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Immigrant Concentration Camps


Asylum seeking is merely the latest ploy for facilitating illegal migration. Anybody can simply say "asylum". Doesn't make it true.
Repeating your boring bigoted bs does not make it true. It makes it more boring.
And what is your solution? Release all 100,000s of migrants that flood to our southern border into the country to live their lives? That's basically open borders.
Using the fallacy of the excluded middle to buttress boring bigoted bs is is a terrible idea.
Yes, that was wrong.


Yes, you know what the Obama administration did? They thought the immigrants were nice upstanding people so they told them, "Show up to your asylum hearing on this certain date and you are free to go now." Guess what happened? These nice upstanding people don't show up for their hearing and now they are now lost in the system.
No offense, but your record here of accurately depicting history or reality is abysmal. Do you have a link to substantiate your claim?
You want Trump to continue that braindead policy?
Um, braindead is the best Trump can do.
Neither is a defining feature of a concentration camp.
Oh wait, no. Kids even play video games at these camps. Kids must be suffering terribly.
If you imagine that being allowed to play video games is adequate compensation for being forcibly separated from their parents, then you are either a horrible, horrible person, or a total moron.
Daily Wire has a show today "It Ain't Trump who's the Hitler Here"
So fucking what?

Propagandists gonna propagand. :rolleyes:
Repeating your boring bigoted bs does not make it true. It makes it more boring.
It's not bigoted and not boring either. It's reality.
These mass migrants are not fooling anyone. They were told by smugglers that a good way to enter US is to seek asylum. That's why there has been such a huge increase in asylum claims in recent years, not because there are somehow more legit asylum seekers.
Using the fallacy of the excluded middle to buttress boring bigoted bs is is a terrible idea.
You have not answered the question about what you would do about the border crisis. You only have insults and nit picks. Never answers. Never solutions.
If you imagine that being allowed to play video games is adequate compensation for being forcibly separated from their parents,
Blame the court decision that made it impossible to detain the parents and children together. Also blame smugglers who have pushed the idea of mass migrants travelling with children to make it easier to enter US.
Repeating your boring bigoted bs does not make it true. It makes it more boring.
It's not bigoted and not boring either. It's reality.
These mass migrants are not fooling anyone. They were told by smugglers that a good way to enter US is to seek asylum. That's why there has been such a huge increase in asylum claims in recent years, not because there are somehow more legit asylum seekers.
Using the fallacy of the excluded middle to buttress boring bigoted bs is is a terrible idea.
You have not answered the question about what you would do about the border crisis. You only have insults and nit picks. Never answers. Never solutions.

I can't speak for LD but I would say adequately funding immigration services and relaxing the absolutely fucking stupid requirements for immigration would go a long way.

Then, we wouldn't have a backlog of 100k people seeking to immigrate in the first place. We didn't have this kind of backlog before the administration created it out of nothing.
Repeating your boring bigoted bs does not make it true. It makes it more boring.
It's not bigoted and not boring either...
Responding with bigoted bs does not make it true. It makes it more boring.
You have not answered the question . You only have insults and nit picks. Never answers. Never solutions.
As usual, you are wrong. I have addressed the question numerous times including discussions with you.
Take each asylum request seriously, do a responsible and fair evaluation and then either accept or deny. While the investigation is occurring, treat the asylum seeker humanely and with dignity. And stop flaming the bigots and nativist idiots with nonsense rhetoric about "invasions" or "border crisis".
Responding with bigoted bs does not make it true. It makes it more boring.
You have not answered the question . You only have insults and nit picks. Never answers. Never solutions.
As usual, you are wrong. I have addressed the question numerous times including discussions with you.
Take each asylum request seriously, do a responsible and fair evaluation and then either accept or deny. While the investigation is occurring, treat the asylum seeker humanely and with dignity. And stop flaming the bigots and nativist idiots with nonsense rhetoric about "invasions" or "border crisis".

Yeah, I'd think actually allowing Immigration Services to do their fucking jobs would be a really straightforward way of resolving this problem.

Oh, look at me, I'm a republican, let's defund Immigration Services. Oh, look at this, there's now a backlog of immigrants, how could this ever have possibly happened, dunno what to do with them, so let's throw them in a fucking concentration camp!

Why can't I hold all these limes?

Some comments on the video:

"I suppose the alternative to keeping the illegal immigrants in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless. Comparing the detention centers to concentration camps minimized the millions of lives lost in the concentration camps to meaninglessness. She obviously places zero value on the lives of the Jewish people. We have a term for that - anti-Semitic."

"It’s an absolute insult to compare those tiny Hilton’s to nazi concentration camps? Is she out of her fuccing mind?"

