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1st presidential debate 2016

How can someone who is too chickenshit to release his tax returns or medical records be expected to show courage to stand up to ISIS or Putin or a dangerous threat to the US?

That's not courage. It's intelligence. [Fighting battles you know you'll lose is stupid. He said it himself. He didn't release his tax records because he's smart. Ie, if he would release them he would be found guilty.
Guilty of what? Being a rich or a tightwad or that he pays little in taxes? The first is irrelevant since he openly brags about his wealth. The third endears him to his base, and the second no on really care about. Trump does not get embarrassed. And your response ignores the medical records. .
Too bad people are too idiotic to draw that obvious conclusion.
Which is worse when running for President - looking like a chickenshit or rich tax avoiding tight wad? But at least we do agree that it is too bad people are too idiotic to draw the obvious conclusion
And that is when we'll know who actually won.

Correct. If the American people saw something in Trump's performance which had them say "I was undecided but now I think that this guy should be President" then Hillary Clinton is fucked. There was apparently a huge audience for this debate and if the result of it is that Trump's poll numbers go up then there's really nothing that Clinton can do to win the election. It would mean that there is such an appetite for change - any type of change - that they are voting for the guy who is promising to break the system and they have absolutely no concern who it is that's doing that or how it's being done, so Trump's lies and missteps aren't a relevant factor in their decisions.

If Trump's poll numbers start to go down, I also don't think that there's much he can do to even them out again. It will mean that when they stood together side by side, he was found wanting. Further debates and campaign events aren't going to have the same impact as the first time that most people really started paying attention and judging them as the two potential options.

One way or another, this debate decided the election.
Maybe, but there is another possible outcome: Trump's numbers go down after the debate and he refuses to take part in any more debates. He has already set the stage for this with his claims that everything is rigged against him.
The undecideds in this election have proven that their support is soft-Clinton got a nice bump with the convention, but that wore off in a few months. Trump may feel that the bump she gets out of this debate will wear off by the election. The thinking may be that if he continues to debate closer to the election will take away any possible chance he has. If Trump himself hasn't thought of this, I'll bet Conway has.

I think it's possible that last night's debate will be the only one.
These quotes are froim Stormfront, in a thread called "Trump Wins First Debate by a Landslide," where they were excitedly touting those online polls as though it meant something, and they were mostly supportive of Trump's performance, but even a lot of them thought he sucked.

I've been supporting Trump for a while, but I really don't like how he debates and that he doesn't study for debates. Maybe it's good enough to win polls but it leaves me dissatisfied.
Yea, I wasn't thrilled by his performance either. It's like he was doling out just a little more rope for Hildabeast. Keep her in the game just a bit longer... He could have finished her off right then and there, and he didn't. Like he's playing with her. Or us...
Not to throw cold water on a Trump win, but I feel Clinton will win. Just look at your average American , no way. If Clinton wins white western civilization is done , done, dead. Hope I'm wrong.
To be honest, I was disappointed with Trump. I expected him to utterly destroy Hilary but he spent a lot of the time on defense. I hope next debate he does better.
I don't know or care who won the debate. It didn't change anyone's vote. Neither candidate was particularly impressive. Trump sounded like he wasn't even ready for half the questions, and Hillary just sounded disingenuous. I would've rather had Trump go after her like he did Jeb.
Nah, Trump was a pussy. He treated her with kid gloves and never attacked her on the Bengazi affair, her emails (just touched on the subject), and she kept him on the back foot defending himself, instead of it being the other way around.

His nasal intakes were also worrying as the opposition are already suggesting that his "sniffing" is a sign which shouldn't be ignored, the implication being that he's snorting snow, which, if the truth be known, he probaböly is.

Look don't get me wrong, the very last person I want to see become the POTUS is Billery, but I also don't think Trump is the knight in shining armour many of his supporters are making him out to be.

If I had to rate that debate, I'd give it a big fat E, where everyone, from the two opponents, the moderator, and the people of America, were the losers. What a sad state of affairs.
Both candidates were supposed to have been given the questions that were to be asked. It is entirely possible, and even likely that Trump was given one set of questions and Hillary another. Hillary got the questions that were to be asked and Trump got screwed by the jew. If you throw in a coon moderator to run interference for the crooked bitch, you would have to say Trump did the best that could be expected playing against a stacked deck.
Conclusion: I didn't feel Trump won by any great margin. I feel as though Hillary was there for the taking but he wasn't in 'debate mode', he still seemed to be in 'speech mode' and didn't make a telling blow.

Nevertheless if the polls say he clearly won who am I to argue?
One very notable thing from the debate: Trump didn't have a mind blowing gaffe. There was no blood coming from her wherever, no reference to his tiny hands, etc.
That's not courage. It's intelligence. Fighting battles you know you'll lose is stupid. He said it himself. He didn't release his tax records because he's smart. Ie, if he would release them he would be found guilty. Too bad people are too idiotic to draw that obvious conclusion.

