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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

How is it a hoax bomb? How did he perpetrate a hoax?

Texas law stipulates that a person who commits a hoax bomb offense is one who "knowingly manufactures, sells, purchases, transports, or possesses a hoax bomb with intent to use" it or intentionally causes alarm or reaction. http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/16/us/texas-student-ahmed-muslim-clock-bomb/

At what point did he "knowingly manufacture, sell, purchase, transport, or possess a hoax bomb with intent to use' it or intentionally causes alarm or reaction'"?

You can get arrested for a hoax bomb. That the hoax bomb is not a real bomb does not relieve you from criminal culpability.
When did he perpetrate a hoax? What actions did he take to prepetrate a hoax?

You're saying people are always 100% honest when questioned by police? Pass the Kool-Aid, will ya?

What someone says to the police has nothing to do with it. A hoax requires that an attempt is made to deceive someone. If they deceive themselves, than that's not a hoax. Unless you can show that there was an intent to make others think that the clock was a bomb, there is no hoax. If people think that all on their own, then that's their stupid fault.

At no time did the alleged perpetrator of the 'hoax' attempt to persuade, convince, influence or suggest any person into thinking that he had a bomb. In the absence of such an attempt, the allegation of a hoax is unfounded, even if people conclude that he has a bomb all on their own, with no prompting from the supposed hoaxer.

Good grief Charlie Brown. You really think a bomb hoaxer will come out and say "I made a hoax bomb" after the he's caught? Remember, Ahmed was not doing a science project. The authorities had every reason to be skeptical of why he brought his "clock" to school and plugged it in during English class. I'm not saying he wanted to scare people with a hoax bomb, but he clearly was looking for a reaction.

How is it a hoax bomb? How did he perpetrate a hoax?

Texas law stipulates that a person who commits a hoax bomb offense is one who "knowingly manufactures, sells, purchases, transports, or possesses a hoax bomb with intent to use" it or intentionally causes alarm or reaction. http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/16/us/texas-student-ahmed-muslim-clock-bomb/

At what point did he "knowingly manufacture, sell, purchase, transport, or possess a hoax bomb with intent to use' it or intentionally causes alarm or reaction'"?

You can get arrested for a hoax bomb. That the hoax bomb is not a real bomb does not relieve you from criminal culpability.
When did he perpetrate a hoax? What actions did he take to prepetrate a hoax?

You're saying people are always 100% honest when questioned by police? Pass the Kool-Aid, will ya?

What someone says to the police has nothing to do with it. A hoax requires that an attempt is made to deceive someone. If they deceive themselves, than that's not a hoax. Unless you can show that there was an intent to make others think that the clock was a bomb, there is no hoax. If people think that all on their own, then that's their stupid fault.

At no time did the alleged perpetrator of the 'hoax' attempt to persuade, convince, influence or suggest any person into thinking that he had a bomb. In the absence of such an attempt, the allegation of a hoax is unfounded, even if people conclude that he has a bomb all on their own, with no prompting from the supposed hoaxer.

Good grief Charlie Brown. You really think a bomb hoaxer will come out and say "I made a hoax bomb" after the he's caught?


I really think that a person who does NOT come out and say "I have a bomb" at any time is, by that omission, defining himself as NOT a bomb hoaxer. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying he wanted to scare people with a hoax bomb
Then you are saying that he was NOT, by definition, a 'bomb hoaxer', and that whatever he had was NOT, by definition, a 'hoax bomb'.

'Wanting to scare people with a hoax bomb' is a prerequisite (indeed, it is the ONLY prerequisite) to being a 'Bomb hoaxer'.
That seems to be the kind of passive-aggressive answer that the police were complaining about. Yes it is a clock. That doesn't answer a question of the purpose of taking the components of a perfectly working clock out of their case and mounting them in a box in a way that it resembles Hollywood's version of a time bomb, all the components and wiring showing.

"I built a clock to impress my teacher"

That's what he said. Why isn't that "purpose" enough?
He claimed it was his invention.
The boy is then arrested after the device is known not to be a bomb and the boy has told the truth the whole time.

