Georgia's new guidelines for hair salons
They just had a guy on Fox News being interviewed by Hannity. He was saying, "Trump built beds in record time. Andrew Cuomo has praised the President's response. Even the governor of California has said that Trump was always there on the phone when he needed him to be. 0 deaths in the U.S. when Trump enacted the travel ban from China."
When will the TDS stop? Trump has done than the fake news says. Remember Pelosi was suggesting on Feb 27 that we should all go to Chinatown and have a parade. Fauci told us on March 9 that we can go party on cruise ships if we're healthy.
But yep, EVERYONE else knew of the problem except for Trump!
TDS is only invalid if Trump isn't deranged. Since you believe that he isn't deranged I would like you to defend the proposition that the idea of injecting disinfectant into the bodies of people with COVID-19 is not the product of a deranged mind. That because Trump's uncle was a professor at MIT it gives him a greater insight into the medical solutions than the professionals in the field of study.
I think that Trump is taking way to much hydroxychloroquine.
That Pelosi went to Chinatown and said that we should have a parade, or as Trump said, a street party and a street fair, are lies told by Trump to try to defect away the blame for the poor performance of Trump himself and his administration in the run up to the pandemic. Here is the
fact checker article on these lies from Trump. Fox News is repeating these lies. Why do you trust them?
Pelosi didn't deny that the virus was coming. The day after she went to Chinatown she tweeted,
Americans need a coordinated, fully-funded, whole-of-government response to keep them and their loved ones safe. The President’s request for coronavirus response funding is long overdue and completely inadequate to the scale of this emergency.
She was right.
At the same time Trump was still saying that things were okay. He tweeted, on the same day,
CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus, including the very early closing of our borders to certain areas of the world. It was opposed by the Dems, “too soon”, but turned out to be the correct decision. No matter how well we do, however, the.....
He was wrong.
The very next day the CDC announced the first possible community transmission of COVID-19 negating any advantage from closing the borders to people coming from China. As if he had actually stopped people entering the US from China. The exceptions to the Trump border closing executive order let more than 40,000 people enter the US from China under the "closed" borders.
Trump is desperate to blame anyone than himself for the rather poor performance of his administration. But the bottom line is that with the exception of Brazil, Italy and Spain, the other countries run by the far right, every government in the world did a better job of preparing than the Trump administration did. You can see this in the large number of deaths that we had in the US from COVID-19.
This means that Trump caused more deaths and a far greater amount of destruction to the economy than Bush II did with the World Trade Center bombing, the wars started by mistake, the Katina fiasco, and the Bush Deregulation Great Recession combined.
When will you start to question if conservatives can run the government?
To me it just confirms my position that I would never vote for people to run the government who say that government doesn't work. Would you recommend that the board of directors of IBM hire a CEO who believes that computers don't work and have no future?
Yes, Dr. Fauci lied about the advisability of going on a cruise. That just adds to the blood on the hands of the tragically incompetent Trump administration. It just shows us that if Trump can't appoint a lying incompetent to a position, i.e. Brian Harrison, the dog breeder he put in charge of the administration's efforts to develop tests for COVID-19, he turns the hold-overs into into lying incompetents, like he is.
As always, Trump has turned a reasonable proposition, that we have plan for getting the economy restarted, into a partisan issue to rile up his base for what he incorrectly sees as his political benefit. He is trying to replay the 2016 election because this is all he knows, this time with cry's of "lock him up" directed to Biden and a hyper-partisan electoral college and minority popular vote victory.