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Paris: Dozens Killed In Terrorist Attack

What a load of cobblers. Israel doesn't want refugees? Neither does Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Arab Emirates! But does this turkey name them?. No, he he sees an opportunity to attack Israel, just like any good lefty does, then goes for the throat!

Huh? He's neither a lefty nor does he attack Israel. In fact, he's a far out right-wing nut saying that the US should model itself on Israel as regards accepting (Syrian) refugees. He does seem to be quite the anti-Semite, you can tell by the way he insists that the "Liberals" (obviously a very bad word for him) are "mostly Jews, that's just a fact", but that's another story, and that's part of why he thinks his argument is so strong (paraphrased: "look, your, Jewish Liberals, beloved Israel does the same, so obviously we, white Christian America, should be allowed to do so as well").

A load of cobblers alright, but for very different reasons.
WHAT no-go crime zones?? They are a figment of the imagination of the paranoid fearmongers - they don't really exist. ... St Denis is just a suburb, like many others. It has a fairly high proportion of Muslim residents, compared to the rest of France; but it is not a 'Muslim enclave'. :rolleyes:

Apparently they are zones that most folks observe in France, but other folks refuse to acknowledge. You see...

Breaking reports indicate that the male may be Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the 27-year-old ISIS operative believed to be the mastermind of Friday’s mass-murder attacks. The woman is believed to be Abaaoud’s cousin. So why did the jihadists end up in Saint-Denis? Because it is a notorious Islamic enclave, though you wouldn’t know it from the mainstream American media. The terrorists are in Saint-Denis because they know they have the support — or at least the indulgence — of a large, studiously assimilation-resistant Muslim population.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/427302/frances-fifth-column-muslims-resist-assimilation


There’s only one problem: Europe is full of Muslim “no-go” zones, which have been documented, lamented, reported on and openly discussed for years.

In fact, the governments of France and other European nations have identified specific enclaves, where Muslim immigrants have chosen not to assimilate, as areas in which law enforcement has lost some degree of control.

The French government lists on its website 751 Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, that the state does not fully control, notes Middle East foreign policy expert Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum.

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/01/hidalgo.jpg

In 2010, Raphaël Stainville of French newspaper Le Figaro called certain neighborhoods of the southern city Perpignan "veritable lawless zones", saying they had become too dangerous to travel in at night. He added that the same was true in parts of Béziers and Nîmes.[17] In 2012, Gilles Demailly (fr), the mayor of the French city Amiens, in the wake of several riots, called the northern part of his city a lawless zone, where one could no longer order a pizza or call for a doctor.[18] In 2014, French academic and Syria expert Fabrice Balanche labelled the northern city of Roubaix, as well as parts of Marseille, "mini-Islamic states", saying that the authority of the state is completely absent there.[19] American magazines Newsweek[20] and The New Republic[21] have also used the term to describe parts of France. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-go_area

It is as if the French imagine that race is a worry for other nations (the United States, in particular) but not for them. Yet Arab gangs regularly vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and the French continue to shrug their shoulders.http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/27/opinion/27iht-edignatius_ed3__0.html

One of the more interesting personal explorations is in a long and reflective article:

While you may wish to quibble over the meaning of the no-go euphemism (almost all posters love to quibble), there is no doubt that there are zones in France where the immigrant population enclaves have created high crime, ethnic loyalty and resistance, and where police enforcement is lax or rare.

