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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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Lol. Yeah, its problematic when the administrators of a region took part in a brutal terror attack on another country. All the Palestinian government are guilty as fuck. If you refuse to work with brutal killers then getting aid to the Palestinians will be hard.

Share Message - UNRWA claims: UN agency condemns aid halt over alleged help for Hamas attacks
איתמר בן גביר on X: "האג שמאג 🇮🇱" / X - I can read the Hebrew alphabet, and IBG did indeed post "Hague Schmague".

Not exactly bragging about Israel's compliance.
Or, they know they are complying already and poking fun at the ruling. What's more likely?
More likely that your claim is a big load of bull doo-doo.

Israel’s Netanyahu reacts to ICJ ruling | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera - "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejects the ruling by the International Court of Justice and says Israel will continue to defend itself and its citizens while adhering to international law."

Israels biggest problem this conflict is that Hammas is on purpose making it hard to distinguish fighters from civilians. They're also having suicide bombers wave white flags and use every possible method to trick IDF into killing civilians. Hammas is one if the most despicable organisations ever to have existed
Evidence-free assertion. A convenient excuse for sniper murders.
The main issue now is that the barbarity of the 7/10 attack showed that Hammas cannot be allowed to operate freely, anywhere bordering Israel. ...
Presumably justifying much bigger war crimes. :p

DrZoidberg, if you made a pass at a woman and she snipped off some cherished bits with garden shears, would she be justified in doing so by claiming that you wanted to rape her?
The only practical plan is to move the citizens into isolated camps, where civilians can systematically be screened from fighters, while the houses are demolished by artillery. And then use IDF to mop up what's left. This way civilian casualties are minimised. If the IDF would just go in guns blazing, the civilian casualties would, of course, be higher.

Israel is doing its best to avoid civilian casualties. Any other conclusion is just you seeing what you want to see.
Or tent cities nearby. I think that Israel ought to offer the Gazan civilians citizenship and the opportunity to return to their ancestral homes in exchange for supporting Israel against Hamas. That would mean the end of Israel as a Jewish ethnostate, but that's a small price to pay for fighting Hamas. Giving sovereignty over the entire West Bank and East Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority would also be good.
The main issue now is that the barbarity of the 7/10 attack showed that Hammas cannot be allowed to operate freely, anywhere bordering Israel. ...
Presumably justifying much bigger war crimes. :p

DrZoidberg, if you made a pass at a woman and she snipped off some cherished bits with garden shears, would she be justified in doing so by claiming that you wanted to rape her?
Israel is not committing worse war crimes. Or war crimes at all. If that's your position you're not even trying to have a serious conversation
War Crimes

The sniper who killed that grandma holding the hand of a 5 year old waving a white flag committed a war crime.

The soldiers who shot and killed those shirtless men waving a white flag who turned out to be escaping Israeli hostages, committed a war crime.

The IDF soldiers who shelled the refugee camps in Gaza committed war crimes.

Let's not pretend y'all wouldn't be screaming bloody murder if Hamas shelled a camp full of Israelis fleeing the fighting, or if Hamas snipers were picking off Jewish grandmas trying to get preschoolers to safety.
War Crimes

The sniper who killed that grandma holding the hand of a 5 year old waving a white flag committed a war crime.

The soldiers who shot and killed those shirtless men waving a white flag who turned out to be escaping Israeli hostages, committed a war crime.

The IDF soldiers who shelled the refugee camps in Gaza committed war crimes.

Let's not pretend y'all wouldn't be screaming bloody murder if Hamas shelled a camp full of Israelis fleeing the fighting, or if Hamas snipers were picking off Jewish grandmas trying to get preschoolers to safety.
A question without notice

If Israel were to stop bombing Gaza, stop the settlements, not want the hostages back, release all Palestians prisoners, agree to whatever peace plan that is the Middle East peace plan de jure do you truly believe that Hamas/Islamic Jihad/Hezbollah etc. would stop raiding Israel, stop launching rockets, killing Jews whenever, when ever they can?
War Crimes

The sniper who killed that grandma holding the hand of a 5 year old waving a white flag committed a war crime.

