I have seen for years urbanite distain towards rural and small town dwellers
you keep saying that, and everyone seems to be fine with just letting you get away with it, but i call bullshit.
'city people' don't have disdain for rural people, because 'city people' don't have any thoughts about rural people *period*.
the only city people with any sort of active disdain for rural people are former rural people who now live in a big city.
if you grew up in an urban area and never spent time in a truly bumfuck region and have no experience with it, you literally don't think about those people.
this whole "nyeh city people are so disdainful of country folk" meme is just a combination of classic conservative projection (blaming others for the thing you're doing) and buying into a narrative you saw on TV that doesn't exist in real life.
Think about it: the two coasts disregard the rest of the country
and therein lies the truth - there's no disdain, there's simply disregard, mostly born of ignorance (the innocent kind) and when it isn't a complete lack of acknowledgement entirely it's disdain of rural folk for being absolute horrendous pieces of shit and not because they live in a small town.
'small town' culture is an equally disgusting and degenerate mass of bullshit as what you see from the ultra rich - completely delusional idiots with no concept of life outside of their own little bubble, mired in rigid hypocrisy and fantasy in a pathetic attempt to force their narrow view of reality on everyone else.
there's nothing inherently wrong with living in a small town, but the entire concept of a small town is predicated on something that no longer exists.
small self-contained and self-sustaining rural communities in the U.S. started out as leeches suckling at the engorged varicose veins of plantations and/or gold mines. they sprouted up around some kind of economic backbone that artificially supported them, and were only able to exist on that scale due to the outside resources brought in by that backbone.
when the slaves and the gold went away these towns all withered up and barely survived until the manufacturing boom hit, and that only happened because they were all so poor and desperate that it was profitable to use them as factory slave labor.
when that went away because there are even cheaper brown people in other countries, the towns immediately died again.
the big fat lie that every small town in the U.S. in the present day is founded on is that it's a self-contained system... that the town doesn't need the 'outside world' and can get by solely on its own local ecosystem.
and that's probably true for a small town that contents itself with subsistence living-off-the-land and local trade, but here's the big fat secret rural types don't want you to know that makes the whole thing fall apart: none of them want that.
small town people want infrastructure, water treatment, electricity, daily mail service, high speed internet, HBO, and a walmart.
they want an urban life, they just don't want to have to be around other people or to generate any kind of viable economic activity to make bringing it all to them worth anyone's investment to bother with.
and so they sit in their dusty bumfuck nowhere collection of shacks and bemoan 'big city' people, because those evil 'big city' people have bent over fucking backwards to bring the modern world to them and they resent it because fucked up inbred protestant idiocy makes them think being given something means they are 'lesser than.'
Trumpism appeals to the disaffected wherever they live,
this is such BS, this is like saying that cannibalism appeals to anyone with cancer, because they have cancer and want a cure for it, and cannibalism is.... something something?
the absolute fact is that rural idiots vote republican, and republicans do absolutely NOTHING in any way shape or form to materially improve their living conditions.
democrats verifiably DO improve their living conditions, but by doing so initiate some kind of fucktarded hillbilly vengeance pact against the very people who are trying to help them, because that "hard work" ethic you're so fond of makes these communities incapable of accepting the economic and infrastructure assistance they require in order to live in the modern world without going completely ape shit over the fact that someone handed them something.
rural people actively vote to destroy their own lives, and they do it year after year and they are screamingly proud of it.
they aren't struggling with economic hardship and just wanting to live a safe and stable american dream life... they fucked themselves into desperation, and now they're trying to cut the throat of anyone who tries to help them.