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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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I honestly do see them more like the first black family in a white neighborhood than conquistadors that oversees the boundaries of others' properties, inspects their mail and deliveries and holds sway over their water and electricity supply.

Granted, but if you've been closely following the situation, it's clear that Israel has continuously engaged in actions against the Palestinians, not allowing enough respite for forgiveness.
It's also clear that near all the Israeli actions are a response to a violent assault by Islamic people. It's the Islamic terrorists who refuse to allow enough respite for forgiveness.
It is pretty obvious that both sides have insufficient potential for forgiveness.
That isn't obvious to me at all.
As far as I can tell, if Muslims stopped attacking Israel, Israel would be over it in a few years.
Israeli settlers with the gov't turning a blind eye have been attacking Palesitinians in the West Bank for years.
The last many centuries of oppression have rather developed a "live and let live" attitude in Jewish culture.
Bullshit. If that were true, there'd be no thread about the war in Gaza.
The court has released a preliminary injunction:
Order of 26 January 2024 - 192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf

The 17 judges: President Joan Donoghue of the US, Vice President Kirill Gevorgian of Russia, Judges Peter Tomka of Slovakia, Ronny Abraham of France, Mohamed Bennouna of Morocco, Abdulqawi Yusuf of Somalia, Xue Hanqin of China, Dalveer Bhandari of India, Patrick Lipton Robinson of Jamaica, Nawaf Salam of Lebanon, Yuji Iwasawa of Japan, Georg Nolte of Germany, Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant of Brazil, Julia Sebutinde of Uganda, Hilary Charlesworth of Australia, Ad Hoc Judges Dikgang Moseneke of South Africa, Aharon Barak of Israel.

What the court decreed:
1) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular

(a) killing members of the group;
(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and
(d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

2) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit any acts described in point 1 above;
All but AB, JS
(3) By sixteen votes to one,

The State of Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

4) By sixteen votes to one,

The State of Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip;
All but JS
(5) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II and Article III of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide against members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

(6) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order within one month as from the date of this Order.
All but AB, JS
Most of the folks being slaughtered don't seem to be the ones actually committing the violence. That would be Hamas.
I see no way to clearly distinguish between Gazans, Hamas supporters, and Hamas.
What is clear is that nearly all casualties in Gaza(as well as Israel) died because of Islamic violence.
No, nearly all the casualties in Gaza are the result of IDF violence. I realize you believe the IDF revenge is justified, but that does not negate the direct cause and effect.

Repeating your falsehood does not make it true.
IDF violence is clearly a result of Gazan violence.
That is the cause and effect. Gazans attacked Israel and Israeli struck back hard, because they know that half measures just invite more violence.
The direct cause of Gazans being killed in Gaza right now is IDF violence. The gov't of Israel choose to enact revenge and the IDF is carrying out its directive. It doesn't matter that whether you or I endorse it or not. Your persistence in perpetrating a false description reflects solely on your bigotry, not the situation.
Israeli settlers with the gov't turning a blind eye have been attacking Palesitinians in the West Bank for years.
Do you realize how long Islamic people were attacking Zionists before that?
Maybe you should google what Muslims did in 1948? Attacking people who survived European disaster? Now complain about being oppressed?
Bullshit. If that were true, there'd be no thread about the war in Gaza.
Did you notice this part:
Over the last century or so, Zionists have developed a "but, don't fuck with me because I'll make you regret it!" attitude as well.

The gov't of Israel choose to enact revenge and the IDF is carrying out its directive.

I don't see any revenge.

The government of Israel chose to respond to a violent attack. An attack proprtionate to the ongoing threat to Israelis.
Do you realize how long Islamic people were attacking Zionists before that?
Maybe you should google what Muslims did in 1948? Attacking people who survived European disaster? Now complain about being oppressed?

There is truth to the claim that Zionists developed a different attitude over time. To my knowledge the original Zionists intended to establish the state of Israel through diplomacy and land purchases.
Do you realize how long Islamic people were attacking Zionists before that?
Maybe you should google what Muslims did in 1948? Attacking people who survived European disaster? Now complain about being oppressed?
Go back far enough and Jews were attacking Arabs centuries ago.
Bullshit. If that were true, there'd be no thread about the war in Gaza.
Did you notice this part:
Over the last century or so, Zionists have developed a "but, don't fuck with me because I'll make you regret it!" attitude as well.
I do notice you contradict your posts on a regular basis.
TomC said:
The gov't of Israel choose to enact revenge and the IDF is carrying out its directive.