The soldiers who shot and killed those shirtless men waving a white flag who turned out to be escaping Israeli hostages, committed a war crime.

The IDF soldiers who shelled the refugee camps in Gaza committed war crimes.

Let's not pretend y'all wouldn't be screaming bloody murder if Hamas shelled a camp full of Israelis fleeing the fighting, or if Hamas snipers were picking off Jewish grandmas trying to get preschoolers to safety.
A question without notice

If Israel were to stop bombing Gaza, stop the settlements, not want the hostages back, release all Palestians prisoners, agree to whatever peace plan that is the Middle East peace plan de jure do you truly believe that Hamas/Islamic Jihad/Hezbollah etc. would stop raiding Israel, stop launching rockets, killing Jews whenever, when ever they can?

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, etc. are where violent bigots gather to plan and commit acts designed to force their opponents to comply with their desires. Just like Zionist terrorists who devised and implemented Plan Dalet. Just like the KKK keeping Black Americans separate and subjugated. Just like the Cossacks carrying out pogroms in Ukraine, the Spanish enslaving Taino in the Caribbean, and every other group who used violence to force others into submission throughout history.

There are many political parties that believe strongly in their vision of how the world should be, but when they cross the line into murder or welcome murderers into their midst they've lost all legitimacy in my view.

I think Israel needs to stop bombing Gaza because it is killing thousands of unarmed civilians. Their deaths won't make Israel any safer, it will rightfully turn more and more people against Israel.

I think Israel needs to not only stop building settlements, it needs to relocate the settlers and offer the empty housing to the Palestinians it made refugees when Zionists and the IDF destroyed their homes.

I think Israel should never stop wanting the hostages back, and not expect the Palestinians to stop wanting their people back either.

I think Israel should release everyone it is holding in administrative detention, i.e. prisoners who have never been charged with any crime, much less convicted, and should allow an impartial international panel to review the evidence and court proceedings of any non-Israeli who was convicted of a crime. There are credible allegations of torture and suppression of evidence when it comes to Palestinians accused of being enemy combatants. I think it's important for people to believe that justice, not vengeance, is being served.

I don't know the details of the peace plan de jure, but I doubt it's so sweet that every asshole in Hamas/Islamic Jihad/Hezbollah etc. would stop raiding Israel, stop launching rockets, killing Jews whenever, when ever they can. I do think a good deal would make the less fanatic back off, and the more pragmatic relent entirely. However, I also believe a sweet deal, or even any deal that allows a Palestinian State for be established on Palestine, would inspire fanatic Zionists to murder anyone who supports it, even Jews. They did it before and I expect they will do it again. Likewise for any deal that grants full and equal rights to Palestinians in a One State solution.

The challenge is to stand up to violent racist bigots and not let them be the driving force in society. Moderates are at a disadvantage when it comes to what they're willing to do to win that fight, but there is strength in numbers. I truly believe that moderates outnumber the murderous assholes in Israel and the Occupied Territories and that someday they will prevail.

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Justice, fairness, respect, and upholding the rights of all persons equally is the only thing that has ever resolved conflicts like the one going on in Israel and Palestine. The sooner we apply one single standard when we judge the rightness or wrongness of a person's or nation's acts, the better for everyone.

IMO bombing civilians who have gathered together to seek shelter, or to get a hot meal, or to enjoy a music festival, is utterly immoral no matter who did it to whom. The perpetrators must be defeated on the ground and at the ballot box, and those who have chosen diplomacy and negotiation instead of terrorism and brutality must be supported.
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War Crimes

The sniper who killed that grandma holding the hand of a 5 year old waving a white flag committed a war crime.

The soldiers who shot and killed those shirtless men waving a white flag who turned out to be escaping Israeli hostages, committed a war crime.

The IDF soldiers who shelled the refugee camps in Gaza committed war crimes.

