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Covid-19 miscellany

That's cute.
She wasn't 'naked and not wearing a face mask.' She was not wearing a face mask, which she referred to as 'naked.' Slightly less horrifying.

But she wasn't deported for 'joking' about anything. She is being deported for actually breaking quarantine. She did joke about it, but it was the violation itself that got her kicked out.
Boris Johnson is effectively removing the floodgates during the flood, while the waters are rising. The UK Covid-19 plan is "Stupid has to work some time... right?"
PM ? you mean Boris Jonson? in isolation? But he just opened everything up.
OK, I googled. You can't make this shit up.
Well, as bilby said, you could, you'd just be laughed out of the room. It wouldn't be a satire or even slapstick.

It's such a shame. British leadership used to be so highly respected.

What an authoritarian hell hole Australia is;

Katie Hopkins has been deported from Australia after 'joking' about breaching hotel quarantine rules and calling Covid lockdowns the 'greatest hoax in human history.' The controversial British social commentator, 46, boarded a Singapore Airlines flight from Sydney at 3pm on Monday after her 'critical skills' visa was torn up by the Federal Government and she was fined $1,000 (£536) for answering the door of her room in quarantine naked and without a face mask in violation of quarantine rules. But during her stay in a hotel room, she shared an Instagram Live video in which she joked about deliberately breaking Covid rules by opening her door naked and mask-free to the workers who deliver her food.

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews said on Monday morning: 'I hadn't heard of her before and I don't want to hear about her ever again. 'I thought it was just shameful, the fact that she was out there boasting about breaching quarantine was just appalling,' she told the ABC.


Hellhole? Sounds like Australia did the right thing.

Nah, she shouldn't have been granted a visa in the first place.
That's cute.
She wasn't 'naked and not wearing a face mask.' She was not wearing a face mask, which she referred to as 'naked.' Slightly less horrifying.

But she wasn't deported for 'joking' about anything. She is being deported for actually breaking quarantine. She did joke about it, but it was the violation itself that got her kicked out.

Hmmm, well I must have missed that because I didn't see it reported anywhere that she actually had (or how) broken quarantine rules.
That's cute.
She wasn't 'naked and not wearing a face mask.' She was not wearing a face mask, which she referred to as 'naked.' Slightly less horrifying.

But she wasn't deported for 'joking' about anything. She is being deported for actually breaking quarantine. She did joke about it, but it was the violation itself that got her kicked out.

Hmmm, well I must have missed that because I didn't see it reported anywhere that she actually had (or how) broken quarantine rules.

So you didn't see it in the Daily Mail.
That's cute.
She wasn't 'naked and not wearing a face mask.' She was not wearing a face mask, which she referred to as 'naked.' Slightly less horrifying.

But she wasn't deported for 'joking' about anything. She is being deported for actually breaking quarantine. She did joke about it, but it was the violation itself that got her kicked out.

Hmmm, well I must have missed that because I didn't see it reported anywhere that she actually had (or how) broken quarantine rules.

It’s right there in the article you linked. You just have to read more than the headline and the first paragraph.
That's cute.
She wasn't 'naked and not wearing a face mask.' She was not wearing a face mask, which she referred to as 'naked.' Slightly less horrifying.

But she wasn't deported for 'joking' about anything. She is being deported for actually breaking quarantine. She did joke about it, but it was the violation itself that got her kicked out.

Hmmm, well I must have missed that because I didn't see it reported anywhere that she actually had (or how) broken quarantine rules.

It’s right there in the article you linked. You just have to read more than the headline and the first paragraph.

It’s right there in the article you linked. You just have to read more than the headline and the first paragraph.


your link said:
She was also fined $1,000 (£536) for answering the door of her room in quarantine naked and without a face mask in violation of quarantine rules.

So, she did violate the rules, but the article may be implying she wasn’t kicked out until she joked about it.

But it clearly says she was caught violating the rules.
your link said:
She was also fined $1,000 (£536) for answering the door of her room in quarantine naked and without a face mask in violation of quarantine rules.

So, she did violate the rules, but the article may be implying she wasn’t kicked out until she joked about it.

But it clearly says she was caught violating the rules.

I put that down to sloppy Daily Mail reporting. She certainly joked about intending on answering the door naked and mask-less in her video but it's not clear that she actually did do that. It's possible I suppose but I think what happened is that she was fired by the broadcasting company and that makes her ineligible for the visa so she was deported and some political hay is being made of it from the uptight home affairs minister Karen Andrews, a right battle axe.
Hellhole? Sounds like Australia did the right thing.

Nah, she shouldn't have been granted a visa in the first place.

And face accusations of being an autocratic hellhole for autocratically keeping people out of the hellhole?
I guess that's a no more severe offense than autocratically rescuing them from being in a hellhole, so yeah. Reckon you're right.

So, she did violate the rules, but the article may be implying she wasn’t kicked out until she joked about it.
But it clearly says she was caught violating the rules.