Time to end the denial.
While you may wish to quibble over the meaning of the no-go euphemism (almost all posters love to quibble), there is no doubt that there are zones in France where the immigrant population enclaves have created high crime, ethnic loyalty and resistance, and where police enforcement is lax or rare.
Yes, those are called "ghettos." We have those in America too. That's what your Wikipedia citation was actually referring to, since the citation it gives links to this:

Direction St. Assiscle, a residential area of Perpignan. On July 2, Thierry Katy and her partner were in turn victims of ordinary violence. On his Facebook page, the young 35 year old woman book, weary, his feelings: "It is not joy at the moment with crap lying around in my neighborhood ... I almost lost my eye sight left. Well, that's not too the festival in Perpignan. "When she agrees to talk to us, finally, it explodes. His companion ? Assaulted with brass knuckles and iron bar when he was down to intervene, seeing that two bike kids returning film were about to fall into a trap in the middle of young caillassant cars . They were fifteen to go after him. Result: twelve stitches on the face and the other three on the skull. It ? Beaten by kids who she distributed sweets during block parties! "While we file a complaint, some young people were already at our windows, dirty insults our daughter 10 years could no longer sleeping and awaiting our return ... the threat: "We will catch you!" Since then, she has nightmares! "And his little 8 year old brother, a boy who has never beaten and insists Katy , was always first in his class ... it does now keeps repeating: "When I grow up, I will kill you all." Since, bands hang in their windows and lobby to withdraw their complaint. " Our neighbors themselves-me my ask us to end this history which poisons the life of the building. Mailbox smashed, stolen mail, I am now forced to agree to an appointment with the postmistress to get my letters! "Intimidation, threats, how, under these conditions, stay longer? Katy, the conclusion is herself: "For many years, France has been a haven. Today it is our turn to take refuge, because it is too late and the situation got away from us. "

As Daniel W. Rossé, beaten for a pack of cigarettes, while he was walking in the streets of St. Matthew neighborhood, he fled the city where he lived for ten years. "When I pointed out, I put one hour to three hundred meters to go home. When I introduced myself to the police a few days later, the cops have not even deigned to register my complaint. "
^ Might as well be Detroit.

But that's a very different thing from there being "no-go zones" where Islamist gangs are actually in control of the city; that's not a real thing, it's yet another Republican talking point you uncritically parrot (from World Nut Daily of all sources!) as if it were true.

What the hell happened to you, Max? This shit is beneath you.
Al Qaeda is a creation of the Pakistani ISI. We had a very minor role in it--most of the people we aided became the Afghani government that was then displaced by Al Qaeda.
US was afraid to directly interact with what would eventually become Al Qaeda, so they used assistance of Pakistan ISI.
So yes, US effectively created Al Qaeda.

Evidence? And not crap from Moscow.
I can't let the reference to Gaza pass without comment.. First of all, there's no oil there, secondly, the reason they get bombed is because they do the bombing first. If they chose to disarm and live in peace with Israel, they wouldn't get bombed, in fact they would greatly benefit if only they recognized the state of Israel!
Israel started it. They murdered men raped women and stole land.


Note that even if the massacre occurred it wasn't out of the blue by any means--the village was an enemy base.

This suggests the usual scenario that causes these massacres--combatants dress up as civilians. After enough attacks from "civilians" the opposing force sometimes lashes out at those who look like their attackers.

And given the blurring of the lines between civilian and combatant that is the norm for the Palestinians plus the demographics you list--how many of those men were actually combatants in civilian attire: individuals that the Geneva conventions permit executing out of hand.
Apparently they are zones that most folks observe in France, but other folks refuse to acknowledge. You see...

Breaking reports indicate that the male may be Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the 27-year-old ISIS operative believed to be the mastermind of Friday’s mass-murder attacks. The woman is believed to be Abaaoud’s cousin. So why did the jihadists end up in Saint-Denis? Because it is a notorious Islamic enclave, though you wouldn’t know it from the mainstream American media. The terrorists are in Saint-Denis because they know they have the support — or at least the indulgence — of a large, studiously assimilation-resistant Muslim population.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/427302/frances-fifth-column-muslims-resist-assimilation


There’s only one problem: Europe is full of Muslim “no-go” zones, which have been documented, lamented, reported on and openly discussed for years.

In fact, the governments of France and other European nations have identified specific enclaves, where Muslim immigrants have chosen not to assimilate, as areas in which law enforcement has lost some degree of control.