Let's not pretend y'all wouldn't be screaming bloody murder if Hamas shelled a camp full of Israelis fleeing the fighting, or if Hamas snipers were picking off Jewish grandmas trying to get preschoolers to safety.
They’re not doing it on purpose. Sometimes mistakes happen. Hammas fighters wave white flags to trick IDF soldiers into ambushes. If Hammas fighters would stop with the terror tactics, then I'd have more sympathy.

The point of respecting rules of engagement is to protect civilians. Hammas just doesn't give a fuck.
The challenge is to stand up to violent racist bigots and not let them be the driving force in society. Moderates are at a disadvantage when it comes to what they're willing to do to win that fight, but there is strength in numbers.

This is so crucial.
Two opposing populations, as large and radicalized as the Zionists and Palestinians, are nearly guaranteed to have at least a few crazy people. 90% could want nothing but peace and prosperity, 9% angry but not willing to kill or die over it, but that last 1% who are willing to fight over ancient traditions and wrongs will trash things for everyone.
The challenge is to stand up to violent racist bigots and not let them be the driving force in society. Moderates are at a disadvantage when it comes to what they're willing to do to win that fight, but there is strength in numbers.

This is so crucial.
Two opposing populations, as large and radicalized as the Zionists and Palestinians, are nearly guaranteed to have at least a few crazy people. 90% could want nothing but peace and prosperity, 9% angry but not willing to kill or die over it, but that last 1% who are willing to fight over ancient traditions and wrongs will trash things for everyone.

In what way are Zionists particularly radicalized? Defending yourself is not being radicalized. Zionism was born in Europe as a result of increasing antisemitism on the continent. It was always a highly secularized movement.

The founding leaders of Israel were mostly atheistic socialists.
In what way are Zionists particularly radicalized? Defending yourself is not being radicalized. Zionism was born in Europe as a result of increasing antisemitism on the continent. It was always a highly secularized movement.

The founding leaders of Israel were mostly atheistic socialists.

Zionists have been under continuous assault and threat for generations. So has Israel.
I'm not necessarily talking about religious radicalization. Although there is, obviously, a heavy element of that.
The point of respecting rules of engagement is to protect civilians. Hammas just doesn't give a fuck.
Hamas doesn’t care about civilians of any type. That does not mean civilian lives don’t matter. And when one party to a conflict who claims to care about civilan lives happens to deliberately kill 5 to 10 times as many civilians in achieving its stated objectives, the moral distinction between the parties is diminished.
War Crimes

The sniper who killed that grandma holding the hand of a 5 year old waving a white flag committed a war crime.

The soldiers who shot and killed those shirtless men waving a white flag who turned out to be escaping Israeli hostages, committed a war crime.

The IDF soldiers who shelled the refugee camps in Gaza committed war crimes.

Let's not pretend y'all wouldn't be screaming bloody murder if Hamas shelled a camp full of Israelis fleeing the fighting, or if Hamas snipers were picking off Jewish grandmas trying to get preschoolers to safety.
A question without notice

If Israel were to stop bombing Gaza, stop the settlements, not want the hostages back, release all Palestians prisoners, agree to whatever peace plan that is the Middle East peace plan de jure do you truly believe that Hamas/Islamic Jihad/Hezbollah etc. would stop raiding Israel, stop launching rockets, killing Jews whenever, when ever they can?
Oh no. Of course Hamas is not going to stop doing any of those atrocities after this ends. There will be a pause while they regroup and rearm (including refurnishing and repurposing dud bombs and shells).
And when one party to a conflict who claims to care about civilan lives happens to deliberately kill 5 to 10 times as many civilians in achieving its stated objectives,

I don't believe that horrible death toll is the result of IDF "deliberately" killing civilians. I see them as victims of Hamas' policy of using human shields. IDF cannot attack the military installations in Gaza without hitting civilians. By Hamas's design.
Hammas has integrated their military infrastructure within and under civilian infrastructure. Their defence strategy was probably to force the IDF to crawl through the tunnels and room by room fighting. That would be suicide for the IDF.

