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Immigrant Concentration Camps

The truth hurts doesn't it! While we are at it, could you please provide me with examples of Geller telling outright lies in any of her posts!

Shifting goalposts ahoy, also fallacy of the excluded middle. It doesn't take an "outright lie" to be a dishonest person. For instance, implying that only an outright lie makes someone an islamophobe is pretty damn dishonest...

I'm going to go with "Angelo doesn't seem to understand the difference between outright lies and general dishonesty/bad faith, so his sourecs probably don't either".

So, in other words, you can't provide me with one single Geller dishonest post.
Do you think the woman who was gang raped is sitting back and going, "Well, it was bound to happen because some Muslim immigrants are bad ones?"
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants? What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?

Perhaps it is because it wasn't a bunch of white frat boys, but depraved muslim immigrants?
Do you think the woman who was gang raped is sitting back and going, "Well, it was bound to happen because some Muslim immigrants are bad ones?"
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants? What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?

Probably nominate them to the SCOTUS or something.

Oops, patooka beat me to it

Put them on the Supreme Court, I'm guessing.
The truth hurts doesn't it! While we are at it, could you please provide me with examples of Geller telling outright lies in any of her posts!

Shifting goalposts ahoy, also fallacy of the excluded middle. It doesn't take an "outright lie" to be a dishonest person. For instance, implying that only an outright lie makes someone an islamophobe is pretty damn dishonest...

I'm going to go with "Angelo doesn't seem to understand the difference between outright lies and general dishonesty/bad faith, so his sourecs probably don't either".

So, in other words, you can't provide me with one single Geller dishonest post.
Pamela Geller is either an accomplished serial liar or delusional.
It is not hard to find numerous examples of her lying. Just Google "Geller lies" and you will find sites like https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2010/08/19/attention-tv-networks-pam-geller-is-lying-to-yo/169502 with evidence such as
on Fox, Geller falsely claimed Obama gave "seminars in Sharia finance" a week "after he nationalized some banks." Geller claimed on the July 28 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends that Obama "was giving seminars in Sharia finance" a week "after he nationalized some banks." While Geller did not specify when this action supposedly occurred, she's presumably referring to a claim she made in a July 5 blog post, when Geller referred to "the Treasury's Islamic Finance 101 Seminar in Nov 08 right after the AIG takeover," which numerous right-wing media outlets also objected to at the time. Obama took office in January 2009. As Media Matters has noted, the Bush administration hosted a similar seminar in 2002.

On MSNBC, Geller falsely claimed NYC mosque is scheduled to open on 9-11-11. On the August 10 edition of MSNBC Live, Thomas Roberts hosted Geller, who falsely claimed that "it's September 11, 2011, when the mega-mosque is scheduled to open." In fact, the executive director of one of the groups spearheading the project as well as the imam involved have flatly denied that the center is slated to open on September 11. During the segment, Roberts did not correct her claim.

Geller absurdly compares NYC mosque to building a KKK "shrine" near black Alabama church. On the August 11 edition of Fox & Friends, Geller absurdly compared building an Islamic cultural center two blocks away from Ground Zero in New York to building a Ku Klux Klan "shrine" near a black church in Alabama.

On CNN and The O'Reilly Factor, Geller falsely claimed the NYC mosque would be "looking down on the sacred ground of Ground Zero." On the August 4 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor (accessed via Nexis), Geller falsely claimed that the Islamic center would be "looking down on the sacred ground of Ground Zero, where they're still finding human remains." Geller repeated this falsehood on the August 17 edition of CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees. But as an Associated Press "fact check" article has noted:
No mosque is going up at ground zero. The center would be established at 45-51 Park Place, just over two blocks from the northern edge of the sprawling, 16-acre World Trade Center site. Its location is roughly half a dozen normal Lower Manhattan blocks from the site of the North Tower, the nearest of the two destroyed in the attacks.
Geller: Obama "wants jihad to win. That's what he is doing." In an April 1 blog post titled, "President Jihad: Obama Encouraged Violent Palestinian Muslim protests against Israel," Geller claimed Obama "is agitating Muslims against Jews" and stated, "The President of the United States is advancing jihad against the oath of office that he took." Geller also stated in an April 11 post, "President Sarkozy called [Obama] 'a madman,' 'a lunatic.' Perhaps, I don't know -- but one thing is for sure: Hussein is a muhammadan. He's not insane ...........he wants jihad to win. That's what he is doing. Of course, to the western mind, the rational mind, the logical mind, the American mind, that is insane."

