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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Imagine what would happen if Ukrainian defense hit Moscow, hard. As hard as Putin has hit Kiev.
Putin would be on the ropes and I believe he'd resort to nukes rather than lose that badly.
That would ENSURE his demise in the very short term. This guy is a fucking dictator who sits across the table from people - thirty feet away. As is the case with most dictators, he's a coward, not some bold and brazen leader of devoted men. He's not going to do something that will predictably bring it all down on his head overnight.

Elon Musk has used his large platform on X to promote a theory that a free-thinking “Republic” could only exist under the decision-making of “high status males” – and women or “low T men” would not be welcome in it.

On Sunday, Musk re-posted a screenshot of the theory – which appears to have been conceived on 4chan in 2021– on the social media site.

The theory, written by an anonymous user, suggests that the only people able to think freely are “high [testostrone] alpha males” and “aneurotypical people”, and that these “high status males” should run a “Republic” that is “only for those who are free to think.”
A couple of points:
  • Now both China and Iran know that the USA won't push back hard because both have nuclear weapons and sufficiently advanced missiles to cover very large areas.
    For example, if China attacks Taiwan, is the rule then that American weapons cannot be used against China, but we must wait until the Chinese army arrives in Taiwan's territorial waters or fights on Taiwan's soil?
    And that China can launch missiles from its own territory, and we must wait until the missiles reach Taiwan's airspace?
  • This "Biden rule" regarding the use of weapons is quite scary—scary for us.
  • I'm not blaming the USA but our entire Western defence. For example, Germany publicly announces when it will stop supporting Ukraine, i.e., budget cuts for aid. On the other hand, Europe has been completely chaotic since the days of Romulus & Remus, so there's nothing new here.
  • When Stalin's army had practically defeated the Finnish army in 1944, Stalin threatened to occupy all of Finland. The Finnish peace negotiator Paasikivi responded with something like, "If you do that, you can expect that behind every tree, lake, and hill for the next 50 years, there will be a Finn shooting Russian soldiers." Stalin changed the subject. He had many reasons not to carry out his threat, one of them being his rush to reach Berlin.
Let me also add a commentary that might shed some light on how the citizens of countries that have lived under the Russian iron heel view this issue:
"There was an expectation that the final stages of World War II could very well ignite World War III. There were rumours that after Germany's defeat, the Western powers might try to push the Soviet Union into the dustbin of history as well.

The new world war didn't happen, and in August 1945, the most well-known phase of the Forest Brothers began in Estonia, also recognized in Finland. There could be 5,000-6,000 fighters in the forests at the same time. Now they moved from 'under the spruce trees' to bunkers and hidden spots on farms. Some 'urban brothers' operated in the cities.

Among the forest brothers, there were lone wolves and wandering groups of a few men, but the best groups were militarily organized. Their resistance was structured and determined. Examples of such were the Estonian Liberation Committee and the Armed Struggle Union. However, there was no common leadership overseeing the entire forest brotherhood.

The main goal of the Forest Brothers was to maintain resistance and fighting spirit. The fear of the Forest Brothers' revenge curbed the occupiers' enthusiasm for violence. The brothers attacked the occupiers' military targets and political bodies. Soviet holidays were disrupted, and weapons and money were stolen from the occupiers. The tactic was usually a quick surprise attack and disappearance. Perhaps 400-500 occupiers were killed in these attacks. Many were simply beaten thoroughly.

The strength of the Forest Brothers began to wane in 1949. At that time, the famous forest brother, Hirveä Ants, or Ants Kaljurand, was captured with his group. Forced deportations to Siberia also resumed. The completion of forced collectivization further broke the nation's spirit. The deportations incited the Forest Brothers to rise up once more, targeting particularly those officials responsible for the forced relocations.

The year 1951 brought heavy losses to the Forest Brothers, with the following year being a turning point. The last real battles were fought in 1955-1956. The final blow to the Forest Brotherhood was the Hungarian Uprising in 1956.
Estonians were shocked when the Western countries merely watched as the brutal suppression of the Hungarian Uprising took place—no help was expected for Estonia either. After the Soviet Union declared a general amnesty in 1955, the forests began to empty of brothers. However, the last of them held out until the 1970s—evidently, they didn't dare trust the amnesty.

During the war, about a quarter of Estonians died or were sent to Siberia. Estimates suggest that at least 8,500 forest brothers died fighting for their country's freedom.
Was it in vain? The country only gained its freedom after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Not at all. With their struggle, the Estonians proved that they would not submit to becoming part of the Soviet empire but wanted to live as a free, independent nation. The Forest Brothers helped maintain national spirit, which in turn made it possible for a nation that had lived under the occupier's tyranny for decades to rejoin the community of independent nations as soon as the opportunity arose."

