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Pluto flyover by New Horizons

Wel, that would depend on what your qualifications were and why you were hired, wouldn't it?

I didn't start at my company at the lower rungs. I had experience they wanted for a job that was some distance above entry level. Not everyone being hired at NASA would be 'lower rungs,' some will have experience, training or other qualifications for higher positions. Positions that would require their complicity.

If you took the post despite those restrictions, and subsequently 'made waves' within it - ie became a whistle-blower - you'd be sacked and never be employed in the same field ever again
Many people have changed fields in their careers. It's especially easy to do right after your face has been plastered across magazine covers for drawing attention such as proving the moon landing was faked, or evolution is a conspiracy, or any other big whistle-blowing event. The post-career talk show circuit and memoir markets are very attractive to some people.

That's before we talk about the fact that tens of thousands of the people that must be involved in a conspiracy of such a scale have retired, or are on the verge of retiring - even if a change of career was somehow not an option, ever, to anyobody, there are still a ton of people for whom the threat of never being employed again in the same field isn't a big deal.
That's before we talk about the fact that tens of thousands of the people that must be involved in a conspiracy of such a scale have retired, or are on the verge of retiring - even if a change of career was somehow not an option, ever, to anyobody, there are still a ton of people for whom the threat of never being employed again in the same field isn't a big deal.
....who have to look their grandkids in the eye and say, "Yes, Tommy, the Mars lander IS exciting. And maybe one day YOU'LL grow up and create a lander for Io!"
So, Cerberus, if your theory is that NASA defrauds the US government to the tune of its budget by means of keeping their almost complete lack of real results secret, how do you explain the spectacular failure of all the dreaded three-letter organizations, FBI, NSA etc. to infiltrate them and uncover the fraud in question?
So, Cerberus, if your theory is that NASA defrauds the US government to the tune of its budget by means of keeping their almost complete lack of real results secret, how do you explain the spectacular failure of all the dreaded three-letter organizations, FBI, NSA etc. to infiltrate them and uncover the fraud in question?
The FBI don't do anything. It's just an organisation of thousands of people who pretend to investigate crimes, arrest people, etc. They hire people on the pretence of training them to be FBI agents, investigators, etc. but once they reach a certain level they are told that they won't actually be doing the job they wanted to do, but will spend their days pretending to do the job people think the FBI do. Instead they will actually be writing fake investigation reports, concocting fake evidence of crimes, releasing hoaxed details about hoaxed crimes to the mainstream press, etc. If any new hirees dare to speak out then their will be threatened that they will never work in "law enforcement" again so no-one dares speak out. It's all just a scam to make the US government hand over huge budgets of money never spent on the things it's meant to so thousands of people can have easy jobs doing nothing difficult but hoaxing all the crimes and investigation and shit the FBI supposedly does.

It's at least as plausible or dumb as Cerberus's harebrained proposals in this thread and I've provided the same amount of provable and tangible evidence as he has too!
I find it more believable that Congress fakes everything it does (or doesn't do, more like)...

Maybe the entire government is one giant jobs program, where people take money to pretend to do work and nothing happens. That any occasional 'conspiracy' is detected is just part of the larger conspiracy, because no one would believe that they wouldn't have some failures to be revealed.
I don't think any of these conspiracy theorists actually believe their claims. The whole notion that there are actually conspiracy theorists is just one big conspiracy.
I suppose the people creating a conspiracy theorist conspiracy would be the subject matter experts at detecting theoretical conspiracies. So maybe their unsupported accusations are credible, they just can't reveal HOW they detect the conspiracy, because it would reveal details of their conspiracy. Too many 'because that's how WE do it' would give the game away pretty quickly.
I suppose the people creating a conspiracy theorist conspiracy would be the subject matter experts at detecting theoretical conspiracies. So maybe their unsupported accusations are credible, they just can't reveal HOW they detect the conspiracy, because it would reveal details of their conspiracy. Too many 'because that's how WE do it' would give the game away pretty quickly.