Geller called Democrats "National Socialists." In a March 13 blog post, Geller wrote, "National Socialists [Democrats] Obamacare: Sheeps to 'Slaughter Solution.' " She added, "The buzz on Capitol Hill is that the Democrats are now considering what is being called the 'Slaughter Solution' that will allow ObamaCare to be signed into law WITHOUT HOUSE MEMBERS EVEN HAVING TO VOTE."

Geller: Senate Democrats supporting health care reform voted "to rape the American people." In a December 21, 2009, blog post, Geller wrote of the cloture vote for health care reform: "The moochers and the looters, the crooks and degenerates voted at 1 am this morning to rip the constitution to shreds, to rape the American people and to nationalize medicine." She added that passing the bill on Christmas Eve would be "an act of treason and blasphemy."

Geller declared "VICTORY!" after Swiss established ban on minaret construction. In a November 29, 2009, post -- headlined "VICTORY! SWISS BAN MOSQUE MINARETS IN A LANDSLIDE VOTE" -- Geller commented: "The Swiss have hand [sic] enough. They actually had the spine to take back their country. I wonder how the religion of peaceniks will react...in their usual tolerant and pacifist manner?"

Geller: "Obama Goes Full On Nazi." Geller headlined a November 9, 2009, post, "Obama Goes Full On Nazi: Subject: 'Democratic consultant says he got a warning from White House after appearing on Fox News.' "

Geller: " 'Kick a Jew' days ... are part of this growing evil Evil unleashed with an anti-semite in the White House." In a December 14, 2009, post, Geller wrote:

It's as if the floodgates of hell have been thrown open. The moratorium on the holocaust is officially over and all the savages are free to incite, hate and destroy. Clearly those "Kick a Jew" days discussed here and here in schools are part of this growing evil Evil [sic] unleashed with an anti-semite in the White House.

Geller: "Obama is bringing his jihad to Illinois." In a December 15, 2009, post, Geller responded to reports that Guantanamo Bay detainees may be housed at the Thomson Correctional Center in Illinois by stating: "Obama is bringing his jihad to Illinois. Has anyone asked the people of Chicago if they want KSM's soul mates in their state? Obama's treachery is breathtaking. A killer's paradise."
Do you think the woman who was gang raped is sitting back and going, "Well, it was bound to happen because some Muslim immigrants are bad ones?"
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants? What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?

Perhaps it is because it wasn't a bunch of white frat boys, but depraved muslim immigrants?
There are no white people in American Prisons.
How about applying normal prisoner of war standards since His Flatulence seems to regard this as a war on non-whites.
How about sending all the illegals back?

I do not know why you are so in favor of illegal aliens. There is and should be a difference between legal and illegal immigration. And without enforcing the border and immigration laws, you can't have a functioning country. Just look at the clusterfuck that EU is becoming.

Funny. You're an immigrant that regularly breaks our nation's laws. Why doesn't that make you, too, to be an illegal? You pledged to follow our laws yet you come here and break them with impunity.

And again, it has to be said, coming here to seek asylum is NOT illegal. You are much more criminal than these people.
Funny. You're an immigrant that regularly breaks our nation's laws.
download (4).jpg
1. I came here legally.
2. I am a citizen.
3. I have no criminal record.

But you (and Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, AOC and the new mayor of Chicago) think people who come here illegally and commit several felonies should be protected from ICE. :rolleyes:

And again, it has to be said, coming here to seek asylum is NOT illegal.
Not leaving when your asylum claim is rejected is illegal though.
So is fraudulently claiming asylum. Do you really believe there are all of a sudden hundreds of thousands of people being persecuted in Central America? No, asylum seeking has become a new tactic to facilitate illegal immigration! Just like in Europe.

Let's not pretend that Santa Oscar de Rio Grande, whose family admitted that he and his wife only "fled" El Salvador to make more money, was an exception here.

You are much more criminal than these people.
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants?
Because the rape rate by Muslim migrants are much higher than those of the native European population.
Just the other day yet another Muslim mass migrant, an Iraqi rapefugee was convicted of rape and murder.
German court jails Iraqi refugee Ali B. for life on rape and murder charges
Of course, "life" in Germany is only about 15 years so he'll get out by 37. Probably won't even be deported after because he is from Iraq. :rolleyes:

