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California Doing California Things


Let's Go Brandon!!
Jan 8, 2015
West Hollywood
Basic Beliefs
Another hair-brained scheme from the numbskulls that run California;

A California bill that would allow undocumented immigrants to qualify for first-time homebuying loans continues to progress in the state Legislature. The bill, formally known as AB 1840, would expand the eligibility requirement for the state’s first-time homebuyer loan program, the California Dream For All Shared Appreciation program, to allow undocumented immigrants who live in the state to use it. Most recently, AB1840 passed the Senate Appropriations Committee last week and now faces a floor vote in the Senate. The bill has already passed the Assembly. The program, which was launched in 2023, provides up to 20% for down payment or closing costs, not to exceed $150,000. The homebuyer would have to repay the original down payment loan, plus a share of the home's increase value upon selling the property.


Setting aside the "undocumented immigrants" part of it, what the actual fuck are government doing getting into the real estate business? What a convoluted piece of nonsense. The state is financially broke and still comes up with new ways to give money away that they don't have.
what the actual fuck are government doing getting into the real estate business?

They've been in the business for decades or centuries. They are a fairly major player. In fact the fed OWNS - outright! - about 28% of all the real estate in America*. State governments own about 9%. CA owns 45,493,133 acres of real estate.

*(Certainly not that high a percentage in Santa Monica; the feds might have an office space here or there, but they probably mostly rent.)
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The government has been encouraging homebuying for a long time.

I don't see that this is evil, although I expect the mortgage companies aren't going to like it because it's effectively a low-down mortgage. (Same as they disapprove of any loan for the down payment.)
I like how the term "undocumented immigrant" is used like "leper". We're expected to recoil in horror to learn that an undocumented immigrant might be allowed to have nice things in America.

If the new bill is passed or signed into law, undocumented borrowers would be able to apply for the housing loan. However, they would be required to have a valid Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number in addition to meeting existing legal residency and documentation requirements.

Apparently an undocumented immigrant and a documentless immigrant are not the same thing.
lol, insufferable prick Newsom didn’t sign the bill. And the prick thinks he’s presidential material.
lol, insufferable prick Newsom didn’t sign the bill. And the prick thinks he’s presidential material.

It is precisely because Goodhair plans to run (2028 if Kamala loses, 2032 if she wins) that he did not sign the bill.

The racial reparations mess will be an albatross around his neck though. Not in the primaries; it will likely be to his advantage there. But reparations are highly unpopular in the electorate as a whole. Won't help him in purple battleground states.

Also, it would be to his 2032 advantage if Kamala should lose reelection in 2028. Three-term streaks are not unheard of in modern era (Reagan/Bush, but Clinton/Gore and Obama/Hillary came close enough for the idea to be feasible), but a four-term streak or longer has not happened since FDR/Truman (they had five!) but they had the benefit of WWII and FDR being able to run for more than two terms.
Whatever the case, whether Newsom signed or not, this is a proposal that should have never been made. Put it on the ballot and see if the people find it agreeable. My guess is that it would fail spectacularly. Californians are paying outrageous rent, oftentimes close to what a mortgage would cost, but they won't be given the same opportunity to get $150K to buy a home? Sure thing.

This is why every political system needs a healthy conservative component so that ridiculous shit like this can never get off the ground in the first place.
Californians are paying outrageous rent, oftentimes close to what a mortgage would cost, but they won't be given the same opportunity to get $150K to buy a home? Sure thing.
Every first-time homebuyer in the state has equal access to these loans, so what's the issue? Am I just supposed to be outraged at the thought that an evil Mexican *spooky Morricone noises* might one day enjoy one of the privileges I currently enjoy? That is not a mindset I have ever understood. The ignorance and naivete of the American conservative, and their dogged insistence that they are some sort of oppressed class, is a truly remarkable thing.
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lol, insufferable prick Newsom didn’t sign the bill. And the prick thinks he’s presidential material.
You'd be furious if he did, but you whine that he didn't. It's as though critical thought has nothing to do with your political opinions.
Whine? I’m laughing!! It was entirely predictable he wouldn’t sign for the reasons Derec outlined.
Another hair-brained scheme from the numbskulls that run California;

A California bill that would allow undocumented immigrants to qualify for first-time homebuying loans continues to progress in the state Legislature. The bill, formally known as AB 1840, would expand the eligibility requirement for the state’s first-time homebuyer loan program, the California Dream For All Shared Appreciation program, to allow undocumented immigrants who live in the state to use it. Most recently, AB1840 passed the Senate Appropriations Committee last week and now faces a floor vote in the Senate. The bill has already passed the Assembly. The program, which was launched in 2023, provides up to 20% for down payment or closing costs, not to exceed $150,000. The homebuyer would have to repay the original down payment loan, plus a share of the home's increase value upon selling the property.


