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Another example of the depravity of MAGA that Trump brings out

He keeps it alive by making it socially acceptable to voice hate.
He's selling a product. It's the best he can do at this point in his life.

Unfortunately for humanity, the product is hate and lies. The casual disregard for reality and ethics is his signature merchandise. He's got nothing else.
If he doesn't want to get Epsteined he's got to persevere.
Did the latest conversation between Rosanne Barr and Tucker Carlson make it into this thread?
After I read this, I googled Roseanne and Tucker. She joined his tour in Texas and used the occasion to state that:
1. Dems eat babies.
2. Dems are "full-on vampires" and like the taste of blood.
3. "People have called me crazy, but I'm not crazy."

If anyone watches this on YouTube (I watched about 2 minutes, which was my absolute limit), be sure to check out the comment section, as the MAGA crowd gives her an amen chorus and clearly belong in the psych ward with her.
20 years ago, we could safely laugh at these people. After 2016, we learned it wasn't safe to laugh. And now, we don't even know what the MAGA Preachers believe, we just know there is no limit to what the MAGA base will take as truth. It is almost to the point where the MAGA are about to get that it isn't truth, but an absurd fantasy... and they won't even care and instead, embrace the fantasy even harder.

This is what 30+ years of right-wing propaganda creates. A movement with no causes or goals. Just anger and hate. We are on the brink here. I didn't think Trump or his base could get worse. I keep overestimating both of them.
I blame it on scientific illiteracy. When a population is less intelligent is embraces really stupid shit, conspiracy theory being a biggie. Not sure why we're becoming less interested in the scientific disciplines but with MAGAtards it certainly shows.
Did the latest conversation between Rosanne Barr and Tucker Carlson make it into this thread?
After I read this, I googled Roseanne and Tucker. She joined his tour in Texas and used the occasion to state that:
1. Dems eat babies.
2. Dems are "full-on vampires" and like the taste of blood.
3. "People have called me crazy, but I'm not crazy."

If anyone watches this on YouTube (I watched about 2 minutes, which was my absolute limit), be sure to check out the comment section, as the MAGA crowd gives her an amen chorus and clearly belong in the psych ward with her.
20 years ago, we could safely laugh at these people. After 2016, we learned it wasn't safe to laugh. And now, we don't even know what the MAGA Preachers believe, we just know there is no limit to what the MAGA base will take as truth. It is almost to the point where the MAGA are about to get that it isn't truth, but an absurd fantasy... and they won't even care and instead, embrace the fantasy even harder.

This is what 30+ years of right-wing propaganda creates. A movement with no causes or goals. Just anger and hate. We are on the brink here. I didn't think Trump or his base could get worse. I keep overestimating both of them.
I blame it on scientific illiteracy. When a population is less intelligent is embraces really stupid shit, conspiracy theory being a biggie. Not sure why we're becoming less interested in the scientific disciplines but with MAGAtards it certainly shows.
Also illiteracy re: government and civics and geography. And money.
Also illiteracy re: government and civics and geography. And money.
Definitely agree. Perhaps the income gap is driving much of it. Or perhaps in an age of instant information there's still the problem of not having good critical thinking skills. Or maybe it's just plain old tribalism. All those things can get magnified in today's social media so perhaps nothing has really changed all that much. Scientific illiteracy is definitely on the rise so literacy in all the disciplines is probably taking the same downturn.
Also illiteracy re: government and civics and geography. And money.
Definitely agree. Perhaps the income gap is driving much of it. Or perhaps in an age of instant information there's still the problem of not having good critical thinking skills. Or maybe it's just plain old tribalism. All those things can get magnified in today's social media so perhaps nothing has really changed all that much. Scientific illiteracy is definitely on the rise so literacy in all the disciplines is probably taking the same downturn.
Yeah, there are so many more voices out there now that people are far more exposed to nuts than they used to be.
This is what 30+ years of right-wing propaganda creates. A movement with no causes or goals. Just anger and hate. We are on the brink here. I didn't think Trump or his base could get worse. I keep overestimating both of them.
I blame it on 30 years of FauxNews channel.
When someone tells that a certain group of people (insert said group here) are voting against their own interests that tells that the speaker invariably actually has no idea what the own interest of the said group in question might be.