What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?
To the Left, rape only matters when a non-Muslim white man can be blamed for it. Bonus points if he is also a frat boy.
That's why the Left (including many here) were so quick to believe Crystal Magnum (Duke Lacrosse false rape accusation) and Jackie Coakley (UVA frat house false rape accusation).
That is also why Epstein is getting 1000x more attention that R Kelly.
Half-Life, why are you so obsessed with the supposed depravity of Muslim immigrants?
Because the rape rate by Muslim migrants are much higher than those of the native European population.
Just the other day yet another Muslim mass migrant, an Iraqi rapefugee was convicted of rape and murder.
German court jails Iraqi refugee Ali B. for life on rape and murder charges
Of course, "life" in Germany is only about 15 years so he'll get out by 37. Probably won't even be deported after because he is from Iraq. :rolleyes:

What would you say if a woman had gotten gang-raped by a bunch of white frat boys?
To the Left, rape only matters when a non-Muslim white man can be blamed for it. Bonus points if he is also a frat boy.
That's why the Left (including many here) were so quick to believe Crystal Magnum (Duke Lacrosse false rape accusation) and Jackie Coakley (UVA frat house false rape accusation).
That is also why Epstein is getting 1000x more attention that R Kelly.

Ah, so your response to the rape of a bunch of girls is "it's not pedophilia!" And your response here is "how dare those Muslims!"

The fact is, people who actually care about the rapes, and ending them, rather than weaponizing an issue against a group they dislike, is that we care about rates within populations and shouting down apologists.

Personally, I don't want to see anyone get raped, which is why I support charging/sentencing/deporting/expelling everyone who rapes. There is no shortage of decisions to charge and action to prosecute rapes by immigrants, and instances of this are few and far between. With frat boys, there's a veritable faucet of rapists flowing through our education system, few get charged, and assholes who envy them for their impugnity cover for them.

The difference is, you make a big deal of rapes only when it furthers your agenda of attacking immigrants who had nothing to do with it, whereas most other people are making a big deal of rapes where affluenza prevents justice, and directing out ire at the actual rapists themselves.

"This specific person raped and went free" is a different message from "this rapist came from this community, you should hate the community".

The exception here is when you yourself and those arguing against Muslims waltz in, and we have to point out that your posts ignore the principle when convenient: that per capita, immigrants rape less than average, and billionaires rape MORE than average.
Ah, so your response to the rape of a bunch of girls is "it's not pedophilia!"
No. "It's not pedophilia" was a response to you and ZiprHead misusing that word.
By the way, this Iraqi rapefugee and murderer raped and murdered a 14 year old girl. And I have yet to hear you call him a pedophile. But yet you call a guy (Casablancas) who had a consensual relationship with a 16 year old a "pedophile" because reasons.
I wonder if you believe Mohammed was a pedophile. He married a 6 year old, but I guess since he wasn't a white guy that doesn't count.

And your response here is "how dare those Muslims!"
Islamic mass migration is a real problem.

The fact is, people who actually care about the rapes, and ending them, rather than weaponizing an issue against a group they dislike, is that we care about rates within populations and shouting down apologists.
All I see you and others like you is weaponize the Epstein allegations against Trump. ZiprHead's anonymous jpeg is the case in point. The jpeg alleged "5 pedophiles" Trump is supposedly friendly with but a cursory search reveals they were not pedophiles nor really friends (more like business associates) of Trump.
On the other hand, you want to downplay Muslims raping and murdering German girls.

Personally, I don't want to see anone get raped, which is why I support charging/sentencing/deporting/expelling everyone who rapes.
Even Muslim fakefugees from places like Syria and Iraq?

There is no shortage of decisions to charge and action to prosecute rapes by immigrants, and instances of this are few and far between.
In US that may be the case with regard to Muslims. We do not have that many Muslim fakefugees and rapefugees at this time, compared to Europe. But Europe is deluged with them and is suffering the consequences.

With frat boys, there's a veritable faucet of rapists flowing through our education system, few get charged, and assholes who envy them for their impugnity cover for them.
[citation needed]
Remember Jackie Coakley? She accused some frat boys from UVA of rape. It was all bullshit, of course, but a lot of posters on here defended her even as her claims were debunked because they wanted to hold onto their simplistic, feminist "frat boys bad, women who allege rape good" narrative.

The difference is, you make a big deal of rapes only when it furthers your agenda of attacking immigrants who had nothing to do with it, whereas most other people are making a big deal of rapes where affluenza prevents justice, and directing out ire at the actual rapists themselves.
I do not such thing. But I think certain immigrants, those from third world countries and especially Muslims, get a pass for criminal behavior.
On the other hand, if somebody is white and especially from a wealthy family people like you inflate accusations against them. Groping becomes equated with actual rape, and a long prison sentence is demanded, while a Yemeni fakefugee getting probation for a rape of 13 year old girl is seen as acceptable.

