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Immigrant Concentration Camps

People who travel thousands of miles to get here are already in bad shape when they get here and if they die, it is not anyone's fault. ICE can not work miracles and nurse thousands of people who are dehydrated, starving, and deathly sick back to 100% health like it's a video game.

While it's true that it's possible for them to be too far gone when they are picked up the result would be a death in a hospital, not a death in a detention facility. If they are in good enough shape to be sent to a detention facility the trip didn't kill them.
People who travel thousands of miles to get here are already in bad shape when they get here and if they die, it is not anyone's fault. ICE can not work miracles and nurse thousands of people who are dehydrated, starving, and deathly sick back to 100% health like it's a video game.

No, see, the way it's meant to work is this:

You read what I have written.
You think about what I wrote.

THEN (and only then), you reply to what I wrote. Saying things that agree with, disagree with, or build upon, some or all of the things I said.

Alternatively, you can post something that's unrelated to what I said; BUT, in that case, you should click the 'reply' or 'reply to thread' buttons, and NOT 'reply with quote', because 'reply with quote' is intended ONLY for replies that are relevant to the quoted prior post.

It's really not that difficult.

Don't blame him, he's no doubt been fed a lifetime of such tactics and doesn't realize that's not how the real world works.

I invite you guys to take a quick scroll through the comments and see that nobody is falling for this.

Never happened because morons don't believe it did?
Never forget that Progressive Casting is ready and waiting 24/7 to send activist actors to such far-flung locales as Sandy Hook, Parkland, and wherever Jason Aldean is playing. It's true 'cause I heard it on Hannity. Actually my best friend heard it on Hannity.
Never forget that Progressive Casting is ready and waiting 24/7 to send activist actors to such far-flung locales as Sandy Hook, Parkland, and wherever Jason Aldean is playing. It's true 'cause I heard it on Hannity. Actually my best friend heard it on Hannity.

Actually, some random moron mentioned it in the comments on youtube.
Here’s How You Can Help Fight Family Separation at the Border
Lawyers, translators, donations, protest.

If you’re horrified by news of families being separated at the borders, here’s a bit of news you can use.

First, the policy: It helps to be incredibly clear on what the law is, and what has and has not changed. When Donald Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders say that the policy of separating children from their parents upon entry is a law passed by Democrats that Democrats will not fix, they are lying.

There are two different policies in play, and both are new.

First is the new policy that any migrant family entering the U.S. without a border inspection will be prosecuted for this minor misdemeanor. The parents get incarcerated and that leaves children to be warehoused. The parents then typically plead guilty to the misdemeanor and are given a sentence of the few days they served waiting for trial. But then when the parents try to reunite with their children, they are given the runaround—and possibly even deported, alone. The children are left in HHS custody, often without family.

[IOW, the Trump admin has decided that all immigrants are automatically committing a crime by coming here, which is not true.]

Second is a new and apparently unwritten policy that even when the family presents themselves at a border-entry location, seeking asylum—that is, even when the family is complying in all respects with immigration law—the government is snatching the children away from their parents. Here, the government’s excuse seems to be that they want to keep the parents in jail-like immigration detention for a long time, while their asylum cases are adjudicated. The long-standing civil rights case known as Flores dictates that they aren’t allowed to keep kids in that kind of detention, so the Trump administration says they have to break up the families. They do not have to break up families—it is the government’s new choice to jail people with credible asylum claims who haven’t violated any laws that is leading to the heartbreaking separations you’ve been reading about.

[The bold being the Trump admin's punishment of the imaginary crime they made up.]

Emphasis mine.

Read the rest of the article on what you can do and what organizations and efforts to support if you can.
Leave without their children? Go back to the place where they are likely to be murdered? Sure, they could do that.

Are you sure? I wouldn't put it past Trump to want to detain them even then to make an example of them or to stop them from trying to sneak into the country after waiting too long for processing etc.
There is a simple fix for this. AOC needs to stop calling detention centres concentration camps and start calling them gulags. Then the conditions that are being imposed upon these people are magically improved, right? Because that's the real issue here according to intellectual giants like Shapiro and Carlson. Not that these atrocities are happening, not that fuck all is being done to address the issue, but how we label it. It's all about the brand, stupid.

You're onto something here. If AOC and crew didn't over reach, more centrists may believe what is actually going on, rather than dismissing it all as a political football.
Leave without their children? Go back to the place where they are likely to be murdered? Sure, they could do that.