Setting aside the "undocumented immigrants" part of it, what the actual fuck are government doing getting into the real estate business?
FHA, Fannie Mae, the W Admin "ownership society". The government has been involved with housing ownership for quite a while.
What a convoluted piece of nonsense. The state is financially broke and still comes up with new ways to give money away that they don't have.
Sounds like the plan would pay back itself given time.
Californians are paying outrageous rent, oftentimes close to what a mortgage would cost, but they won't be given the same opportunity to get $150K to buy a home? Sure thing.
Every first-time homebuyer in the state has equal access to these loans, so what's the issue? Am I just supposed to be outraged at the thought that an evil Mexican *spooky Morricone noises* might one day enjoy one of the privileges I currently enjoy? That is not a mindset I have ever understood. The ignorance and naivete of the American conservative, and their dogged insistence that they are some sort of oppressed class, is a truly remarkable thing.

No, it's money going to non-citizens when that money could be used to improve the lives of actual citizens. Your argument implying that I'm a racist is insulting and absurd.

Citizenship does matter. Resources going to citizens before it goes to non-citizens does matter.

And you know what else is old yet still aggravating? This "white privilege" bullshit. It's especially galling to, you know, white people who go to work every day and struggle every day. I will not justify Trumpism (or whatever anyone wants to call it), but what helped the GOP gain a significant amount of votes is the left's ridicule of white people's every day problems and essentially telling them not just that their opinions don't matter, but they're the problem because they're white. When you're struggling to get by and that's the shit you hear, then maybe you look elsewhere with respect to who you vote for.

Did that make me go over to the Dumb Side? Obviously not, but it changed the game for millions.

Alienating a significant portion of the largest voter base in the country played a definite hand in bringing Trump to prominence. Certainly there are other factors e.g. the constant bullshit bombardment of Limbaughs, Fox News, actual racists, etc. There's currently nothing that can be done about that, but what can be done is for liberals to begin to exercise some introspection.
Californians are paying outrageous rent, oftentimes close to what a mortgage would cost, but they won't be given the same opportunity to get $150K to buy a home? Sure thing.
Every first-time homebuyer in the state has equal access to these loans, so what's the issue? Am I just supposed to be outraged at the thought that an evil Mexican *spooky Morricone noises* might one day enjoy one of the privileges I currently enjoy? That is not a mindset I have ever understood. The ignorance and naivete of the American conservative, and their dogged insistence that they are some sort of oppressed class, is a truly remarkable thing.

No, it's money going to non-citizens when that money could be used to improve the lives of actual citizens. Your argument implying that I'm a racist is insulting and absurd.

Citizenship does matter. Resources going to citizens before it goes to non-citizens does matter.

And you know what else is old yet still aggravating? This "white privilege" bullshit. It's especially galling to, you know, white people who go to work every day and struggle every day. I will not justify Trumpism (or whatever anyone wants to call it), but what helped the GOP gain a significant amount of votes is the left's ridicule of white people's every day problems and essentially telling them not just that their opinions don't matter, but they're the problem because they're white. When you're struggling to get by and that's the shit you hear, then maybe you look elsewhere with respect to who you vote for.

Did that make me go over to the Dumb Side? Obviously not, but it changed the game for millions.

Alienating a significant portion of the largest voter base in the country played a definite hand in bringing Trump to prominence. Certainly there are other factors e.g. the constant bullshit bombardment of Limbaughs, Fox News, actual racists, etc. There's currently nothing that can be done about that, but what can be done is for liberals to begin to exercise some introspection.
I didn't say there was any problem with being white, only with being blinded by hatred for anyone who isn't. Obviously not all whites are ignorant xenophobes, or this bill would never have made it to Newsom's desk in the first place. And again, you haven't explained how this bill endangered their livelihood in any way. You're not demanding for something that you don't have, you're demanding the right not to share what you already have. But you're at pains to make it sound as being asked to share at all, in a way that costs you nothing and would generally benefit the state, makes you a martyr.
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I like how the term "undocumented immigrant" is used like "leper". We're expected to recoil in horror to learn that an undocumented immigrant might be allowed to have nice things in America.