"Ask them how many were placed in the gas chamber or bodies cooked in the ovens??? To HELL with Cortez and the fake news"
Yes, that was wrong.


Yes, you know what the Obama administration did? They thought the immigrants were nice upstanding people so they told them, "Show up to your asylum hearing on this certain date and you are free to go now." Guess what happened? These nice upstanding people don't show up for their hearing and now they are now lost in the system.

You want Trump to continue that braindead policy?

Wow, you sure make a habit of being wrong.

FACT CHECK: Asylum Seekers Regularly Attend Immigration Court Hearings

Recent data shows that asylum seekers continue to appear for immigration court proceedings at high rates. In fiscal year 2018, Department of Justice (DOJ) figures show that 89 percent of all asylum applicants attended their final court hearing to receive a decision on their application. When families and unaccompanied children have access to legal representation, the rate of compliance with immigration court obligations is nearly 98 percent.
If you imagine that being allowed to play video games is adequate compensation for being forcibly separated from their parents,
Blame the court decision that made it impossible to detain the parents and children together. Also blame smugglers who have pushed the idea of mass migrants travelling with children to make it easier to enter US.

Sorry, I'll blame the Trump admin.

 Trump administration family separation policy

The Trump administration family separation policy is an aspect of US President Donald Trump's immigration policy. The policy was presented to the public as a "zero tolerance" approach intended to deter illegal immigration and to encourage tougher legislation.[1][2][3][4] It was adopted across the entire US–Mexico border from April 2018 until June 2018,[5][6][7] however later investigations found that the practice of family separations had begun a year previous to the public announcement.[8] Under the policy, federal authorities separated children from parents or guardians with whom they had entered the US undocumented.[6][9][10] The adults were prosecuted and held in federal jails, and the children placed under the supervision of the US Department of Health and Human Services.[6]

By early June 2018, it emerged that the policy did not include measures to reunite the families that it had separated.[11][12] Following national and international criticism,[13][14][15][16][17][18] on June 20, 2018, President Trump signed an executive order ending family separations at the border, although in March 2019, a government report showed that since that time 245 children had been removed from their families, in some cases without clear documentation undertaken to track them in order to reunite them with their parents.[7][19]

On June 26, 2018, US District Judge Dana Sabraw of the US District Court for the Southern District of California issued a nationwide preliminary injunction against the family separation policy and ordered that all children be reunited with their parents within 30 days.[20][21] On July 26, the Trump administration said that 1,442 children had been reunited with their parents while 711 remained in government shelters.[22]

In January 2019, the administration acknowledged that thousands more children may have been separated from their families than the previously reported figure of 2,737 with officials uncertain of the exact number. Federal officials said there are no plans to attempt to reunite these children because "it would destabilize the permanency of their existing home environment, and could be traumatic to the children."[23][24] In May 2019, the administration acknowledged that at least an additional 1,712 migrant children may have been separated from their parents.[25]

And before Half-Life comes along and says "Obama did it too":

Obama administration
US President Barack Obama made changes to immigration policy, releasing parents and focusing on deportation of immigrants who committed crimes in the US.[26] Attempting to cope with the 2014 American immigration crisis, a surge of unaccompanied children and women fleeing violence in Central America, while complying with the 1997 Flores v. Reno Settlement Agreement consent decree by keeping families together, under Obama the Department of Homeland Security built family detention centers in Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Texas.[27][28][29] Unaccompanied children were kept in holding cells, separated by age and gender while appropriate placements were found.[30][31]

In 2015 Obama introduced the Family Case Management Program which, according to the fact sheet about the program, specifically prioritized "families with certain vulnerabilities, including pregnant or nursing family member; those with very young children; family members with medical/mental health concerns; families who speak only indigenous languages; and other special needs" to offer an alternative to being held in detention centers while awaiting the court to process their asylum claims, which often takes years.[32]

In 2016, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Flores v. Lynch[33][34] that detained immigrant children should be released as quickly as possible, but that parents were not required to be freed. The Obama administration complied by releasing women and children after detaining them together for 21 days.[35][34]

Some comments on the video:

"I suppose the alternative to keeping the illegal immigrants in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless. Comparing the detention centers to concentration camps minimized the millions of lives lost in the concentration camps to meaninglessness. She obviously places zero value on the lives of the Jewish people. We have a term for that - anti-Semitic."

"It’s an absolute insult to compare those tiny Hilton’s to nazi concentration camps? Is she out of her fuccing mind?"

"Ask them how many were placed in the gas chamber or bodies cooked in the ovens??? To HELL with Cortez and the fake news"

Repeating stupidity doesn't make it less stupid.

Some comments on the video:

"I suppose the alternative to keeping the illegal immigrants in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless. Comparing the detention centers to concentration camps minimized the millions of lives lost in the concentration camps to meaninglessness. She obviously places zero value on the lives of the Jewish people. We have a term for that - anti-Semitic."

