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I simply cannot for the life of me imagine what Trump could possibly do at this meeting besides make things worse. I fear an actual meeting. Let's send the guy that knows absolutely nothing to do the nuclear talks. As to the rest of his cabinet, they can't even draft a letter without embarrassing the rest of us, I doubt they'll have anything substantive to add.
Meeting Scheduled with Kim! - Trump show episode 478
Kim Meeting Cancelled! - Trump show episode 488
Kim Meeting back on - Maybe! - Trump show episode 489

As long as the Trump Show stays on 24/7 and has the "best ratings ever", nothing else that happens matters (to Trump).
If ratings begin to flag, he can pump them up by murdering a few hundred thousand people and it will be a YUUUGE success. Ratings back through the roof.
The Koreas meet again. In the ever confusing game of ‘What is North Korea up to?’ Kim Jong Un meets again with the South Korean President who is a one term leader if he doesn’t make something happen (due to his general unpopularity).

Right now, Kim has effectively kicked Trump's feet out from under him. Kim's objectives are to gain international legitimacy for his government, get rid of economic sanctions, and remove American troops from the South. China also wants US troops gone and North Korea as leverage against the US and its Asian neighbors. Trump's objective (other than self-aggrandizement) is denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Where things stand right now is that Kim has positioned himself as the flexible peacemaker and Trump as the belligerent, unstable troublemaker. Whether Kim and Trump meet is irrelevant, although it will enhance Kim's stature as a statesman, if he can sit with a US president. Trump has zero leverage and will not get Kim to give up his nuclear arsenal or ICBM program. So Trump walks away with nothing. If Trump refuses to meet with Kim, Kim still wins. He keeps his nukes and missiles. China is already moving to loosen sanctions on him. Kim has fairly good relations with Xi Jinping and President Moon now. US allies, having been cut out of any negotiations or communications in this matter, are in disarray. Nobody knows what either of these men will do, but it makes perfect sense for Kim to go down to South Korea and embrace Moon again. That is a skillful move. Trump seems to think that the US is a winner if he just gets to sit down with Kim.
Trump's objective (other than self-aggrandizement) is denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

quibble: Denuclearization is not "other than" Cheato's self aggrandizement. It is part and parcel of the same thing.
Trump's objective (other than self-aggrandizement) is denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

quibble: Denuclearization is not "other than" Cheato's self aggrandizement. It is part and parcel of the same thing.

Only in the sense that to Trump, everything is about his self aggrandizement.

How is Twitler going to top that?
Imagine what he would get for nothing according to you if he were Hillary Clinton. #FemalePrivilege.

He got NK to release hostages and destroy its nuclear testing site without giving NK anything. Now the above. It's like this is part of some strategy written in a book 31 years ago.

Actually, that nuclear test site had partially collapsed already and was thought to be unusable for further testing. But blowing it up (without allowing the presence of nuclear experts) was a nice PR exercise. There may be other sites, but Kim is already thought to have stockpiled nuclear weapons. He can resume testing of nukes and missiles at a future date, if it suits him. The released prisoners also were good for optics, since he is trying to appear statesmanlike at the moment. He will probably be able to grab new hostages in the future, if he needs them. In the past, he has even abducted people from other countries (such as Japan).

The truth of the matter is that the economic sanctions, not Trump's bullying tweets, are what is really hurting Kim. His country is desperately poor, and he has promised to raise the standard of living. Over the past year, his belligerence has so isolated him that the sanctions became very effective. So he really depends on China and Russia to keep him supplied. Kim's peace initiative has already borne fruit in that China has begun to stop enforcing the sanctions as vigorously in the past. His friendlier relations with South Korea may also bring economic benefits. US influence has been badly damaged by Trump's belligerence, so Kim is on a roll. He appears to want that sit-down with Trump, since he isn't really compelled to make any concessions. He might make noises about "denuclearization", but it is hard to imagine what he would gain by giving up his hard-won arsenal of mass destruction. So the Singapore meeting is unnecessary for him, but it is gravy if Trump goes through with it. It can only enhance Kim's image further. Trump seems to think it will enhance his image, so maybe it is a win-win for both pathological narcissists.

How is Twitler going to top that?


He got NK to release hostages and destroy its nuclear testing site without giving NK anything. Now the above. It's like this is part of some strategy written in a book 31 years ago.


That's pretty good, but you should probably have posted it in 'Joke Gallery', or 'Things that make you laugh'; Technically this sub-forum is intended for serious discussion of US Presidential Politics.
He got NK to release hostages and destroy its nuclear testing site without giving NK anything. Now the above. It's like this is part of some strategy written in a book 31 years ago.

His nuclear testing site was already destroyed. The explosives at the entrances was just showmanship and propaganda. Apparently you fell for it.
He got NK to release hostages and destroy its nuclear testing site without giving NK anything. Now the above. It's like this is part of some strategy written in a book 31 years ago.

His nuclear testing site was already destroyed. The explosives at the entrances was just showmanship and propaganda. Apparently you fell for it.

I've seen this fact reported only sporadically, because it wasn't known to be a fact. It was based on an analysis of satellite photos. So a lot of editors seem to leave that detail out in their news articles, possibly for political reasons in the case of right wing sources. Kim made sure that no foreign experts were on hand to observe his little closing ceremony.


Please don't insult people with birth defects by comparing them to Nazis people who defend Nazis using logical fallacies, but might not necessarily be Nazis themselves. I mean, the distinction is theoretically possible.


Please don't insult people with birth defects by comparing them to Nazis people who defend Nazis using logical fallacies, but might not necessarily be Nazis themselves. I mean, the distinction is theoretically possible.

Birth defects??
It's not a bug, it's a feature! (of alt-rightists)
Top NK official heads to US as summit negotiations continue

North Korean spymaster Kim Yong-chol was confirmed to be headed for the US, adding another dimension to ongoing summit negotiations between the two countries.

Kim, vice chairman of the North’s ruling party, arrived in Beijing on Tuesday, and his name was confirmed to be on the manifest of a New York-bound flight scheduled for Wednesday.

US President Donald Trump later confirmed in a Twitter post that Kim was on his way to New York to discuss the summit, describing Kim's trip as "solid response to my letter."
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