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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

So your country wants to further secure your borders to prevent a possible future attack. But you don’t believe that Ukraine should do the same? Why?
Because that's not what Ukraine is doing. They are inviting American nukes to make Security of Russia significantly worse.
Furthermore, regime in Ukraine lost all their supposed legitimacy when they started ukrainization of Russian population.

Ukraine must forget about NATO, stop ukrainization, denazify itself, agree on the loss of Eastern Ukraine, became fully 100% neutral and then and only then they will have a chance of saving what's left.
So you really think that you can get all this on the battlefield? Your army sucks. They can’t do shit against a much smaller and weaker country. Your military is being decimated, units are refusing to fight. Putin’s losing his grip on the interior of parts of Russia. You really didn’t think this through.
Putin will suddenly become the embassy for peace that you think he is.
Putin is not an embassy for peace. He is an adversary of US and NATO. There were times when things could have been different, but that moment has passed.
If you were a Ukrainian and tried that, you’d be a dead Ukrainian, that’s all.
That is why stopping the war is necessary rather than continuing the may-hem.
A win for NATO would be Ukraine keeping the territory it was promised by treaty - you know, when they were TALKING!!
Encourage Ukraine to talk with Russia. Perhaps some arrangement can be made in which Ukraine will not loose any territory. Talks should never be stopped.
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If you fantasy were even remotely accurate, no one would have placed restrictions on Ukraine regarding where they could attack Russian forces. There is only one side of this conflict that is acting with unprovoked aggression and it's the side you keep apologizing for.
What should I be apologizing for? I am just stating my views. India is not a party in the conflict. Reports say that Ukraine is using those arms inside Russia.
There are always two sides of any conflict.

14 alerts till this time today. And all answered with civility. You should give me a medal for my patience, imperturbability. This comes from being an adviser to students and meditation. ;)
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Putin is not an embassy for peace. He is an adversary of US and NATO
He is an adversary of democracy, freedom and representative government - as well as anything that threatens his personal wealth or power. He doesn’t really give a shit about “Ukro-Nazis”, “The West”, NATO …
OR ANY OF THE OTHER BOOGYMEN he uses to terrify ignorants.
You completely fail to understand that Ukraine's relations with the west are not Russia's business.
If that was so, why did US object to Russia placing missiles in Cuba?
That is like asking “if Hindus are peace loving, why did Genghis Khan kill the Persians?”
The one thing has zero to do with the other.
He is an adversary of democracy, freedom and representative government - as well as anything that threatens his personal wealth or power.
He is all that. If he is not the President of Russia, then his life will be in danger even in Russia. His wealth (whatever it is) will not help him. Perhaps he may find refuge only in China. He might have transferred some of his wealth to China.

Modi in contrast is cool that way with his wealth at USD 362,000 after 13 years as Chief Minister of Gujarat and 10 years as the Prime Minister of India. He is in a habit of donating his wealth to needy and for public schemes. He owns no house or car. I do not know with what wealth he will leave the office.
If he is not the President of Russia, then [h]is life will be in danger even in Russia.
So what? So he will kill millions to stay in office. And THAT is why we should treat him with kid gloves, and TALK to him while he is murdering?
Sorry pal - genocidal maniacs are not our heroes.
He [Modi] owns no house or car.
When you have the taxes of 1.2 billion people to support you, you don't need to own anything whatsoever.
I'm 100% jealous of that. I would SO love to never own any thing at all, yet have access to everything!
I am saying that in international politics, balance is necessary. That is why US does not accept Taiwan as an independent country because that will make China an adversary. Ukraine forgot about political dos and don'ts while tilting towards West.
I am saying that in international politics, balance is necessary. That is why US does not accept Taiwan as an independent country because that will make China an adversary. Ukraine forgot about political dos and don'ts while tilting towards West.
Balance is in the fact that China has NOT moved to invade Taiwan, destroy its infrastucture and murder its citizens.
That, despite the FACT that the US carries on naval exercises in the S China sea, which, in Putin's world, would provide more than enough excuse to go full Stalin on them.

