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"Fire and Fury" The book that demonstrates that Trump is unfit to serve as president

This is our White House threatening a citizen.

Law suits may act as free advertising for the book.

The point remains... the asshole occupying the WHITE HOUSE is threatening a U.S. citizen.

If someone considers something defamatory they can sue. However the excerpts if they are from the book seem to something out of the National Enquirer. I read hearsay complete with generalized nonspecific claims. It has entertainment value.

The burden upon the litigant is to prove actual damage and malice as aforethought. Without this even if Trump proved inaccuracies he is not likely to win.

So it is ok to attack Trump but he may not counter attack fo the sake of political correctness.
I wonder if any of the talking heads are asking where the Chief of Staff was while this guy was walking around the White House for a year interviewing people.
Something's rotten here, and I'm not talking about Kellyanne's cooch.

Okay. It was cover for reopening the Clinton investigation. Flood CNN and MSNBC with this circus. And why did they reopen the investigation? What new evidence was presented that warranted this? This is the beginning of the corruption of our Justice Department and FBI. Goal: To make the Justice Department and FBI political tools for election purposes.

Are we willing to look away from Fire and Fury to see what else might be going on?
Okay. It was cover for reopening the Clinton investigation. Flood CNN and MSNBC with this circus. And why did they reopen the investigation? What new evidence was presented that warranted this? This is the beginning of the corruption of our Justice Department and FBI. Goal: To make the Justice Department and FBI political tools for election purposes.

This has been one of my biggest fears about this "administration."

There have always been stooges at every level of organizations, public or private, who are willing to do anything for a leader. And as we've seen, there are a godawful number of people who will support anything Trump does.

He's consistently expressed disdain for the First Amendment and the Judiciary. He fired the head of the FBI to shut down an investigation. His vicious personal attacks on private citizens and organizations (e.g. the NFL) is well documented.

By any reasonable person's guess, the Mueller investigation is going to reveal more than enough to remove him from office. But the GOP is already running interference to try and discredit the investigation and at this point it's nearly unthinkable that it will lift a finger no matter the investigation's results.

And what then?

A POTUS has certain appointment and removal powers. Sometimes such actions require the "advice and consent of the Senate." More often than not though, the President is permitted to hire and fire whomever he sees fit. And just as Trump is a rubber stamp for the GOP, so the Senate will be a rubber stamp for whomever Trump appoints and removes. This brings us back to stooges. Trump has license to remove anyone within the purview of the Executive Branch and replace them with anyone he wants.

To say we're a hair's breadth from tyranny, feels overly dramatic. But taken as a whole, it's far from impossible.
I don't know. I think people give the Trump Admin way too much credit. What is keeping him safe is the GOP, they are providing the cover in the House and Senate. In fact, it makes one wonder just how deep the disease is, as they could be guilty of obstruction of justice themselves. They are all in with Trump, despite the poison he is.

For fuck sake, Jr claimed attorney client privilege about conversations with his Dad... and the House Republicans didn't have an issue with that.

If a full investigation was done, so many of the Republicans could go to prison. Are we at tyranny's door? I actually think we entered the building and we are one mid-term away from taking off our coat.

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Okay. It was cover for reopening the Clinton investigation. Flood CNN and MSNBC with this circus. And why did they reopen the investigation? What new evidence was presented that warranted this? This is the beginning of the corruption of our Justice Department and FBI. Goal: To make the Justice Department and FBI political tools for election purposes.

This has been one of my biggest fears about this "administration."

There have always been stooges at every level of organizations, public or private, who are willing to do anything for a leader. And as we've seen, there are a godawful number of people who will support anything Trump does.

He's consistently expressed disdain for the First Amendment and the Judiciary. He fired the head of the FBI to shut down an investigation. His vicious personal attacks on private citizens and organizations (e.g. the NFL) is well documented.

By any reasonable person's guess, the Mueller investigation is going to reveal more than enough to remove him from office. But the GOP is already running interference to try and discredit the investigation and at this point it's nearly unthinkable that it will lift a finger no matter the investigation's results.

And what then?