The French government lists on its website 751 Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, that the state does not fully control, notes Middle East foreign policy expert Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum.

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/01/hidalgo.jpg

In 2010, Raphaël Stainville of French newspaper Le Figaro called certain neighborhoods of the southern city Perpignan "veritable lawless zones", saying they had become too dangerous to travel in at night. He added that the same was true in parts of Béziers and Nîmes.[17] In 2012, Gilles Demailly (fr), the mayor of the French city Amiens, in the wake of several riots, called the northern part of his city a lawless zone, where one could no longer order a pizza or call for a doctor.[18] In 2014, French academic and Syria expert Fabrice Balanche labelled the northern city of Roubaix, as well as parts of Marseille, "mini-Islamic states", saying that the authority of the state is completely absent there.[19] American magazines Newsweek[20] and The New Republic[21] have also used the term to describe parts of France. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-go_area

It is as if the French imagine that race is a worry for other nations (the United States, in particular) but not for them. Yet Arab gangs regularly vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and the French continue to shrug their shoulders.http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/27/opinion/27iht-edignatius_ed3__0.html

One of the more interesting personal explorations is in a long and reflective article:

While you may wish to quibble over the meaning of the no-go euphemism (almost all posters love to quibble), there is no doubt that there are zones in France where the immigrant population enclaves have created high crime, ethnic loyalty and resistance, and where police enforcement is lax or rare.

Time to end the denial.

Time to end your reliance on American news sources (peppered with an occasional American quote of a right-wing French source) for information about France.

I am not surprised that you have a hugely distorted view, when you rely only on reports that agree with your prejudices, from sources thousands of miles removed from the things they claim to describe.
Yes, those are called "ghettos." We have those in America too. That's what your Wikipedia citation was actually referring to, since the citation it gives links to this:

Direction St. Assiscle, a residential area of Perpignan. On July 2, Thierry Katy and her partner were in turn victims of ordinary violence. On his Facebook page, the young 35 year old woman book, weary, his feelings: "It is not joy at the moment with crap lying around in my neighborhood ... I almost lost my eye sight left. ... "And his little 8 year old brother, a boy who has never beaten and insists Katy , was always first in his class ... it does now keeps repeating: "When I grow up, I will kill you all." Since, bands hang in their windows and lobby to withdraw their complaint. " Our neighbors themselves-me my ask us to end this history which poisons the life of the building. Mailbox smashed, stolen mail, I am now forced to agree to an appointment with the postmistress to get my letters! "Intimidation, threats, how, under these conditions, stay longer? Katy, the conclusion is herself: "For many years, France has been a haven. Today it is our turn to take refuge, because it is too late and the situation got away from us. " ... When I introduced myself to the police a few days later, the cops have not even deigned to register my complaint. "
^ Might as well be Detroit.

... (no-go zones) that's not a real thing, it's yet another Republican talking point you uncritically parrot (from World Nut Daily of all sources!) as if it were true.

You have that peculiar and increasingly tiresome habit of missing the point of my actual comment, followed by actual confirmation of my point, and finally declaring a conclusive opinion about a straw man.

I said "you may wish to quibble over the meaning of the no-go euphemism, (but) there is no doubt that there are zones in France where the immigrant population enclaves have created high crime, ethnic loyalty and resistance, and where police enforcement is lax or rare."

But Crazy Eddie, what do you do? Do you show that to be incorrect? NOPE, you provide us even more evidence in your quote that I was correct, there are horrible zones of immigrant enclaves in France where they have "created high crime, ethnic loyalty and resistance (to assimilation), and where police enforcement is lax or rare.". :rolleyes:

Not being "Crazy" enough, you then trumpet that the habits of these French Muslims enclave dwellers are no worse than that shown in the lawlessness and violence of inner city Detroit ghetto blacks. LOL...so you think that makes no-go zones a positive feature?

