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Immigrant Concentration Camps

If the US doesn't want to take them in, why don't they simply turn them back? What right have they to detain them? Or they don't detain them?

The US doesn't have to detain asylum seekers or those seeking to legally immigrate while their applications are being reviewed. The Trump Administration decided to, under harsh conditions, as a deterrent to the 'wrong' sort of people coming to America. We wouldn't be nearly so dickish to Norwegians.

Are they being detained though. That's my question. Derec says no. You say yes? Are they free to leave or are they being kept there even if they want to go back south? Or is Trump holding them even then against their will to "make an example of out them" etc?
If the US doesn't want to take them in, why don't they simply turn them back? What right have they to detain them? Or they don't detain them?

The US doesn't have to detain asylum seekers or those seeking to legally immigrate while their applications are being reviewed. The Trump Administration decided to, under harsh conditions, as a deterrent to the 'wrong' sort of people coming to America. We wouldn't be nearly so dickish to Norwegians.

Are they being detained though. That's my question. Derec says no. You say yes? Are they free to leave or are they being kept there even if they want to go back south? Or is Trump holding them even then against their will to "make an example of out them" etc?

Leave without their children? Go back to the place where they are likely to be murdered? Sure, they could do that.

The children can't though. They aren't old enough to legally sign the deportation agreement where they surrender their right under US law to stay in this country while their application is being processed. In some cases they aren't even old enough to read and write, so they're stuck in pens like animals until a parent or legal guardian can locate them and win their release through a court order.
Leave without their children?
No, of course not. Leave with their children.

Go back to the place where they are likely to be murdered?
BS on that. It is a gross and misleading exaggeration.
El Salvador has the highest murder rate in the world, at ~83/100,000/a. That's 0.083% chance of getting murdered per year. Hardly "likely to get murdered".
Note also that many of these murders are gang disputes and the like, so unless they are involved in something shady, their chance of getting murdered is much lower than that. And if they are involved in something shady, we should not be taking them in anyway.

The children can't though. They aren't old enough to legally sign the deportation agreement where they surrender their right under US law to stay in this country while their application is being processed. In some cases they aren't even old enough to read and write, so they're stuck in pens like animals until a parent or legal guardian can locate them and win their release through a court order.
Are you saying that once their parents start the procedure, their parents can't abort it and take them home? The children were not old enough to sign the application for asylum either, their parents did it for them. So why can't the parents sign the deportation order?
If that is a law, it should be changed. I think a lot of the mess on the border is due to misguided laws.
We wouldn't be nearly so dickish to Norwegians.
If 100,000s uneducated, barely literate Norwegians showed up at the border every month, I doubt that very much.
I am sick of ignorant assumptions that the only difference between Norwegians seeking to immigrate to US and Salvadorans or Hondurans seeking to immigrate into US is the hue.
No, of course not. Leave with their children.

BS on that. It is a gross and misleading exaggeration.
El Salvador has the highest murder rate in the world, at ~83/100,000/a. That's 0.083% chance of getting murdered per year. Hardly "likely to get murdered".
Note also that many of these murders are gang disputes and the like, so unless they are involved in something shady, their chance of getting murdered is much lower than that. And if they are involved in something shady, we should not be taking them in anyway.

The children can't though. They aren't old enough to legally sign the deportation agreement where they surrender their right under US law to stay in this country while their application is being processed. In some cases they aren't even old enough to read and write, so they're stuck in pens like animals until a parent or legal guardian can locate them and win their release through a court order.
Are you saying that once their parents start the procedure, their parents can't abort it and take them home? The children were not old enough to sign the application for asylum either, their parents did it for them. So why can't the parents sign the deportation order?
If that is a law, it should be changed. I think a lot of the mess on the border is due to misguided laws.

You haven't been following the news.

US government officials lost track of the separated children, and in many cases don't know where the parents went, either. In some cases, parents believed they would be reunited with their children if they signed the deportation documents, which they did, but were then deported without them. Children, even those who arrived with their parents (even babies ffs!) are basically orphaned and confined like criminals despite having the legal right to be here while their applications are processed, just because the Trump Administration wanted to make an example of them.
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We wouldn't be nearly so dickish to Norwegians.
If 100,000s uneducated, barely literate Norwegians showed up at the border every month, I doubt that very much.
I am sick of ignorant assumptions that the only difference between Norwegians seeking to immigrate to US and Salvadorans or Hondurans seeking to immigrate into US is the hue.

