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1st presidential debate 2016

And even Trump said he could release them 'immediately' if Hillary released her emails. So Trump is lying - yet again.

What I find more interesting, yet it isn't commented on much, is his claim of being audited every year so 15-or-so years. He, in his usual paranoia, alluded to some conspiracy to target him; said no one else he knows gets audited every year.

Well, I don't buy his conspiracy nuttiness, so IF he is telling the truth about being audited every year, I have to wonder why. What bullshit is he pulling in his tax returns that cause them to be flagged every year?

The other thing his claim of annual audits tells me is that he has no intention of ever releasing his returns under any circumstances. If he is permanently under audit, he will always claim he can't release them

Plus he says he'll release them 'against his LAWYER'S advice'. Wouldn't that be against his ACCOUNTANT'S advice?
What I find more interesting, yet it isn't commented on much, is his claim of being audited every year so 15-or-so years. He, in his usual paranoia, alluded to some conspiracy to target him; said no one else he knows gets audited every year.

Well, I don't buy his conspiracy nuttiness, so IF he is telling the truth about being audited every year, I have to wonder why. What bullshit is he pulling in his tax returns that cause them to be flagged every year?

The other thing his claim of annual audits tells me is that he has no intention of ever releasing his returns under any circumstances. If he is permanently under audit, he will always claim he can't release them

Plus he says he'll release them 'against his LAWYER'S advice'. Wouldn't that be against his ACCOUNTANT'S advice?

What he meant to say was "against my CAMPAIGN MANAGER'S" advice.
Plus he says he'll release them 'against his LAWYER'S advice'. Wouldn't that be against his ACCOUNTANT'S advice?

What he meant to say was "against my CAMPAIGN MANAGER'S" advice.

Actually he probably told the truth. If he has not paid any taxes, and he wants to keep that secret then he can't release his returns. His lawyer may have told Trump not to lie and claim he had paid taxes on his returns, otherwise the IRS may have a criminal case against him. In any dispute, the IRS would claim "Trump knew he should have paid taxes...and claimed he did".

So Trump's attorney likely said - don't release your returns AND don't say anything.
RavenSky said:
Not necessarily according to Steve Kornacki. Although Trump's poll numbers going up after this would make me lose what is left of my hope and respect for 40-something percent of my fellow countrymen, Kornacki makes the case that because HRC went into this first debate ahead in the polls, she could afford to lose this one and still win the presidency.

Yes, she could in a general sense. However, last night's debate went almost perfectly for her. She was presidential and Trump imploded. If that's not enough and Trump's support grows despite this, what more could she do? I think that would be a sign that a sufficient amount of Americans just want something else and they don't care what that something is, so Trump's fuckups don't matter.

If she can't pull away from him with this and even drops behind him, I just don't see what else she would do which would pull it off.
It seems that politicians in the US tend to attack each other rather than debate the issues. However if he is having an audit then the returns cannot be released until the figures are finalised.

IRS says he can release the returns with no problem

I mentioned this when I posted. When I've done tax returns I will only release them after a full audit. However he will have to release them some time.
Until he does (eventually) we can only speculate. Maybe there are some skeletons in the cupboard, but we don't know at this point. The media speculated a lot about Obama's birth certificate but it was released there wasn't much to discuss after that.

1. There was never anything to discuss about President Obama's birth records BEFORE he released them
2. Releasing then did not stop Donald Trump from continuing to talk about it for 5 years after.

I get the argument you are trying to make, but your analogy isn't

There was quite a bit of hype before he released his birth certificate. When he did is extinguished the often stupid speculation.
Humans still substitute unknown information with assumptions.
With emailgate (more the lapse of procedure and security) and a refusal prior to the Benghazi attacks to increase security measures. We still don't know the circumstances on this.

These are overshadowed by her taking credit for the destruction of the Libyan regime was short lived when things got worse not better. She said, 'We came, we saw, he died.' Now look at Libya

Gaddafi provided 100% free medical care and education. Also banks provided 0% interest loans to individuals. When a couple got married the government granted them US$50,000. It also assisted with car purchases to individuals
Further Libya had the highest income per capita before the removal of Gaddafi.
So Clinton can take credit for the current death tolls and chaos and the establishment of Al Qaeda and Al Nursa in the region. It would have been better to let him die off and diplomatically deal with his successor. This is her real ineptitude.

If Obamacare is working, then whoever gets in should expand on this. When Labour introduced the National Health Service in 1949, successive governments didn't remove it though now there is less free healthcare except for the very poor. It still works well.
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There was quite a bit of hype before he released his birth certificate. When he did is extinguished the often stupid speculation. Humans still substitute unknown information with assumptions.
Unfortunately, you are entirely wrong on this point. There was no speculation among sane, rational people.