Finally, you conclude with a dumb strawman, objecting to an alledged characterization of no-go zones that I never "parroted." I never said there were " "no-go zones" where Islamist gangs are actually in control of the city"; nor, by the way, did the quote of WND include such an assertion.

If you can't create a real "argument" and produce a quote to back up your reckless claims, I have no choice but to hand wave your future blatherings. This is a time waster.

What the hell happened to you, Max? This shit is beneath you.
You are correct about that, this is beneath me. However, intellectual slumming with the benighted always has its entertainment value. ;)
Apparently they are zones that most folks observe in France, but other folks refuse to acknowledge. You see...


There’s only one problem: Europe is full of Muslim “no-go” zones, which have been documented, lamented, reported on and openly discussed for years.

In fact, the governments of France and other European nations have identified specific enclaves, where Muslim immigrants have chosen not to assimilate, as areas in which law enforcement has lost some degree of control.

The French government lists on its website 751 Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, that the state does not fully control, notes Middle East foreign policy expert Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum.

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/01/hidalgo.jpg

In 2010, Raphaël Stainville of French newspaper Le Figaro called certain neighborhoods of the southern city Perpignan "veritable lawless zones", saying they had become too dangerous to travel in at night. He added that the same was true in parts of Béziers and Nîmes.[17] In 2012, Gilles Demailly (fr), the mayor of the French city Amiens, in the wake of several riots, called the northern part of his city a lawless zone, where one could no longer order a pizza or call for a doctor.[18] In 2014, French academic and Syria expert Fabrice Balanche labelled the northern city of Roubaix, as well as parts of Marseille, "mini-Islamic states", saying that the authority of the state is completely absent there.[19] American magazines Newsweek[20] and The New Republic[21] have also used the term to describe parts of France. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-go_area

It is as if the French imagine that race is a worry for other nations (the United States, in particular) but not for them. Yet Arab gangs regularly vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and the French continue to shrug their shoulders.http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/27/opinion/27iht-edignatius_ed3__0.html

One of the more interesting personal explorations is in a long and reflective article:

While you may wish to quibble over the meaning of the no-go euphemism (almost all posters love to quibble), there is no doubt that there are zones in France where the immigrant population enclaves have created high crime, ethnic loyalty and resistance, and where police enforcement is lax or rare.

Time to end the denial.

Time to end your reliance on American news sources (peppered with an occasional American quote of a right-wing French source) for information about France.

I am not surprised that you have a hugely distorted view, when you rely only on reports that agree with your prejudices, from sources thousands of miles removed from the things they claim to describe.

My...my. Time to end the use of information from the NYT, Newsweek, New Republic, etc. because some guy named Bilby is making proclamations on his backyard stack of broken pallets..."down under"?

When you come up with more than puffery, let us know. Till then, I will double down.
Evidence? And not crap from Moscow.
Ask Zbignev Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter.

Carter has already shown he doesn't know what he's talking about--witness his stupidity with supposedly making an agreement with Hamas and then immediately having Hamas saying, "Hey, that's not what we said!"

I don't know his national security adviser but I suspect he's no better.
Ask Zbignev Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter.

Carter has already shown he doesn't know what he's talking about--witness his stupidity with supposedly making an agreement with Hamas and then immediately having Hamas saying, "Hey, that's not what we said!"

I don't know his national security adviser but I suspect he's no better.
Brzezinski, it was his fucking idea to fund mujahideens ..... 6 months BEFORE soviet invasion.
Time to end your reliance on American news sources (peppered with an occasional American quote of a right-wing French source) for information about France.

I am not surprised that you have a hugely distorted view, when you rely only on reports that agree with your prejudices, from sources thousands of miles removed from the things they claim to describe.

I think what we are looking at here are two sides of the same coin.

The "no go" areas are as some on here have said, ghettos where it's unsafe for outsiders. However, since the people making it unsafe for outsiders are Muslims it also means they are areas where it's unsafe for non-Muslims.
Carter has already shown he doesn't know what he's talking about--witness his stupidity with supposedly making an agreement with Hamas and then immediately having Hamas saying, "Hey, that's not what we said!"