If the new bill is passed or signed into law, undocumented borrowers would be able to apply for the housing loan. However, they would be required to have a valid Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number in addition to meeting existing legal residency and documentation requirements.

Apparently an undocumented immigrant and a documentless immigrant are not the same thing.

Has anyone explained this? How can one be a "legal resident" with "required documentation" but also be "undocumented"? Is this due to some conflict between U.S. and California law?

Anyway, I'd probably oppose such a law: Let's work on immigration policy rather than encouraging outlaws. More importantly, why give the Trump-Putin axis yet another "excess wokeness" example to bamboozle the gullible ignorati?
Whatever the case, whether Newsom signed or not, this is a proposal that should have never been made. Put it on the ballot and see if the people find it agreeable. My guess is that it would fail spectacularly. Californians are paying outrageous rent, oftentimes close to what a mortgage would cost, but they won't be given the same opportunity to get $150K to buy a home? Sure thing.

This is why every political system needs a healthy conservative component so that ridiculous shit like this can never get off the ground in the first place.
We bought our first home more than 35 years ago precisely because our landlords were raising our rent to what a mortgage cost. This was in the midwest, outside of a major city.

My kids bought their homes precisely because rents were approaching or exceeding mortgages--again in a different midwest state than where we purchased our first home. It seems like like that's not unusual.

I agree that there need to be different points of view, including conservative and liberal within governments in order to meet the needs of the people and to ensure progress towards meeting those needs.
Another hair-brained scheme from the numbskulls that run California;

A California bill that would allow undocumented immigrants to qualify for first-time homebuying loans continues to progress in the state Legislature. The bill, formally known as AB 1840, would expand the eligibility requirement for the state’s first-time homebuyer loan program, the California Dream For All Shared Appreciation program, to allow undocumented immigrants who live in the state to use it. Most recently, AB1840 passed the Senate Appropriations Committee last week and now faces a floor vote in the Senate. The bill has already passed the Assembly. The program, which was launched in 2023, provides up to 20% for down payment or closing costs, not to exceed $150,000. The homebuyer would have to repay the original down payment loan, plus a share of the home's increase value upon selling the property.


Setting aside the "undocumented immigrants" part of it, what the actual fuck are government doing getting into the real estate business? What a convoluted piece of nonsense. The state is financially broke and still comes up with new ways to give money away that they don't have.
article said:
“Let me be clear: anyone who meets the program’s criteria can apply for this loan program. And, to qualify, you must secure a bank loan or mortgage. AB 1840 is about providing an opportunity for homeownership, which we know allows families to secure financial security and stability. The ability to do this strengthens local economies and benefits all people who call California home.”
So, can illegal residents get a mortgage in the US?
Article Snip: If the new bill is passed or signed into law, undocumented borrowers would be able to apply for the housing loan. However, they would be required to have a valid Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number in addition to meeting existing legal residency and documentation requirements.

That's like saying "You can join our VIP club... as long as you're already a member!!!
Article Snip: If the new bill is passed or signed into law, undocumented borrowers would be able to apply for the housing loan. However, they would be required to have a valid Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number in addition to meeting existing legal residency and documentation requirements.

That's like saying "You can join our VIP club... as long as you're already a member!!!
That word “undocumented”. They keep using that word. I don’t think it means what they think it means.
Whatever the case, whether Newsom signed or not, this is a proposal that should have never been made. Put it on the ballot and see if the people find it agreeable. My guess is that it would fail spectacularly. Californians are paying outrageous rent, oftentimes close to what a mortgage would cost, but they won't be given the same opportunity to get $150K to buy a home? Sure thing.

This is why every political system needs a healthy conservative component so that ridiculous shit like this can never get off the ground in the first place.
We bought our first home more than 35 years ago precisely because our landlords were raising our rent to what a mortgage cost. This was in the midwest, outside of a major city.

My kids bought their homes precisely because rents were approaching or exceeding mortgages--again in a different midwest state than where we purchased our first home. It seems like like that's not unusual.

I agree that there need to be different points of view, including conservative and liberal within governments in order to meet the needs of the people and to ensure progress towards meeting those needs.
It’s not unusual. A market in balance will generally see rent $100-200 dollars less than a mortgage payment. Location matters.
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