So, is Swiz complaining about the autocracy capriciously forgiving the violation but punishing the joke?
Yeah, governments suck.
Looks like we're going for culling instead of immunity.
Death toll is definitely dropping with the elderly vaccinated. So, we are going to see needless deaths, but not a huge toll. Hospitalizations are rising, but again, with the elderly not as much in the picture, it isn't as big an issue (yet). The trouble remains that with absolutely no mitigation efforts to reduce spread, the numbers for cases soon could dwarf what we've already seen. But if that does happen, then everyone would have either gotten it or was vaccinated. Though, also in that case, the remaining unvaccinated elderly will be seeing problems.

The question remains about long-term consequences of having Covid-19. And whether we grind complainers into sausage that needlessly contracted Covid-19 and demand government help to deal with their medical costs down the road.

There is also the issue of it mutating into a strain against which the vaccine is ineffective.
The cops received a complaint. Found enough reason to charge her.
I doubt the instagram post was the sole reason. But if it was, then her deleting it is probably obstruction.
The only thing i think her post did was make it impossible for her to say it was an accident, 'i forgot.'
Looks like we're going for culling instead of immunity.
Death toll is definitely dropping with the elderly vaccinated. So, we are going to see needless deaths, but not a huge toll. Hospitalizations are rising, but again, with the elderly not as much in the picture, it isn't as big an issue (yet). The trouble remains that with absolutely no mitigation efforts to reduce spread, the numbers for cases soon could dwarf what we've already seen. But if that does happen, then everyone would have either gotten it or was vaccinated. Though, also in that case, the remaining unvaccinated elderly will be seeing problems.

The question remains about long-term consequences of having Covid-19. And whether we grind complainers into sausage that needlessly contracted Covid-19 and demand government help to deal with their medical costs down the road.

There is also the issue of it mutating into a strain against which the vaccine is ineffective.

Ah, that's the wager, innit? Will the resistant strain come first, or will it be a really deadly variant that is responsive to the vaccines?

If the latter, and it kills quickly enough, the hospitals won't be overwhelmed and the pandemic will be over in a couple more years. Probably the best possible outcome, given what Trumpism has wrought upon the world, and the US in particular.
If the former, look at the bright side: In a hundred generations it might only remain as an endogenous retrovirus in the human genome (if the species survives that long).
Heard this piece yesterday on NPR. Governor of Arkansas kind of talking the good talk and all about giving people the choices, but when pressed, most of his attempts to address the low vax rate in Arkansas via talking to people haven't been particularly effective.
Gov. Hutchinson said:
Well, we actually have a vaccine clinic at each of the town halls that we have. And so you can see them lined up. And these aren't large numbers, but you can see that minds are changed because of the information they got.
Yeah, that isn't exactly selling the effectiveness well.
Gov. Hutchinson said:
So the key thing is that people have the information to make good decisions.
They aren't listening to the information, they are listening to the disinformation of Tucker Carlson. The GOP's own machine is railing against the vaccine.
I put that down to sloppy Daily Mail reporting.

Your pathetic inability to fully read an article is The Daily Mail's fault?

Er no. I did fully read the Daily Mail article which doesn't say what the circumstances were that put her in breach of the law and resulted in the fine. Sure there's a line that says "She was also fined $1,000 (£536) for not wearing a mask in public" but the article doesn't elaborate. I guess you assume she answered the door without a mask (and possibly naked) in less than 30 seconds if you like.

Also, fuck Katie Hopkins

She's not everyone's cup of tea but this is a bit much. I look forward to hearing Katie's side of the story.
They aren't listening to the information, they are listening to the disinformation of Tucker Carlson. The GOP's own machine is railing against the vaccine.

So the pressing question becomes - who has killed more people, the Swanson brothers with their TV dinners, or their heir Tucker with his COVID lies?
They aren't listening to the information, they are listening to the disinformation of Tucker Carlson. The GOP's own machine is railing against the vaccine.

So the pressing question becomes - who has killed more people, the Swanson brothers with their TV dinners, or their heir Tucker with his COVID lies?
Obviously Tucker's victims were the ones enjoying a more steady diet of the shit.
That's cute.
She wasn't 'naked and not wearing a face mask.' She was not wearing a face mask, which she referred to as 'naked.' Slightly less horrifying.

But she wasn't deported for 'joking' about anything. She is being deported for actually breaking quarantine. She did joke about it, but it was the violation itself that got her kicked out.

Hmmm, well I must have missed that because I didn't see it reported anywhere that she actually had (or how) broken quarantine rules.

Earth to TSwizzle: Your own post said she did!
The cops received a complaint. Found enough reason to charge her.
I doubt the instagram post was the sole reason. But if it was, then her deleting it is probably obstruction.
The only thing i think her post did was make it impossible for her to say it was an accident, 'i forgot.'

Yup. The post proved intent.
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