"This specific person raped and went free" is a different message from "this rapist came from this community, you should hate the community".
It's not about hating the community. It's about recognizing that certain communities have cultural values incompatible of those of countries they are moving to in large numbers.
It's about realizing that all migrants should be vetted before being allowed in.
It's about making sure that migrants who commit serious crimes can be efficiently deported. The Left opposes all these things.

The exception here is when you yourself and those arguing against Muslims waltz in, and we have to point out that your posts ignore the principle when convenient: that per capita, immigrants rape less than average, and billionaires rape MORE than average.
[citation needed] for billionaires.
As for immigrants, depends on the kind of immigrant and it depends on the rape rates in countries they immigrate to, but in Europe right now, Muslim mass migrants have significantly higher rape rates than the native population.
Let's not pretend that Santa Oscar de Rio Grande, whose family admitted that he and his wife only "fled" El Salvador to make more money, was an exception here.
The family did not admit that he and his wife ONLY fled El Salavador to make more money.

And anyone who admits serial law breaking is a real criminal by definition, regardless of their view of the validity of the law(s) they break.
Even Muslim fakefugees from places like Syria and Iraq? ......

In US that may be the case with regard to Muslims. We do not have that many Muslim fakefugees and rapefugees at this time, compared to Europe. But Europe is deluged with them and is suffering the consequences.

With frat boys, there's a veritable faucet of rapists flowing through our education system, few get charged, and assholes who envy them for their impugnity cover for them.
[citation needed]
Remember Jackie Coakley? She accused some frat boys from UVA of rape. It was all bullshit, of course, but a lot of posters on here defended her even as her claims were debunked because they wanted to hold onto their simplistic, feminist "frat boys bad, women who allege rape good" narrative.
Coming from someone who holds onto the bigoted and simplistic "rapeugee" and "fakefugee" narrative that breaks the irony meters throughout the internetz.
Slate published this yesterday:

It Can Happen Here
The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s decision to speak out against Holocaust analogies is a moral threat

A federally funded museum is telling Americans not to think. On June 24, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum instructed the public not to consider the relationship between its subject, other historical events, and the present, implicitly reprimanding Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for calling American detention centers “concentration camps.” In doing so, it has made nonsense of the slogan “never again” and provided moral cover for ongoing and oppressive American policies.

The Holocaust matters to Americans as the source of moral lessons. The choice we face is whether the lesson is that we are always right or whether the lesson is that we should judge ourselves critically in light of the past. At first glance, the museum’s rejection of “analogies between the Holocaust and other events” might seem like a laudable attempt to affirm the unprecedented character of the mass murder of the Jews of Europe. In fact, it makes conveying the weight of that atrocity impossible, and it releases us from any obligation, as a nation, to self-criticism.

Analogizing is not some mysterious operation: It is how we think. Every time someone asks you for advice about a situation beyond your personal experience, or every time you are faced with an unfamiliar choice, your mind makes analogies with what you do know. Then you ask questions that allow you to clarify similarities and differences. At some point, you have understood and can act. “Never again” is nothing other than an invocation of that process. We start from what we know about the present and make our way back to the 1930s and 1940s. Once we understand something about the history of the Holocaust, we make our way forward again, seeing patterns we would have missed. If we notice a dangerous one, we should act. Without this effort, though, “never again” becomes its own opposite: “It can’t happen here.”

A basic pedagogical device is to ask someone to imagine him or herself in another position—say, as a Jewish child in hiding in Amsterdam. That is a historical analogy, invoked millions of times, one that some teacher or museum guide has used somewhere today. To forbid analogies makes the Holocaust irrelevant to future generations. If an American child can identify with Anne Frank, an American child might ask what it is like for immigrant children to be separated from their parents. To forbid analogies is to forbid learning, and to forbid empathizing. That, sadly, is the point.

The entire article is excellent.
Donald Trump's Supporters 'Want Anybody Darker Than a Latte Deported,' Claims Republican Strategist - Rick Wilson, a Trump critic
"I think the pictures of the cruelty of this administration are a very deliberate part of this," Wilson said. "They are a feature, not a bug, of the Trump administration's policy. And so I think we're in a situation where no one inside the administration is unhappy about these things because they are only talking to their base, they're only talking to their core supporters."

Wilson added: "And their core supporters want anybody who's darker than a latte deported. They're not happy about immigration of any kind. They don't believe in the asylum process. They want to take and separate these families as a matter of deterrence and as a sort of theater of cruelty. I think it really doesn't speak well to their moral standing."
I wouldn't be one bit surprised.
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