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Immigrant Concentration Camps

A firsthand report of ‘inhumane conditions’ at a migrant children’s detention facility

Basically, what we saw are dirty children who are malnourished, who are being severely neglected. They are being kept in inhumane conditions. They are essentially being warehoused, as many as 300 children in a cell, with almost no adult supervision.

We have children caring for other young children. For example, we saw a little boy in diapers — or he had no diapers on. He should have had a diaper on. He was 2 years old. And when I was asked why he didn't have diapers on, I was told he didn't need it.

He immediately urinated. And he was in the care of another child. Children cannot take care of children, and yet that's how they are trying to run this facility. The children are hardly being fed anything nutritious, and they are being medically neglected.

We're seeing a flu outbreak, and we're also seeing a lice infestation. It is — we have children sleeping on the floor. It's the worst conditions I have ever witnessed in several years of doing these inspections.

What you're describing is really hard to sort of put our heads around, that this is inside a U.S. government facility.

The facilities that you're saying they're supposed to be transferred to, those are not required by law. That's just the way that the administration is doing it. These children can be placed with their families immediately, if we wanted to do that.

And so, basically, what we're doing is, we're taking children away from their family at the border. We're putting them in inhumane conditions in Border Patrol facilities, where they shouldn't be at all, not even for a few hours. And that 72 hours, that's the maximum that someone is supposed to be kept there.
You guys have to understand that these facilities weren't built to contain this many people. Like the comments said, if 500 people show up to your 2 bedroom apartment one day, you're not gonna do a better job to contain the situation.

And yet you'd still have a choice in how you regard and treat your fellow human beings. If you're a human being and not a fucking monster, you do your best to help them, not treat them like dogs, not purposely separate kids, starve them, neglect them, traumatize them, or dehumanize them, and then block and turn away people who do want to help them.

Do you? Is that how you treat human beings under your care, Half-Life? Whatever the circumstances that brought them there, do you purposely choose to be depraved in your treatment of them on the excuse that there's so many of them?

We see you. We see your callousness and utter lack of humanity. We see it. The world sees it. Just so you know. And you won't be able to say you didn't know.

I do agree that they should be treated better, but it is not so simple as you guys make it seem. The comments all touch on this. The parents are dragging their kids along. The kids are in such bad shape when they arrive and then ICE gets blamed if they die. The comments were saying to charge the parents with child abuse for forcing them to make the journey in the first place.

I do admit that some comments are sick such as "Throw the kids back into Mexico. Problem solved." I do believe that comment is over the line.
It will be extremely hard to get any Jew I know to accommodate what they would call the watering down of a term that is extremely important to them. "Never Forget". That is what they say about the Concentration Camps that were DEATH camps in WWII. Jews don;t go around calling anything they disagree with "Nazi" - that term is reserved for the worst of the worst of actual Nazis... and a Concentration Camp (to them) is a place that people of a particular race or religion are placed to be systematically made extinct. Period. no exceptions. No watering down of any of it. ever. Especially in light of the flat-Earther sized movement of holocaust deniers.

con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.

- large numbers? Check.

- persecuted minorities? Check.

- deliberate imprisonment? Check.

- small area? Check

- inadequate facilities? Check.

Looks like a concentration camp to me.

Also, not the first time concentration camps have been set up in the US. Hell, they're even using some of the same bases as last time.

And I would add another one: punitive detention. It's as much about sending a message of mistreatment as it is about actually detaining them.
You guys have to understand that these facilities weren't built to contain this many people. Like the comments said, if 500 people show up to your 2 bedroom apartment one day, you're not gonna do a better job to contain the situation.

And yet you'd still have a choice in how you regard and treat your fellow human beings. If you're a human being and not a fucking monster, you do your best to help them, not treat them like dogs, not purposely separate kids, starve them, neglect them, traumatize them, or dehumanize them, and then block and turn away people who do want to help them.

Do you? Is that how you treat human beings under your care, Half-Life? Whatever the circumstances that brought them there, do you purposely choose to be depraved in your treatment of them on the excuse that there's so many of them?

We see you. We see your callousness and utter lack of humanity. We see it. The world sees it. Just so you know. And you won't be able to say you didn't know.