I don't see any revenge.
Yes you do. You even implied it with a post early that the reason the IDF was dropping bombs on Gaza was because Hamas dropped bombs on Israel first.

TomC said:
The government of Israel chose to respond to a violent attack. An attack proprtionate to the ongoing threat to Israelis.
I will give you credit - you can post that bullshit with a straight face.
Go back far enough and Jews were attacking Arabs centuries ago.
You mean 20 centuries ago?
Yeah, really people need to get over stuff, eventually.
Yes you do. You even implied it with a post early that the reason the IDF was dropping bombs on Gaza was because Hamas dropped bombs on Israel first.
I pointed out that IDF was responding to an extremely recent bombing. It happened on October 7th last year.
I will give you credit - you can post that bullshit with a straight face.
It's easy since it's as easy to demonstrate as Gazans launching thousands of bombs at Israelis!
This injunction has most of what South Africa asked for, but no ceasefire.

ICJ genocide case: World court demands Israel limit deaths | AP News
The United Nations’ top court on Friday ordered Israel to do all it can to prevent death, destruction and any acts of genocide in Gaza, but the panel stopped short of ordering Jerusalem to end the military offensive that has laid waste to the Palestinian enclave.
ICJ ruling: Key takeaways from the court decision in Israel genocide case | Reuters
The court ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and to ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts in Gaza.

However, the court did not demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, something that Israel says would allow Hamas militants to regroup and to launch new attacks on the country.

The court also said it was "gravely concerned" about the fate of hostages held in Gaza and called on Hamas and other armed groups to immediately release them without conditions.
"I have voted in favour in the hope that the measure will help decrease tensions and discourage damaging rhetoric," Barak wrote, detailing his vote in favour of an order that Israel punish incitement to genocide.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the charge of genocide leveled against Israel was "outrageous" and said it would do whatever is necessary to defend itself. Israel had an "unwavering commitment" to international law, he said.

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant expressed dismay that the ICJ did not reject South Africa's petition outright, while National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir appeared to mock the ruling with a Yiddish-style putdown on social media platform X: "Hague Shmague".

Palestinians broadly welcomed Friday's ruling.
You mean 20 centuries ago?
Yeah, really people need to get over stuff, eventually.

In that case Zionists should have come to terms with the loss of their land 40 centuries ago. ;)
I pointed out that IDF was responding to an extremely recent bombing. It happened on October 7th last year.

You do know a lot has happened prior to October 7th right? And by a lot I do mean a lot.