"It’s an absolute insult to compare those tiny Hilton’s to nazi concentration camps? Is she out of her fuccing mind?"

"Ask them how many were placed in the gas chamber or bodies cooked in the ovens??? To HELL with Cortez and the fake news"

Repeating stupidity doesn't make it less stupid.

Guess you didn't watch the clip. Shapiro said the Dems refuse to sign the check for better beds and better conditions.
Some comments on the video:

"I suppose the alternative to keeping the illegal immigrants in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless. Comparing the detention centers to concentration camps minimized the millions of lives lost in the concentration camps to meaninglessness. She obviously places zero value on the lives of the Jewish people. We have a term for that - anti-Semitic."

"It’s an absolute insult to compare those tiny Hilton’s to nazi concentration camps? Is she out of her fuccing mind?"

"Ask them how many were placed in the gas chamber or bodies cooked in the ovens??? To HELL with Cortez and the fake news"

The existence of fuckwits who comment on YouTube videos despite deep ignorance of the subjects on which they opine is not newsworthy.

The existence of people who are so ignorant of history that they imagine that Nazi death camps were the only, or the first, kind of concentration camp is sad. But not in any way surprising, unexpected, or interesting.

And you should be seriously fucking wary of accepting advice from anyone who can't even spell 'fucking' correctly.

Concentration camps used to detain Jews are a small subset of concentration camps throughout history; References to concentration camps do NOT imply references to judaism, other than to the deeply ignorant. There is therefore no basis for an accusation of anti-semetism in the mere suggestion that a concentration camp, that is not also a death camp, should be called a concentration camp.

And if "the alternative to keeping [people] in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless.", then that's an effective argument for putting EVERYONE into concentration camps. Literally everyone.

If you uncritically accept such pathetic arguments, then you are a fucking moron.

My strong recommendation is that you stop trying to extract facts from YouTube (which is about as smart as trying to extract gold from dogshit), and pick up some history books from your local library.

If you want to know about concentration camps, the history of the Boer War is a good place to start.

Some comments on the video:

"I suppose the alternative to keeping the illegal immigrants in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless. Comparing the detention centers to concentration camps minimized the millions of lives lost in the concentration camps to meaninglessness. She obviously places zero value on the lives of the Jewish people. We have a term for that - anti-Semitic."

"It’s an absolute insult to compare those tiny Hilton’s to nazi concentration camps? Is she out of her fuccing mind?"

"Ask them how many were placed in the gas chamber or bodies cooked in the ovens??? To HELL with Cortez and the fake news"

Repeating stupidity doesn't make it less stupid.

Guess you didn't watch the clip. Shapiro said the Dems refuse to sign the check for better beds and better conditions.

Got a news story on this? "Shapiro said" ain't it.
If you want to be rational, 100,000 refugees in a nation of 327,200,000 is not a crisis.
Exactly. Hell set up FEMA trailers and tent cities like after a hurricane. Way better and more humane than fucking prison/concentration camps and families could stay together.
Let's ask someone with experience in this area:



  • takei.png
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Some comments on the video:

"I suppose the alternative to keeping the illegal immigrants in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless. Comparing the detention centers to concentration camps minimized the millions of lives lost in the concentration camps to meaninglessness. She obviously places zero value on the lives of the Jewish people. We have a term for that - anti-Semitic."

"It’s an absolute insult to compare those tiny Hilton’s to nazi concentration camps? Is she out of her fuccing mind?"

"Ask them how many were placed in the gas chamber or bodies cooked in the ovens??? To HELL with Cortez and the fake news"

The existence of fuckwits who comment on YouTube videos despite deep ignorance of the subjects on which they opine is not newsworthy.

The existence of people who are so ignorant of history that they imagine that Nazi death camps were the only, or the first, kind of concentration camp is sad. But not in any way surprising, unexpected, or interesting.

And you should be seriously fucking wary of accepting advice from anyone who can't even spell 'fucking' correctly.

Concentration camps used to detain Jews are a small subset of concentration camps throughout history; References to concentration camps do NOT imply references to judaism, other than to the deeply ignorant. There is therefore no basis for an accusation of anti-semetism in the mere suggestion that a concentration camp, that is not also a death camp, should be called a concentration camp.

And if "the alternative to keeping [people] in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless.", then that's an effective argument for putting EVERYONE into concentration camps. Literally everyone.

If you uncritically accept such pathetic arguments, then you are a fucking moron.

My strong recommendation is that you stop trying to extract facts from YouTube (which is about as smart as trying to extract gold from dogshit), and pick up some history books from your local library.

