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Europe submits voluntarily

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Some people got into an argument and someone got stabbed. I'm sure native Germans never do that sort of thing, thank goodness.
Who says they don't. Where did that idea came from that if native population is not perfect, then they should allow unlimited migration of unvetted foreigners?

Several far-right protesters performed Nazi salutes.
That was a small minority. And some people engaged in violence, which is regrettable.

But many people in Germany are mad. They are mad at their politicians who, instead of doing anything about the migration problem are making it worse.

Here is a German article about one of the stabbers of Chemnitz:
Mutmaßlicher Täter Yousif A. sollte abgeschoben werden

The Iraqi who came to Germany in 2015 (i.e. he is one of the "Merkel Muslims") was supposed to be deported to Bulgaria because he already claimed asylum there. But the German authorities never got around to doing that - they were supposed to do it within 6 months. That's sadly a common story. The deportations are very slow and involve maybe a couple of hundred of people per year. At the same time 1000s are still coming, in addition to the million that came in 2015. That's an untenable situation and it's no wonder people are getting pissed off.
If so-called "mainstream parties" do not wake up and start taking the migration issue seriously, bad things might happen.

By the way, the anti-mass migration AfD (Alternative for Germany) is threatening to supplant the center left SPD as the 2nd largest party. There is only 1% difference in a recent survey.
Interesting that we have a migrant right in our midst that regularly commits crimes.
Did you buy Frikki's concession for obsession with my sex life or what?

I asked this before but never got an answer. Derec, were you an economic migrant or a refugee?
Refugee. A real one. As in, an RPG hit a foot from out dining room window. One reason I am so hostile to fakefugees (like those from Pakistan or wherever) and some media making no distinction between economic migrants and bona fine refugees. It doesn't help that all these mass migrants claim asylum.
Interesting that we have a migrant right in our midst that regularly commits crimes.
Did you buy Frikki's concession for obsession with my sex life or what?

I asked this before but never got an answer. Derec, were you an economic migrant or a refugee?
Refugee. A real one. As in, an RPG hit a foot from out dining room window. One reason I am so hostile to fakefugees (like those from Pakistan or wherever) and some media making no distinction between economic migrants and bona fine refugees. It doesn't help that all these mass migrants claim asylum.

Ah, the ”real refugee”. Those are the worst racists. I have met a lot of these scumbags...
Ah, the ”real refugee”. Those are the worst racists.
Somebody is not a "racist" because they object to unlimited, unvetted mass migration by people which, if left unchecked, will lead to Europe becoming an Islamic continent by the end of the century.


And this is you Juma. And Zoidberg also.

I have met a lot of these scumbags...
I guess you prefer non-scumbags like that Uzbek guy who drove a truck into a group of people in Stockholm.

Ok, the image is a bit inaccurate. "Sweden 2050" would be more accurate. Your country is committing slow-motion suicide.

Your politicians are definitely submitting voluntarily.

Say what you will about Marie Le-Pen, but she is right.
Marine Le Pen in Lebanon row after refusing to wear headscarf
Cartoonish fears are cartoonish.

An image is worth a 1000 words. Nothing cartoonish about the Islamic threat. That's why your country did the right thing and closed itself to boat arrivals. It still has a problem with those Islamists already in country, but you are much better off than Europe, where Islamic mass migrants are still flooding in.



Nothing to be concerned about at all. :rolleyes:


It's not migration, it's an invasion!

Attacking German police:
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An image is worth a 1000 words.

Um.... yeah... but you've failed to understand what that saying means. It means that an image has more emotional impact than a thousand words. It's still an argument from emotion. It doesn't mean what you are showing is more true.

Are you aware of the rampant problem of pictures being taken out of context and being used to argue something completely different. I remember you earlier in this thread using a picture from a demonstration in Malmö which you thought was a demonstration for sharia, which you would have realised, if you could read Swedish, would have understood it was a Muslim demonstration against terrorism and against ISIS. How about thinking before opening your mouth?

No. The phrase means "two members of a very large group of migrants". They were part of the large influx of migrants Merkel authorized. That makes them mass migrants. Your objection is moronic.

There is no contradiction there.

Sure there is.

Two people did something bad.

Those two people are members of a larger group.

Your assertion that their behaviour is typical of the group as a whole, is in contradiction with your assertion that the group is very large. Two out of three, or two out of four, could be considered 'typical'. Two out of many is not - and the larger the size of 'many', the less typical the behaviour of those two must be.