My own history is quite long, as I am born 5 years after WWII. I will not describe my journey, but still (at the age of 74) I can help with (and study) languages, help with translations and so forth. I know an almost blind Finnish guy who fought until he was 99 years old. He fought in three wars and later with his pen.
So, never give up, the journey for most of the younger ones has just begun. When we speak about Russians, we have to fight on many levels. They understand only violent resistance.
That said, I want to add that the younger Russians (most of them depending on where they live in Russia) see the truth and there is still hope. But as it is now; the dictators will kill millions of their own people plus the neighbours.

Elon Musk has used his large platform on X to promote a theory that a free-thinking “Republic” could only exist under the decision-making of “high status males” – and women or “low T men” would not be welcome in it.

On Sunday, Musk re-posted a screenshot of the theory – which appears to have been conceived on 4chan in 2021– on the social media site.

The theory, written by an anonymous user, suggests that the only people able to think freely are “high [testostrone] alpha males” and “aneurotypical people”, and that these “high status males” should run a “Republic” that is “only for those who are free to think.”
That in a sense is free market capitalism The economy is run by those who make it to the top, not always the best qualified.

Competition selects the better able.
Imagine what would happen if Ukrainian defense hit Moscow, hard.
Why would they do that?

Bombing cities is for amateurs and bullies (like Utin). It's strategically pointless.

Ukraine would hit military, logistics, and energy targets (oil refineries, gas and oil depots, power plants, etc.).

Hitting Moscow would be
counterproductive. It's not the 1940s; Modern weapons systems can hit targets far smaller than entire cities. The WWII beligerents hit cities because they couldn't find, much less aim at, smaller targets.

And because they didn't yet understand that hitting enemy cities makes winning a war harder. Utin still hasn't worked that out, though it has been widely known since 1945.

Elon Musk has used his large platform on X to promote a theory that a free-thinking “Republic” could only exist under the decision-making of “high status males” – and women or “low T men” would not be welcome in it.

On Sunday, Musk re-posted a screenshot of the theory – which appears to have been conceived on 4chan in 2021– on the social media site.

The theory, written by an anonymous user, suggests that the only people able to think freely are “high [testostrone] alpha males” and “aneurotypical people”, and that these “high status males” should run a “Republic” that is “only for those who are free to think.”
That in a sense is free market capitalism The economy is run by those who make it to the top, not always the best qualified.

Competition selects the better able.
The guy is a Bond villain in the making.

Elon Musk has used his large platform on X to promote a theory that a free-thinking “Republic” could only exist under the decision-making of “high status males” – and women or “low T men” would not be welcome in it.

On Sunday, Musk re-posted a screenshot of the theory – which appears to have been conceived on 4chan in 2021– on the social media site.

The theory, written by an anonymous user, suggests that the only people able to think freely are “high [testostrone] alpha males” and “aneurotypical people”, and that these “high status males” should run a “Republic” that is “only for those who are free to think.”
That in a sense is free market capitalism The economy is run by those who make it to the top, not always the best qualified.

Competition selects the better able.
The guy is a Bond villain in the making.
He's already there, minus Bond.
Democracies are a result of free market capitalism. Dictatorships are not. Any government where the population governs itself in some form is free market capitalism. A population which is free will choose the government it wishes to have.
Imagine what would happen if Ukrainian defense hit Moscow, hard. As hard as Putin has hit Kiev.
Putin would be on the ropes and I believe he'd resort to nukes rather than lose that badly.
That would ENSURE his demise in the very short term. This guy is a fucking dictator who sits across the table from people - thirty feet away. As is the case with most dictators, he's a coward, not some bold and brazen leader of devoted men. He's not going to do something that will predictably bring it all down on his head overnight.
It would definitely ensure his demise. How would using nukes solve anything?

I'm amused how successful Putinista propaganda is on some people. I guess that's why the Ruskis keep using it. Propaganda is worthless without the right audience.
Democracies are a result of free market capitalism. Dictatorships are not. Any government where the population governs itself in some form is free market capitalism. A population which is free will choose the government it wishes to have.
That is decreasingly the case here in America. Forty something thousand votes decided the winner in 2020 despite a 7+ million vote margin.
In 2016 we got the government a bare majority of the the minority party wished us to have, and it could happen again in a couple of months, now that intra-party dissenters have been purged.
In the news the Chinese leader said democracy is a threatt to the CCP, the Cold War lives on.

In the news China using a lot of loans in Africa to countries that have no hope of paying off. They default and China takes over the infrastructure projects, like port facilities.

