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Posting a link won't make you less than somebody who didn't know about the US/British overthrow of Iranian democracy.

What do you have to say about it now that you have learned about it?

Iran was a modern democracy. The world would look very different had the US and Britain not fucked it up with sick greed.

If they had not supported a fundamentalist dictatorship in Saudi Arabia for decades.

Those crazy Christians wreaking havoc in the world.

You really are ignorant of the world around you. And here I was thinking you were just kidding!

The Middle East have never known democracy since the armies of Muhammad....

I just showed you when Iran was democratic.

And I showed you that it never had democracy. The word doesn't exist in the islamic vocabulary.
Posting a link won't make you less than somebody who didn't know about the US/British overthrow of Iranian democracy.

What do you have to say about it now that you have learned about it?

Iran was a modern democracy. The world would look very different had the US and Britain not fucked it up with sick greed.

If they had not supported a fundamentalist dictatorship in Saudi Arabia for decades.

Those crazy Christians wreaking havoc in the world.

You really are ignorant of the world around you. And here I was thinking you were just kidding!

The Middle East have never known democracy since the armies of Muhammad....

I just showed you when Iran was democratic.

Which, in unter-speak, means the workers had full control of the means of production. There were no "dictatorial power structures" at all because it was a democracy as defined by unter. The only other time this happened was for 10 minutes during the Spanish Civil War.
I just showed you when Iran was democratic.

Which, in unter-speak, means the workers had full control of the means of production. There were no "dictatorial power structures" at all because it was a democracy as defined by unter. The only other time this happened was for 10 minutes during the Spanish Civil War.

Democracy was reintroduced to the world after millennia by the US quasi-democratic system that allowed the owning and torture of humans and had many anti-democratic elements like the electoral college and the Senate as devised.

Democracy has progressed furthest in parts of Europe. The needs of the people are being seriously addressed in places like Germany.

It has not progressed in the US which is not very democratic at all. The US is actually an oligarchy where power over policy is dictated by wealth not the needs of the people.

Call the Iranian system whatever you want. It was as democratic as the US system.

It was also a secular government and the elected "leader" was popular.

It was destroyed and replaced with a brutal dictatorship.

And this led to the Islamic Revolution and secular government being replaced by fundamentalist government.
So in Iran, the workers had full democratic control of the means of production? Because you say that only happens in a democracy and without it you don't have a democracy.

The issue in Iran is secular vs fundamentalist government.

You can call the Iranian system whatever you want.

But it was secular and could have been much more integrated into the West had the US and British meddling not occurred.

When we look at Iran today and for the last few decades we can thank US and British meddling.
So in Iran, the workers had full democratic control of the means of production? Because you say that only happens in a democracy and without it you don't have a democracy.

The issue in Iran is secular vs fundamentalist government.

You can call the Iranian system whatever you want.

YOU called it "democracy" and we know your definition of that word. I'm verifying that you meant it.
So in Iran, the workers had full democratic control of the means of production? Because you say that only happens in a democracy and without it you don't have a democracy.

The issue in Iran is secular vs fundamentalist government.

You can call the Iranian system whatever you want.

YOU called it "democracy" and we know your definition of that word. I'm verifying that you meant it.

It was as democratic as the US system.

The issue in Iran is secular vs fundamentalist government.

Do you have anything to say about the sick meddling that did this?

Is not understanding the conditions that produce a bottom up system where the needs of the public are the focus of government (democracy) more important to you?
Posting a link won't make you less than somebody who didn't know about the US/British overthrow of Iranian democracy.

What do you have to say about it now that you have learned about it?

Iran was a modern democracy. The world would look very different had the US and Britain not fucked it up with sick greed.

If they had not supported a fundamentalist dictatorship in Saudi Arabia for decades.

Those crazy Christians wreaking havoc in the world.

You really are ignorant of the world around you.
You two *are* actively competing for the title of "most ironic post of the thread"...
You two *are* actively competing for the title of "most ironic post of the thread"...

Are you claiming that US and British meddling did not cause Iran to move from a secular government to a fundamentalist government?

Are you claiming the US and Britain have not supported the fundamentalist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia for decades?

Are you claiming these two actions alone have not spread fundamentalism throughout the ME?