Thinking. It's not hard, but it's apparently not for everyone.

Here is a politically correct [as far as is possible] study of the problem. Islam is not and never will be compatible with any Western,democratic civilasation.


You didn't link to a study, you linked to a quora question. The answer you had in mind may even no longer appear at the top.

This thing about sources, you really don't get it.
Here is a politically correct [as far as is possible] study of the problem. Islam is not and never will be compatible with any Western,democratic civilasation.


You didn't link to a study, you linked to a quora question. The answer you had in mind may even no longer appear at the top.

This thing about sources, you really don't get it.

One doesn't need to go far to find sources. They're starring you in the face if only you care to look.

Yea right. It's not the economic immigrants who should assimilate with the host nation, but the host nation who should assimilate with the endless stream of freeloaders!


Here's a wild speculation... you didn't read anything but the title? It's ironic. The text is all about the author having integrated perfectly yet, Brits he meets keep assuming he's right off the boat. So the opposite of what you think he means.
Here is a politically correct [as far as is possible] study of the problem. Islam is not and never will be compatible with any Western,democratic civilasation.


You didn't link to a study, you linked to a quora question. The answer you had in mind may even no longer appear at the top.

This thing about sources, you really don't get it.

One doesn't need to go far to find sources. They're starring you in the face if only you care to look.


In Sweden we have about 800 000 Muslims. 600 000 are non-practicing. Non-practicing Muslims don't really give a flying fuck about the contents of the Quran. They have what is called a "liberal faith". Based on their behaviour, infinitely liberal, malleable beyond any boundaries.

You keep repeating how they're going to take over... I just don't see it. Where's the evidence?
Yet another stab-happy Afghan:
Amsterdam stabbing suspect had "terrorist motive," authorities say
CBS News said:
Authorities in Amsterdam say a 19-year-old Afghan citizen who was shot and detained after a double stabbing at the city's main railway station had a "terrorist motive." The Dutch capital's government said in a statement Saturday that investigators reached the conclusion based on the suspect's first statements to police.

The suspect allegedly stabbed two American tourists on Friday before police shot and wounded him. He holds a German residency permit and was identified as Jawed S. in line with Dutch privacy rules.
Danke Merkel!

Meanwhile, more of these mass migrants are still flooding into Europe.
Bosnian police intercept 50 migrants on cargo train
Reuters said:
Bosnian police stopped about 50 migrants from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan trying to cross from Serbia in a cargo train overnight on Friday as authorities step up patrols of the border.
Bosnia had not been on the well-trodden migrant route through the Balkans to European Union nations until earlier this year when arrivals jumped. About 11,000 people from Asia and North Africa have been registered as arriving so far this year.

- - - Updated - - -

In Sweden we have about 800 000 Muslims. 600 000 are non-practicing. Non-practicing Muslims don't really give a flying fuck about the contents of the Quran. They have what is called a "liberal faith". Based on their behaviour, infinitely liberal, malleable beyond any boundaries.
I don't believe it. Where did you get that data?
Um.... yeah... but you've failed to understand what that saying means. It means that an image has more emotional impact than a thousand words. It's still an argument from emotion. It doesn't mean what you are showing is more true.
Not necessarily emotional. Images can communicate many things ,but they are obviously useful in communication.

Are you aware of the rampant problem of pictures being taken out of context and being used to argue something completely different.
Which of the pictures from the two image-heavy posts above are "out of context" and show "something completely different"?

I remember you earlier in this thread using a picture from a demonstration in Malmö which you thought was a demonstration for sharia, which you would have realised, if you could read Swedish, would have understood it was a Muslim demonstration against terrorism and against ISIS. How about thinking before opening your mouth?
I am not sure what you are referring to. You may mean the video. I don't think I said they were demonstrating for Sharia, but probably that the demonstration exemplifies Sharia. Men and women were strictly segregated, with women marching in the back, and all the women were fully veiled. And there were thousands of them. Which is why I call BS on your claim that 3/4 of your Muslims are secular. Maybe that used to be the case when most Muslims that came to Sweden were Bosnians and the like, but now that you have a lot of Afghans (99% of whom support Sharia) and similar, it will no longer hold.

