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"Fire and Fury" The book that demonstrates that Trump is unfit to serve as president

I haven't seen the Wolfe's book yet but the following do not appear that mind-blowing.


The 14 most mind-blowing items from Michael Wolff's tell-all Trump book excerpt

Here are the titles

1. Trump's people expected his defeat, and felt it was best for the country
2. He ran for fame. Shocker.
3. The dude didn't even want to invest in himself
4. The Trumps were NOT pleased with victory
5. Does Donny even care about the country?
6. Kushner was ~almost~ Chief of Staff
8. Bannon knows Trump's a creep
9. Trump hated his inauguration
10. Bannon loved Trump's travel ban
12. Ivanka jokes about Daddy's combover
13. Trump is very private and often fears he'll be poisoned
14. He low-to-medium-key hates his own staff

Maybe point 12 is the devastating one

I'll check for better examples.

So you are telling us that you fell for click-bait?

Isn't that sort of what you just did? :D

:) good point

"A core truth we've learned from the Wolff book that many are overlooking: the fact that Trump didn't want or expect to be president means he didn't want or intend to help ANY of those he claimed to want to help, and instead intended to leave them with Clinton as their president."
Yeah, also if he wanted to lose then what was all that Russian collusion about? :)
Certainly not about getting to win WH.

"A core truth we've learned from the Wolff book that many are overlooking: the fact that Trump didn't want or expect to be president means he didn't want or intend to help ANY of those he claimed to want to help, and instead intended to leave them with Clinton as their president."
Yeah, also if he wanted to lose then what was all that Russian collusion about? :)
Certainly not about getting to win WH.

No. It was about smearing Hillary Clinton, which he intended to continue doing after she won

"A core truth we've learned from the Wolff book that many are overlooking: the fact that Trump didn't want or expect to be president means he didn't want or intend to help ANY of those he claimed to want to help, and instead intended to leave them with Clinton as their president."
Yeah, also if he wanted to lose then what was all that Russian collusion about? :)
Certainly not about getting to win WH.

No. It was about smearing Hillary Clinton, which he intended to continue doing after she won
Look who is a real victim here - Trump.

"A core truth we've learned from the Wolff book that many are overlooking: the fact that Trump didn't want or expect to be president means he didn't want or intend to help ANY of those he claimed to want to help, and instead intended to leave them with Clinton as their president."
Yeah, also if he wanted to lose then what was all that Russian collusion about? :)
Certainly not about getting to win WH.

To get closer to Putin.
I think “Brain Farts And Bombast” would have been a better title.

"Fire and Fury" ain't bad. I think it was a downplaying of "Sound and Fury", as in the Shakespearean quote from Macbeth. "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing".

"A core truth we've learned from the Wolff book that many are overlooking: the fact that Trump didn't want or expect to be president means he didn't want or intend to help ANY of those he claimed to want to help, and instead intended to leave them with Clinton as their president."
Yeah, also if he wanted to lose then what was all that Russian collusion about? :)
Certainly not about getting to win WH.

When a person enters a race fully intending to loose, they rarely think it out as far as, but what if I win. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Trump is no rare exception. Once in the race and you're not doing so bad and you're caught up in the excitement of it all, it's kind of hard to back off. It's akin to walking away from the Black Jack table during a winning streak. You might know you should, but you don't. Trump, being as weak and self-indulgent as he appears to be had that "Oh shit, what just happened?" moment much too late.

Is he in collusion with Russia? He doesn't think so. But does being a willful idiot cultivated by a foreign adversary on such a scale that it harms a nation deserve a pass?

More than seeing Trump being walked away by a Federal Marshal in handcuffs, I'd like to see Trump being walked away by a Federal Marshal with his hair messed up. That just might beat out the birth of my daughter on my list of happiest moments in my life.
What really gets to me about this, if true, is that the entire executive staff of the WH thinks the president of the United States is incompetent and dangerous yet they do nothing about it.

What do they have the power to do?
What really gets to me about this, if true, is that the entire executive staff of the WH thinks the president of the United States is incompetent and dangerous yet they do nothing about it.

What do they have the power to do?

An glorious tradition from back when America was Great!! was tar and feathers.
What really gets to me about this, if true, is that the entire executive staff of the WH thinks the president of the United States is incompetent and dangerous yet they do nothing about it.

What do they have the power to do?

Stand up for their country and do what's right. They are public servants, aren't they?

One of the craziest excerpts, and that’s saying a lot, in Michael Wolff’s upcoming White House tell-all is a dinner between Steve Bannon and deceased Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, in which Ailes tells Bannon that President Donald Trump “would jump through hoops” for both Rupert Murdoch and Vladimir Putin.

Two people quoted as saying the above hardly constitutes verified facts.
And Trump's presidency continues to be a grandiose Seinfeld episode..
Cosmo would have been better POTUS.

- - - Updated - - -

Stand up for their country and do what's right. They are public servants, aren't they?

Do what, exactly??

Refuse and speak up. Just following orders that you know are wrong hasn't cut it as an excuse for a long while, and for topical reasons.
I think it was discussed here that his own administration could vote and send him out.
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