One more time: it is illegal in Texas to make a hoax bomb. You can get arrested for a hoax bomb. That the hoax bomb is not a real bomb does not relieve you from criminal culpability.

One more time!!!

It was not a "hoax bomb"!!!!!!

A "hoax bomb" requires the "hoax" part, and there was no attempt at a hoax!!!
How is it a hoax bomb? How did he perpetrate a hoax?

Texas law stipulates that a person who commits a hoax bomb offense is one who "knowingly manufactures, sells, purchases, transports, or possesses a hoax bomb with intent to use" it or intentionally causes alarm or reaction. http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/16/us/texas-student-ahmed-muslim-clock-bomb/

At what point did he "knowingly manufacture, sell, purchase, transport, or possess a hoax bomb with intent to use' it or intentionally causes alarm or reaction'"?

You can get arrested for a hoax bomb. That the hoax bomb is not a real bomb does not relieve you from criminal culpability.
When did he perpetrate a hoax? What actions did he take to prepetrate a hoax?

You're saying people are always 100% honest when questioned by police? Pass the Kool-Aid, will ya?

It sounds to me like you are advocating for police to arrest people for what maybe they might do sometime in the future even if there is no evidence that they might do it.
I have already met the president (three in fact, AND I actually hugged this one and so did my momma PLUS SHE KISSED HIM). I have already been to the White House, more than once.

It appears to me that the Ahmed haters in their suits of envy green are the ones pissed that THEY, who are so much smarter than Ahmed, have never been invited to the white house, or probably anywhere else for that matter.
Dude, psychology is way more complicated than what's is going on in your particular brain.

you think I'm a dude?

And where did I say anything about psychology. Although you have made a habit of using the wrong words to describe various phenomena, so why not misuse some more.
Remember when . . .

Berdovsky and Stevens, the individuals hired by Interference to install the signs, were arrested by Boston police during the evening of January 31, and charged with violating Chapter 266: Section 102A½ of the General Laws of Massachusetts, which states that it is illegal to display a "hoax device" with the motive to cause citizens to feel threatened, unsafe, and concerned.[14][24] Both were held at the State Police South Boston barracks overnight and were released on $2,500 bail from the Charlestown District Court the following morning.


It's only a hoax device if the kid tried to lead people to believe it was a bomb. Did he?
One more time: there was no hoax, there was no bomb, and there was no hoax bomb.

Ahmed Mohamed put a clock into a different case. It was not dangerous. It was not a weapon. It was not used to scare, threaten, intimidate, or otherwise instill anxiety in anyone. It was not used to perpetrate a hoax. The whole "hoax bomb" claim is being peddled by people who want to justify the kid's arrest, but can't come up with an actual it-really-happened reason.

You might not be impressed by Ahmed's handiwork, but that's irrelevant. He properly installed electronic components in a non-standard case, and had a functioning device as a result. He took his first successful steps on the path to case modding, and he wanted to show his teacher and his friends. That might violate school policy regarding bringing electronic devices into classrooms, but it's not a crime, and it shouldn't be treated as one.

It's not about justifying arrest, it's about acknowledging that the authorities reacted reasonably. Which they did.

I apologize, has this been posted in this lengthy thread already?


I haven't watched the video, mostly because I can't get past Maher's opening jape about how "people thought it was a bomb because it looks like a fucking bomb <audience laughs> ".

People did not think it was a bomb. If they had, they would have acted like it was a fucking bomb and evacuated the school, called in the bomb squad, used a remote controlled robot to place the pencil case into a reinforced containment unit, and blown it to smithereens. They would not have sat there discussing the possible purposes of a clock in a pencil case with the thing right beside them, nor placed it in a patrol car with a cop to be driven to the police station.

Maher got it wrong from the get-go.
It was not a "hoax bomb"!!!!!!

A "hoax bomb" requires the "hoax" part, and there was no attempt at a hoax!!!
Suspected bomb hoax then. The police thought it looked like a movie bomb.

Also, do you remember these?