I do agree that they should be treated better, but it is not so simple as you guys make it seem. The comments all touch on this. The parents are dragging their kids along. The kids are in such bad shape when they arrive and then ICE gets blamed if they die. The comments were saying to charge the parents with child abuse for forcing them to make the journey in the first place.

I do admit that some comments are sick such as "Throw the kids back into Mexico. Problem solved." I do believe that comment is over the line.

What you Trump cultists can't seem to get through your thick heads is that these people are being treated this way ON PURPOSE. It is the PURPOSE of this administration, supported by people like you, to demean, dehumanize, and traumatize these immigrants.

Learn to question power instead of sucking its cock and helping it to punish the most vulnerable among us, the easy targets, as right wing authoritarian followers always do.

We're the most powerful country in the world, the richest, and the largely white males who have the power, great power, to stop the abuse of immigrants and demand humane policies and decisions by grownups, are instead whining and crying that they can't do anything in the face of problems.

The fucking incompetence, infantile weakness, and utter lack of conscience of those in power right now is astounding.
Yeah, it would be great if ICE took the kids to Disney Land and had fun every day instead!

Something tells me a headline of "ICE loses track of kids at Disney Land" wouldn't go over too well with the leftists.

Nobody's asking for that.

We're asking for not having things like the recent case where ICE was ignoring a preemie baby after throwing away the baby's supplies.
I do agree that they should be treated better, but it is not so simple as you guys make it seem. The comments all touch on this. The parents are dragging their kids along. The kids are in such bad shape when they arrive and then ICE gets blamed if they die. The comments were saying to charge the parents with child abuse for forcing them to make the journey in the first place.

I do admit that some comments are sick such as "Throw the kids back into Mexico. Problem solved." I do believe that comment is over the line.

What you Trump cultists can't seem to get through your thick heads is that these people are being treated this way ON PURPOSE. It is the PURPOSE of this administration, supported by people like you, to demean, dehumanize, and traumatize these immigrants.

Learn to question power instead of sucking its cock and helping it to punish the most vulnerable among us, the easy targets, as right wing authoritarian followers always do.

We're the most powerful country in the world, the richest, and the largely white males who have the power, great power, to stop the abuse of immigrants and demand humane policies and decisions by grownups, are instead whining and crying that they can't do anything in the face of problems.

The fucking incompetence, infantile weakness, and utter lack of conscience of those in power right now is astounding.

But you are missing the point. We hear these reports of how bad they are, but no pictures of all this bad stuff going on. No news reports from inside the facilities. That's why many people are saying it's fake news. The PBS video did not show any video from inside the places.
Yeah, it would be great if ICE took the kids to Disney Land and had fun every day instead!

Something tells me a headline of "ICE loses track of kids at Disney Land" wouldn't go over too well with the leftists.

Nobody's asking for that.

We're asking for not having things like the recent case where ICE was ignoring a preemie baby after throwing away the baby's supplies.

I agree these things are bad. However, I feel those are the outliers. Can we fire the officials who let that happen? But, then they would be understaffed. See how complicated this all is?
I can't speak for LD but I would say adequately funding immigration services and relaxing the absolutely fucking stupid requirements for immigration would go a long way.

Then, we wouldn't have a backlog of 100k people seeking to immigrate in the first place. We didn't have this kind of backlog before the administration created it out of nothing.

Oh? Immigration has been horribly underfunded for ages. The processing time for applications can be years.

3 decades ago I applied for permanent residency for my wife. The first "interview" was almost 6 months later. It was about a week short of two years when they finally approved her conditional permanent residency. (And I think the timing was deliberate, had they waited another week it would have simply been permanent residency with no conditional on it.) Since then I've seen them take more than a year to process a fairly simple piece of paperwork. This all predates His Flatulence's era--I haven't had any contact with them since he came to power.
I do agree that they should be treated better, but it is not so simple as you guys make it seem. The comments all touch on this. The parents are dragging their kids along. The kids are in such bad shape when they arrive and then ICE gets blamed if they die. The comments were saying to charge the parents with child abuse for forcing them to make the journey in the first place.

I do admit that some comments are sick such as "Throw the kids back into Mexico. Problem solved." I do believe that comment is over the line.