  1. Balfour Declaration (1917): British support for a Jewish state in Palestine, controversial due to disregard for native majority. British facilitated European Jewish immigration and disarmed Palestinians during the Great Arab Revolt (1936-1939).
  2. Assassination of Jacob Israel de Haan (1924): Assassinated for seeking a peace deal involving a Palestinian state; killed by Avraham Tehomi on orders from Yitzhak Ben-Zvi.
  3. Patria Disaster (1940): Zionist group Haganah sank SS Patria, killing 267, to oppose British deportation of Jewish refugees.
  4. King David Hotel Bombing (1946): Right-wing Zionist terrorists attacked British HQ, killing 91. Perpetrator Manachem Begin later became Prime Minister of Israel.
  5. Deir Yassin Massacre (1948): 117 villagers killed by Zionist paramilitary groups; some perpetrators later joined IDF. Menachem Begin, involved in the massacre, became Prime Minister and stated its significance for Israel's creation.
  6. Palestinian Exodus "Nakba" (1948): 700,000 Palestinians expelled during Israel's creation; involved massacres, rape, and looting.
  7. Abu Shusha Massacre (1948): Village attacked by Kiryati Brigade; reports of killings and rape.
  8. Lydda Massacre (1948): IDF's Palmach unit killed 100–150 during Operation Danny; involved house-clearing with grenades and indiscriminate shooting.
  9. IDF Archive Document (1948): Orders for Operation #40 to expel Arab villagers and prevent their return.
  10. Assassination of Folke Bernadotte (1948): UN mediator killed by Zionist group Lehi.
  11. Al Dawayima Massacre (1948): Massacre by IDF's 89th Commando Battalion, including killings of women, children, and elderly.
  12. Safsaf Massacre (1948): IDF executed 54-62 villagers post-surrender; reports of rape.
  13. Hula Massacre (1948): 35-58 unarmed men executed by IDF officers.
  14. IDF Archive Document: Orders to expel Arab villagers and destroy their homes.
  15. Testimony of Zvi Steklov (Former IDF Officer): Ordered to loot and destroy a mosque in Al-Dawayima.
  16. Gang rape & execution by IDF (1949): Incident involving a Bedouin girl.
  17. Israel's Ties to Apartheid South Africa: Arms and nuclear warhead sales to South Africa.
  18. Baghdad Bombings (1950-1951): False-flag bombings to encourage Iraqi Jewish immigration.
  19. Qibya Massacre (1953): IDF killed 69 villagers under Ariel Sharon's command.
  20. Lavon Affair (1954): Failed Israeli operation to plant bombs in Egypt.
  21. Kafr Qasim Massacre (1956): Israeli Border Police killed 49 Arabs unaware of curfew.
  22. Apollo Affair (1965): Disappearance of enriched uranium, suspected to aid Israel's nuclear program.
  23. USS Liberty Incident (1967): Israeli attack on American ship, killing 34.
  24. Ras Sedr Massacre (1967): Execution of Egyptian prisoners of war by IDF.
  25. Bahr El-Baqar School Bombing (1970): Israeli bombing killed 46 Egyptian children.
  26. Sabra & Shatila Massacre (1982): Massacre in refugee camps by Lebanese militia under Israeli control.
  27. Jonathan Pollard Incident (1984): Espionage by Pollard for Israel against the USA.
  28. Mossad Abduction of Mordechai Vanunu (1986): Nuclear whistleblower abducted and imprisoned.
  29. Operation Trojan (1986): Mossad operation leading to US bombing of Libya.
  30. Cave of Patriarchs Massacre (1994): Mass killing by Israeli settler in a mosque.
  31. Qana Massacre (1996): IDF shelling of UN compound, killing 106 civilians.
  32. Urban Moving Incident (2001): Arrest of Israelis in New Jersey on 9/11.
  33. New Zealand Passport Scandal (2004): Mossad agents caught obtaining fraudulent passports.
  34. 2nd Qana Massacre (2006): IDF air-strike killed 28 civilians in Lebanon.
  35. Mossad False Flag Operations in Iran (2007-2008): Recruiting terrorists posing as CIA agents.
  36. Operation 'Cast Lead' (2008-2009): High Palestinian casualties and use of white phosphorus by Israel.
  37. Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientists (2010-2012): MEK, supported by Israel, carried out the killings.
  38. Genie Energy Rights in Golan Heights (2013): Drilling rights given despite international opposition.
  39. Operation 'Protective Edge' (2014): High Palestinian casualties following the murder of 3 Israeli teens.
  40. Duma Arson Attack (2015): Israeli settlers killed a Palestinian family.
Hammas is the problem. The Palestian leadership is corrupt as fuck. But when Palestinians got to vote, they picked beligerent assholes. Then this is what happens.

Only half the population voted for Hamas dude. :rolleyes: Thought this was cleared up ages ago.

From Washington Post: "The election that led to Hamas taking over Gaza":

The election yielded a shock victory for Hamas, which won the most seats with some 44 percent of the vote. Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, which advocates for rapprochement and peace between Israelis and Palestinians, recently observed that in no single district in Gaza did Hamas win a majority of votes. At present, children make up roughly half of Gaza’s population, meaning only a fraction of the territory’s current population ever cast a ballot for Hamas.
Only a fraction of the current US population ever cast a ballot for Trump.

