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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

This is in Abu Dhabi? What has that to do with Modi? Not that I care. But didn’t he also build one of these stupid temples on the site of a mosque burned down by a bunch of religious fanatics some thirty years ago? Why does your stupid hero foster hatred against Muslims?
Yeah. Modi requested the ruler for permission and space for the organization.
Yes, the Ayodhya land was given to Hindus by the supreme Court and land double in size has been given to Muslims to construct a mosque.
Modi has no hatred for Muslims. The government policies benefits all people equally. Our Constitution and Supreme Court does not allow discrimination.
Western media? Come on, don't fall for the cool aid. First off, I assume that Russia and Ukraine talk all the time behind the scenes. We don't know what Putler will accept. But below is the peace plan put out by Russia's number 2:
That is just for show.
Our Constitution and Supreme Court does not allow discrimination.
Yeah. Neither does ours.
The difference is that most posters from the USA know and acknowledge the FACT that discrimination goes on nonetheless, in a thousand different forms, whereas you take it as given that India, the Home of the Caste System, has rid itself of discrimination, by proclamation.
Your Indian Nirvana where "it is said and becomes so" is a delusion.
I think the west should sanction India by the same amount it is making off Russian oil plus 10% as a penalty. Same for any other country buying Russian oil and supporting their war machine.

We could use the funds to buy arms for Ukraine.
American M.O. regarding Russia is very simple. They go to border countries and ask simple question: "Who here hates Russia?" Once they find these people, they give them bags of money, declare them democrats, freedom fighters, etc and eventually one way or another get them into power. And these people don't even have to really hate Russia, all they need to do is to play the role. You really think Baltic States governments hate Russia? Bullshit, they all have/had business in Russia.
But when you are offered bigger money and the only way into power they will "hate" Russia in public.
For fuck's sake, all their presidents old enough to be commies were, in fact, ..... fucking commies during USSR.
You think Elensky hates Russia? Bullshit! He was touring in Russia all his pre-president life making fun of Ukraine and entertaining Putin and his friends. There are tons of videos of his concerts.
Then all of a sudden he forgot russian and became ukrainian. Yeah right.
You don’t think people around Russia hates Russia because of all the oppression and manipulation by Russia?
Tell that to Russia on Russian soil and see what happens to you.
I am not going to Russia any time soon.
This right here displays the vacuity of your arguments. You don't want to actually admit the Russians are tyrants because that would ruin your point of view.
Our Constitution and Supreme Court does not allow discrimination.
Neither does Russia's - on paper. Russia and Putin are two different things. Anyone who cannot make that distinction will be conflicted, as evidenced by your responses.
Tell that to Russia on Russian soil and see what happens to you.
I am not going to Russia any time soon.
This right here displays the vacuity of your arguments. You don't want to actually admit the Russians are tyrants because that would ruin your point of view.
Oh, come on now. The average Russian does not have a whole lot of say in their government. I bet Putin and his oligarchy does not listen to what a majority of Russian have to say. Assuming that speaking up against Putin would not have any negative consequences, of course. And that’s a big assumption.
Tell that to Russia on Russian soil and see what happens to you.
I am not going to Russia any time soon.
This right here displays the vacuity of your arguments. You don't want to actually admit the Russians are tyrants because that would ruin your point of view.
Oh, come on now. The average Russian does not have a whole lot of say in their government. I bet Putin and his oligarchy does not listen to what a majority of Russian have to say. Assuming that speaking up against Putin would not have any negative consequences, of course. And that’s a big assumption.
I remember when the war first started. Journalists were in Russia asking people about their feelings about the war. The police were dragging anyone away who expressed an opinion. I remember one woman was trying to express support for the war but she was dragged off too.
Modi has no hatred for Muslims. The government policies benefits all people equally. Our Constitution and Supreme Court does not allow discrimination.
...and that Hindu temple is open to Hindus and non-Hindus alike, so spending government time and money on it wasn't discriminatory at all. :rolleyesa:
Lotsa drones in the air. Drones have been an extremely powerful weapon in this war.

BTW, why do these things need to include such annoying "music".
Ukraine was watching in 2008 when Russia violently inserted themselves into a Georgian civil war as "peacekeepers" who then turned around and simply conquered and annexed that contested territory.
When are you going to stop posting BS?
Russia "inserted" themselves into a Georgian civil in ~1991 when it all started.
Russia has not annexed anything yet. There were/are some talks about annexing Abkhazia but it stays as it is.
Abkhazia is a part of Russia which was gifted to Georgia by ..... Stalin. So, are you a fucking Stalinist?
As for the South Ossetia, most of these people live in Russian part of Ossetia and really want to be in Russia.

And by the way. Current government in power in Georgia, while not happy about their border, pretty much told US "Fuck You!".
Just because they have not formally annexed it doesn't mean they aren't in control.
You included an incorrect word: "not". You're supporting the war monger Putin.
No, I am not. I am trying to put forward peace talks to save all, Ukrainians as well as Russians, even if that may not be liked by Western powers or NATO.
Putin isn't interested in a peace that leaves Ukraine not under Russian control. And Russia has demonstrated genocidal desires towards Ukraine (and has done so in the past: Holodomor.) What's there to talk about, exactly how they will be offering themselves up for killing??
Your support for war-mongering is evident in your opposition to Ukraine defending itself against unprovoked invasion.
I suspect you'd be whistling out of the other side of your mouth if it was YOUR home being invaded.
I would not try to do something which will make anyone attack my home. West has made Ukraine the sacrificial lamb.
Ahh, replied to 12 alerts.
You haven't bowed down to Islamabad. That has caused attacks on your home (as in country, not personal.)
The difference is that most posters from the USA know and acknowledge the FACT that discrimination goes on nonetheless, in a thousand different forms, whereas you take it as given that India, the Home of the Caste System, has rid itself of discrimination, by proclamation.
Your Indian Nirvana where "it is said and becomes so" is a delusion.
Caste system will die slow. It has been there for thousands of years, mixed with tribe/clan/religion/region/profession system and God knows what else.
Not by proclamation, but by law. Till sometime back, the law said that if just a complaint of discrimination is made, true or false, it must lead to immediate arrest. Investigation will come later. Fortunately, such law has been changed.
This right here displays the vacuity of your arguments. You don't want to actually admit the Russians are tyrants because that would ruin your point of view.
Putin might be a tyrant, but the rivalry between West and communism continues. If western influence grows then it will be answered by Russia and China.
Modi replied to a congratulatory message from President of Taiwan and China protested.
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