Barbos must be waiting to be resupplied from Iran.
Barbos, aka Boris Badenov secret Russian agent.

View attachment 47556
Natasha: Moose and squirrel now control the Kursk region. Fearless leader will not be pleased.
Boris: No worries, we just change map of nation so that border no longer includes Kursk region, we never lost a thing.
Natasha: Won't people notice?
Boris: Russians believe what they are told to believe.
That's utterly retarded. In Ukraine itself they publicly question wisdom of "Kursk" Invasion (fiasco at this point)
Your own freaking Pentagon has distanced themselves from it. Freaking Syrsky admitted that the goal of the Kursk operation was not achieved at all. Even Elensky got mad when he was asked about it on a press conference. And yet, some Jimmy believes it was the best thing ever happened in this War.
Again your Soviet/Russian follow the leader group think conditioning.

In the west people can and do question government and policy. When enough people disagree different politicians get elected.

In Russia you are stuck with Putin until he dies or gets forced out. To be replaced by another dictator.
You are not making any sense.
Pootie has managed to get Russia into a futile war that Pootie cannot win, or quit. Russia has at most three years until Russia runs out of its military surplus weapons. Russia will have long before that run through it's monetary reserves. The futile Putin era is going to end. I suspect Putin's multi-billion dollar palace will become a forced retirement home, essentially a golden prison. A lot of Putin's yes men will be tried for corruption, and sent to prisons, ending Putin's reign of the Siloviks.
Barbos, aka Boris Badenov secret Russian agent.

View attachment 47556
Natasha: Moose and squirrel now control the Kursk region. Fearless leader will not be pleased.
Boris: No worries, we just change map of nation so that border no longer includes Kursk region, we never lost a thing.
Natasha: Won't people notice?
Boris: Russians believe what they are told to believe.
That's utterly retarded. In Ukraine itself they publicly question wisdom of "Kursk" Invasion (fiasco at this point)
You are sounding more and more like Trump every day. Anything Russia is the best ever, anything Ukraine is total disaster.
Your own freaking Pentagon has distanced themselves from it. Freaking Syrsky admitted that the goal of the Kursk operation was not achieved at all. Even Elensky got mad when he was asked about it on a press conference.
Nothing like the spin on how Russia hasn't repelled an invasion into their own territory as some sort of victory. The Ukrainian incursion in the Kursk region isn't ending the war. But it is exposing the pathetic Russian military and their capabilities (or Putin's utter indifference).
And yet, some Jimmy believes it was the best thing ever happened in this War.
There is enough misinformation about the Russia invasion that you don't need to take people out of context or completely mislead what they've actually stated. Saying Moose and Squirrel have occupied Kursk isn't exactly the highest form of praise. Though I'd say Admiral Peachfuzz would probably be doing about as well as the Russian Navy has in their invasion of Ukraine.
Barbos, aka Boris Badenov secret Russian agent.

View attachment 47556
Natasha: Moose and squirrel now control the Kursk region. Fearless leader will not be pleased.
Boris: No worries, we just change map of nation so that border no longer includes Kursk region, we never lost a thing.
Natasha: Won't people notice?
Boris: Russians believe what they are told to believe.
That's utterly retarded. In Ukraine itself they publicly question wisdom of "Kursk" Invasion (fiasco at this point)
Your own freaking Pentagon has distanced themselves from it. Freaking Syrsky admitted that the goal of the Kursk operation was not achieved at all. Even Elensky got mad when he was asked about it on a press conference. And yet, some Jimmy believes it was the best thing ever happened in this War.
Again your Soviet/Russian follow the leader group think conditioning.

In the west people can and do question government and policy. When enough people disagree different politicians get elected.

In Russia you are stuck with Putin until he dies or gets forced out. To be replaced by another dictator.
You are not making any sense.
I am sure you do not get it, we are mocking you as the stereotypical Soviet era pompous propaganda spouting ignorant Russian ass, that's you Boris.

And your boot licking Putin worshiping buddies.
Interviewing an American journalist in Ukraine on Thom Hartmann show. (Wish I could remember his name)

He says there are plans by Russia for incursions into Estonia and/or Latvia to test the resolve of NATO and draw attention away from Ukraine.
He says there are plans by Russia for incursions into Estonia and/or Latvia to test the resolve of NATO and draw attention away from Ukraine.
He says?
Did they tell him that?
Russia’s “plans” have been amateurishly obvious in this whole Ukraine adventure, so I am wondering. Are they mobilizing and amassing military capability on their western borders? You know, like the “military exercise” they lamely claimed prior to the start of their disastrous three day adventure -slash-invasion-attempt?
Looking for a similar result?
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