A POTUS has certain appointment and removal powers. Sometimes such actions require the "advice and consent of the Senate." More often than not though, the President is permitted to hire and fire whomever he sees fit. And just as Trump is a rubber stamp for the GOP, so the Senate will be a rubber stamp for whomever Trump appoints and removes. This brings us back to stooges. Trump has license to remove anyone within the purview of the Executive Branch and replace them with anyone he wants.

To say we're a hair's breadth from tyranny, feels overly dramatic. But taken as a whole, it's far from impossible.

I don't know. I think people give the Trump Admin way too much credit. What is keeping him safe is the GOP, they are providing the cover in the House and Senate. In fact, it makes one wonder just how deep the disease is, as they could be guilty of obstruction of justice themselves. They are all in with Trump, despite the poison he is.

For fuck sake, Jr claimed attorney client privilege about conversations with his Dad... and the House Republicans didn't have an issue with that.

If a full investigation was done, so many of the Republicans could go to prison. Are we at tyranny's door? I actually think we entered the building and we are one mid-term away from taking off our coat.

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I was kind of hoping for ridicule rather than concurrence.

I try to convince myself I'm being paranoid and to source and verify evidence as best as can be done. That maybe I'm forcing the pieces into the puzzle. But I think caution (some paranoia) is necessary, as finding tyranny's exit could prove difficult.

If our Justice Dept or FBI are willing to investigate just enough democrats in close call elections later this year...well, I don't want to finish this statement.
I was kind of hoping for ridicule rather than concurrence.

I try to convince myself I'm being paranoid and to source and verify evidence as best as can be done. That maybe I'm forcing the pieces into the puzzle. But I think caution (some paranoia) is necessary, as finding tyranny's exit could prove difficult.

If our Justice Dept or FBI are willing to investigate just enough democrats in close call elections later this year...well, I don't want to finish this statement.

A majority of Republican voters have already said they'd be in favor of suspending elections if they thought illegal aliens were voting. Even before last year's election Trump and other conservatives did their damnedest to create doubt that our elections were legitimate. And they've succeeded.

It's not that Trump's an evil genius; he's evil, but he's a fucking dupe. However, he is supported by a more than significant number of people who are smart enough to plot big things. That is, Republican party leadership, as much as fun as it is to characterize as a tribe of baboons, is an intelligent group of people. And it's a group that since 2000 has tested the limits of what they could get away with, which has resulted in bolder and bolder conduct.

Will this coming November's elections be shitcanned? Probably not. But the fact that it's a mere possibility is frightening.

As to what Trump can do with the FBI and DOJ, he can do whatever he wants and it's a certainty that people will be found who will carry out whatever orders are given. As of now, the White House is refusing to turn over documents from Trump's voter fraud commission in violation of a court order to do so. Now, contesting a court order is one thing; it's common. But the attempts at secrecy on this particular issue is disturbing.

It's been posed a million time before, but bears repeating: What if someone with Trump's intentions were smart enough and well enough informed to carry them out? If we survive Trump and the current GOP intact, it may not be for very long anyway.
What is interesting is that Bannon has now come out and tried to BS his way out of having said disparaging words of Trump Jr. Bannon lost support of Mercer (the Spectre supporter of this awful movement). It is odd how Bannon is somehow lower in the pecking Spectre order and Trump is higher. Bannon helped make the fndn of support (the rabid base) for Trump not the other way around.

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What is interesting is that Bannon has now come out and tried to BS his way out of having said disparaging words of Trump Jr. Bannon lost support of Mercer (the Spectre supporter of this awful movement). It is odd how Bannon is somehow lower in the pecking Spectre order and Trump is higher. Bannon helped make the fndn of support (the rabid base) for Trump not the other way around.

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I have to admit I'm enjoying Brannon's groveling...what words would he use if it were someone else? Cuck snowflake spilling his sensitive guts all over the carpet?
What is interesting is that Bannon has now come out and tried to BS his way out of having said disparaging words of Trump Jr. Bannon lost support of Mercer (the Spectre supporter of this awful movement). It is odd how Bannon is somehow lower in the pecking Spectre order and Trump is higher. Bannon helped make the fndn of support (the rabid base) for Trump not the other way around.