There is a TINY glimmer of truth behind this sentence, but it is drowned out by word choices like "invariably." Such choices convert the glimmer into total cluelessness. . . .

Unless of course, by "voting [according to] their own interests" Tigers! is applauding "ideas" like the hope that a Trump Administration will steer storms into Blue counties instead of Red, and that FEMA under Trump will stop stealing aid provided by right-wing locals.

According musk/twitter/GOP/blogs/and shit I’ve seen on Facebook the government created and steered the storm into Trump country and is now refusing to provide relief in favor of helping illegals. Even worse, Biden has directed FEMA to steal aid being provided locally. Some sick shit being spread.
The only thing I want Trump to do is glue his mouth shut. And then go away.
Could you sent him to the space station on one of those faulty Boeing space capsules and leave him there?
Did the latest conversation between Rosanne Barr and Tucker Carlson make it into this thread?
After I read this, I googled Roseanne and Tucker. She joined his tour in Texas and used the occasion to state that:
1. Dems eat babies.
2. Dems are "full-on vampires" and like the taste of blood.
3. "People have called me crazy, but I'm not crazy."

If anyone watches this on YouTube (I watched about 2 minutes, which was my absolute limit), be sure to check out the comment section, as the MAGA crowd gives her an amen chorus and clearly belong in the psych ward with her.
20 years ago, we could safely laugh at these people. After 2016, we learned it wasn't safe to laugh. And now, we don't even know what the MAGA Preachers believe, we just know there is no limit to what the MAGA base will take as truth. It is almost to the point where the MAGA are about to get that it isn't truth, but an absurd fantasy... and they won't even care and instead, embrace the fantasy even harder.

This is what 30+ years of right-wing propaganda creates. A movement with no causes or goals. Just anger and hate. We are on the brink here. I didn't think Trump or his base could get worse. I keep overestimating both of them.
I blame it on scientific illiteracy. When a population is less intelligent is embraces really stupid shit, conspiracy theory being a biggie. Not sure why we're becoming less interested in the scientific disciplines but with MAGAtards it certainly shows.
It's not just the ignorance and subsequent rejection of science, although that certainly is a part of it, with the most recent and idiotic being rejection of the Covid vaccine and utterly bizarre villainization of Anthony Fauci.

More than though is that these people can't read at more than 5th grade level. The internet and social media provides them with chicken nugget soundbites and colorful images like a political Chuck E. Cheese joint.

Before the internet devolved into a shrieking panic machine, people used to have to actually read books, magazines, and newspapers, which took a modicum of effort. If you really wanted to learn something e.g. philosophy, then you had to pick up a book and study those thinky things. Now though, these lackwits can click on a website, read three sentences accompanied by colorful pictures and believe they're informed. They think they're really putting in the effort by watching Hannity for half an hour.

Of course however, if they can't fucking read, then they're not going to be able to grasp even the most fundamental scientific concepts.
Also illiteracy re: government and civics and geography. And money.
Definitely agree. Perhaps the income gap is driving much of it.

Doubtful. Weeks ago I linked to an analysis of the January 6 insurrectionists -- many were CEOs, or other very affluent people.
In a sense we're revisiting the Rich-v-Poor <===> Repub-v-Democ schism that has been commonplace for more than a century. There is a dementia linked to Trumpism that affects all income levels. The demented rich vote for the fascists who may help them get richer. The demented lower class, OTOH, are deluded into voting for the Party opposite to their interests.

Or perhaps in an age of instant information there's still the problem of not having good critical thinking skills. Or maybe it's just plain old tribalism. All those things can get magnified in today's social media

As I've predicted before, social media and its perils will be a major theme of the Decline and Fall of Western Civilization -- a book which will appear in book-stores sooner than one should have hoped.

so perhaps nothing has really changed all that much. Scientific illiteracy is definitely on the rise so literacy in all the disciplines is probably taking the same downturn.

Not sure about this. Science is expanding rapidly, and many try to keep up with at least a little of it. However the Dunning-Kruger effect has accelerated drastically. Science (and truth more generally) are complex and hard to understand. Lies, on the other hand, are easily swallowed and give the Ignorati an illusion of knowledge.
Science is expanding rapidly, and many try to keep up with at least a little of it.
It makes me wonder, What percentage of the population actually needs to understand science for society to function?
Possibly only a small %. :confused:
Your opinion here is fully congruent to mine own opinion. My post emphasized brevity rather than comprehensive treatment of a tangent.
Science is expanding rapidly, and many try to keep up with at least a little of it.
It makes me wonder, What percentage of the population actually needs to understand science for society to function?
Possibly only a small %. :confused:
That depends on what percentage of the population actually have political power.