It is the hue, because that's what the demonization you've been fed is based on.
El Salvador has the highest murder rate in the world, at ~83/100,000/a. That's 0.083% chance of getting murdered per year. Hardly "likely to get murdered"

Yeah, sure. Asylum seekers are a random sample of the Salvadorean population, and so have exactly the same odds of being murdered as anyone else. :rolleyes:

There's no way that asylum seekers could possibly represent a self-selected sample of the people at most risk of murder and violence. I bet Salvadoreans just randomly decide to run away to a foreign country, despite having a secure and safe home life. These brown people are sneaky like that.
BS on that. It is a gross and misleading exaggeration.
El Salvador has the highest murder rate in the world, at ~83/100,000/a. That's 0.083% chance of getting murdered per year. Hardly "likely to get murdered".
Note also that many of these murders are gang disputes and the like, so unless they are involved in something shady, their chance of getting murdered is much lower than that. And if they are involved in something shady, we should not be taking them in anyway.
You have no idea what these people live with there. None. The murder rate is very high as is the general violence.
There is a simple fix for this. AOC needs to stop calling detention centres concentration camps and start calling them gulags. Then the conditions that are being imposed upon these people are magically improved, right? Because that's the real issue here according to intellectual giants like Shapiro and Carlson. Not that these atrocities are happening, not that fuck all is being done to address the issue, but how we label it. It's all about the brand, stupid.
There is a simple fix for this. AOC needs to stop calling detention centres concentration camps and start calling them gulags. Then the conditions that are being imposed upon these people are magically improved, right? Because that's the real issue here according to intellectual giants like Shapiro and Carlson. Not that these atrocities are happening, not that fuck all is being done to address the issue, but how we label it. It's all about the brand, stupid.

How about rebranding them as theme parks? 'Disney on ICE' perhaps?
There is a simple fix for this. AOC needs to stop calling detention centres concentration camps and start calling them gulags. Then the conditions that are being imposed upon these people are magically improved, right? Because that's the real issue here according to intellectual giants like Shapiro and Carlson. Not that these atrocities are happening, not that fuck all is being done to address the issue, but how we label it. It's all about the brand, stupid.

How about rebranding them as theme parks? 'Disney on ICE' perhaps?

Trump is obsessed with leaving a legacy, just rename them Trump Hotels. Put his name on every single one. Problem solved.
If they were really camps dedicated to housing people who had broken the law regarding immigration, we'd be able to find some employers who hired illegal immigrants among the detainees.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say there's nobody like that in the cages.
There is a simple fix for this. AOC needs to stop calling detention centres concentration camps and start calling them gulags. Then the conditions that are being imposed upon these people are magically improved, right? Because that's the real issue here according to intellectual giants like Shapiro and Carlson. Not that these atrocities are happening, not that fuck all is being done to address the issue, but how we label it. It's all about the brand, stupid.

How about rebranding them as theme parks? 'Disney on ICE' perhaps?

Trump is obsessed with leaving a legacy, just rename them Trump Hotels. Put his name on every single one. Problem solved.

Oooh... a 2000-mike hotel along the border. Trump Estates. All doors and windows face south. People come to the border, wander until they find an empty room, there they are. Housed, location known, and phoning the front desk to apply for asylum...and more towels.
It is the hue, because that's what the demonization you've been fed is based on.
Wrong. It is people on the left who are obsessed with how "brown" everybody is or is not.

Bullshit. We're aware of the difficulties they face in a society that was built for the benefit of white men and the subjugation of everyone else and still works that way.

Try walking in their shoes for a while. Try reading their stories and understanding their lives. Their experiences are quite different from white people's. Talk to a black person who passes for white. Talk to someone who is not black or Hispanic but appears to be.

For that matter, talk to a woman who used to be a man and vice versa. They're not doing a damn thing different except looking different, yet their experiences in life and the attitudes and treatment from people around them are quite different depending on how they appear to others.

I invite you guys to take a quick scroll through the comments and see that nobody is falling for this.
You guys have to understand that these facilities weren't built to contain this many people. Like the comments said, if 500 people show up to your 2 bedroom apartment one day, you're not gonna do a better job to contain the situation.
You guys have to understand that these facilities weren't built to contain this many people. Like the comments said, if 500 people show up to your 2 bedroom apartment one day, you're not gonna do a better job to contain the situation.

And yet you'd still have a choice in how you regard and treat your fellow human beings. If you're a human being and not a fucking monster, you do your best to help them, not treat them like dogs, not purposely separate kids, starve them, neglect them, traumatize them, or dehumanize them, and then block and turn away people who do want to help them.

Do you? Is that how you treat human beings under your care, Half-Life? Whatever the circumstances that brought them there, do you purposely choose to be depraved in your treatment of them on the excuse that there's so many of them?

We see you. We see your callousness and utter lack of humanity. We see it. The world sees it. Just so you know. And you won't be able to say you didn't know.
I agree with your sentiment here, but this is not a problem that started with the current administration. Obama also separated immigrant children from their parents, and used the same former Japanese internment camps that Trump is now using to house them. It's great that this is now getting covered, and perhaps it takes an outwardly fascist-friendly President to make people see the parallels rather than a smooth-talking liberal one, but the difference between their immigration policies where this matter is concerned is minor at best. Conservatives like to use this as a way of excusing Trump; what we should be doing is using it to condemn both Trump and Obama.

No, Obama wasn't separating families for simple immigration violations. That only happened if the parents were guilty of more serious offenses. Obama ended up with a lot of "children" in detention because they were unaccompanied. It would not be legal under US law to release them without having some guardian to release them to. (These were mostly 16 and 17 year olds--functionally adult in third world areas.)
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