Do you actually know anything about anything?

From what I've seen you don't have a clue.
You two *are* actively competing for the title of "most ironic post of the thread"...

Are you claiming that US and British meddling did not cause Iran to move from a secular government to a fundamentalist government?

Are you claiming the US and Britain have not supported the fundamentalist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia for decades?

Are you claiming these two actions alone have not spread fundamentalism throughout the ME?

Do you actually know anything about anything?

From what I've seen you don't have a clue.

I'm saying that angelo telling people that have no clue about the world is close to the level of irony of you telling us how well you define everything.
You two *are* actively competing for the title of "most ironic post of the thread"...

Are you claiming that US and British meddling did not cause Iran to move from a secular government to a fundamentalist government?

Are you claiming the US and Britain have not supported the fundamentalist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia for decades?

Are you claiming these two actions alone have not spread fundamentalism throughout the ME?

Do you actually know anything about anything?

From what I've seen you don't have a clue.

I'm saying that angelo telling people that have no clue about the world is close to the level of irony of you telling us how well you define everything.


Your worthless opinion you couldn't demonstrate if your life depended on it is noted.
Are you claiming that US and British meddling did not cause Iran to move from a secular government to a fundamentalist government?

No, French and US did that. Carter administration called Khomeini a "saint" while French were harboring that theocrat.
Young Praises Islam as ‘Vibrant’ And Calls the Ayatollah ‘a Saint’
If you mean Mossadegh case, which was decades before the Islamic revolution, you are misrepresenting the circumstances of his rule and fall every time you mention Iran.

Are you claiming the US and Britain have not supported the fundamentalist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia for decades?
Indeed, but it's just Realpolitik. Besides, if you introduced democracy in what is now KSA, the demos would probably elect people much more fundamentalist than the House of Saud.

Are you claiming these two actions alone have not spread fundamentalism throughout the ME?
Iranian revolution is due to West not realizing the threats of political Islam. That's why they did not try to do anything to prevent the weirdbeards taking power in Iran until it was too late. Hell, even in Iran there were useful idiots, namely the left-wingers who helped the Islamsts depose the Shah only for Islamists to turn on them next. But the Left never learns ...

Do you actually know anything about anything?
Do you?
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Another day, another rapefugee in Germany

Germany: Iraqi man confesses to murder of 14-year-old girl

Came to Germany with his parents and eight (8!) siblings. His asylum request was denied, he committed crimes, he was even accused of raping an 11 year old, but was never deported. Then he raped and murdered a 14 year old girl.
All because of Merkel's idiotic migration policies!
I just showed you when Iran was democratic.

And I showed you that it never had democracy. The word doesn't exist in the islamic vocabulary.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.

You are a pathetic twisted creature.

Something to pity.

May I suggest you study up on Islam and the Koran a little more thoroughly and see for yourself why this barbaric ideology is not compatible with Western culture and never will be. The greatest danger to the planet and our civilasation is not some furphy about GW/CC, but Islam and it's apologists such as yourself.
Germany: Iraqi man confesses to murder of 14-year-old girl

Came to Germany with his parents and eight (8!) siblings. His asylum request was denied, he committed crimes, he was even accused of raping an 11 year old, but was never deported. Then he raped and murdered a 14 year old girl.
All because of Merkel's idiotic migration policies!

This is one case that somehow has come to light. Remember that only a tiny percentage of rapes are ever reported, and especially if the accused is a " rapeugee."
You two *are* actively competing for the title of "most ironic post of the thread"...

Are you claiming that US and British meddling did not cause Iran to move from a secular government to a fundamentalist government?

It wouldn't have been a free government, though.

Are you claiming the US and Britain have not supported the fundamentalist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia for decades?

Look at what has happened when the dictatorships over there have fallen--the results have been worse.
Hey, how's that whole "don't let the Muslims into your country because they're violent extremists" thing working out today?
Hey, how's that whole "don't let the Muslims into your country because they're violent extremists" thing working out today?

Don't worry, the faithful are already spinning it as "don't let the Muslims into your country because they attract violent extremists". :mad:

There's no depth of vileness which these arsehole neo-fascists will hesitate to plumb.
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