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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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as opposed to the two-way mutual-oppression relation the Israelis and Palestinians in fact have with each other.
Yeah, all those poor Israelis who aren't permited to leave Tel Aviv, and whose water, electricity, and food supplies are occasionally cut off by the Palestinians, must be truly miserable about the oppressive regime they're struggling under. :rolleyesa:
You're making my case for me -- you entirely predictably said all that without also forthrightly stipulating that 10/7 was a crime against humanity. You said all that as though occasionally getting your water, electricity and food cut off are oppressive but occasionally getting murdered, kidnapped and raped are not oppressive. You said all that as though deliberately sweeping decades of terrorist attacks deliberately targeting noncombatants under the rug is anything more than cheap propaganda.

So thank you for that post. You guys keep convicting yourselves out of your own mouths.
"quoting one of them who included in his apartheid accusation a forthright stipulation that what Hamas did on Oct. 7 was a crime against humanity"

Why must it be included in the same statement?
I didn't say it must be included in the same statement; people who say it can freely choose to include or not include whatever they please. But people's choices are evidence of their psychology. Someone including it in the same statement is what it would take to provide empirical evidence for ld's contention. Likewise, it must not be included in the same statement in order for the accusation to serve its apparent intended purpose, which is to propagate the misrepresentation that the relation of the Israelis to the Palestinians is the same as the relation of the Afrikaaners to the black South Africans -- i.e., a one-way oppressor-oppressed relation -- as opposed to the two-way mutual-oppression relation the Israelis and Palestinians in fact have with each other. Every time yet another person makes the accusation without the stipulation, it adds more empirical evidence to the already overflowing pile in favor of the hypothesis that the intended purpose is exactly what it appears to be.
What definition of the term 'oppression' do you use, and how do you decide who is oppressing whom?
You want to bandy words over technicalities about the definition of "oppression"? Seriously? Does it also depend on what the definition of "is" is? I define "oppression" by common usage and I decide who is oppressing whom by common sense.

So you tell me. If somebody raped you would you feel oppressed? If somebody kidnapped you would you feel oppressed? If somebody knifed you on a bus or wounded you with a roadside bomb would you feel oppressed? If over the course of your life somebody murdered half a dozen people you cared about would you feel oppressed? If somebody murdered you would you spend your last dying minutes thinking about what some third party had done to him that he felt you were a fitting revenge-by-proxy for, or would you spend them thinking about what he was doing to you?
I don't hear enough about the fact that Israel's #1 problem (even more than Hamas) is the fact that they have become a right wing nation. The left are pretty non-existent. They have drifted right since the Oslo accords and now have embraced far-right ideologies such as homophobia, nationalism, politics of fear., etc...A right wing govt is a weak govt easily provoked into doing some thing stupid - not unlike how the the US reacted to 9/11 - provoked into two devastating wars. Hamas knew that and seized upon it.
They have been pushed right by the actions of the Palestinians.
^^^^ This ^^^^
Israel used to be a left wing nation. The voters stopped going for that because the left's land-for-peace deals kept not getting them any peace. But the people who make "How do you expect them to react?" excuses for the Palestinians never seem to buy into "How do you expect them to react?" excuses for the Israelis. Their evident double standard makes it looks an awful lot like they regard Israelis as moral agents who can be held responsible for their own actions, and Palestinians as billiard balls. In some circles that sort of thing would qualify as "soft racism of low expectations".
While Derec is busy being distracted by trying to point the finger at other people, here is some news coming out of Israel:

All I can say is that this was 100% predictable. While this could be pretty eye-opening as to how easy it is for IDF soldiers to be reckless (or worse) with ANY civilians, it is absolutely not going to change any minds whatsoever.
Reports indicate that the hostages had either escaped or had been abandoned by the captors and were unarmed. Yet they were mistakenly identified as potential threats and killed by IDF forces.

