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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Funny fact. In Ukraine are problems with electricity and people have been burning cars associated with ukrainian Reich, Wehrmacht and Gestapo for a long time. Now they wait until electricity is out so that street cameras are not working and then set cars on fire.
Right, you just want them to roll over and die quietly so Putin will stop making scary noises. 😫
Why not try looking for solutions (- NATO advisers) rather than ask for more deadly armament?

Here's the problem: Russian soldiers outnumber Ukranian soldiers 3 to 1. And the Russians are advancing. Asking them to pretty please stop attacking isn't going to work. Western arms slowed down in late 23 and early 24 (just as you recommended); and Russians continued to advance, continued to steal more land, continued to kill more Ukrainians. I think that the west needs far harsher economic sanctions on Russia. We're going to need to increase pressure on allies or economic partners who help Russia. Russian doesn't care about losing young lives in their war. I don't think that the war will end (ie: Russia won't agree to real peace concessions); until the oligarchs running Russia are hurt economically.
You know why is that? becasue Russia does not trust West. Any kind of talks with ceasefire is nothing but a plot to give Regime in Kiev time to regroup and prepare for another attack on Donbass and Russian forces.
You did that before and you are trying to do it now.
Funny fact. In Ukraine are problems with electricity and people have been burning cars associated with ukrainian Reich, Wehrmacht and Gestapo for a long time. Now they wait until electricity is out so that street cameras are not working and then set cars on fire.
Of course there are problems with electricity. The assholes you back have been bombing power stations.
Funny fact. In Ukraine are problems with electricity and people have been burning cars associated with ukrainian Reich, Wehrmacht and Gestapo for a long time. Now they wait until electricity is out so that street cameras are not working and then set cars on fire.
Of course there are problems with electricity. The assholes you back have been bombing power stations.
Do you remember what Regime in Kiev did the next day Crimeans voted to leave Ukraine?
And Regime in Kiev have bigger problem than electricity which was expected, they have problem with people resisting their regime.
And thank you for calling Clinton Administration assholes.
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Just tell them that you are ready to talk (- the NATO advisors) and they will stop.
No, that's not longer an option.
Of course. Because your masters are assholes who are more than willing to put young Russians in harm's way. Bullshit breads more bullshir.
Right, you just want them to roll over and die quietly so Putin will stop making scary noises. 😫
Why not try looking for solutions (- NATO advisers) rather than ask for more deadly armament?

The conflict only has one problem. Putin. Any solution that doesn't make Russia hurt will only be enabling Russian future aggression.

What possible solution for long term peace could there be other than to hit Russia hard until they withdraw?

Do you have any ideas?
Ukraine started amassing troops for invasion of breakout republics, which is specifically forbidden by Minsk agreement.
Every damn thing the shill has said in this thread is bullshit decorated with an occasional irrelevant fact.
Russia invaded Ukraine because their economy is shit and having 40% of the world’s grain supply would help fix that.
Simple economics. But it’s going to end up costing Putin more than he will live long enough to get back, even if he “wins”.
At this point it’s an existential battle for Pootey; if he fails he will be deposed and jailed or killed.
Russia invaded Ukraine because their economy is shit and having 40% of the world’s grain supply would help fix that.

Russia also invaded Ukraine because they thought it would be quick and easy.

I suspect they no longer think that; But it's too late now, they've painted themselves into a corner.
Do you have any ideas?
Yeah. Good Old CIA.
What can the CIA do about the war at this time other than trying to help Ukraine? Please see post 15,944 above from Barbos. The Russians do not want peace. They are only asking for talks in order to fool the naive. The only way to stop the Russians in Ukraine is with a lot of bullets.
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