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Another example of the depravity of MAGA that Trump brings out

MAGA idiots gonna be MAGA idiots.
I believe this kind of idiocy predates MAGA.
And it will be here when MAGATS are all dead and gone. The human nature that causes them to embrace lethal toxicity will prevail regardless of its focus.

MAGA idiots gonna be MAGA idiots.
I believe this kind of idiocy predates MAGA.
Yeah, but the GOP is swerving hard right on immigrants right now. Obviously, Native Americans immigrated to North America too, just over ten thousand years ago.

A very quick wit response, but probably difficult at the time, would have been "Well sir, in that context, you are trespassing on my land."

MAGA idiots gonna be MAGA idiots.
I believe this kind of idiocy predates MAGA.
But you can bet MAGA idiots are going to spew this kind of idiocy.
When someone tells that a certain group of people (insert said group here) are voting against their own interests that tells that the speaker invariably actually has no idea what the own interest of the said group in question might be.

There is a TINY glimmer of truth behind this sentence, but it is drowned out by word choices like "invariably." Such choices convert the glimmer into total cluelessness. . . .

Unless of course, by "voting [according to] their own interests" Tigers! is applauding "ideas" like the hope that a Trump Administration will steer storms into Blue counties instead of Red, and that FEMA under Trump will stop stealing aid provided by right-wing locals.

According musk/twitter/GOP/blogs/and shit I’ve seen on Facebook the government created and steered the storm into Trump country and is now refusing to provide relief in favor of helping illegals. Even worse, Biden has directed FEMA to steal aid being provided locally. Some sick shit being spread.
RVonse is falling for the lies of right-wing news platforms, which have been cultivating racism and bogus culture wars for decades. They have doing this to distract tens of millions of people from voting in their own interest, while they fleece those very same people. LBJ described the phenomenon this way:
Yes it must be frustrating when all those people will not vote the way their betters tell them too.
How the fuck do you come to that conclusion from, "stop falling for easily debunked bullshit"?

Also, that's not the zinger of an argument as most things are objectively better than MAGAtards, including child molesters and people who talk in theatres. In fact, some MAGAtards are indistinguishable to child molesters (Gaetz) and people who talk in theatres (Boebert).
For whatever reason it's not enough to point out all of the instances where Trump is anti-freedom, to show conservatives are voting against their own interests, if we are needlessly charitable and assume that most conservatives are "pro-freedom".

MAGA idiots gonna be MAGA idiots.
I believe this kind of idiocy predates MAGA.

Does it?
In the olden days we held State Senators to a higher standard than we held high-school dropouts.

MAGA idiots gonna be MAGA idiots.
I believe this kind of idiocy predates MAGA.

Does it?
In the olden days we held State Senators to a higher standard than we held high-school dropouts.
Damn, you're old.
I think I'm older though... I have forgotten those halcyon days.

MAGA idiots gonna be MAGA idiots.
I believe this kind of idiocy predates MAGA.

Does it?
In the olden days we held State Senators to a higher standard than we held high-school dropouts.
Damn, you're old.
I think I'm older though... I have forgotten those halcyon days.
How dare you bring up When America Was Great, and presidential campaigns weren't about mudslinging insults.

MAGA idiots gonna be MAGA idiots.
I believe this kind of idiocy predates MAGA.

Does it?
In the olden days we held State Senators to a higher standard than we held high-school dropouts.
Damn, you're old.
I think I'm older though... I have forgotten those halcyon days.
How dare you bring up When America Was Great, and presidential campaigns weren't about mudslinging insults.

I don’t see Harris slinging any mud at Trump, though. She’s just telling the truth and he thinks it’s mud.

I was looking at all the national polls at 538. There are a lot of them. With I believe two exceptions, Harris is slightly ahead in all of them, ranging from 1 to 5 points. In the two exceptions, they are even. In no national poll is Trump ahead.

Of course this means something, but certainly not everything, because of the electoral college. And on the eve of the Trump/Clinton race, Clinton was ahead in all the national polls except one. And she did end up winning the national vote but lost in the fucking electoral college.

But here is what is interesting about the current polls at 538. One pollster decided to pit Harris, not against Trump, but against Vance. In that poll, she is leading Vance by 21 points.

What does this tell us? It tells us that Trump truly is sui generis, a cult leader. Because after all, Vance is Trump’s lickspittle, espousing all his insults and warped policy positions, and even dreaming up a new lie that Trump later co-opted, about the cat-eating Haitians. And yet, when you stuff the SAME insults, the SAME policy positions, into the mouth of someone who is not Trump, the botton falls out of that person’s support.

It’s truly baffling.
One pollster decided to pit Harris, not against Trump, but against Vance. In that poll, she is leading Vance by 21 points.

What does this tell us? It tells us that Trump truly is sui generis, a cult leader. Because after all, Vance is Trump’s lickspittle, espousing all his insults and warped policy positions, and even dreaming up a new lie that Trump later co-opted, about the cat-eating Haitians.
Yes, and that is why his demise would be such a blessing. The rage and hatred he inspires is very tiring. Without a hit of Orange Jesus every few hours, His core believers will soon become exhausted and go back to huntin’ coons or whatever the hell they do when they’re not praying.