Didn't stop him from gaining office, nor from attempting a coup to try to remain there.
Agreed, so the question becomes do you hold the entire population responsible and as co-conspirators with Trump’s actions? Any penalty he is deserving of all Americans are deserving of?
Most of the folks being slaughtered don't seem to be the ones actually committing the violence. That would be Hamas.
I see no way to clearly distinguish between Gazans, Hamas supporters, and Hamas.
What is clear is that nearly all casualties in Gaza(as well as Israel) died because of Islamic violence.

I see your point. It is truly hard to distinguish Gazans, Hamas supporters, and Hamas. Here is a story that contains a video of a child carrying a white flag and being escorted by his grandmother. The grandmother was shot dead by the IDF. Another casualty caused by Islamic violence?

She was fleeing with her grandson, who was holding a white flag. Then she was shot

Apparently, she is not the only Palestinian with a white flag who has been killed by an Israeli sniper. How can you tell a grandmother apart from an innocent Palestinian, a Hamas supporter, and a Hamas terrorist? Was the white flag posing a danger to the sniper?

You remember, don't you? The terrorist organization holding hostages?
You mean the Gazan leadership. The people who could find resources enough to launch an attack on Israel, but not enough to provide Gazans with basic needs like water and power?

Yes. The Gazan leadership that Netanyahu wanted kept in power for years so that Israel could divide the Palestinian opposition to West Bank settlements. That's the terrorist organization.

Most Palestinians don't need to be convinced that continuing the violence is a terrible idea,
You say that as though it's obvious, but it clearly isn't.
I'm sure that there are such Gazans. But not enough to stop the military buildup that resulted in the current disaster. That's a demonstrable fact. Gazans, as a whole, didn't do anything effective to protect themselves from Hamas' behavior.

What do you think you would have done in their position? Are you brave enough to take on armed thugs without any weapons? People who live in authoritarian regimes are not necessarily responsible for those regimes remaining in power. Ideally, everyone would rebel. Most people just want to live. Do you imagine yourself to be someone who, in the shoes of a Gazan, would have risen up to throw off the yoke of the oppressors?

but they don't have the option of voting Hamas out of office.
That's kinda a problem in Muslim cultures. Secular democracy is anti-Muslim.

Do you distinguish between totalitarian regimes that are secular and those that are not? Do you think it a problem in Muslim democracies?

Israelis have repeatedly voted their leadership into office, so maybe they are more amenable to being convinced to stop the violence.
What possible reasons would Israelis have for voting for anyone who doesn't run on "security, by whatever means necessary" platform?
It's clear that their neighbors do not, even cannot, value peace and prosperity.
It's unIslamic, apparently.

I don't know, Tom. Maybe you should ask those Israelis who voted against the extreme right wing government that currently holds power in Israel. It's not as if there has been unanimity in the Israeli population on these matters. Right now, there is considerable criticism of Netanyahu's government, and it is widely believed that they could not remain in power if an election were held today. Maybe not all Israelis are convinced that their highest priority should be the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank.

Anything Hammas tells the international press is uncritically immediately printed as if it's the truth. Even though it's obviously nonsense. After the first day of fighting Hammas could report exactly how many had died within minutes. But it took Israel two whole days to figure out who had been killed after the 7/10 attack. And Israel is an uncorrupt well functioning western state. While no Palestinian records are reliable.
The buildings are blown up, the lack of access to utilities was real, and people are dying. It doesn't matter if it is 25,000 or 2,500. It is high enough for Hamas to use as propaganda.
Hamas messes with the utilities, you blame Israel. At the start Israel talked about blocking them but the reality was it was Hamas actually doing it.

And you only seem to care about dead Palestinians.
*response self-moderated to make moderators job easier... but let me tell you... it was profane*
Israel is trying to prevent a repeat of 10/7. Don't dead Jews matter?
*response self-moderated, but not as easily this time... I mean dude... WTF?!?*
They just won't have an army anymore. At this point, I hope we all can agree that the Palestinians can't be trusted to have sharp objects? They keep attacking Israel. It's not an acceptable behaviour for any sovereign state. Israel has had an angel's patience with their nonsense. It just has to stop. And now Israel is stopping it. Well done Israel.
But Israel isn't "stopping it". The use of bombs, missiles, bullets don't equate success. Destroying tunnels doesn't equate success. Hamas can't be defeated like this.
This isn't about stopping it. This is about making it longer until the next attack.
Frequency is certainly much less important than scope and magnitude of attacks.
The court has released a preliminary injunction:
Order of 26 January 2024 - 192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf

