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January 6 Hearings Live

And thank-you Hugo Chavez for living in my basement since 2013, Making America Great for Socialism. Those Dominion machines and the algorithms worked perfectly. I was able to vote for Biden multiple times in every battleground state. God bless you, Hugo.
Pay his "car note"?

Sounds like a troll. Who in the US says "car note" instead of "car payment"?
People in other countries make bets on US elections. Or could be a Brit ex-pat living in the US.
And thank-you Hugo Chavez for living in my basement since 2013, Making America Great for Socialism. Those Dominion machines and the algorithms worked perfectly. I was able to vote for Biden multiple times in every battleground state. God bless you, Hugo.

Careful. Giuliani is likely to cite this post as further evidence. Expect a subpoena any day now!
Ya I figured some would have problems. I'm not sure it's OK with the rules to quote the whole thing.
You don't have to quote the whole thing. A list of their proposed methods would be OK. You don't have to go into full detail or quote any of its discussion.


How to get Trump to leave the White House

The hostage negotiator

“We want to develop a one-on-one relationship,” he said, “where the person is free to open up and cry or scream — or whatever — to release that tension.”

The animal control officer

“When you’ve got squirrels or bats or raccoons, they’re all coming and going on a regular basis, leaving to eat and drink and then coming back in, so we install one-way doors,” he said. “They’re like little exit tunnels where they go out but can’t get back in. They squeeze out and the door closes behind them.

The toddler whisperer

She gave an example: “In five minutes, it will be time to pick up the blocks and go… In two minutes, it will be time...”

The behavioral economist

“So you have to be careful when you try to compel behavior change to not trigger psychological reactance and instead to encourage people to see adherence with the behavior you are encouraging as in that person’s best interest.”

The dog trainer

“If I have a dog that is in a crate and does not want to come out, I would use a lure,” said Martin Wright, the owner of Argos Dog Training in Dorchester.

But some dogs are tricky, he said. “They come out of the crate, grab the food, and go back in. So we make adjustments, we close the crate door quickly, or we move the food further away.”

“Dogs like to play,” he added, “so sometimes you can get them out of the crate if you show them a ball.”

Or maybe a golf cart.
Sounds like a troll. Who in the US says "car note" instead of "car payment"?

Trump and his supporters have reached the status of Poe.

You can't make up anything too bizarre for an honest belief by someone.
Yes, it is now Trump's Law, but the issue at hand is that the alleged poster used a term not in the American English vernacular. This means "they" aren't local. It is a weird slip as typically spending $2k on a bet means a bit more isn't getting paid than the "car note" such as their "Mortgage certificate".

How to get Trump to leave the White House

The hostage negotiator

“We want to develop a one-on-one relationship,” he said, “where the person is free to open up and cry or scream — or whatever — to release that tension.”

The animal control officer

“When you’ve got squirrels or bats or raccoons, they’re all coming and going on a regular basis, leaving to eat and drink and then coming back in, so we install one-way doors,” he said. “They’re like little exit tunnels where they go out but can’t get back in. They squeeze out and the door closes behind them.

The toddler whisperer

She gave an example: “In five minutes, it will be time to pick up the blocks and go… In two minutes, it will be time...”

The behavioral economist

“So you have to be careful when you try to compel behavior change to not trigger psychological reactance and instead to encourage people to see adherence with the behavior you are encouraging as in that person’s best interest.”

The dog trainer

“If I have a dog that is in a crate and does not want to come out, I would use a lure,” said Martin Wright, the owner of Argos Dog Training in Dorchester.

But some dogs are tricky, he said. “They come out of the crate, grab the food, and go back in. So we make adjustments, we close the crate door quickly, or we move the food further away.”

“Dogs like to play,” he added, “so sometimes you can get them out of the crate if you show them a ball.”

Or maybe a golf cart.

I say we use the sets from House of Cards: Oval Office, WH apartments, still in place in a warehouse in Baltimore. Dart him with drugs, move him and the family to warehouse, clear out before he wakes up . . .

How to get Trump to leave the White House

The hostage negotiator

“We want to develop a one-on-one relationship,” he said, “where the person is free to open up and cry or scream — or whatever — to release that tension.”