I don’t subscribe to the “he’s not the cause” trope. He might not be the cause but he is currently serving as the fuel, and the whole perverted MAGA mess will come to a screeching halt upon its decapitation.
Of course it will try to resurrect itself, but that will be hard and take time - especially if he loses this election.
I don’t subscribe to the “he’s not the cause” trope. He might not be the cause but he is currently serving as the fuel, and the whole perverted MAGA mess will come to a screeching halt upon its decapitation.
Of course it will try to resurrect itself, but that will be hard and take time - especially if he loses this election
I don't think that he is the cause.

He's a combination of useful idiot and symptom. He's easily lead by anyone who flatters him or pays him. His most (only) successful endeavor was a TV show who's only memorable bit was "You're Fired". He's excellent at manipulating the gullible. But other people are better, including Putin and the Murdochs and Giuliani and Musk...

But he is not really the problem. He's not the cause. He's just good at exploiting the gullible, especially the gullible Christians. As long as he keeps doing that, he'll keep the support of the global elite.
I don’t subscribe to the “he’s not the cause” trope. He might not be the cause but he is currently serving as the fuel, and the whole perverted MAGA mess will come to a screeching halt upon its decapitation.
Of course it will try to resurrect itself, but that will be hard and take time - especially if he loses this election
I don't think that he is the cause.

He's a combination of useful idiot and symptom. He's easily lead by anyone who flatters him or pays him. His most (only) successful endeavor was a TV show who's only memorable bit was "You're Fired". He's excellent at manipulating the gullible. But other people are better, including Putin and the Murdochs and Giuliani and Musk...

But he is not really the problem. He's not the cause. He's just good at exploiting the gullible, especially the gullible Christians. As long as he keeps doing that, he'll keep the support of the global elite.
He keeps it alive, though, and through copious amounts of disinformation, racism, sexism and classism, he keeps fueling the hate.
He keeps it alive, though, and through copious amounts of disinformation, racism, sexism and classism, he keeps fueling the hate.
Because the Teapartiers keep delivering the flattery and money. The Teaparty is run by billionaire elites, from Russia to the US.
They manipulate Trump so he will continue manipulating the US voters for them.

Trump has no choice, he must continue dancing for his owners or he'll be poor and in prison.
Or dead.

He's a combination of useful idiot and symptom.
Yes. And? How “useful” is he?
I’d say he’s invaluable, to the “MAGAT Movement”
But he is not really the problem. He's not the cause.
Like saying guns are not the problem, or the cause of mass murders. No, they’re not. But take them away and see what happens to the mass murder rate.
He might not be the cause but he is currently serving as the fuel, and the whole perverted MAGA mess will come to a screeching halt upon its decapitation.
Very true. Huey Long's "Share the Wealth" proved that.
Did the latest conversation between Rosanne Barr and Tucker Carlson make it into this thread?
After I read this, I googled Roseanne and Tucker. She joined his tour in Texas and used the occasion to state that:
1. Dems eat babies.
2. Dems are "full-on vampires" and like the taste of blood.
3. "People have called me crazy, but I'm not crazy."

If anyone watches this on YouTube (I watched about 2 minutes, which was my absolute limit), be sure to check out the comment section, as the MAGA crowd gives her an amen chorus and clearly belong in the psych ward with her.
Did the latest conversation between Rosanne Barr and Tucker Carlson make it into this thread?
After I read this, I googled Roseanne and Tucker. She joined his tour in Texas and used the occasion to state that:
1. Dems eat babies.
2. Dems are "full-on vampires" and like the taste of blood.
3. "People have called me crazy, but I'm not crazy."

If anyone watches this on YouTube (I watched about 2 minutes, which was my absolute limit), be sure to check out the comment section, as the MAGA crowd gives her an amen chorus and clearly belong in the psych ward with her.
20 years ago, we could safely laugh at these people. After 2016, we learned it wasn't safe to laugh. And now, we don't even know what the MAGA Preachers believe, we just know there is no limit to what the MAGA base will take as truth. It is almost to the point where the MAGA are about to get that it isn't truth, but an absurd fantasy... and they won't even care and instead, embrace the fantasy even harder.

This is what 30+ years of right-wing propaganda creates. A movement with no causes or goals. Just anger and hate. We are on the brink here. I didn't think Trump or his base could get worse. I keep overestimating both of them.
I don’t subscribe to the “he’s not the cause” trope. He might not be the cause but he is currently serving as the fuel, and the whole perverted MAGA mess will come to a screeching halt upon its decapitation.
Of course it will try to resurrect itself, but that will be hard and take time - especially if he loses this election
I don't think that he is the cause.

He's a combination of useful idiot and symptom. He's easily lead by anyone who flatters him or pays him. His most (only) successful endeavor was a TV show who's only memorable bit was "You're Fired". He's excellent at manipulating the gullible. But other people are better, including Putin and the Murdochs and Giuliani and Musk...

But he is not really the problem. He's not the cause. He's just good at exploiting the gullible, especially the gullible Christians. As long as he keeps doing that, he'll keep the support of the global elite.
He keeps it alive, though, and through copious amounts of disinformation, racism, sexism and classism, he keeps fueling the hate

He keeps it alive by making it socially acceptable to voice hate.
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