That's just what they want you to think.
I've just noticed that one of the forums is Pseudo Science - this topic should be on it! Or perhaps it should be changed to Pseudo Scientists?
I've just noticed that one of the forums is Pseudo Science - this topic should be on it! Or perhaps it should be changed to Pseudo Scientists?
Where's your real and tangible evidence that all the pictures from space probes beyond them,on are CGI?

Where's your real and provable evidence that they are all faked to provide jobs for NASA scientists and that anyone who is hired and gets promoted to the level that they learn about this huge decades old hoax involving thousands of people and multiple space agencies from several countries goes along with the hoax for fear on never working in astronomy again (which apparently they're not doing anyway according to you)?

These are positive claims that you believe and you only believe things with real and provable evidence,so why do you repeatedly refuse to provide said evidence? I think we all know why which is why these posts are repeatedly ignored and if you address this one it will be just to dump out a glib empty response that you thinks make you look clever.
I attribute this sarcasm and hostility to embarrassment: I've forced you to doubt yourselves. That's okay, I can live with that!

"First Alien Auroras Found, Are 1 Million Times Brighter Than Any On Earth"

It'd be so much more impressive if they'd 'found' one which is 2 millions times brighter than any on earth though. Jesus wept, some people will believe anything!
I attribute this sarcasm and hostility to embarrassment: I've forced you to doubt yourselves. That's okay, I can live with that!

"First Alien Auroras Found, Are 1 Million Times Brighter Than Any On Earth"

It'd be so much more impressive if they'd 'found' one which is 2 millions times brighter than any on earth though. Jesus wept, some people will believe anything!
Uh huh.

So where's your real tangible evidence for your claims about dozens of hoaxed space probe missions going on at NASA since the 1960s?

You've built quite the conspiracy involving astronomers, engineers, scientists, etc. bullied into taking part in these hoaxes for fear of never getting employed again in their fields (which according to you they don't work in anyway), that Curiosity, Spirit, Opportunity, Viking 1 and 2, Mars Global Surveyor, MAVEN, MESSENGER, Hayabusa, the Mariner probes,the Pioneer probes, Voyager 1 and 2, Cassini-Huygens, Rosetta, New Horizons, Dawn, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Express, etc. are all fakes and that all the hundreds of thousands of publicly available photos from these missions are CGI, that the science data they have gathered being used by scientists from universities and institutes around the world is fake, that other space agencies apart from NASA from the USSR, Russia, India, Japan, Europe, etc. have also been faking space probes, in many cases collaborating on faking these missions, etc.?

According to you, every single one of those missions is a hoax and every single photo and piece of science data from them has also been hoaxed.

You only believe things that have real tangible evidence for them.

Therefore you have and are aware of real tangible evidence for the existence of these elaborate hoaxes going back over 50 years across multiple countries and multiple government administrations, etc.

You must have quite the mountain of real and tangible evidence.

Where is it? Why do you refuse to provide it?
I attribute this sarcasm and hostility
Asking you to support what you've claimed you have is hostility?
Pointing out your utter failure to provide the tangible evidence you claim you base your every belief on is sarcasm?

That's a really special sort of outlook, Timmy. You've got speculation and nothing else and claim it's equivalent to tons of evidence because you, personally, discount the evidence.
to embarrassment: I've forced you to doubt yourselves.
No doubt expressed except towards your claims.

But, hey, you're clearly more comfortable in fantasy worlds than scientific investigation, so have a blast with your wonder-world fantasy.
I've just noticed that one of the forums is Pseudo Science - this topic should be on it! Or perhaps it should be changed to Pseudo Scientists?

I agree. Your pseudoscientific derails should definitely be split out and relegated to that forum.
I attribute this sarcasm and hostility to embarrassment: I've forced you to doubt yourselves. That's okay, I can live with that!

"First Alien Auroras Found, Are 1 Million Times Brighter Than Any On Earth"

It'd be so much more impressive if they'd 'found' one which is 2 millions times brighter than any on earth though. Jesus wept, some people will believe anything!