In a strong democracy, scientific literacy is a civic duty no less important than paying ones taxes - and unfortunately it is no more popular than paying ones taxes, either.

Historically, democracies have gotten around this by giving power to expert civil servants, rather than to the people, in areas where scientific knowledge is particularly vital.

The attacks on people like Fauci are symptomatic of the breakdown of this solution.
The disinformation campaigns from the minor local election campaign in some backwater called the United States of somewhere or other, are now affecting important electoral decisions in major internationally important polities, such as the great state of Queensland, where we have our election on Saturday October 26th, after a gruelling twenty-six day campaign.

Apparently a bunch of anti-vax loonies calling themselves "My Place Australia" are now up in arms, because they say the election is threatened by hackers who are attacking voting machines supplied by Dominion, and are attempting to steal the election.

These nupties appear not to care, or perhaps merely to refuse to believe, that no voting machines of any kind have ever been used in any Australian election.

This is the kind of international stupid that results from the untargetted nature of the Internet. Russian trolls post propaganda aimed at people in the Sunshine State, but it winds up on the feeds of people who live in a completely different Sunshine State.
The disinformation campaigns from the minor local election campaign in some backwater called the United States of somewhere or other, are now affecting important electoral decisions in major internationally important polities, such as the great state of Queensland, where we have our election on Saturday October 26th, after a gruelling twenty-six day campaign.

Apparently a bunch of anti-vax loonies calling themselves "My Place Australia" are now up in arms, because they say the election is threatened by hackers who are attacking voting machines supplied by Dominion, and are attempting to steal the election.

These nupties appear not to care, or perhaps merely to refuse to believe, that no voting machines of any kind have ever been used in any Australian election.

This is the kind of international stupid that results from the untargetted nature of the Internet. Russian trolls post propaganda aimed at people in the Sunshine State, but it winds up on the feeds of people who live in a completely different Sunshine State.
Science is expanding rapidly, and many try to keep up with at least a little of it.
It makes me wonder, What percentage of the population actually needs to understand science for society to function?
Possibly only a small %. :confused:
That only works when the population trusts the experts. If only a small percentage understands science but the rest don’t trust the results of their science then society isn’t likely to function (for any reasonable definition of “function” in this context).

Have you seen the Netflix show “don’t look up”?
When someone tells that a certain group of people (insert said group here) are voting against their own interests that tells that the speaker invariably actually has no idea what the own interest of the said group in question might be.

There is a TINY glimmer of truth behind this sentence, but it is drowned out by word choices like "invariably." Such choices convert the glimmer into total cluelessness. . . .

Unless of course, by "voting [according to] their own interests" Tigers! is applauding "ideas" like the hope that a Trump Administration will steer storms into Blue counties instead of Red, and that FEMA under Trump will stop stealing aid provided by right-wing locals.

According musk/twitter/GOP/blogs/and shit I’ve seen on Facebook the government created and steered the storm into Trump country and is now refusing to provide relief in favor of helping illegals. Even worse, Biden has directed FEMA to steal aid being provided locally. Some sick shit being spread.
The only thing I want Trump to do is glue his mouth shut. And then go away.
Could you sent him to the space station on one of those faulty Boeing space capsules and leave him there?
Those rockets (both of them) go to low orbit. The sort of altitude where you will in time fall back from drag. You'll have to wait for Starship to truly be rid of him.
Before the internet devolved into a shrieking panic machine, people used to have to actually read books, magazines, and newspapers, which took a modicum of effort. If you really wanted to learn something e.g. philosophy, then you had to pick up a book and study those thinky things. Now though, these lackwits can click on a website, read three sentences accompanied by colorful pictures and believe they're informed. They think they're really putting in the effort by watching Hannity for half an hour.

Of course however, if they can't fucking read, then they're not going to be able to grasp even the most fundamental scientific concepts.
Exactly. People prefer the easy "answer" to the hard understanding. Both sides are guilty but there is more manipulation on the right so they are more nuts.
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