produced their society and infrastructure they now enjoy. It is THEIR offspring who should enjoy those liberties despite what is convenient for the global elite.
?? Not to brag, but this non-European hasn't done too shabby! Started a company from scratch that today employs 26 people. And we're still growing.
All the more reason why how would and should expect your own descendants to enjoy what your have produced.
Does this include all the migrant workers that did a whole lot of labor for bare low prices in the US? My Grandfather was a manager for Firestone, my Dad worked computer support... why does that buy me more right to the future than the children of migrants who contributed to the American standard of living.
How is that malevolence?
how is that contradictory?
Reduce births globally and move people around to cover shortfalls.
Very rational.

I didn't understand the point to repo's post either. Neither statement is even incorrect, much less malicious.
Unless you're starting with the tacit assumption that white European people matter more than other people.
It isn't a question of who is worth more but the issue of private property, individual rights, and liberty. And in that context, the Europeans ARE worth more because THEY were the ones who produced their society and infrastructure they now enjoy. It is THEIR offspring who should enjoy those liberties despite what is convenient for the global elite.
?? Not to brag, but this non-European hasn't done too shabby! Started a company from scratch that today employs 26 people. And we're still growing.

Not to mention all the non-European others who helped build infrastructure, including ones who were forced into it...
You guys are searching for racism so much you can not see the end of your nose.
You are arguing for economic inertia. Permanent classes. That doesn't have to be racism to be a bad idea.
Leave out the US for a moment. Do you think it is fair for Sweden to be over run by immigrants who had nothing to do with their culture or country? How about Japan? Would it be fair for Chinese or Phillipino's to come and invade their island with immigrants? I guess you would not technically call it an invasion if the Japanese were stupid enough to leave their shores open (like the US is). But it is exactly the same difference.
Inertia! Inertia! Inertia! An odd argument to make in a web board dedicated to atheism. Should we be strung up for being heretics? Or are you only for inertial things that you aren't against?

Leave out the US for a moment.
why would you leave out the US? Isn’t a bunch of migrants from different cultures and speaking different languages coming to American en masse how this country’s population was created?

But I guess to be fair there were always a lot of people who voiced concern with immigrants coming, be they Italians, Dutch, Jews, or whatnot, even though they themselves were descendants of immigrants.
Leave out the US for a moment.
why would you leave out the US? Isn’t a bunch of migrants from different cultures and speaking different languages coming to American en masse how this country’s population was created?

You're not following. He wants us to embrace the European cultural heritage tradition. You know, like socialism. High Taxes. Long vacations. Universal Healthcare. Low CEO pay. Like Sweden and Japan have.
I guess this is the appropriate thread for this story, but here is a normal sane MAGAtard having a normal sane reaction about the border;

In the 14-minute YouTube video, which has since been taken down, Mohn referred to himself as a militia leader, called his father a traitor for working for the federal government for 20 years, mentioned President Joe Biden and criticized a number of groups including the Black Lives Matter movement and the LGBTQ community.

The video also has the cunt saying he only decapitated his father because he was aiding and abetting the Biden regime in keeping open borders. Or boarders as MAGAtards like to call it.
This person almost certainly was suffering from serious mental illness problems. Calling a person suffering from severe mental illness a MAGAtard (as silly as that is in the first place) really has no place in civil discussion.
This person almost certainly was suffering from serious mental illness problems. Calling a person suffering from severe mental illness a MAGAtard (as silly as that is in the first place) really has no place in civil discussion.
So the MAGA movement appeals to the mentally ill?

I knew it. I knew it all along.
The only hope Russia has of exiting this embarrassment of a war with a shred of dignity is for the US to stop sending outdated left-over weaponry to Ukraine.
Sorry, had to be said. Ukraine has been holding up against Russia's paper military using drones bought off of Amazon, molatov cocktails, angry farmwives, and US leftovers. I think any chance Russia had of retaining dignity is a couple of years gone at this point.

