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Immigrant Concentration Camps

He wants to force the Democrats to change the asylum laws. And he wants them to do it his way, in two weeks time, without research or debate or considering how the new laws will fit within the existing matrix of federal and Constitutional law, trashing treaties and precedents.

He's very ignorant. And impatient. But he can do a lot of harm, so we mustn't write him off as a buffoon.

We should change the asylum laws. We have people in our country who need to be taken care of first. And you guys want people of other countries to come here? Gimme a break!

Why is Geller labeled an " Islamophobe" [as all who dare criticise islam are] yet a Linda Sarsour is not labeled anti semite, anti xstian and an apologist for even the extreme forms of Islam?

The left's failure to correctly identify people like Sarsour doesn't mean Geller isn't an Islamophobe.
Why is Geller labeled an " Islamophobe" [as all who dare criticise islam are] yet a Linda Sarsour is not labeled anti semite, anti xstian and an apologist for even the extreme forms of Islam?

Clear Whataboutism.

Nobody is even talking here about whatsherfuck. We are talking about Geller right now, and Geller is a bad actor.

"Your source is biased"

"Lots of people are biased, look at that that person over there that I know of and hate, they have (what I perceive as) biases! Let's all talk about whether someone I don't like has biases instead of being on topic!"

No, Angelo, we are talking about Geller, and how Geller is a fucking islamophobe. Whether some people do or do not give Islam too much slack is another matter. But you call people anti-Semitic for things they didn't even say in the first place, so I outright reject your implication that you even know what anti-Semitism entails.

The truth hurts doesn't it! While we are at it, could you please provide me with examples of Geller telling outright lies in any of her posts!

What did they expect, 3 course fillet steak dinners and a first class trip to wherever they wished to go, and a free home anywhere in America? They're illegal immigrants for christ sake!

They are children at the mercy of the United States government. Do you think they should have expected to be sexually molested?
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What did they expect, 3 course fillet steak dinners and a first class trip to wherever they wished to go, and a free home anywhere in America? They're illegal immigrants for christ sake!

They are children at the mercy of the United States government. Do you think they should have expected to be Allegedly sexually molested?

Fixed it for you!
Why is Geller labeled an " Islamophobe" [as all who dare criticise islam are] yet a Linda Sarsour is not labeled anti semite, anti xstian and an apologist for even the extreme forms of Islam?

Clear Whataboutism.

Nobody is even talking here about whatsherfuck. We are talking about Geller right now, and Geller is a bad actor.

"Your source is biased"

"Lots of people are biased, look at that that person over there that I know of and hate, they have (what I perceive as) biases! Let's all talk about whether someone I don't like has biases instead of being on topic!"

No, Angelo, we are talking about Geller, and how Geller is a fucking islamophobe. Whether some people do or do not give Islam too much slack is another matter. But you call people anti-Semitic for things they didn't even say in the first place, so I outright reject your implication that you even know what anti-Semitism entails.

The truth hurts doesn't it! While we are at it, could you please provide me with examples of Geller telling outright lies in any of her posts!

Shifting goalposts ahoy, also fallacy of the excluded middle. It doesn't take an "outright lie" to be a dishonest person. For instance, implying that only an outright lie makes someone an islamophobe is pretty damn dishonest...

I'm going to go with "Angelo doesn't seem to understand the difference between outright lies and general dishonesty/bad faith, so his sourecs probably don't either".

What did they expect, 3 course fillet steak dinners and a first class trip to wherever they wished to go, and a free home anywhere in America? They're illegal immigrants for christ sake!

How about applying normal prisoner of war standards since His Flatulence seems to regard this as a war on non-whites.

Oops--breaking them left and right.
He wants to force the Democrats to change the asylum laws. And he wants them to do it his way, in two weeks time, without research or debate or considering how the new laws will fit within the existing matrix of federal and Constitutional law, trashing treaties and precedents.

He's very ignorant. And impatient. But he can do a lot of harm, so we mustn't write him off as a buffoon.

We should change the asylum laws. We have people in our country who need to be taken care of first. And you guys want people of other countries to come here? Gimme a break!

View attachment 22444

I am curious. Do you think Europe should curb their immigration process considering a woman was gang raped by Muslim immigrants over there?

I am curious. Do you think Europe should curb their immigration process considering a woman was gang raped by Muslim immigrants over there?

Do you think that America should curb our billionaire population because a child was repeatedly raped by a couple billionaires over here?

Because by population percentage, billionaires are far more commonly rapists than immigrants.

The rule of large numbers says that in any sizable group, you will find an example of everything.
Do you think that America should curb our billionaire population because a child was repeatedly raped by a couple billionaires over here?

Because by population percentage, billionaires are far more commonly rapists than immigrants.

The rule of large numbers says that in any sizable group, you will find an example of everything.

Curb or cull? Because I think culling would be faster and more effective.
How about applying normal prisoner of war standards since His Flatulence seems to regard this as a war on non-whites.
How about sending all the illegals back?

I do not know why you are so in favor of illegal aliens. There is and should be a difference between legal and illegal immigration. And without enforcing the border and immigration laws, you can't have a functioning country. Just look at the clusterfuck that EU is becoming.
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I am curious. Do you think Europe should curb their immigration process considering a woman was gang raped by Muslim immigrants over there?

Do you think that America should curb our billionaire population because a child was repeatedly raped by a couple billionaires over here?

Because by population percentage, billionaires are far more commonly rapists than immigrants.

The rule of large numbers says that in any sizable group, you will find an example of everything.

Do you think the woman who was gang raped is sitting back and going, "Well, it was bound to happen because some Muslim immigrants are bad ones?"
Do you think the woman who was gang raped is sitting back and going, "Well, it was bound to happen because some Muslim immigrants are bad ones?"
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants? What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?
Do you think the woman who was gang raped is sitting back and going, "Well, it was bound to happen because some Muslim immigrants are bad ones?"
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants? What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?

Put them on the Supreme Court, I'm guessing.
Do you think the woman who was gang raped is sitting back and going, "Well, it was bound to happen because some Muslim immigrants are bad ones?"
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants? What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?

Did these white frat boys come from a whole country of white frat boys where they throw gays off rooftops and throw acid on girls faces? If so, I wouldn't want them coming to the U.S.
Do you think the woman who was gang raped is sitting back and going, "Well, it was bound to happen because some Muslim immigrants are bad ones?"
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants? What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?
Did these white frat boys come from a whole country of white frat boys where they throw gays off rooftops and throw acid on girls faces? If so, I wouldn't want them coming to the U.S.
What difference is that supposed to make?
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