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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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Which countries might be next to recognize Palestine?

Slovenia’s ‘moral duty’: What’s behind its push to recognise Palestine? | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera - "As Israel’s war rages in Gaza, Slovenia is joining a clutch of European nations that hope to pave a pathway to peace."
But Israel’s war on Gaza continues to divide European Union members. On one end of the spectrum, countries such as Germany, Hungary, and the Netherlands staunchly support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. On the other, those like Slovenia, which have strongly criticised Israel’s military conduct, are calling on the international community to hold Israeli leaders accountable.

Mapping which countries recognise Palestine in 2024 | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Slovenia, Malta and Belgium are other nations on the continent that are discussing whether and when to recognise Palestinian statehood.
Of Western European countries, Iceland was the first in 2011 and Sweden was next in 2014.

After Three European Countries Recognize Palestine, What’s Next? • Stimson Center - "Recognition has become an expression of some European countries’ frustration with the limited space for a critical position toward Israel within the EU"

Mentioning Slovenia, Belgium, Malta and Luxembourg.

So is Slovenia next? Belgium?
[tweet of Nikki Hailey signing bombs]
What's deplorable about a message that Hamas should be finished off?

What I find deplorable instead is Rashida Tlaib speaking at an anti-Israel conference organized by PFLP, a designated terrorist organization.

Inside the Terrorist-Connected Michigan Conference Where Rashida Tlaib Spoke
Algemeiner said:
An anti-Israel conference that featured US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) as a surprise speaker over the weekend has extensive links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a widely designated terrorist organization.
The gathering, titled “The People’s Conference for Palestine,” shared video endorsements from PFLP founding member Salah Salah and PFLP member Wisam Rafeedie. The terrorists leader urged Arab Americans to attend the conference and “expose” Israel as a “racist” entity.
Speaking directly to the conference via video stream, Rafeedie stated that Hamas, the terrorist group that launched the war in Gaza on Oct. 7 by slaughtering 1,200 people in southern Israel, is a resistance force acting on behalf of the interests of the Palestinian people.
“This is not a struggle between Hamas and Israel. Hamas is part of the resistance of the Palestinian people. The core issue is between the Palestinian people and the project of settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing,” Rafeedie said.
Rafeedie also lambasted “Zionists” and called for the replacement of Israel with a “democratic” Palestine.
“These Zionists lie like they breathe,” Rafeedie said. “I want to assure everyone that there is no longer a place for a two-state solution for any Palestinian. The only solution is one democratic Palestinian land which will end the Zionist project in Palestine.”
Several speakers applauded Hamas’ terrorist actions against Israel. They also seemingly praised Hamas’ construction of terror tunnels beneath Gazan infrastructure, an act that, according to warfare experts, intentionally endangers Palestinian civilians during military conflict with Israel.

And, to borrow from Jon Stewart, here is your moment of Zen.
Which countries might be next to recognize Palestine?

Slovenia’s ‘moral duty’: What’s behind its push to recognise Palestine? | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera - "As Israel’s war rages in Gaza, Slovenia is joining a clutch of European nations that hope to pave a pathway to peace."
But Israel’s war on Gaza continues to divide European Union members. On one end of the spectrum, countries such as Germany, Hungary, and the Netherlands staunchly support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. On the other, those like Slovenia, which have strongly criticised Israel’s military conduct, are calling on the international community to hold Israeli leaders accountable.

Mapping which countries recognise Palestine in 2024 | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Slovenia, Malta and Belgium are other nations on the continent that are discussing whether and when to recognise Palestinian statehood.
Of Western European countries, Iceland was the first in 2011 and Sweden was next in 2014.

After Three European Countries Recognize Palestine, What’s Next? • Stimson Center - "Recognition has become an expression of some European countries’ frustration with the limited space for a critical position toward Israel within the EU"

Mentioning Slovenia, Belgium, Malta and Luxembourg.

So is Slovenia next? Belgium?
What exactly are they recognising?
There us no reason NOT to negotiate a mutually agreeable outcome (whatever that is).
Reminds me of this cartoon:

The problem is that there is no "agreeable outcome" for Hamas that does not result in destruction of Israel.
After Three European Countries Recognize Palestine, What’s Next? • Stimson Center - "Recognition has become an expression of some European countries’ frustration with the limited space for a critical position toward Israel within the EU"

Mentioning Slovenia, Belgium, Malta and Luxembourg.

So is Slovenia next? Belgium?

Speaking of "deplorables" ...

Recognition should be given when Palestine is a viable state, with a stable government, and able and willing to exist side-by-side with Israel.
It should not be given as a de-facto reward for the 10/7 massacre.


Churchill signing bombs for Hitler. Signatures on shells has a long pedigree

If only we could track that shell to its final destination.
International humanitarian law requires that conflict parties take precautions to protect civilians, including doing everything possible to verify that targets are military objectives, and taking all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of warfare.
Artillery in an urban setting is hardly that.
If only we could track that shell to its final destination.
International humanitarian law requires that conflict parties take precautions to protect civilians, including doing everything possible to verify that targets are military objectives, and taking all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of warfare.
Artillery in an urban setting is hardly that.
If Hamas operates in an urban setting, then IDF hardly has a choice, other than giving up.

In other news, IDF found 20 tunnels at the Gaza-Egypt border.
IDF takes control of key Gaza-Egypt border road, locating at least 20 tunnels
There us no reason NOT to negotiate a mutually agreeable outcome (whatever that is).
Reminds me of this cartoon:

The problem is that there is no "agreeable outcome" for Hamas that does not result in destruction of Israel.
Since Israel still exists after previous competed negotiations, once again reality proves you wrong.
Any reason why you omitted the title of that article?