I don't know his national security adviser but I suspect he's no better.
Brzezinski, it was his fucking idea to fund mujahideens ..... 6 months BEFORE soviet invasion.

1) Evidence?

2) The Soviet invasion was because they established a puppet government there and that puppet government then called for help. Thus the invasion was not remotely out of the blue--our taking action against it before it happened would be no surprise.
Brzezinski, it was his fucking idea to fund mujahideens ..... 6 months BEFORE soviet invasion.

1) Evidence?
His own fucking admission.
2) The Soviet invasion was because they established a puppet government there and that puppet government then called for help. Thus the invasion was not remotely out of the blue--our taking action against it before it happened would be no surprise.
No, Soviet invasion happened exactly as Brzheziski had hoped, it was a result of US trying to destabilize a country on the border of USSR in order to provoke invasion. Brzezinski admitted it in 1999. He was fucking proud of it, note that it was before 9-11.
1) Evidence?
His own fucking admission.
2) The Soviet invasion was because they established a puppet government there and that puppet government then called for help. Thus the invasion was not remotely out of the blue--our taking action against it before it happened would be no surprise.
No, Soviet invasion happened exactly as Brzheziski had hoped, it was a result of US trying to destabilize a country on the border of USSR in order to provoke invasion. Brzezinski admitted it in 1999. He was fucking proud of it, note that it was before 9-11.

Loren must have forgotten he replied to the post that brought this up recently. Or maybe did not read the start of the article or your posts at the time.
His own fucking admission.
2) The Soviet invasion was because they established a puppet government there and that puppet government then called for help. Thus the invasion was not remotely out of the blue--our taking action against it before it happened would be no surprise.
No, Soviet invasion happened exactly as Brzheziski had hoped, it was a result of US trying to destabilize a country on the border of USSR in order to provoke invasion. Brzezinski admitted it in 1999. He was fucking proud of it, note that it was before 9-11.

Loren must have forgotten he replied to the post that brought this up recently. Or maybe did not read the start of the article or your posts at the time.
Apparently they are zones that most folks observe in France, but other folks refuse to acknowledge. You see...


There’s only one problem: Europe is full of Muslim “no-go” zones, which have been documented, lamented, reported on and openly discussed for years.

In fact, the governments of France and other European nations have identified specific enclaves, where Muslim immigrants have chosen not to assimilate, as areas in which law enforcement has lost some degree of control.

The French government lists on its website 751 Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, that the state does not fully control, notes Middle East foreign policy expert Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum.

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/01/hidalgo.jpg

In 2010, Raphaël Stainville of French newspaper Le Figaro called certain neighborhoods of the southern city Perpignan "veritable lawless zones", saying they had become too dangerous to travel in at night. He added that the same was true in parts of Béziers and Nîmes.[17] In 2012, Gilles Demailly (fr), the mayor of the French city Amiens, in the wake of several riots, called the northern part of his city a lawless zone, where one could no longer order a pizza or call for a doctor.[18] In 2014, French academic and Syria expert Fabrice Balanche labelled the northern city of Roubaix, as well as parts of Marseille, "mini-Islamic states", saying that the authority of the state is completely absent there.[19] American magazines Newsweek[20] and The New Republic[21] have also used the term to describe parts of France. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-go_area

It is as if the French imagine that race is a worry for other nations (the United States, in particular) but not for them. Yet Arab gangs regularly vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and the French continue to shrug their shoulders.http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/27/opinion/27iht-edignatius_ed3__0.html

One of the more interesting personal explorations is in a long and reflective article:

While you may wish to quibble over the meaning of the no-go euphemism (almost all posters love to quibble), there is no doubt that there are zones in France where the immigrant population enclaves have created high crime, ethnic loyalty and resistance, and where police enforcement is lax or rare.