The animal control officer

“When you’ve got squirrels or bats or raccoons, they’re all coming and going on a regular basis, leaving to eat and drink and then coming back in, so we install one-way doors,” he said. “They’re like little exit tunnels where they go out but can’t get back in. They squeeze out and the door closes behind them.

The toddler whisperer

She gave an example: “In five minutes, it will be time to pick up the blocks and go… In two minutes, it will be time...”

The behavioral economist

“So you have to be careful when you try to compel behavior change to not trigger psychological reactance and instead to encourage people to see adherence with the behavior you are encouraging as in that person’s best interest.”

The dog trainer

“If I have a dog that is in a crate and does not want to come out, I would use a lure,” said Martin Wright, the owner of Argos Dog Training in Dorchester.

But some dogs are tricky, he said. “They come out of the crate, grab the food, and go back in. So we make adjustments, we close the crate door quickly, or we move the food further away.”

“Dogs like to play,” he added, “so sometimes you can get them out of the crate if you show them a ball.”

Or maybe a golf cart.

The dog trainer should have considered the rolled up newspaper . . .

How to get Trump to leave the White House

The hostage negotiator

“We want to develop a one-on-one relationship,” he said, “where the person is free to open up and cry or scream — or whatever — to release that tension.”

The animal control officer

“When you’ve got squirrels or bats or raccoons, they’re all coming and going on a regular basis, leaving to eat and drink and then coming back in, so we install one-way doors,” he said. “They’re like little exit tunnels where they go out but can’t get back in. They squeeze out and the door closes behind them.

The toddler whisperer

She gave an example: “In five minutes, it will be time to pick up the blocks and go… In two minutes, it will be time...”

The behavioral economist

“So you have to be careful when you try to compel behavior change to not trigger psychological reactance and instead to encourage people to see adherence with the behavior you are encouraging as in that person’s best interest.”

The dog trainer

“If I have a dog that is in a crate and does not want to come out, I would use a lure,” said Martin Wright, the owner of Argos Dog Training in Dorchester.

But some dogs are tricky, he said. “They come out of the crate, grab the food, and go back in. So we make adjustments, we close the crate door quickly, or we move the food further away.”

“Dogs like to play,” he added, “so sometimes you can get them out of the crate if you show them a ball.”

Or maybe a golf cart.

I say we use the sets from House of Cards: Oval Office, WH apartments, still in place in a warehouse in Baltimore. Dart him with drugs, move him and the family to warehouse, clear out before he wakes up . . .

If this was 24th century Star Trek he could be beamed into a holodeck simulation where all of his lies are true.

But since he's a criminal he really needs to face his crushing reality.
I have a problem. The Boston Globe has a steep paywall. I can't read that article.

V'z hfvat ebg13 gb nibvq cbffvoyr vawhapgvbaf ntnvafg nqibpngvat vyyrtny orunivbe. Gurer'f fbzr aba-mreb serr negvpyrf cre zbagu fb lbh pna nibvq gur Jnyy rnfvyl ol pyrnevat pbbxvrf be cerfhznoyl ol qvfnoyvat Wninfpevcg.

You get the adequate gist from the subtitles, lastly "dog trainer." I clicked (and made two more routine clicks, included a 'Close' peculiarly in upper-left instead of upper-right) and skimmed quickly to the end:
“Dogs like to play,” he added, “so sometimes you can get them out of the crate if you show them a ball.”

Or maybe a golf cart.
V'z hfvat ebg13 gb nibvq cbffvoyr vawhapgvbaf ntnvafg nqibpngvat vyyrtny orunivbe. Gurer'f fbzr aba-mreb serr negvpyrf cre zbagu fb lbh pna nibvq gur Jnyy rnfvyl ol pyrnevat pbbxvrf be cerfhznoyl ol qvfnoyvat Wninfpevcg.

You get the adequate gist from the subtitles, lastly "dog trainer." I clicked (and made two more routine clicks, included a 'Close' peculiarly in upper-left instead of upper-right) and skimmed quickly to the end:
“Dogs like to play,” he added, “so sometimes you can get them out of the crate if you show them a ball.”

Or maybe a golf cart.