The 17 judges: President Joan Donoghue of the US, Vice President Kirill Gevorgian of Russia, Judges Peter Tomka of Slovakia, Ronny Abraham of France, Mohamed Bennouna of Morocco, Abdulqawi Yusuf of Somalia, Xue Hanqin of China, Dalveer Bhandari of India, Patrick Lipton Robinson of Jamaica, Nawaf Salam of Lebanon, Yuji Iwasawa of Japan, Georg Nolte of Germany, Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant of Brazil, Julia Sebutinde of Uganda, Hilary Charlesworth of Australia, Ad Hoc Judges Dikgang Moseneke of South Africa, Aharon Barak of Israel.

What the court decreed:
1) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular

(a) killing members of the group;
(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and
(d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

2) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit any acts described in point 1 above;
All but AB, JS
(3) By sixteen votes to one,

The State of Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

4) By sixteen votes to one,

The State of Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip;
All but JS
(5) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II and Article III of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide against members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

(6) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order within one month as from the date of this Order.
All but AB, JS

This ruling will have no effect. Israel is already following the stated rules.

They just want to be seen doing something without actually doing anything
Hammas is the problem. The Palestian leadership is corrupt as fuck. But when Palestinians got to vote, they picked beligerent assholes. Then this is what happens.

Only half the population voted for Hamas dude. :rolleyes: Thought this was cleared up ages ago.

From Washington Post: "The election that led to Hamas taking over Gaza":

The election yielded a shock victory for Hamas, which won the most seats with some 44 percent of the vote. Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, which advocates for rapprochement and peace between Israelis and Palestinians, recently observed that in no single district in Gaza did Hamas win a majority of votes. At present, children make up roughly half of Gaza’s population, meaning only a fraction of the territory’s current population ever cast a ballot for Hamas.

I misspoke earlier in referring to the entire population. What I meant was approximately half of the voters. Essentially, my point is that not all Palestinians support Hamas. This counters the baseless claims made by those who generalize all Palestinians as Hamas supporters.
The court has released a preliminary injunction:
Order of 26 January 2024 - 192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf

The 17 judges: President Joan Donoghue of the US, Vice President Kirill Gevorgian of Russia, Judges Peter Tomka of Slovakia, Ronny Abraham of France, Mohamed Bennouna of Morocco, Abdulqawi Yusuf of Somalia, Xue Hanqin of China, Dalveer Bhandari of India, Patrick Lipton Robinson of Jamaica, Nawaf Salam of Lebanon, Yuji Iwasawa of Japan, Georg Nolte of Germany, Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant of Brazil, Julia Sebutinde of Uganda, Hilary Charlesworth of Australia, Ad Hoc Judges Dikgang Moseneke of South Africa, Aharon Barak of Israel.

What the court decreed:
1) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular

(a) killing members of the group;
(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and
(d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

2) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit any acts described in point 1 above;
All but AB, JS
(3) By sixteen votes to one,

The State of Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

4) By sixteen votes to one,

The State of Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip;
All but JS
(5) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II and Article III of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide against members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

(6) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order within one month as from the date of this Order.
All but AB, JS

This ruling will have no effect. Israel is already following the stated rules.

They just want to be seen doing something without actually doing anything

Why is Israel so bothered by the decision, I wonder? It's like if someone told me, 'Hey dude, you've got to keep following the US Constitution,' I'd just shrug and say, 'Sure thing, no big deal.
Israeli settlers with the gov't turning a blind eye have been attacking Palesitinians in the West Bank for years.
Do you realize how long Islamic people were attacking Zionists before that?
Maybe you should google what Muslims did in 1948? Attacking people who survived European disaster? Now complain about being oppressed?

You should google the history of Zionism and immigration to Palestine.

The First Aliyah (1881-1903) was peaceful. European Jews integrated themselves into Palestinian society while holding on to some of their European cultural practices, like wearing big fur hats despite the climate.