Are you sure? I wouldn't put it past Trump to want to detain them even then to make an example of them or to stop them from trying to sneak into the country after waiting too long for processing etc.

I doubt Trump would put that much thought into it.

He doesn't want to have to deal with anything that's hard or complex or doesn't flatter his ego and pander to his most ardent Fox viewer supporters. He just want the whole issue to disappear from his daily briefings so he can play golf and talk about what a great leader he is.
There is a simple fix for this. AOC needs to stop calling detention centres concentration camps and start calling them gulags. Then the conditions that are being imposed upon these people are magically improved, right? Because that's the real issue here according to intellectual giants like Shapiro and Carlson. Not that these atrocities are happening, not that fuck all is being done to address the issue, but how we label it. It's all about the brand, stupid.

You're onto something here. If AOC and crew didn't over reach, more centrists may believe what is actually going on, rather than dismissing it all as a political football.

If AOC and other people of conscience in Congress and elsewhere didn't call those places what they really are, more people would ignore what's going on.

You can call them internment camps or detention centers or indefinite incarceration facilities, but the bottom line is they meet the definition of concentration camps (not death camps or extermination camps, a closely related but distinctly different type of facility), therefore it's entirely appropriate and IMO absolutely necessary to call them that.

People should be outraged at the indefinite incarceration of people who have at most committed a misdemeanor offense, and even more outraged at the policy of family separation and imprisoning children.

“We’re signing an executive order. I consider it to be a very important executive order. It’s about keeping families together, while at the same time being sure we have a very powerful, very strong border and border security will be equal, if not greater than previously,” the president said as he signed the order in the Oval Office, flanked by Vice President Mike Pence and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen."
There is a simple fix for this. AOC needs to stop calling detention centres concentration camps and start calling them gulags. Then the conditions that are being imposed upon these people are magically improved, right? Because that's the real issue here according to intellectual giants like Shapiro and Carlson. Not that these atrocities are happening, not that fuck all is being done to address the issue, but how we label it. It's all about the brand, stupid.

You're onto something here. If AOC and crew didn't over reach, more centrists may believe what is actually going on, rather than dismissing it all as a political football.

If AOC and other people of conscience in Congress and elsewhere didn't call those places what they really are, more people would ignore what's going on.

You can call them internment camps or detention centers or indefinite incarceration facilities, but the bottom line is they meet the definition of concentration camps (not death camps or extermination camps, a closely related but distinctly different type of facility), therefore it's entirely appropriate and IMO absolutely necessary to call them that.

People should be outraged at the indefinite incarceration of people who have at most committed a misdemeanor offense, and even more outraged at the policy of family separation and imprisoning children.

You just told me people are allowed to leave (but again I would not be surprised if they weren't), but now call it incarceration. Which is it? Maybe you could make a case for kidnapping, but no, it isn't a concentration camp if people can just walk out of it. If they are truly being kept their against their will, then yes, concentration camp may be an appropriate term.
But you are missing the point. We hear these reports of how bad they are, but no pictures of all this bad stuff going on. No news reports from inside the facilities. That's why many people are saying it's fake news. The PBS video did not show any video from inside the places.

Obviously they aren't allowed to take pictures.
Yeah, it would be great if ICE took the kids to Disney Land and had fun every day instead!

Something tells me a headline of "ICE loses track of kids at Disney Land" wouldn't go over too well with the leftists.

Nobody's asking for that.

We're asking for not having things like the recent case where ICE was ignoring a preemie baby after throwing away the baby's supplies.

I agree these things are bad. However, I feel those are the outliers. Can we fire the officials who let that happen? But, then they would be understaffed. See how complicated this all is?

If they are outliers why isn't DHS outraged and trying to fix it?

No, what we are seeing is business as usual. And we should be sending the officials to jail, not merely firing them. Conspiracy to commit manslaughter.
But you are missing the point. We hear these reports of how bad they are, but no pictures of all this bad stuff going on. No news reports from inside the facilities. That's why many people are saying it's fake news. The PBS video did not show any video from inside the places.

They are lawyers and other professionals reporting these stories, and a lot of people are turned away. Even congresspeople have been turned away and only later allowed in on appointment. Volunteers are telling the stories, but they don't want to identify themselves for fear of not being allowed back in to try to help.

Have you read any of the articles I posted? Have the decency to read them all before you dismiss them.

It's amazing how much proof some people need before they can entertain the possibility of abuse, but no proof is needed at all from a demonstrably dishonest and cruel administration on their denials.