Which suggests that Gazans who returned sone wandering hostages back to captivity msy have saved their lives.
But if Hamas have never taken the hostages in the first place they would not have needed their lives to be saved by being returned.
Tunnels may be flooded. We are looking at the kind of contempt Nazis had for not just Jews but any individual or group labeled inferior, or an enemy or threat to the state.
And what's evil about flooding the tunnels?
Some of the hostages are probably being held in the tunnels. If they start flooding the tunnels anybody who isn't tied up will come to the surface, and most likely leave their prisoners to drown.
"quoting one of them who included in his apartheid accusation a forthright stipulation that what Hamas did on Oct. 7 was a crime against humanity"

Why must it be included in the same statement?
I didn't say it must be included in the same statement; people who say it can freely choose to include or not include whatever they please. But people's choices are evidence of their psychology. Someone including it in the same statement is what it would take to provide empirical evidence for ld's contention. Likewise, it must not be included in the same statement in order for the accusation to serve its apparent intended purpose, which is to propagate the misrepresentation that the relation of the Israelis to the Palestinians is the same as the relation of the Afrikaaners to the black South Africans -- i.e., a one-way oppressor-oppressed relation -- as opposed to the two-way mutual-oppression relation the Israelis and Palestinians in fact have with each other. Every time yet another person makes the accusation without the stipulation, it adds more empirical evidence to the already overflowing pile in favor of the hypothesis that the intended purpose is exactly what it appears to be.
What definition of the term 'oppression' do you use, and how do you decide who is oppressing whom?
You want to bandy words over technicalities about the definition of "oppression"? Seriously? Does it also depend on what the definition of "is" is? I define "oppression" by common usage and I decide who is oppressing whom by common sense.

I want to understand what you mean.

The term oppression is used to indicate an exercise of unjust and abusive power or authority by one person or group over another. It is not used to indicate mutual hostilities between parties.

I believe you are using it as an appeal to emotion but I recognize you might be saying something else.
So you tell me. If somebody raped you would you feel oppressed? If somebody kidnapped you would you feel oppressed? If somebody knifed you on a bus or wounded you with a roadside bomb would you feel oppressed? If over the course of your life somebody murdered half a dozen people you cared about would you feel oppressed? If somebody murdered you would you spend your last dying minutes thinking about what some third party had done to him that he felt you were a fitting revenge-by-proxy for, or would you spend them thinking about what he was doing to you?
If the person who raped or kidnapped me was an authority figure of some sort, like a police officer or county commissioner, and I had no recourse to justice as was the case for black women living in the South during the Jim Crow era, then yes, I would feel oppressed. Likewise, if people I loved were being threatened or murdered by authority figures like police officers or by vigilantes protected by authority figures (the KKK comes to mind, but the Oath Keepers run a close second), then I would feel oppressed. Once again, it would be people with some authority in society doing it which would make it oppression.

If the person(s) doing the raping, kidnapping, or murdering was some random asshole or I was not living under an unjust system that protected the abuser, then I would feel threatened, endangered, attacked, or something similar. Some Feminists of my generation argued that sexism in our society made all men oppressors but I never fully agreed with that stance even though I could see their reasons for saying so.

Warring states do not oppress each other.

The victors in a war might oppress the people they have defeated depending on how much control they want to have over their daily lives.

Terrorists are not oppressors unless they succeed in their cause and seize power and authority over their enemies, in which case they almost certainly will be oppressors.