The Second Aliyah (1904-1914) was also largely peaceful even though newly established farming communities were occasionally raided by gangs as the Ottoman forces keeping the peace were increasingly embroiled in fending off the French and British in the run up to WWI.

The Third Aliyah (1919-1923) was marked by civil unrest with riots and increasing hostility between communities. The Ottoman Empire had fallen and the British were busy rearranging government and industry to benefit their interests. Immigrants were not attempting to become part of the existing society, they were coming into the area armed and not always legally, Zionists like Joseph Trumpledor were training up paramilitary forces, and Zionists were openly declaring their intention to create a Jewish State for Jews only in Palestine.

The Fourth Aliyah (1924-1928) was chaotic. Immigrants were arriving by the thousands but a poor economy meant that a lot of them went back to Europe after a few months. Most of them didn't even begin the process of becoming citizens of Palestine, they retained their citizenship in their country of origin.

The Fifth Aliyah (1929-1939) is where things really took a turn for the worse. The character of the Aliyah changed from pioneers looking to build farming communities to colonizers looking to seize land and enjoy a European lifestyle in a nation state created just for them. The Great Depression, the increase in blatant anti-Jewish racism in Europe and elsewhere, the destabilization caused by sudden influx of 250,000 to 300,000 Jewish immigrants taking jobs from locals, the British authorities favoring the immigrants from Europe over the indigenous Palestinians even as they tried to control them, the formation of the Irgun, bombings in crowded markets, drive-by shootings of people standing in line outside movie theaters or factories, etc., created a very dangerous mix of racism, bigotry, chauvinism, and exploitation.

By the time the Holocaust began and Jews fled to Palestine to escape it, the fighting between Zionists and indigenous Palestinians had been going on for over a decade.

By the time Israel was declared a State, the massacres that were part of the pre-planned campaign of ethnic cleansing and terrorism had resulted in the deaths of hundreds of civilian Palestinians and the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands.

Trying to set May 14, 1948 as the starting point for when the fighting over the creation of the Jewish State began is disingenuous at best. Being outraged that people who survived being targeted for ethnic cleansing and murder in Europe were attacked in the brand new State Zionists created in Palestine, while turning a blind eye toward people who were targeted for ethnic cleansing and murder in the creation of that State, is textbook double standards.
Bullshit. If that were true, there'd be no thread about the war in Gaza.
Did you notice this part:
Over the last century or so, Zionists have developed a "but, don't fuck with me because I'll make you regret it!" attitude as well.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants seem to have that same attitude. It's understandable but the "I'll make you regret it" part doesn't make things better, it just perpetuates the fuckery.
The court has released a preliminary injunction:
Order of 26 January 2024 - 192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf

What the court decreed:
1) ... The State of Israel shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular

(a) killing members of the group;
(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and
(d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

2) ...The State of Israel shall ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit any acts described in point 1 above;

(3) ... The State of Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

4) ... The State of Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip;

(5) ... The State of Israel shall take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II and Article III of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide against members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

(6) ... The State of Israel shall submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order within one month as from the date of this Order.
This ruling will have no effect. Israel is already following the stated rules.
Evidence-free assertion.
They just want to be seen doing something without actually doing anything
They have found abundant evidence otherwise. Read South Africa's filing.

The Guardian view on Gazan genocide charges: Israel finds itself with a plausible case to answer | Editorial | The Guardian
Israel is a signatory to the Geneva conventions, over which the ICJ has jurisdiction. It should comply with the court’s ruling immediately, and preserve evidence related to the case. The ICJ rightly did not spare Hamas, demanding that the hostages it holds must be freed. The militant group’s role in death and destruction should not be forgotten. While South Africa welcomed the measures describing the ruling as a “decisive victory for the international rule of law”, Israel’s national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, posted on X saying “Hague schmague”, and the defence minister, Yoav Gallant, said his country did “not need to be lectured on morality”. Such words will see Israel isolated in the world.
איתמר בן גביר on X: "האג שמאג 🇮🇱" / X - I can read the Hebrew alphabet, and IBG did indeed post "Hague Schmague".

Not exactly bragging about Israel's compliance.
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