California must be saving a fortune with all these empty jails.
The State of California detains around 93,000 people at an annual operating cost of
~14.5 billion dollars. We house a similar number of federal prisoners, supposedly not at our expense, though they certainly become our problem when released.
I've been aware of high U.S. incarceration rates for decades (and indeed have been incarcerated myself), but Googled anyway. Crossing out tiny islands and such, the five countries with highest incarceration seem to be: (All numbers are
per 100,000.)
#1 United States (716), #2 Cuba (510), #3 Rwanda (492), #4 Belize (476), #5 Russian Federation (475)
Wikipedia has its own list with different numbers and caveats; I use it exclusively in the sequel. Yes, I understand Wikipedia's content is often flawed. (It also shows Cuba and Rwanda as #2 and #3, but U.S. is #5, and Russia at #15, among major countries.)
The following selections from Wiki's long list of countries are not "cherry-picked," but are intended to give a brief look at incarceration rates, with particular aim to compare U.S. states with foreign countries.
Note that ALL of the Top Ten highest-incarceration-rate major countries are shown. (Thailand is #10.) Five of these Top Ten have incarceration rates lower than California. U.S. itself is #5, surpassed by #4 Turkmenistan, #3 Rwanda, #2 Cuba, #1 El Salvador.
Japan (33), India (40), Finland (51), Germany (67), Canada (85), France (107), China (119), Portugal (122), Puerto Rico (221), South Africa (250), Massachusetts (250), Minnesota (280), Russia (300), Thailand (377), Connecticut (380), Brazil (389), Turkey (392), Uruguay (408), Maryland (460), Panama (499), California (510), U.S. average (531), Turkmenistan (576), Ohio (600), Rwanda (621), Florida (700), Texas (750), Cuba (794), Louisiana (980), El Salvador (1086).
BOTH country rates and state rates are taken from Wikipedia, BUT there is a mix-up on U.S., appearing at 580 on states' list but 531 on countries' list I guess this means I should subtract 8.5% from states' figures above, but have not done so,