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Immigrant Concentration Camps

More and more evidence of concentration camps.

Border Patrol's Oversight of Sick Migrant Children - The Atlantic "Dolly Lucio Sevier evaluated dozens of sick children at a facility in South Texas. She found evidence of infection, malnutrition, and psychological trauma."
Inside the Border Patrol warehouse on Ursula Avenue, Dolly Lucio Sevier saw a baby who’d been fed from the same unwashed bottle for days; children showing signs of malnutrition and dehydration; and several kids who, in her medical opinion, were exhibiting clear evidence of psychological trauma. More than 1,000 migrant children sat in the detention facility here, and Sevier, a local pediatrician, had been examining as many as she could, one at a time. But she wasn’t permitted to enter the area where they were being held, many of them in cages, and find the sickest kids to examine. Instead, in a nearby room, she manually reviewed a 50-page printout of that day’s detainees, and highlighted the names of children with a 2019 birth date—the babies—before moving on to the toddlers.

As agents brought in the children she requested, Sevier said, the smell of sweat and soiled clothing filled the room. They had not been allowed to bathe or change since crossing the Rio Grande and turning themselves over to officials. Sevier found that about two-thirds of the kids she examined had symptoms of respiratory infection. The guards wore surgical masks, but the detainees breathed the air unfiltered. As the children filed in, Sevier said she found evidence of sleep deprivation, dehydration, and malnutrition too.

Beyond the children’s physical ailments, Sevier also began to worry about their mental health. She asked to see a 2-year-old from Honduras along with his teenage brother, who she hoped could provide the baby’s medical history. The older boy was excited because officials had kept them separate for more than two weeks. But when the guards brought the toddler over from the “day care” where the littlest detainees are held, he stared with wide eyes, Sevier recalled, and began panting heavily, hoarsely, and persistently for the rest of the encounter.

An Astonishing Government Report on Conditions at the Border - The Atlantic - "Federal investigators detailed dangerous overcrowding and long detention times at Border Patrol facilities in Texas."
Adults and children are strewn across the floor behind fencing; some are covered by mylar blankets—aluminum-foil-like sheets designed to keep the cold out in cool temperatures and to deflect the heat in warm temperatures—others are lying uncovered on the cement. Then there are the men and women and children behind glass windows, and the doors marked Holding cell. Some wear face masks, and one man holds a sign that reads Help.

“Border Patrol was holding about 8,000 detainees in custody at the time of our visit, with 3,400 held longer than the 72 hours generally permitted,” the report said.

But many people—1,500 of the detainees—had been held for more than 10 days. Nearly a third of the 2,669 children—both those who were unaccompanied and those who had crossed with families—at the facilities the investigators studied had been held longer than 72 hours. At one facility in McAllen, Texas, 50 unaccompanied children under the age of 7 had been in custody for more than two weeks while awaiting transfer. After 72 hours, once a child has been turned over to HHS, the government is supposed to find the closest relative in the United States for children in its custody. But it has not worked that way.

Most of the adults who had traveled by themselves had not been able to shower in custody—even those who had been detained for up to a month, the report said. (It was unclear how many people that was.) Some detainees got wet wipes with which to clean themselves. Most weren’t offered a change of clothes. Children weren’t being given hot meals, even though it is required by law; instead, they were fed sandwiches and snacks for meals. And at three of the facilities investigators visited, children had no access to showers.
More and more evidence of concentration camps.
It's not a concentration camp when they can decide to go home.

...to be murdered by gangs.

Yeah, and little kids in diapers can just walk out and be free and life will be great.

You know, it's one thing to be delusional like some religious people whose wishful thinking is based in wanting something good, but it's quite another to delude yourself in the direction of more cruelty.
More and more evidence of concentration camps.
It's not a concentration camp when they can decide to go home.

...to be murdered by gangs.

A lot of political prisoners in concentration camps throughout history have been (at least in principle) free to leave, just as soon as they abandoned their objectives, and agreed to accept the conditions demanded by their captors.

Indeed the early Stalinist and Hitlerian camps frequently did release prisoners who agreed to stop opposing the regime.

You can leave at any time. You just have to completely abandon everything you have ever wanted to do with your life, and any ambitions you have for your family.

Or as the schoolyard bullies used to say "Stop hitting yourself. Why are you hitting yourself?".
You know, I think the only consistent argument for these camps is "we are entitled to be cunts to these people because, well, fuck em".

They can leave at any time so fuck 'em.
They're not in any real danger (except for the ones that are), so fuck 'em.
The people who are critical of such facilities are using emotive language like concentration camps, so fuck 'em.
The Democrats did it first, so fuck 'em.