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I have to admit I'm enjoying Brannon's groveling...what words would he use if it were someone else? Cuck snowflake spilling his sensitive guts all over the carpet?
Yeah, there is that, but then makes one ask who is in charge?
The point remains... the asshole occupying the WHITE HOUSE is threatening a U.S. citizen.

If someone considers something defamatory they can sue. However the excerpts if they are from the book seem to something out of the National Enquirer. I read hearsay complete with generalized nonspecific claims. It has entertainment value.

The burden upon the litigant is to prove actual damage and malice as aforethought. Without this even if Trump proved inaccuracies he is not likely to win.

So it is ok to attack Trump but he may not counter attack fo the sake of political correctness.

Ummm no. Trump is no longer a private citizen, and the White House is not his "company".

He is using the office of the President of the United States to threaten private citizens (and foreign nationals) in this and several other instances. He thinks he is a dictator. He's just a dick... a tiny one apparently.
What is interesting is that Bannon has now come out and tried to BS his way out of having said disparaging words of Trump Jr. Bannon lost support of Mercer (the Spectre supporter of this awful movement). It is odd how Bannon is somehow lower in the pecking Spectre order and Trump is higher. Bannon helped make the fndn of support (the rabid base) for Trump not the other way around.

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I have to admit I'm enjoying Brannon's groveling...what words would he use if it were someone else? Cuck snowflake spilling his sensitive guts all over the carpet?
Yeah, there is that, but then makes one ask who is in charge?

In charge of what? Mercer has a stake in Breitbart, and the headlines say they're trying to dump Bannon.
The point remains... the asshole occupying the WHITE HOUSE is threatening a U.S. citizen.

If someone considers something defamatory they can sue. However the excerpts if they are from the book seem to something out of the National Enquirer. I read hearsay complete with generalized nonspecific claims. It has entertainment value.

The burden upon the litigant is to prove actual damage and malice as aforethought. Without this even if Trump proved inaccuracies he is not likely to win.

So it is ok to attack Trump but he may not counter attack fo the sake of political correctness.

Ummm no. Trump is no longer a private citizen, and the White House is not his "company".

He is using the office of the President of the United States to threaten private citizens (and foreign nationals) in this and several other instances. He thinks he is a dictator. He's just a dick... a tiny one apparently.

If he claims he has a large thingee, he would have to prove it in court but would the evidence stand up. :) I think it is pointless suing in such circumstances. i'm not aware of any legal right he has to sue. The lawyers will benefit from this.

Isn't lampooning the President part of US culture?

I did see this however

I wonder if Trump has mayonnaise on his fries? :)

Collusion with Russians, Robbing the poor to give to the rich, being an embarrassing fool.... That's all one thing...
But nothing... NOTHING... is more un-American than mayo on fries.

You say collusion over the election but as I predicted still no case. Collusion with corrupt Russian I'm sure there may be a few rat's nests.

Mayonaise is universal

To say we're a hair's breadth from tyranny, feels overly dramatic. But taken as a whole, it's far from impossible.

^^^ that

America is basically in the same position that Russia was when they elected Yeltsin. He let the oligarchs steal the country. But he was incompetent to run the country. So who replaced him? That's when the real tyranny will begin. When America elects their Putin.
To say we're a hair's breadth from tyranny, feels overly dramatic. But taken as a whole, it's far from impossible.

^^^ that

America is basically in the same position that Russia was when they elected Yeltsin. He let the oligarchs steal the country. But he was incompetent to run the country. So who replaced him? That's when the real tyranny will begin. When America elects their Putin.

....or Nigel Farage.
Though, I could note that maybe it isn't even a movement. This alt-right push might just be like the Trump Presidency, an attempt to make money by pushing certain buttons that make the alt-right scream and want to pay dollars or provide eyeballs for content and advertising. Then it just kind of got out of control.

Which, possibly is an even worse possibility. That this is nothing more than a cash grab that is pulling the US into a potential tyrannical state.
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