Israel denies strike on camp near Rafah that Gaza officials say killed 21 people

Or why you did not include this excerpt, the very first sentence of the article?
Reuters said:
Israel's military denied striking a tent camp west of Rafah on Tuesday after Gaza health authorities said Israeli tank shelling had killed at least 21 people there, in an area Israel has designated a civilian evacuation zone.
Talk about burring the lede - literally.
Since Israel still exists after previous competed negotiations, once again reality proves you wrong.
"Competed"? All previous negotiations had accomplished was a ceasefire, that Hamas and others would then proceed to violate, necessitating repeated Israeli operations. These negotiations solved nothing, they merely kicked the can down the road.

On 10/7, they went way too far, murdering >1000 and kidnapping 100s. Kicking the can is no longer an option. There is no more use of a simple "ceasefire" or restoration of status quo ante. Hamas must go. Or to quote Nikki "Mortal Combat" Hailey, "Finish them!"
Since Israel still exists after previous competed negotiations, once again reality proves you wrong.
"Competed"? All previous negotiations had accomplished was a ceasefire, that Hamas and others would then proceed to violate, necessitating repeated Israeli operations. These negotiations solved nothing, they merely kicked the can down the road.
Apparently they solved something since both parties agreed.

It is up to the parties in negotiations to determine if they achieve something, not reality-challenged kibitzers.
Recognition should be given when Palestine is a viable state, with a stable government, and able and willing to exist side-by-side with Israel.
It should not be given as a de-facto reward for the 10/7 massacre.
Oh, I see.

All Israel has to do is keep stealing Palestinian water, natural gas, and farmland, and choke off Palestinian commerce so the State of Palestine is never economically viable, assassinate upcoming leaders and fund rival parties like Hamas so the government is never stable, and move the most insufferable violent Zionist assholes into settlements built in Palestinian areas and neighborhoods so it simply isn't possible for Palestinians to exist side by side with Israelis.

Did you take those talking points directly from the Likud-Kach playbook, or did you find them on one of those meme generator sites you like?
If only we could track that shell to its final destination.
International humanitarian law requires that conflict parties take precautions to protect civilians, including doing everything possible to verify that targets are military objectives, and taking all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of warfare.
Artillery in an urban setting is hardly that.
If Hamas operates in an urban setting, then IDF hardly has a choice, other than giving up.
What’s the point of quoting me if you’re not going to respond to the quote?

It’s in how they conduct urban warfare. The IDF is presumably a well trained, professional fighting force. They should conduct themselves as one and do their best to protect civilian life. Indiscriminate bombing of densely populated urban areas is not that.
What you are missing is that there is no reason for Israel to be holding back during "talks", doing so would just be rewarding Hamas for duplicity.

Originally the world pressured Israel into front-loaded agreements. Once Israel refused then the world pressured Israel into concessions for simply talking. It never lead to anything and now Israel refuses to do so.

Everything you want Israel to do has been tried and failed.

Your argument is ridiculous. Israel has maximized hostage return by an order of magnitude or more when it has done a cease-fire and talks. Its ability for hostage recovery during intense combat for many months has resulted in considerably less hostage recovery as well as put hostages at risk and accidentally killed them.
Some is better than none. And a lot of the hostages probably would prefer being dead to captivity. Ankles cut so they can run, repeatedly raped.

And turns out Hamas isn't even interested in talking:

What you are missing is that there is no reason for Israel to be holding back during "talks", doing so would just be rewarding Hamas for duplicity.

Originally the world pressured Israel into front-loaded agreements. Once Israel refused then the world pressured Israel into concessions for simply talking. It never lead to anything and now Israel refuses to do so.

Everything you want Israel to do has been tried and failed.

Your argument is ridiculous. Israel has maximized hostage return by an order of magnitude or more when it has done a cease-fire and talks. Its ability for hostage recovery during intense combat for many months has resulted in considerably less hostage recovery as well as put hostages at risk and accidentally killed them.
Some is better than none.

and 100 is better than 3.

And a lot of the hostages probably would prefer being dead to captivity. Ankles cut so they can run, repeatedly raped.

Holy crap! So you are justifying Israel killing the hostages!

From your link:
"Today, we informed the mediators of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza, our readiness (is) to reach a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal," it added.
Interesting news:

From Reuters:

A U.S. State Department official who quit this week said on Thursday her resignation was precipitated by an administration report to Congress that she said falsely stated Israel was not blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza, prompting her to resign in protest of President Joe Biden's Israel policy.


Gilbert said the State Department removed subject matter experts from working on the report to Congress when the document was a rough draft about 10 days before it was due. She said the report was then edited by more senior officials.
In contrast to the published version, the last draft she saw stated that Israel was blocking humanitarian assistance, Gilbert said.
And a lot of the hostages probably would prefer being dead to captivity. Ankles cut so they can run, repeatedly raped.

Holy crap! So you are justifying Israel killing the hostages!
You realize that after 10/7 there were families praying that their loved ones were dead?

From your link:
"Today, we informed the mediators of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza, our readiness (is) to reach a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal," it added.
Foot, meet bullet.

Your quote amounts to: Stop shooting, then we'll talk.

From your link:
"Today, we informed the mediators of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza, our readiness (is) to reach a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal," it added.
Foot, meet bullet.

Your quote amounts to: Stop shooting, then we'll talk.

Israel's proposal up to this point has been: Surrender, and we'll stop shooting. The first step in mediating a violent conflict is to stop the shooting. Netanyahu has other reasons to keep the shooting going. He has just announced that Hamas has to be destroyed before the shooting stops.

Israel says conditions for ending Gaza war "have not changed," seemingly contradicting Biden

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