We've known Russia was lying about their military capabilities for several decades now. We just didn't realize exactly HOW BADLY they've been lying. Sheesh. Their brand new battle tanks taken out by Bradleys. They ought to be ashamed, but I'm not sure Putin has that emotion.
Yeah, ghost of Kiev and such.
Ghost of Kiev, annexation of Ukraine... today on myths of the Slavics.
:( :unsure: I can't figure out if you're saying Russia didn't invade Ukraine? Or if the invasion was imperialistic in nature? Or something else. I honestly don't know how to parse that.
This person almost certainly was suffering from serious mental illness problems. Calling a person suffering from severe mental illness a MAGAtard (as silly as that is in the first place) really has no place in civil discussion.
Beheading a public servant, shooting up a pizza store, breaking into Pelosi's house with a hammer, mailing pipe bombs... Sure you could argue that is mental illness. I would say more importantly it's a pattern involving MAGAtards. And this pattern has a distinct and measurable degree of escalation after each act.
This person almost certainly was suffering from serious mental illness problems. Calling a person suffering from severe mental illness a MAGAtard (as silly as that is in the first place) really has no place in civil discussion.
Beheading a public servant, shooting up a pizza store, breaking into Pelosi's house with a hammer, mailing pipe bombs... Sure you could argue that is mental illness. I would say more importantly it's a pattern involving MAGAtards. And this pattern has a distinct and measurable degree of escalation after each act.

You can find crazy people of every description. Especially here in the USA.

But Teapartiers like Trump do more to incite them to violence and antisocial behavior than their Democrat counterparts. This guy was crazy. That probably didn't happen overnight. But he posted a big video about it, specifically explaining it as a political act. Pretending that Trump&Co were innocent bystanders is ludicrous. ~
So far, based on what I've read and heard on the news, the killer who decapitated his father's head had no history of mental illness, but he was a MAGA extremist. He might have been mentally ill, but I'm tired of seeing the mentally ill being blamed for these outrageous violent crimes. The majority of mentally ill people aren't violent. I guess sometimes people suddenly lost it, but what influences cause their behavior to become extreme?

There have been numerous instances of otherwise sane people getting caught up in the MAGA cult and committing acts of violence. That includes most of the people who were among those arrested for their crimes on Jan 6th, 2021. A lot of information is coming out about the latest MAGA inspired criminal. He ranted against minorities, wrote some books about survivalism, insisted that all federal employees should be killed, and spent an awful lot of time on social media. Then he posts his crime on social media. This type of thing seems to becoming more common as well. Why?

He might have been mentally ill, or he might have been one more easily manipulated cult member. I'm sure you all know that cult members will do things they never would do prior to their cult indoctrination. Most of us are old enough to remember where the phrase, "They drank the Kool Aide came from". It could simply be that some of these violent MAGAites drank way too much Kool Aide.

Our country is in an extremely sad state of affairs. Actually, the world is in a sad state of affairs.........I've lived through periods of extreme division, but nothing like what we're experiencing now. We'd probably have to go back to the Civil War to see so much hatred, racism and division over politics.

I'm not worried about immigrants. I've known some undocumented ones and they were very kind, hard working people. The last one I knew was a cook in a Mexican restaurant who rode a bike to work, had very little and never complained. Yeah. People like him are the scary ones/s. I'm far more worried about the people who have been born here and who have become MAGA extremists, as well as young men who have lost their direction and are easy targets for gang indoctrination. The vast majority of immigrants aren't criminals. They take jobs that most Americans can't and/or won't do. They care for the frail in nursing homes, where there is currently a dire need for help, make sure farmers have enough help, work in meat packing plants, start up small businesses, and some of them are well educated professionals. This regardless if they came here legally or slipped through the fence out of desperation.

Sadly, there is a lot of disinformation out there that makes people react with negative emotions instead of acting rationally. And, then we have Trump telling his kiss ass Congress members not to pass an immigration bill because it will make Biden look better so they listen to him. This country is fucked! The Republicans haven't passed shit. They are totally dysfunctional and they don't give a shit about anyone, but themselves. I just most people vote blue no matter who this fall or we're screwed. The Dems are far from perfect, but at least they aren't trying to destroy the country.
I can't figure out if you're saying Russia didn't invade Ukraine? Or if the invasion was imperialistic in nature? Or something else. I honestly don't know how to parse that.
I am saying you need to ease up on nazi propaganda.
You talk in riddles. Are you trying to say that invading another country isn't imperialistic?
Leave out the US for a moment.
why would you leave out the US? Isn’t a bunch of migrants from different cultures and speaking different languages coming to American en masse how this country’s population was created?

You're not following. He wants us to embrace the European cultural heritage tradition. You know, like socialism. High Taxes. Long vacations. Universal Healthcare. Low CEO pay. Like Sweden and Japan have.
Ah, yes. That most European of nations, Japan.
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