Governments, especially the ones that have control over the lives of people they do not recognize as citizens or full members of society, can be very oppressive.
I don't hear enough about the fact that Israel's #1 problem (even more than Hamas) is the fact that they have become a right wing nation. The left are pretty non-existent. They have drifted right since the Oslo accords and now have embraced far-right ideologies such as homophobia, nationalism, politics of fear., etc...A right wing govt is a weak govt easily provoked into doing some thing stupid - not unlike how the the US reacted to 9/11 - provoked into two devastating wars. Hamas knew that and seized upon it.
They have been pushed right by the actions of the Palestinians.
^^^^ This ^^^^
Israel used to be a left wing nation. The voters stopped going for that because the left's land-for-peace deals kept not getting them any peace.
Which land for peace deal was enacted?

if the answer is none, then how do the Israelis know the deal would not have improved matters for them?
I don't hear enough about the fact that Israel's #1 problem (even more than Hamas) is the fact that they have become a right wing nation. The left are pretty non-existent. They have drifted right since the Oslo accords and now have embraced far-right ideologies such as homophobia, nationalism, politics of fear., etc...A right wing govt is a weak govt easily provoked into doing some thing stupid - not unlike how the the US reacted to 9/11 - provoked into two devastating wars. Hamas knew that and seized upon it.
They have been pushed right by the actions of the Palestinians.
^^^^ This ^^^^
Israel used to be a left wing nation. The voters stopped going for that because the left's land-for-peace deals kept not getting them any peace.
Which land for peace deal was enacted?

if the answer is none, then how do the Israelis know the deal would not have improved matters for them?
Well, I don't mean to pick on my young friend Bomb#20!; But Israel traded land for peace with both Egypt and Jordan. And this peace has held.
While Derec is busy being distracted by trying to point the finger at other people, here is some news coming out of Israel:

All I can say is that this was 100% predictable. While this could be pretty eye-opening as to how easy it is for IDF soldiers to be reckless (or worse) with ANY civilians, it is absolutely not going to change any minds whatsoever.
Reports indicate that the hostages had either escaped or had been abandoned by the captors and were unarmed. Yet they were mistakenly identified as potential threats and killed by IDF forces.

Which suggests that Gazans who returned sone wandering hostages back to captivity msy have saved their lives.
The problem is that Hamas was pretending to be civilians.

Warring states do not oppress each other.

The victors in a war might oppress the people they have defeated depending on how much control they want to have over their daily lives.

Terrorists are not oppressors unless they succeed in their cause and seize power and authority over their enemies, in which case they almost certainly will be oppressors.

Governments, especially the ones that have control over the lives of people they do not recognize as citizens or full members of society, can be very oppressive.
Hamas oppresses Gaza.
I don't hear enough about the fact that Israel's #1 problem (even more than Hamas) is the fact that they have become a right wing nation. The left are pretty non-existent. They have drifted right since the Oslo accords and now have embraced far-right ideologies such as homophobia, nationalism, politics of fear., etc...A right wing govt is a weak govt easily provoked into doing some thing stupid - not unlike how the the US reacted to 9/11 - provoked into two devastating wars. Hamas knew that and seized upon it.
They have been pushed right by the actions of the Palestinians.
^^^^ This ^^^^
Israel used to be a left wing nation. The voters stopped going for that because the left's land-for-peace deals kept not getting them any peace.
Which land for peace deal was enacted?

if the answer is none, then how do the Israelis know the deal would not have improved matters for them?
Well, I don't mean to pick on my young friend Bomb#20!; But Israel traded land for peace with both Egypt and Jordan. And this peace has held.
Yeah, it's ok with the Islamists if some countries make "peace" (the Islamists consider that temporary) so long as the war continues. Gaza is probably a better terrorist base anyway, the density means more human shields.
While Derec is busy being distracted by trying to point the finger at other people, here is some news coming out of Israel:

All I can say is that this was 100% predictable. While this could be pretty eye-opening as to how easy it is for IDF soldiers to be reckless (or worse) with ANY civilians, it is absolutely not going to change any minds whatsoever.
Reports indicate that the hostages had either escaped or had been abandoned by the captors and were unarmed. Yet they were mistakenly identified as potential threats and killed by IDF forces.