Time to end the denial.

Time to end your reliance on American news sources (peppered with an occasional American quote of a right-wing French source) for information about France.

I am not surprised that you have a hugely distorted view, when you rely only on reports that agree with your prejudices, from sources thousands of miles removed from the things they claim to describe.
There are no Molenbeeks anywhere in Europe, 100.000 population and more than 80% of them Moslems?
A hot bed of radicalism.
Time to end your reliance on American news sources (peppered with an occasional American quote of a right-wing French source) for information about France.

I am not surprised that you have a hugely distorted view, when you rely only on reports that agree with your prejudices, from sources thousands of miles removed from the things they claim to describe.

I think what we are looking at here are two sides of the same coin.

The "no go" areas are as some on here have said, ghettos where it's unsafe for outsiders. However, since the people making it unsafe for outsiders are Muslims it also means they are areas where it's unsafe for non-Muslims.

That doesn't follow. This are two entirely different stories: One's the claim that there are places where you shouldn't be too public about paying with a € 200,- bill unless you have backup. That's probably true. But even if it is, and even if it is furthermore true that Muslims are over-represented among those that make it unsafe to do so, that still doesn't make it about religion. Or do you assume the same thugs (for the sake of the argument, a gang of people of Algerian descent in a Parisian suburb) would let an Afghan walk out with his 200,- just for being Muslim? Obviously not.
Apparently they are zones that most folks observe in France, but other folks refuse to acknowledge. You see...


There’s only one problem: Europe is full of Muslim “no-go” zones, which have been documented, lamented, reported on and openly discussed for years.

In fact, the governments of France and other European nations have identified specific enclaves, where Muslim immigrants have chosen not to assimilate, as areas in which law enforcement has lost some degree of control.

The French government lists on its website 751 Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, that the state does not fully control, notes Middle East foreign policy expert Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum.

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/01/hidalgo.jpg

In 2010, Raphaël Stainville of French newspaper Le Figaro called certain neighborhoods of the southern city Perpignan "veritable lawless zones", saying they had become too dangerous to travel in at night. He added that the same was true in parts of Béziers and Nîmes.[17] In 2012, Gilles Demailly (fr), the mayor of the French city Amiens, in the wake of several riots, called the northern part of his city a lawless zone, where one could no longer order a pizza or call for a doctor.[18] In 2014, French academic and Syria expert Fabrice Balanche labelled the northern city of Roubaix, as well as parts of Marseille, "mini-Islamic states", saying that the authority of the state is completely absent there.[19] American magazines Newsweek[20] and The New Republic[21] have also used the term to describe parts of France. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-go_area

It is as if the French imagine that race is a worry for other nations (the United States, in particular) but not for them. Yet Arab gangs regularly vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and the French continue to shrug their shoulders.http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/27/opinion/27iht-edignatius_ed3__0.html

One of the more interesting personal explorations is in a long and reflective article:

While you may wish to quibble over the meaning of the no-go euphemism (almost all posters love to quibble), there is no doubt that there are zones in France where the immigrant population enclaves have created high crime, ethnic loyalty and resistance, and where police enforcement is lax or rare.

Time to end the denial.

Time to end your reliance on American news sources (peppered with an occasional American quote of a right-wing French source) for information about France.

I am not surprised that you have a hugely distorted view, when you rely only on reports that agree with your prejudices, from sources thousands of miles removed from the things they claim to describe.
There are no Molenbeeks anywhere in Europe, 100.000 population and more than 80% of them Moslems?
A hot bed of radicalism.

Do you have a source for those figures? The only figure I found is 39% in the French Wikipedia, referenced to a printed book (dated 2010) which I don't have access to. Sure, that's for the whole of Molenbeek which is a large district encompassing diverse neighbourhoods, so it's entirely possible that the figure goes up to 80% in individual neighborhoods. But then you have to through the 100,000 out of the window, because that's also a figure for the entire district.
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