One thing about being "against terrorism". I have had online conversations with Iran-supporting Shiites. Obviously they were against IS and Al Qaeda but not because they don't support terrorism but because of the "franchise" these groups belong to. They did support Hezbollah and the Houthis. They even supported Hamas and Islamic Jihad, who while being Sunni in membership, are vassals of Shiite Iranian theocracy, which makes them ok. They will claim they are against terrorism, but will deny Hezbollah, Hamas etc. are terrorist.
So you can't just take their word for it when they say they are against terrorism. You have to dig deeper.
In Sweden we have about 800 000 Muslims. 600 000 are non-practicing. Non-practicing Muslims don't really give a flying fuck about the contents of the Quran. They have what is called a "liberal faith". Based on their behaviour, infinitely liberal, malleable beyond any boundaries.
I don't believe it. Where did you get that data?

Yeah... why would you let reality influence your beliefs?

Sweden collects all manner of data on its citizens and it's freely made available on the Internet.


Source: http://www.scb.se

There's also studies that show that Sweden is a magnet for the most liberal Muslims. There's plenty of Muslims who are big fans of mosque/state separation. Which should surprise nobody who has been anywhere in the Middle-East. Islam in politics hasn't worked out so well. These Muslims often pick Sweden as the preferred country to move to.

Sweden was one of the main destinations for Iranians fleeing the theocratic dictatorship over there. Guess how enthusiastic these are about Islamism?

Your view of Muslims is a fantasy
One doesn't need to go far to find sources. They're starring you in the face if only you care to look.


In Sweden we have about 800 000 Muslims. 600 000 are non-practicing. Non-practicing Muslims don't really give a flying fuck about the contents of the Quran. They have what is called a "liberal faith". Based on their behaviour, infinitely liberal, malleable beyond any boundaries.

You keep repeating how they're going to take over... I just don't see it. Where's the evidence?

600.000 non practicing muzzies out of a total of 800.000 muzzies still leaves 200.000 very dangerous followers of the pedophilic " profit" who were taught to " strike the necks of the unbelievers." A friend who has just returned from a tour of Europe after an absence of ten years no longer reconises his place of birth Stockholm in Sweden. Malmo is an islamic country within a country. Very few people venture out there after dark. This is after just 10 years. Imagine it at the end of this century.
One doesn't need to go far to find sources. They're starring you in the face if only you care to look.


In Sweden we have about 800 000 Muslims. 600 000 are non-practicing. Non-practicing Muslims don't really give a flying fuck about the contents of the Quran. They have what is called a "liberal faith". Based on their behaviour, infinitely liberal, malleable beyond any boundaries.

You keep repeating how they're going to take over... I just don't see it. Where's the evidence?

600.000 non practicing muzzies out of a total of 800.000 muzzies still leaves 200.000 very dangerous followers of the pedophilic " profit" who were taught to " strike the necks of the unbelievers." A friend who has just returned from a tour of Europe after an absence of ten years no longer reconises his place of birth Stockholm in Sweden. Malmo is an islamic country within a country. Very few people venture out there after dark. This is after just 10 years. Imagine it at the end of this century.

All of the 600 000 non-dangerous Muslims, weren't that long ago a part of the "dangerous" 200 000 Muslims. Here's a prediction, the same thing is going to happen to the 200 000 practicing Muslims as happened to the 600 000 non-practicing Muslims. Sweden seems to be the country where Islam comes to die. It's the same deal in all Scandinavian countries.

No, shit he doesn't recognise the city 10 years on. He's now 10 yeas older. There's a lot of things that happen with people's hormones and whatnot over 10 years. Not saying that it's all in his head, but it could be all in his head. I visitied Stockholm just last week. It's as boring now as it's always been IMHO.

How do you know that very few people venture out after dark? Last year I lived in Malmö for a year. The Swedes of Malmö behave just as recklessly as Swedes anywhere. Young Swedish women assume that it's safe to take a taxi alone from anywhere to anywhere at any hour, and in any state of inebriation. That's just a fact. They're still doing it. Just as they always have.

Yes, there's more talk about Muslim immigrants doing all manner of things, but I've yet to see any evidence that Swedish people have altered their behaviour to match this increased feeling of insecurity. I think it's bullshit. I don't think it's an actual thing, and I think it's all talk.

And right now we need to be even more critical than usual of these reports of Muslim wrongdoing because it's a Swedish election less than a week away, and our second largest political party's entire existence is based upon scaring Swedes about the awful evil immigrants.
Is that why Sweden is the rape capital of the Western world! It's also the reason many extreme right wing, anti immigration parties are doping so well in elections right across Europe. Some Eastern Eu countries have already seen the light and may well become

the forefront of a fightback against idiotic politicians such as Merkel and Macron.
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