Which suggests that Gazans who returned sone wandering hostages back to captivity msy have saved their lives.
The problem is that Hamas was pretending to be civilians.
No, the problem is shoot first ask later
While Derec is busy being distracted by trying to point the finger at other people, here is some news coming out of Israel:

All I can say is that this was 100% predictable. While this could be pretty eye-opening as to how easy it is for IDF soldiers to be reckless (or worse) with ANY civilians, it is absolutely not going to change any minds whatsoever.
Reports indicate that the hostages had either escaped or had been abandoned by the captors and were unarmed. Yet they were mistakenly identified as potential threats and killed by IDF forces.

Which suggests that Gazans who returned sone wandering hostages back to captivity msy have saved their lives.
The problem is that Hamas was pretending to be civilians.
No, the problem is shoot first ask later
No the problem was the kidnapping first
Tigers said:
No the problem was the kidnapping first
The IDF shot and killed the hostages. The doldiers were in mi danger and they let their fear overshelm them.
Why were the hostages where they were shot? They didn't wander there by themselves by accident.

I assume you meant no instead of mi? You witnessed the fear in those soldiers yourself? Who told you that they should have had no fear?
Tigers said:
No the problem was the kidnapping first
The IDF shot and killed the hostages. The doldiers were in mi danger and they let their fear overshelm them.
Why were the hostages where they were shot? They didn't wander there by themselves by accident.
. True. They did not wander into bullets eithet.
Tigets said:
I assume you meant no instead of mi? You witnessed the fear in those soldiers yourself? Who told you that they should have had no fear?
The hostages were waving a white flag and had no shirts. They were unarmed.

Unless you are claiming they were obeying orders, why else would they gun down unarmed civilians?
While Derec is busy being distracted by trying to point the finger at other people, here is some news coming out of Israel:

All I can say is that this was 100% predictable. While this could be pretty eye-opening as to how easy it is for IDF soldiers to be reckless (or worse) with ANY civilians, it is absolutely not going to change any minds whatsoever.
Reports indicate that the hostages had either escaped or had been abandoned by the captors and were unarmed. Yet they were mistakenly identified as potential threats and killed by IDF forces.

Which suggests that Gazans who returned sone wandering hostages back to captivity msy have saved their lives.
The problem is that Hamas was pretending to be civilians.

Hamas wasn’t even there. Didn’t you read it?
the hostages had either escaped or had been abandoned by the captors and were unarmed.

Hamas wasn’t even there. So isn’t this the IDF thinking “shoot anyone you see in Gaza, there are no civialians.” ?
This is you saying “There is no condition in gaza that prevents any human from being shot by IDF no matter what they do. Even if they are actual Israeli ex hostages speaking in hebrew waving a white flag. There ARE NO CIVILIANS to the IDF.

And isn’t that both lazy and monstrous?

(as a side note, I bet the person(s) who pulled the triggers will have trauma for life over this terrible policy of considering all civilians to be enemies.)
You said all that as though occasionally getting your water, electricity and food cut off are oppressive but occasionally getting murdered, kidnapped and raped are not oppressive. You said all that as though deliberately sweeping decades of terrorist attacks deliberately targeting noncombatants under the rug is anything more than cheap propaganda.

So thank you for that post. You guys keep convicting yourselves out of your own mouths.

And on that note;

"After October 7, instead of urging people to go south, we should direct them to the beaches. The Navy can transport them to the shores of Lebanon, where there are already sufficient refugee camps. Then, a security strip should be established from the sea to the Gaza border fence, completely empty, as a reminder of what was once there. It should resemble the Auschwitz concentration camp," he said in an interview with Ben Caspit and Yinon Magal.

"Tell everyone in Gaza to go to the beaches. Navy ships should load the terrorists onto the shores of Lebanon. The entire Gaza Strip should be emptied and leveled flat, just like in Auschwitz. Let it become a museum, showcasing the capabilities of the State of Israel and dissuading anyone from living in the Gaza Strip. This is what must be done To give them a visual representation.
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