If that's who you want to be, at least grow some fucking balls and come out and say it.
Why Does Team Trump Keep Talking About Japanese Internment? | The New Republic - "The Roosevelt-era horror was a national shame. Just ask the survivors."
Japanese Internment Survivors Warn Against Repeating History's Mistakes | Asia Society
George Takei will star in a TV horror about real-life American concentration camps / LGBTQ Nation - "The gay actor experienced the real-life horrors firsthand as a five-year-old boy."
Norman Mineta's American story helped the U.S. apologize for incarceration and lead after 9/11 - “There’s no anger about what’s going on. You’re a 10-year-old kid. But you see it reflected in your parents, their peers, and my older sisters and my older brother.”
Norman Mineta on internment, 9/11 and a life spent in the vortex of American politics - Los Angeles Times

In the immediate aftermath of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, on February 19, 1942, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, facilitating one of the most shameful atrocities ever perpetrated by the United States government against its own people.

They were taken to government detention centers far from their homes, where they would be surrounded by security. The Library of Congress describes the “spare, prison-like compounds situated on sun-baked deserts or bare Ozark hillsides, dotted with watchtowers and surrounded by barbed wire”:

Life in the camps had a military flavor; internees slept in barracks or small compartments with no running water, took their meals in vast mess halls, and went about most of their daily business in public. Physical mistreatment was rare, but the armed guards and the ever-present snipers in the watchtowers were constant reminders of the residents’ new status.
Some 120,000 people with Japanese ancestry were rounded up and sent to concentration camps.

Citizens had to place most of their personal belonging and heirlooms into storage before they moved into the camps. Many of these irreplaceable items were stolen or destroyed. Japanese-American land owners had their property sold to speculators in their absence, never to recover a single penny for their losses.

The camps had cramped conditions, often housing 25 people to a room more suited to four. Few dwellings had plumbing or cooking facilities. Camps suffered from a lack of vital medical and educational supplies, and food poisoning and dysentery outbreaks occurred. People slept on cots and only received 45 cents worth of food rations per day (about $6.32 in modern day money).

No convincing evidence was ever discovered of Japanese-Americans committing espionage or sabotage on behalf of their ancestral land's government.
Defending internment is a fringe position on the American right, of course. But since the 9/11 terror attacks, a few prominent conservatives have done just that.

In 2004, Michelle Malkin published an entire book called In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror. In addition to justifying Roosevelt’s actions, she cast remorse over the incident as political correctness, foisted upon impressionable history students by left-wing educators.
Though mainstream historians strongly rejected that book, MM got such supporters as Thomas Sowell and Daniel Pipes. The latter "gentleman" wrote:
He wrote that Malkin performed “the singular service of breaking the academic single-note scholarship on a critical subject, cutting through a shabby, stultifying consensus”:

She correctly concludes that, especially in time of war, governments should take into account nationality, ethnicity, and religious affiliation in their homeland security policies and engage in what she calls “threat profiling.” These steps may entail bothersome or offensive measures but, she argues, they are preferable to “being incinerated at your office desk by a flaming hijacked plane.”
I've also run into right-wingers who have called this action an example of liberal depravity, because of the president at the time being FDR.

George Takei's THEY CALLED US ENEMY Coming in 2019 | IDW Publishing - according to Amazon, it will come out on July 16. It will be available as an e-book as well as a paper one.
You know, I think the only consistent argument for these camps is "we are entitled to be cunts to these people because, well, fuck em".

They can leave at any time so fuck 'em.
They're not in any real danger (except for the ones that are), so fuck 'em.
The people who are critical of such facilities are using emotive language like concentration camps, so fuck 'em.
The Democrats did it first, so fuck 'em.

If that's who you want to be, at least grow some fucking balls and come out and say it.

People who have forfeited their conscience for authoritarianism genuinely do not understand what's wrong with this mentality.

You can't appeal to the humanity or conscience of people who have neither.
...to be murdered by gangs.

A lot of political prisoners in concentration camps throughout history have been (at least in principle) free to leave, just as soon as they abandoned their objectives, and agreed to accept the conditions demanded by their captors.

Indeed the early Stalinist and Hitlerian camps frequently did release prisoners who agreed to stop opposing the regime.

You can leave at any time. You just have to completely abandon everything you have ever wanted to do with your life, and any ambitions you have for your family.

Or as the schoolyard bullies used to say "Stop hitting yourself. Why are you hitting yourself?".

Your claim Jews could eave concentration camps in the beginning of the holocaust is either trying to mislead or just downright anti semitism!

Further proof of the left's agenda of anti and self hating ideology.