When he said he was smart was in response to Clinton saying that in the tax returns he did release he paid zero federal taxes. He said paying zero taxes was smart. Unlike all his followers who must be dumb for paying taxes. Unlike those of us who can't use loopholes in the tax laws written by the rich to reduce our federal tax burden to zero. He said it was smart to pay zero taxes. He said it was good business to root for the housing collapse. He said it was good business to use the bankruptcy laws to his financial advantage. That may all be true, but it's not going to endear you to the average American household.
I wouldn't want to release my tax records until they audited or rubber stamped by the Inland revenue. I don't think many companies will do the same. However this leads to speculation. Until Obama released his birth certificate there was a lot of speculation that he wasn't American.

Obama released his birth certificate in 2008 before he was elected, and even after that there was still a lot of speculation and outright denial coming from the fever swamps that Trump plays to, and that continues still today after Obama (unnecessarily) released the long form version in 2011, and which still didn't satisfy the reality-challenged Trump who continued to deny it, calling it a fraud.
Maybe, but there is another possible outcome: Trump's numbers go down after the debate and he refuses to take part in any more debates. He has already set the stage for this with his claims that everything is rigged against him.
The undecideds in this election have proven that their support is soft-Clinton got a nice bump with the convention, but that wore off in a few months. Trump may feel that the bump she gets out of this debate will wear off by the election. The thinking may be that if he continues to debate closer to the election will take away any possible chance he has. If Trump himself hasn't thought of this, I'll bet Conway has.

I think it's possible that last night's debate will be the only one.

While that's certainly possible, it's a losing strategy for Trump. The consensus is that Clinton won this debate and I expect that the poll numbers will swing in her favour as a reflection of that. If, after a loss, he then "finds a way" to avoid the upcoming debates, the entire focus of the rest of the campaign will be on how he's just a fucking coward. Given that personal attacks against him are the things which best expose what a thin-skinned bitch he is, he won't be able to stop himself from ranting and raving on a consistent basis. He'll be laughed out of the election.

There's no path left to him except to soldier on for the next month and a bit. Last night was his best chance and he (I expect) tried and failed. Any actions he takes now to back out or delegitimize the results will just be viewed as a failure trying to run away.
Prediction markets have moved about 5 points for Clinton since yesterday, but I wouldn't expect that much in the polling.

I wouldn't want to release my tax records until they audited or rubber stamped by the Inland revenue.
Not wanting to do something and being prevented from doing something are not the same thing.
I don't think many companies will do the same. However this leads to speculation. Until Obama released his birth certificate there was a lot of speculation that he wasn't American.
Actually only among the bigoted classes. Those people who don't think black people are or can be citizens.

I wouldn't want to release my tax records until they audited or rubber stamped by the Inland revenue. I don't think many companies will do the same. However this leads to speculation. Until Obama released his birth certificate there was a lot of speculation that he wasn't American.

Being audited in year x certainly wouldn't prevent him from releasing returns for year y....
These quotes are froim Stormfront, in a thread called "Trump Wins First Debate by a Landslide," where they were excitedly touting those online polls as though it meant something, and they were mostly supportive of Trump's performance, but even a lot of them thought he sucked.

For more reactions from the right, this is at FreeRepublic, The "I Can't Take It Anymore" Thread, and it is much more down on Trump, maybe even mostly. I won't post all the many negative ones, but these are typical:

This is really sad. Trump rubbing shoulders with Nigel Farage has not paid off for Trump. I think he has set up by one of his new advisors.
Yep, she’s setting him up and he’s taking the bait. Our only hope is for her to have another fainting spell.
There is NO EXCUSE for Trump not preparing, and he OBVIOUSLY didn’t. This is sickening.
I agree. And stop using those damn superlatives. Everything is the greatest, best, etc.
This is exactly what I think she would come out and try to do to Trump. She has done it quite well. Her plan is working very well so far.
I want to smack her across that smug lying face. He’s not doing well. He’s too cavalier about things. That has always concerned me.
What I learned from that thread is that my office doesn't block access to freepublic as a site that's inappropriate for work. I'm going to be sending a stern email to the IT department.
LOL...Stormfront and freepubic... How come I want to yell out: "BUD, LOOK! AN ALIEN!"

I wouldn't want to release my tax records until they audited or rubber stamped by the Inland revenue. I don't think many companies will do the same. However this leads to speculation. Until Obama released his birth certificate there was a lot of speculation that he wasn't American.

Why, are your tax records fraudulent?

If you are an honest individual what would _change_ from before an audit to after?

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