What you Trump cultists can't seem to get through your thick heads is that these people are being treated this way ON PURPOSE. It is the PURPOSE of this administration, supported by people like you, to demean, dehumanize, and traumatize these immigrants.

Learn to question power instead of sucking its cock and helping it to punish the most vulnerable among us, the easy targets, as right wing authoritarian followers always do.

We're the most powerful country in the world, the richest, and the largely white males who have the power, great power, to stop the abuse of immigrants and demand humane policies and decisions by grownups, are instead whining and crying that they can't do anything in the face of problems.

The fucking incompetence, infantile weakness, and utter lack of conscience of those in power right now is astounding.

But you are missing the point. We hear these reports of how bad they are, but no pictures of all this bad stuff going on. No news reports from inside the facilities. That's why many people are saying it's fake news. The PBS video did not show any video from inside the places.

They are lawyers and other professionals reporting these stories, and a lot of people are turned away. Even congresspeople have been turned away and only later allowed in on appointment. Volunteers are telling the stories, but they don't want to identify themselves for fear of not being allowed back in to try to help.

Have you read any of the articles I posted? Have the decency to read them all before you dismiss them.

It's amazing how much proof some people need before they can entertain the possibility of abuse, but no proof is needed at all from a demonstrably dishonest and cruel administration on their denials.

It's almost like some people automatically, without even thinking, like reflex, jump to support and excuse the powerful without question, while regarding the powerless with skepticism and doubt with the same kind of thoughtless reflex.
But you are missing the point. We hear these reports of how bad they are, but no pictures of all this bad stuff going on. No news reports from inside the facilities. That's why many people are saying it's fake news. The PBS video did not show any video from inside the places.

They are lawyers and other professionals reporting these stories, and a lot of people are turned away. Even congresspeople have been turned away and only later allowed in on appointment. Volunteers are telling the stories, but they don't want to identify themselves for fear of not being allowed back in to try to help.

Have you read any of the articles I posted? Have the decency to read them all before you dismiss them.

It's amazing how much proof some people need before they can entertain the possibility of abuse, but no proof is needed at all from a demonstrably dishonest and cruel administration on their denials.

It's almost like some people automatically, without even thinking, like reflex, jump to support and excuse the powerful without question, while regarding the powerless with skepticism and doubt with the same kind of thoughtless reflex.

So, all the hundreds of people in the comments saying it's fake news and propaganda are only saying that because they believe Trump tells no lies?
But you are missing the point. We hear these reports of how bad they are, but no pictures of all this bad stuff going on. No news reports from inside the facilities. That's why many people are saying it's fake news. The PBS video did not show any video from inside the places.

They are lawyers and other professionals reporting these stories, and a lot of people are turned away. Even congresspeople have been turned away and only later allowed in on appointment. Volunteers are telling the stories, but they don't want to identify themselves for fear of not being allowed back in to try to help.

Have you read any of the articles I posted? Have the decency to read them all before you dismiss them.

It's amazing how much proof some people need before they can entertain the possibility of abuse, but no proof is needed at all from a demonstrably dishonest and cruel administration on their denials.

It's almost like some people automatically, without even thinking, like reflex, jump to support and excuse the powerful without question, while regarding the powerless with skepticism and doubt with the same kind of thoughtless reflex.

So, all the hundreds of people in the comments saying it's fake news and propaganda are only saying that because they believe Trump tells no lies?

You're really comparing lawyers and social workers to a bunch of youtube commenters? Really? Yes, youtube is overrun by right wing authoritarian morons who get their hatred fed to them by Fox Newstainment. Why would you read comments on youtube to begin with? This is one of the most bizarre responses I've ever seen on this board. "But the youtube commenters said ....!!!" Unbelievable.
So, all the hundreds of people in the comments saying it's fake news and propaganda are only saying that because they believe Trump tells no lies?

You're really comparing lawyers and social workers to a bunch of youtube commenters? Really? Yes, youtube is overrun by right wing authoritarian morons who get their hatred fed to them by Fox Newstainment. Why would you read comments on youtube to begin with? This is one of the most bizarre responses I've ever seen on this board. "But the youtube commenters said ....!!!" Unbelievable.