This was discovered using Earth based telescopes, and explains observations of radio waves emanating from brown dwarves (failed suns). How does this particular conspiracy fit into your overall conspiracy theory of probes never having left Earth's backyard?
I attribute this sarcasm and hostility to embarrassment: I've forced you to doubt yourselves. That's okay, I can live with that!

"First Alien Auroras Found, Are 1 Million Times Brighter Than Any On Earth"

It'd be so much more impressive if they'd 'found' one which is 2 millions times brighter than any on earth though. Jesus wept, some people will believe anything!

Doubt ourselves? You way overrate your ability!
Cerberus, where's your proven and tangible evidence for the claims you've made about CGI graphics, jobs for the boys, that all NASA (and other space agencies) probes beyond the moon don't actually exist, about the hiring process at NASA, etc.?

Why do you refuse to provide any evidence for any of your many claims after you specifically stated that you only believe things that you have proven and tangible evidence for?

One can't prove a negative - it's up to you to convince me I'm wrong.

You made positive claims. You stated, for example, that CGI graphics were used to fake this mission. Provide your evidence that this occurred. NASA made a positive claim - that they went to Pluto. Their evidence is in the form of armies of eye witnesses and participants in the project, and photographic and telemetric data as evidence as well.

Where is your evidence?

I agree with you that one cannot prove a negative claim, but that logical rule applies only to existence claims. I can prove that I did NOT go to California last week by supplying the evidence that I went to New Jersey last week and stayed at a particular hotel and have credit card receipts at face-to-face point of sale located in New Jersey, sufficiently establishing there was no point in which I could have reached California from New Jersey between transactions.

I cannot prove that California does not exist. All I can do is what you are doing... arbitrarily "nuh-uh" the evidence of the existence of California (everyone that claims to live there or have traveled there is a liar).

That's fine. You can deny the existence of the nose on your face all you want. Mirrors lie all the time, right? Such arguments are dismissed, as are yours about this alleged conspiracy (a positive existence claim), all the time.
So, Cerberus, if your theory is that NASA defrauds the US government to the tune of its budget by means of keeping their almost complete lack of real results secret, how do you explain the spectacular failure of all the dreaded three-letter organizations, FBI, NSA etc. to infiltrate them and uncover the fraud in question?
The FBI don't do anything. It's just an organisation of thousands of people who pretend to investigate crimes, arrest people, etc. They hire people on the pretence of training them to be FBI agents, investigators, etc. but once they reach a certain level they are told that they won't actually be doing the job they wanted to do, but will spend their days pretending to do the job people think the FBI do. Instead they will actually be writing fake investigation reports, concocting fake evidence of crimes, releasing hoaxed details about hoaxed crimes to the mainstream press, etc. If any new hirees dare to speak out then their will be threatened that they will never work in "law enforcement" again so no-one dares speak out. It's all just a scam to make the US government hand over huge budgets of money never spent on the things it's meant to so thousands of people can have easy jobs doing nothing difficult but hoaxing all the crimes and investigation and shit the FBI supposedly does.

It's at least as plausible or dumb as Cerberus's harebrained proposals in this thread and I've provided the same amount of provable and tangible evidence as he has too!

Bullshit. I deny the existence of an organization called the FBI. There is no such thing and any evidence that you attempt to present to me to the contrary is obviously just more cover-up. I know this because I know this.
One can't prove a negative - it's up to you to convince me I'm wrong.

You made positive claims. You stated, for example, that CGI graphics were used to fake this mission. Provide your evidence that this occurred. NASA made a positive claim - that they went to Pluto. Their evidence is in the form of armies of eye witnesses and participants in the project, and photographic and telemetric data as evidence as well.

Ok, I have to side with Cerberus in this one.

No scientist would ever want to build a spacecraft to look at things... that is totally unscientific! In fact, scientists don't like refining their talents and accomplishing feats that their predecessors could only dream of. Not one bit.

It's like everyone here doesn't understand the psychology of rich scientists who have managed to secure billions of dollars in funding. They don't want to accomplish actual engineering marvels- they just want to trick people like Cerberus and live in their multi-million dollar mansions.

Science is not like sports, in which the best players rise to the top by accomplishing various things that they enjoy accomplishing.
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