Those were not intended as hoax bombs, just an innocent Adult Swim cartoon promotion, yet were mistaken for possible bombs and detonated. And that without any Muslims (to my knowledge) being involved.
So overreaction to devices with batteries and LED displays has tradition.
It was not a "hoax bomb"!!!!!!

A "hoax bomb" requires the "hoax" part, and there was no attempt at a hoax!!!
Suspected bomb hoax then. The police thought it looked like a movie bomb.

Doesn't matter what other people claim they think it looked like... Ahmed did not try to play a hoax on anyone.

No hoax... No "hoax bomb" :shrug:
At what point did he "knowingly manufacture, sell, purchase, transport, or possess a hoax bomb with intent to use' it or intentionally causes alarm or reaction'"?

He didn't, at least there is not evidence to believe so. The police didn't think so either, which is why they didn't charge him. Doesn't mean the police and school questioning him, just in case, is Islamophobia.
It also doesn't mean it isn't.
The school/police were trying to ascertain if he DID knowingly manufacture a "hoax bomb" and have such intent.
And when they ascertained he was innocent, instead of an apology, the school wrote a letter the parents of the students about a non event and the police AND mayor, just keep saying they did nothing wrong and all of them refuse to apologize. Is the boy and his family not worth a simple apology? even if just for the inconvenience and possible trauma they caused the boy and his family?
Doesn't matter what other people claim they think it looked like... Ahmed did not try to play a hoax on anyone.
Neither did the ATHF guys. And yet they were arrested and their company (Turner Broadcasting) had to pay $2 million. For devices that looked far less like bombs than Ahmed's suitcase clock.
Doesn't matter what other people claim they think it looked like... Ahmed did not try to play a hoax on anyone.
Neither did the ATHF guys. And yet they were arrested and their company (Turner Broadcasting) had to pay $2 million. For devices that looked far less like bombs than Ahmed's suitcase clock.

So you think two wrongs make a right?
So you think two wrongs make a right?
No, but three lefts do.

No, what I am saying is that history of overreaction to this kind of thing defeats the claim that this all happened because he was "inventing while Muslim". He wasn't really inventing and there is no real reason to assume it happened because he was Muslim.
One more time: it is illegal in Texas to make a hoax bomb. You can get arrested for a hoax bomb. That the hoax bomb is not a real bomb does not relieve you from criminal culpability.

One more time!!!

It was not a "hoax bomb"!!!!!!
It's funny but you might be accidentally right here, it was not a "hoax bomb" it was a "hoax hoax bomb"
One more time!!!

It was not a "hoax bomb"!!!!!!
It's funny but you might be accidentally right here, it was not a "hoax bomb" it was a "hoax hoax bomb"

No, that would require someone to claim that they wanted to bring a hoax bomb to school and then not bring a hoax bomb to school.

In this situation we have someone who claimed they wanted to bring a clock to school and then they brought a freaking clock to school.
It's funny but you might be accidentally right here, it was not a "hoax bomb" it was a "hoax hoax bomb"

Actually, it's a hoax bomb hoax.

Nope, it's what I said it is - "hoax hoax bomb"

- - - Updated - - -

It's funny but you might be accidentally right here, it was not a "hoax bomb" it was a "hoax hoax bomb"

No, that would require someone to claim that they wanted to bring a hoax bomb to school and then not bring a hoax bomb to school.
In this situation we have someone who claimed they wanted to bring a clock to school and then they brought a freaking clock to school.
Actually, it's a hoax bomb hoax.

Nope, it's what I said it is - "hoax hoax bomb"

- - - Updated - - -

It's funny but you might be accidentally right here, it was not a "hoax bomb" it was a "hoax hoax bomb"

No, that would require someone to claim that they wanted to bring a hoax bomb to school and then not bring a hoax bomb to school.
In this situation we have someone who claimed they wanted to bring a clock to school and then they brought a freaking clock to school.
Your rebuttals are so compelling. I'm dazzled by your persuasive eloquence.:cool:
Leftists here seem to be promoting weird notion that police must be absolutely 100% sure and right about everything.
If they stop you for some reasons they are better find that fucking bomb, or else!
And god help that racist pig in uniform if you are muslim, especially lesbian.
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