At what point do you take them seriously?These are still REAL PEOPLE who exist!

Like I said, if a bunch of atheists responded to an atheist's youtube video with all positive comments, I'm sure you'd agree with the comments, right?
So, all the hundreds of people in the comments saying it's fake news and propaganda are only saying that because they believe Trump tells no lies?

You're really comparing lawyers and social workers to a bunch of youtube commenters? Really? Yes, youtube is overrun by right wing authoritarian morons who get their hatred fed to them by Fox Newstainment. Why would you read comments on youtube to begin with? This is one of the most bizarre responses I've ever seen on this board. "But the youtube commenters said ....!!!" Unbelievable.

At what point do you take them seriously?These are still REAL PEOPLE who exist!

Like I said, if a bunch of atheists responded to an atheist's youtube video with all positive comments, I'm sure you'd agree with the comments, right?

I don't read the fucking comments on youtube! It is truly, remarkably dumb to even consider youtube commenters to be a source of information at all. Even calling youtube comments a very bad source of information is giving it way too much credence.

Seriously, please just stop posting in this thread. Just stop. You contribute nothing but incredibly mind boggling stupidity here. You're wasting everyone's time trying to get some kind of validation for your hateful cartoon of a world view. Stop it. Go back to your mother and learn how to be human. Jesus fuck.
So, all the hundreds of people in the comments saying it's fake news and propaganda are only saying that because they believe Trump tells no lies?
I wouldn't be one bit surprised. What would their "evidence" be?
So, all the hundreds of people in the comments saying it's fake news and propaganda are only saying that because they believe Trump tells no lies?
I wouldn't be one bit surprised. What would their "evidence" be?

Yet, people no here have no problem telling me Prager U is propaganda. Perhaps this word is thrown around a bit too loosely these days.
Normal sane rational person: I believe "x" to be true as it was quoted by person "y" who is an expert in the field and has had their conclusion verified by peer reviewed study "z"

Half-life: I read this by someone anonymous on the internet therefore it is 100% factual.
So, all the hundreds of people in the comments saying it's fake news and propaganda are only saying that because they believe Trump tells no lies?
I wouldn't be one bit surprised. What would their "evidence" be?

Yet, people no here have no problem telling me Prager U is propaganda. Perhaps this word is thrown around a bit too loosely these days.

From their own website:
Are you an accredited university?
No, PragerU is not a university, nor do we claim to be. We do not offer degrees. However, we are the most influential online resource for explaining the concepts that have made America great.

Sounds like jingoist propaganda to me. And seeing as you believe youtube is the bastion of all knowledge. Watch this:


So, yes. PragerU is propaganda.
But you are missing the point. We hear these reports of how bad they are, but no pictures of all this bad stuff going on. No news reports from inside the facilities. That's why many people are saying it's fake news. The PBS video did not show any video from inside the places.

They are lawyers and other professionals reporting these stories, and a lot of people are turned away. Even congresspeople have been turned away and only later allowed in on appointment. Volunteers are telling the stories, but they don't want to identify themselves for fear of not being allowed back in to try to help.

Have you read any of the articles I posted? Have the decency to read them all before you dismiss them.

It's amazing how much proof some people need before they can entertain the possibility of abuse, but no proof is needed at all from a demonstrably dishonest and cruel administration on their denials.

It's almost like some people automatically, without even thinking, like reflex, jump to support and excuse the powerful without question, while regarding the powerless with skepticism and doubt with the same kind of thoughtless reflex.

So, all the hundreds of people in the comments saying it's fake news and propaganda are only saying that because they believe Trump tells no lies?
Trump lies. There is incontrovertible evidence that Mr. Trump is a liar that goes way back before he became President, let alone once he became President. Which means it is irrational for any person grounded in reality to accept the assessment of anyone who really believes Mr. Trump tells no lies because such people are either truly delusional or incredibly stupid.

Now, I know Trump supporters who are not delusional nor stupid but they all accept that that Mr. Trump is a liar, because they don't care about his lies. But they admit is a liar.
And you should be seriously fucking wary of accepting advice from anyone who can't even spell 'fucking' correctly.

They probably can spell it right. They were probably trying to avoid a profanity filter.

The rest of your criticisms are legitimate.
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