Russia has invaded Ukraine, destroyed its infrastructure and murdered its citizens, while the US was doing nothing but objecting to their amassing hundreds of thousands of troops and war gear at the Ukrainian border, and lying about it being a "military exercise".
The mere fact that the Ukrainian people expressed their preference for a President that was not a Putin Puppet, was their only "crime".
UKRAINE WAS NEVER ANY MORE OF A THREAT TO RUSSIA THAN TAIWAN IS TO CHINA. But Xi is not talking about TaiwaNazis that need to be wiped out...

See the difference?
They can’t do shit against a much smaller and weaker country
You are aware that whole West is supplying Ukraine?
And even with that, Ukraine has 5-10 times higher losses.
Your military is being decimated, units are refusing to fight.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Putin’s losing his grip on the interior of parts of Russia.
What the fuck are you talking about?
So he will kill millions to stay in office
Well, killing millions is not possible, but to kill a few is quite normal for dictators
When you have the taxes of 1.2 billion people to support you, you don't need to own anything whatsoever.
I'm 100% jealous of that. I would SO love to never own any thing at all, yet have access to everything!
1,441.8 million today according to World-o-meter.
Do the taxes go in Modi's pocket? Access to many facilities will cease when Modi leaves the office. This is what he will be entitled to after leaving office:
Modi (as per my calculations) will be entitled for a pension of USD 509 per month for his 15-year tenure as Prime Minister of India. On retirement he will get some provident fund and Superannuation benefits (how much, no idea about that)

Source: www. quora.com
- Lifetime free accommodation.
- Free medical assistance.
- 14 people's staff for five years.
- Six domestic level air tickets (executive class).
- Fully free travel via train.
- 5 years of office expenses.
- Special Protection Group security for one year.
- Free electricity and water for life.
- After five years: a personal assistant and peon, 6,000 rupees annually for office expenses (i.e., USD 71.90, which is surely laughable).

But my belief is that Modi will become a monk after retirement. There are many caves in Himalayas, not just one.

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Balance is in the fact that China has NOT moved to invade Taiwan, destroy its infrastucture and murder its citizens.

.. while the US was doing nothing but objecting to their amassing hundreds of thousands of troops and war gear at the Ukrainian border, and lying about it being a "military exercise".
The mere fact that the Ukrainian people expressed their preference for a President that was not a Putin Puppet, was their only "crime".
So you understand why balance is necessary. Of course, China will not destroy Taiwan. It gets its chips from there.
Why US was not doing anything is because they wanted Russia to attack Ukraine, wanted to get Russia involved in a war.
In international politics, one should not do such crimes, because they have their repercussions.
Yeah, China at the moment is not doing anything about Taiwan, but one never knows what will happen in future.
Getting Russia involved in a war is a diplomatic victory, a war which Ukrainians will fight for them. That is what they did in Afghanistan also, making Taliban fight the Russians. US is engaging India too, I do not know if that is for us to fight the Chinese for them. :)
Getting Russia involved in a war was a diplomatic victory, a war which Ukrainians will fight for them.
Ukraine wasn't going anywhere, there was no need for Russia to invade. The truth is, the West would prefer inclusion with Russia than inclusion. Putin came to power and chose the later.
That is what they did in Afghanistan also, making Taliban fight the Russians.
The Taliban? In the late 70s?
US is engaging India too, I do not know if that is for us to fight the Chinese for them.
I have a feeling India isn't going to just wage a war against China on our behest, even if there wasn't a alt right-wing leader running the nation.
Balance is in the fact that China has NOT moved to invade Taiwan, destroy its infrastucture and murder its citizens.

.. while the US was doing nothing but objecting to their amassing hundreds of thousands of troops and war gear at the Ukrainian border, and lying about it being a "military exercise".
The mere fact that the Ukrainian people expressed their preference for a President that was not a Putin Puppet, was their only "crime".
So you understand why balance is necessary. Of course, China will not destroy Taiwan. It gets its chips from there.
Why US was not doing anything is because they wanted Russia to attack Ukraine, wanted to get Russia involved in a war.
In international politics, one should not do such crimes, because they have their repercussions.
Yeah, China at the moment is not doing anything about Taiwan, but one never knows what will happen in future.
You are false. Russia attacking Ukraine has been very bad for the US. It's doubled our rate of inflation. It will probably lead to the total republican takeover of the house, senate and presidency this November. What is your evidence that the US wants this war? You are making an assertion without evidence.
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