If you want to know about concentration camps, the history of the Boer War is a good place to start.

People who travel thousands of miles to get here are already in bad shape when they get here and if they die, it is not anyone's fault. ICE can not work miracles and nurse thousands of people who are dehydrated, starving, and deathly sick back to 100% health like it's a video game.
Some comments on the video:

"I suppose the alternative to keeping the illegal immigrants in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless. Comparing the detention centers to concentration camps minimized the millions of lives lost in the concentration camps to meaninglessness. She obviously places zero value on the lives of the Jewish people. We have a term for that - anti-Semitic."

"It’s an absolute insult to compare those tiny Hilton’s to nazi concentration camps? Is she out of her fuccing mind?"

"Ask them how many were placed in the gas chamber or bodies cooked in the ovens??? To HELL with Cortez and the fake news"

The existence of fuckwits who comment on YouTube videos despite deep ignorance of the subjects on which they opine is not newsworthy.

The existence of people who are so ignorant of history that they imagine that Nazi death camps were the only, or the first, kind of concentration camp is sad. But not in any way surprising, unexpected, or interesting.

And you should be seriously fucking wary of accepting advice from anyone who can't even spell 'fucking' correctly.

Concentration camps used to detain Jews are a small subset of concentration camps throughout history; References to concentration camps do NOT imply references to judaism, other than to the deeply ignorant. There is therefore no basis for an accusation of anti-semetism in the mere suggestion that a concentration camp, that is not also a death camp, should be called a concentration camp.

And if "the alternative to keeping [people] in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless.", then that's an effective argument for putting EVERYONE into concentration camps. Literally everyone.

If you uncritically accept such pathetic arguments, then you are a fucking moron.

My strong recommendation is that you stop trying to extract facts from YouTube (which is about as smart as trying to extract gold from dogshit), and pick up some history books from your local library.

If you want to know about concentration camps, the history of the Boer War is a good place to start.

People who travel thousands of miles to get here are already in bad shape when they get here and if they die, it is not anyone's fault. ICE can not work miracles and nurse thousands of people who are dehydrated, starving, and deathly sick back to 100% health like it's a video game.

No, see, the way it's meant to work is this:

You read what I have written.
You think about what I wrote.

THEN (and only then), you reply to what I wrote. Saying things that agree with, disagree with, or build upon, some or all of the things I said.

Alternatively, you can post something that's unrelated to what I said; BUT, in that case, you should click the 'reply' or 'reply to thread' buttons, and NOT 'reply with quote', because 'reply with quote' is intended ONLY for replies that are relevant to the quoted prior post.

It's really not that difficult.
Some comments on the video:

"I suppose the alternative to keeping the illegal immigrants in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless. Comparing the detention centers to concentration camps minimized the millions of lives lost in the concentration camps to meaninglessness. She obviously places zero value on the lives of the Jewish people. We have a term for that - anti-Semitic."

"It’s an absolute insult to compare those tiny Hilton’s to nazi concentration camps? Is she out of her fuccing mind?"

"Ask them how many were placed in the gas chamber or bodies cooked in the ovens??? To HELL with Cortez and the fake news"

The existence of fuckwits who comment on YouTube videos despite deep ignorance of the subjects on which they opine is not newsworthy.

The existence of people who are so ignorant of history that they imagine that Nazi death camps were the only, or the first, kind of concentration camp is sad. But not in any way surprising, unexpected, or interesting.

And you should be seriously fucking wary of accepting advice from anyone who can't even spell 'fucking' correctly.

Concentration camps used to detain Jews are a small subset of concentration camps throughout history; References to concentration camps do NOT imply references to judaism, other than to the deeply ignorant. There is therefore no basis for an accusation of anti-semetism in the mere suggestion that a concentration camp, that is not also a death camp, should be called a concentration camp.

And if "the alternative to keeping [people] in detention centers where they are fed is to let them roam around in the US, as wandering nomads to compete with the limited resources available for the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of homeless.", then that's an effective argument for putting EVERYONE into concentration camps. Literally everyone.

If you uncritically accept such pathetic arguments, then you are a fucking moron.

My strong recommendation is that you stop trying to extract facts from YouTube (which is about as smart as trying to extract gold from dogshit), and pick up some history books from your local library.

If you want to know about concentration camps, the history of the Boer War is a good place to start.

People who travel thousands of miles to get here are already in bad shape when they get here and if they die, it is not anyone's fault. ICE can not work miracles and nurse thousands of people who are dehydrated, starving, and deathly sick back to 100% health like it's a video game.
What is wrong with you? In a civilized society, the detaining authority has the moral responsibility to see to the basic needs of those detained. If they are dehydrated, that means hydrating them. If they are sick, that means giving them medical care. And it means feeding them.
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