The only practical plan is to move the citizens into isolated camps, where civilians can systematically be screened from fighters, while the houses are demolished by artillery. And then use IDF to mop up what's left. This way civilian casualties are minimised. If the IDF would just go in guns blazing, the civilian casualties would, of course, be higher.
Curious, how in the fuck is that remotely "practical"? Let's just say they were able to do so, cleanly, without obstruction, how are they constructing camps for millions to house, feed, manage all other aspects, etc... while Israel determines whether people are Hamas or not?
The problem Israel has is a bunch of cunty sttlers being cunty.
One of them is the PM of Israel. Helped get another PM assassinated by another radical.
There's no evidence the Palestinians is making any effort to stop Hammas. Quite the contrary
Always with the passive aggressive line of attack by some... Israel isn't targeting civilians... but then retorting that the Palestinians don't deserve mercy.
How many prisoners does Hamas want for this deal? A Shalit-like deal would not be in Israel's interest. That's how Yaya Sinwar and several other terrorists involved in the 10/7 massacre were freed.
Any deal should involve no more than a 3x exchange rate and should not involve any terrorists serving life terms. None of the Barghoutis (Marwan, Abudullah nor Nael) should be eligible for example.
Any deal with terrorists is a bad deal. On the other hand, I can't imagine the hell Israeli families are enduring with their loved ones in captivity.
Always with the passive aggressive line of attack by some... Israel isn't targeting civilians... but then retorting that the Palestinians don't deserve mercy.
Who said anything like "Palestinians don't deserve mercy"?
The problem is that they need mercy from Hamas. Israel can't deliver that. The UN might be able, but they seem more willing to support Hamas.
Gazans need to be rescued from Islamic terrorists. They are more able to do that than anybody else. But as long Hamas has the support of other Islamic terrorists in the Muslim world, and UN continues to dither and clutch their pearls, Gazans are screwed.
Hammas has integrated their military infrastructure within and under civilian infrastructure. Their defence strategy was probably to force the IDF to crawl through the tunnels and room by room fighting. That would be suicide for the IDF.

The only practical plan is to move the citizens into isolated camps, where civilians can systematically be screened from fighters, while the houses are demolished by artillery. And then use IDF to mop up what's left. This way civilian casualties are minimised. If the IDF would just go in guns blazing, the civilian casualties would, of course, be higher.
Curious, how in the fuck is that remotely "practical"? Let's just say they were able to do so, cleanly, without obstruction, how are they constructing camps for millions to house, feed, manage all other aspects, etc... while Israel determines whether people are Hamas or not?

Sometimes we need to do things that aren't practical. But if there's no options, we'll just have to do the best we can.

Remember, Hammas is doing everything they can to put Palestinian civilians into harms way. If Hammas stopped doing that, this would be easy and straight forward.

The problem Israel has is a bunch of cunty sttlers being cunty.
One of them is the PM of Israel. Helped get another PM assassinated by another radical.

Netanyahu has thrown the crazies on the right a couple of bones to get re-elected. I’m not a conservative. I'd never vote for the guy. But he's no more an extremist than Reagan, Bush or Trump.

There's no evidence the Palestinians is making any effort to stop Hammas. Quite the contrary
Always with the passive aggressive line of attack by some... Israel isn't targeting civilians... but then retorting that the Palestinians don't deserve mercy.

Israel needs to do this. Israel has no options. The Palestinians can make it easy or hard. But its going to happen
The main issue now is that the barbarity of the 7/10 attack showed that Hammas cannot be allowed to operate freely, anywhere bordering Israel. ...
Presumably justifying much bigger war crimes. :p

DrZoidberg, if you made a pass at a woman and she snipped off some cherished bits with garden shears, would she be justified in doing so by claiming that you wanted to rape her?

That's a remarkably ill informed interpretation.
How about:
"If lpetrich threatened to rape a woman, then ripped off her dress, then shoved himself into her, would fighting back however she could be blameworthy? Would shooting you be "disproportionate"?

I don't think so.
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