It's almost like some people automatically, without even thinking, like reflex, jump to support and excuse the powerful without question, while regarding the powerless with skepticism and doubt with the same kind of thoughtless reflex.

So, all the hundreds of people in the comments saying it's fake news and propaganda are only saying that because they believe Trump tells no lies?

His Flatulence routinely calls any facts he doesn't like fake news. His followers do likewise. Thus his followers saying that the reports are fake news have zero credibility.
If AOC and other people of conscience in Congress and elsewhere didn't call those places what they really are, more people would ignore what's going on.

You can call them internment camps or detention centers or indefinite incarceration facilities, but the bottom line is they meet the definition of concentration camps (not death camps or extermination camps, a closely related but distinctly different type of facility), therefore it's entirely appropriate and IMO absolutely necessary to call them that.

People should be outraged at the indefinite incarceration of people who have at most committed a misdemeanor offense, and even more outraged at the policy of family separation and imprisoning children.

You just told me people are allowed to leave (but again I would not be surprised if they weren't), but now call it incarceration. Which is it? Maybe you could make a case for kidnapping, but no, it isn't a concentration camp if people can just walk out of it. If they are truly being kept their against their will, then yes, concentration camp may be an appropriate term.
This is not hard to understand or to find out, especially for anyone claiming to be a lawyer. The US calls these detention camps - people are not permitted to walk out of them unless they are released. See  Immigration_detention_in_the_United_States for history and explanations.
How about the 'ghettos' in places like La, Chicago, and Detroit where kids are gunned down on the streets from gang conflicts? If we want to make Nazi references.

All things considered, the focus on the state of illegal immigrants is another case of selective morality which is easy to inflate with streams of images of babies and mothers.Migrants say they are fleeing gang violence. Some people from neighborhoods in Detroit might be better off going to Mexico and claiming asylum. In some neighborhoods kids can not play on streets or walk to school.
If AOC and other people of conscience in Congress and elsewhere didn't call those places what they really are, more people would ignore what's going on.

You can call them internment camps or detention centers or indefinite incarceration facilities, but the bottom line is they meet the definition of concentration camps (not death camps or extermination camps, a closely related but distinctly different type of facility), therefore it's entirely appropriate and IMO absolutely necessary to call them that.

People should be outraged at the indefinite incarceration of people who have at most committed a misdemeanor offense, and even more outraged at the policy of family separation and imprisoning children.

You just told me people are allowed to leave (but again I would not be surprised if they weren't), but now call it incarceration. Which is it? Maybe you could make a case for kidnapping, but no, it isn't a concentration camp if people can just walk out of it. If they are truly being kept their against their will, then yes, concentration camp may be an appropriate term.
This is not hard to understand or to find out, especially for anyone claiming to be a lawyer. The US calls these detention camps - people are not permitted to walk out of them unless they are released. See  Immigration_detention_in_the_United_States for history and explanations.

And in order to be released they have to surrender their rights under the US Constitution and agree to be deported.

If AOC and other people of conscience in Congress and elsewhere didn't call those places what they really are, more people would ignore what's going on.

You can call them internment camps or detention centers or indefinite incarceration facilities, but the bottom line is they meet the definition of concentration camps (not death camps or extermination camps, a closely related but distinctly different type of facility), therefore it's entirely appropriate and IMO absolutely necessary to call them that.

People should be outraged at the indefinite incarceration of people who have at most committed a misdemeanor offense, and even more outraged at the policy of family separation and imprisoning children.

You just told me people are allowed to leave (but again I would not be surprised if they weren't), but now call it incarceration. Which is it? Maybe you could make a case for kidnapping, but no, it isn't a concentration camp if people can just walk out of it. If they are truly being kept their against their will, then yes, concentration camp may be an appropriate term.

I think I inadvertently gave pedants an opportunity to be pedantic, so now I must firmly shut that door. I said

Leave without their children? Go back to the place where they are likely to be murdered? Sure they could do that.

in response to JP asking if those folks were free to leave, and then went on to point out that their children are trapped. I did not mean to imply that there was anything resembling freedom available to anyone in that situation.

The people being held against their will in ICE facilities and contracted detention centers/internment camps/concentration camps are not free to leave. They might be released from those places as they are immediately deported, if they surrender their rights under US law, but being coerced into abandoning their applications for asylum and legal entry is the opposite of freedom. That some of them are lured into signing deportation documents on the false promise that they will be reunited with their imprisoned children is an outrage, and the people who designed and implemented that ploy are despicable.
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