Whatever "hype" there was came primarily from Trump, and stirred up only the Alt-Right types; and that continued long after the "long-form version" of President Obama's birth certificate was released. Trump continued to stir his conspiracy theories right up until a few months ago, but the vast majority of people never bought into the "Birther" craziness at any point.
I mentioned this when I posted. When I've done tax returns I will only release them after a full audit. However he will have to release them some time.

No, he won't ever release them. He will lie lie lie and then lie some more

No one knows that for sure. He has several companies. Will he release all at once for all his companies may be a relevant question though speculative?
Sniffles indeed...
OK I watched this video and realized that woman can give Ann Coulter run for her money but I forgot Ann Coulter name so I googled "skinny conservative bitch" and first link was a wikipedia page on Ann Coulter, Google is pretty great :)
There was quite a bit of hype before he released his birth certificate. When he did is extinguished the often stupid speculation. Humans still substitute unknown information with assumptions.
Unfortunately, you are entirely wrong on this point. There was no speculation among sane, rational people.

Whatever "hype" there was came primarily from Trump, and stirred up only the Alt-Right types; and that continued long after the "long-form version" of President Obama's birth certificate was released. Trump continued to stir his conspiracy theories right up until a few months ago, but the vast majority of people never bought into the "Birther" craziness at any point.

Sane rational people make rational assumptions from what they know and sometimes on similar experiences. However we must also realize that there are sometimes missing points where assumption does not necessarily constitute fact.
Sane rational people make rational assumptions from what they know and sometimes on similar experiences. However we must also realize that there are sometimes missing points where assumption does not necessarily constitute fact.

You sure are fond of what you "don't know" about Trump. "He has several Companies" - and you think that means his returns wouldn't show anything about them? Can you say "Form K-1" ???
Of course you can....
Correct. If the American people saw something in Trump's performance which had them say "I was undecided but now I think that this guy should be President" then Hillary Clinton is fucked. There was apparently a huge audience for this debate and if the result of it is that Trump's poll numbers go up then there's really nothing that Clinton can do to win the election. It would mean that there is such an appetite for change - any type of change - that they are voting for the guy who is promising to break the system and they have absolutely no concern who it is that's doing that or how it's being done, so Trump's lies and missteps aren't a relevant factor in their decisions.

If Trump's poll numbers start to go down, I also don't think that there's much he can do to even them out again. It will mean that when they stood together side by side, he was found wanting. Further debates and campaign events aren't going to have the same impact as the first time that most people really started paying attention and judging them as the two potential options.

One way or another, this debate decided the election.

Not necessarily according to Steve Kornacki. Although Trump's poll numbers going up after this would make me lose what is left of my hope and respect for 40-something percent of my fellow countrymen, Kornacki makes the case that because HRC went into this first debate ahead in the polls, she could afford to lose this one and still win the presidency.

Hillary's numbers have increased.
Sane rational people make rational assumptions from what they know and sometimes on similar experiences. However we must also realize that there are sometimes missing points where assumption does not necessarily constitute fact.

You sure are fond of what you "don't know" about Trump. "He has several Companies" - and you think that means his returns wouldn't show anything about them? Can you say "Form K-1" ???
Of course you can....

Of course he has several companies. Some appear on the Bloomberg website but with little information. Of course the returns will show something as that is their purpose for audit reasons.

- - - Updated - - -

Sane rational people make rational assumptions from what they know and sometimes on similar experiences. However we must also realize that there are sometimes missing points where assumption does not necessarily constitute fact.

You sure are fond of what you "don't know" about Trump. "He has several Companies" - and you think that means his returns wouldn't show anything about them? Can you say "Form K-1" ???
Of course you can....

Of course he has several companies. Some appear on the Bloomberg website but with little information. Of course the returns will show something as that is their purpose for audit reasons.
Not necessarily according to Steve Kornacki. Although Trump's poll numbers going up after this would make me lose what is left of my hope and respect for 40-something percent of my fellow countrymen, Kornacki makes the case that because HRC went into this first debate ahead in the polls, she could afford to lose this one and still win the presidency.

Hillary's numbers have increased.

Trumpty Dumpty can release his returns anytime he wants. There is absolutely nothing preventing him from doing that except that he wishes to keep them secret because he knows he'll be skewered big time if he does. He cheats the system to its max, he knows it and he wants to hide that.

Remember when he told the world he'd be having something definitive to say about Melania's immigrant status in the next couple weeks? That was months ago. Expect the same when it comes to his taxes.
Bwaaaak bwaaaaak He's chicken about his returns. Scared to let anyone see the structure of his house of cards. In debt up to his eyeballs to ressian oligarchs. Completely bought from top to toe.

I've decided the entire country needs to pull a Cato The Elder here.

And furthermore, Trump is a fearful chicken loser for not releasing his tax returns like a real candidate.
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