Rep. Rashida Tlaib passionately denounced President Trump’s immigration detention policy in an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

RADDATZ: Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib addressing protestors outside a detention facility in Clint, Texas this week. She joins me from Detroit. Welcome to “This Week”. I want to get your reaction first of all to Acting Secretary McAleenan.
...to be murdered by gangs.

A lot of political prisoners in concentration camps throughout history have been (at least in principle) free to leave, just as soon as they abandoned their objectives, and agreed to accept the conditions demanded by their captors.

Indeed the early Stalinist and Hitlerian camps frequently did release prisoners who agreed to stop opposing the regime.

You can leave at any time. You just have to completely abandon everything you have ever wanted to do with your life, and any ambitions you have for your family.

Or as the schoolyard bullies used to say "Stop hitting yourself. Why are you hitting yourself?".

Your claim Jews could eave concentration camps in the beginning of the holocaust is either trying to mislead or just downright anti semitism!


He didn't claim that. Nowhere in his post did he claim that Jews were one of the groups free to leave. Quit with this implication that "not the same as Nazi Germany therefore not bad at all".

In China, plenty of FG and Muslim concentration camp victims are free to leave if they become apostates to their faith. Still unconscionable. Still concentration camps.
In China, plenty of FG and Muslim concentration camp victims are free to leave if they become apostates to their faith.

Well, the problem with immigrants is that they're from another country. I think they'd be quite willing to give up their 'from another' status, become apostates from whatever country, and become US citizens. Call me crazy, but I suspect they'd be quite willing, if that was the case.

Issue MAGA hats, take their pics waving anti-immigrant signs, give them a book of McDonald's coupons, and they're assimilated.
Further proof of the left's agenda of anti and self hating ideology.


Rep. Rashida Tlaib passionately denounced President Trump’s immigration detention policy in an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

RADDATZ: Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib addressing protestors outside a detention facility in Clint, Texas this week. She joins me from Detroit. Welcome to “This Week”. I want to get your reaction first of all to Acting Secretary McAleenan.
Using a Islamphobes personal blog as a source of factual reporting does not advance an argument. Ms. Geller provided no evidence that Ms Taib is an Holocaust denier.
Your claim Jews could eave concentration camps in the beginning of the holocaust is either trying to mislead or just downright anti semitism!


He didn't claim that. Nowhere in his post did he claim that Jews were one of the groups free to leave. Quit with this implication that "not the same as Nazi Germany therefore not bad at all".

In China, plenty of FG and Muslim concentration camp victims are free to leave if they become apostates to their faith. Still unconscionable. Still concentration camps.

It's OK, I expect angelo not to be able to comprehend nor respond sensibly to most of what people post; That's why he's on my 'ignore' list.

I didn't say anything at all about Jews; It's pointless aruing with someone who invents things he thinks you might have said, and then insults you for having said them. He can argue with himself without my assistance or involvement.
Further proof of the left's agenda of anti and self hating ideology.


Rep. Rashida Tlaib passionately denounced President Trump’s immigration detention policy in an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

RADDATZ: Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib addressing protestors outside a detention facility in Clint, Texas this week. She joins me from Detroit. Welcome to “This Week”. I want to get your reaction first of all to Acting Secretary McAleenan.
Using a Islamphobes personal blog as a source of factual reporting does not advance an argument. Ms. Geller provided no evidence that Ms Taib is an Holocaust denier.

Why is Geller labeled an " Islamophobe" [as all who dare criticise islam are] yet a Linda Sarsour is not labeled anti semite, anti xstian and an apologist for even the extreme forms of Islam?
Further proof of the left's agenda of anti and self hating ideology.


Rep. Rashida Tlaib passionately denounced President Trump’s immigration detention policy in an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

RADDATZ: Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib addressing protestors outside a detention facility in Clint, Texas this week. She joins me from Detroit. Welcome to “This Week”. I want to get your reaction first of all to Acting Secretary McAleenan.
Using a Islamphobes personal blog as a source of factual reporting does not advance an argument. Ms. Geller provided no evidence that Ms Taib is an Holocaust denier.

Why is Geller labeled an " Islamophobe" [as all who dare criticise islam are] yet a Linda Sarsour is not labeled anti semite, anti xstian and an apologist for even the extreme forms of Islam?

Clear Whataboutism.

Nobody is even talking here about whatsherfuck. We are talking about Geller right now, and Geller is a bad actor.

"Your source is biased"

"Lots of people are biased, look at that that person over there that I know of and hate, they have (what I perceive as) biases! Let's all talk about whether someone I don't like has biases instead of being on topic!"

No, Angelo, we are talking about Geller, and how Geller is a fucking islamophobe. Whether some people do or do not give Islam too much slack is another matter. But you call people anti-Semitic for things they didn't even say in the first place, so I outright reject your implication that you even know what anti-Semitism entails.
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