The continuing adventures of the clown coup.
Sounds like a troll. Who in the US says "car note" instead of "car payment"?
People in other countries make bets on US elections. Or could be a Brit ex-pat living in the US.

Could be; But I have never heard a Brit say "car note", and I lived there for the first twenty five years of my life.

I assumed it was an American term, as I have never heard it from English speakers in the UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, India or Singapore, which are all places with whose English dialects I am fairly familiar.

How to get Trump to leave the White House

The hostage negotiator

“We want to develop a one-on-one relationship,” he said, “where the person is free to open up and cry or scream — or whatever — to release that tension.”

The animal control officer

“When you’ve got squirrels or bats or raccoons, they’re all coming and going on a regular basis, leaving to eat and drink and then coming back in, so we install one-way doors,” he said. “They’re like little exit tunnels where they go out but can’t get back in. They squeeze out and the door closes behind them.

The toddler whisperer

She gave an example: “In five minutes, it will be time to pick up the blocks and go… In two minutes, it will be time...”

The behavioral economist

“So you have to be careful when you try to compel behavior change to not trigger psychological reactance and instead to encourage people to see adherence with the behavior you are encouraging as in that person’s best interest.”

The dog trainer

“If I have a dog that is in a crate and does not want to come out, I would use a lure,” said Martin Wright, the owner of Argos Dog Training in Dorchester.

But some dogs are tricky, he said. “They come out of the crate, grab the food, and go back in. So we make adjustments, we close the crate door quickly, or we move the food further away.”

“Dogs like to play,” he added, “so sometimes you can get them out of the crate if you show them a ball.”

Or maybe a golf cart.

So yesterday the Boston Globe ran the story excerpted above providing various ways to encourage Trump to leave the White House on his own.

Today they had to issue an apology .. of sorts.


Did the Globe misread the room? With Trump pouting in the White House, we sought advice from experts on dislodging the dug-in. We spoke to a hostage negotiator, a pre-school teacher, and an animal-control expert.

But a single line—included with the stability of the nation in mind—set off a firestorm on Twitter. “Even a nation hooked on drama does not want to see a US president dragged out the front door,” it read.

Well, forgive us. It turns out many people do want to see him dragged out, ideally kicking and screaming, as Ivanka tries to grasp his hands and Melania looks on coolly.

Among the outraged was @KeithOlbermann, the sports and political commentator. “You misspelled WE ALL WANT TO SEE HIM DRAGGED OUT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE WHITE HOUSE,” he tweeted.

Many tweeters went Olbermann one better and suggested that the delicious spectacle be monetized.

“If you make it pay-per-view you probably get enough to cover at least 1/2 of the US debts,” @BeamaBeorg suggested.

The Twitter mob is hungry for revenge.



Sounds like a troll. Who in the US says "car note" instead of "car payment"?
People in other countries make bets on US elections. Or could be a Brit ex-pat living in the US.

Could be; But I have never heard a Brit say "car note", and I lived there for the first twenty five years of my life.

I assumed it was an American term, as I have never heard it from English speakers in the UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, India or Singapore, which are all places with whose English dialects I am fairly familiar.

From promissory note, I suppose.

I recall my folks using this term back in the late sixties/early seventies when they also used the term “coupon book”. When you finished up all your monthly payments, the note was paid off. I believe mom was showing me an amortization table and how interest was stacked. Didn’t seem fair to me. It was then I decided I would build my own log cabin and set off on the design phase with my Lincoln Logs.
Sounds like a troll. Who in the US says "car note" instead of "car payment"?
People in other countries make bets on US elections. Or could be a Brit ex-pat living in the US.

Could be; But I have never heard a Brit say "car note", and I lived there for the first twenty five years of my life.

I assumed it was an American term, as I have never heard it from English speakers in the UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, India or Singapore, which are all places with whose English dialects I am fairly familiar.

I've never heard anyone say it until now.

So now some pro Trump group, We the People Convention, (TEA party) is calling on Trump to suspend the Constitution, impose limited martial law (whatever the fuck that means) and have a do over for the election so that the real will of the people can be had. I’m sure Trump is considering it now that Flynn is also backing this proposal.

Here’s a link to the organization’s press release. They bought a full page ad in the Washington Times.


I’m sure FFvC is seriously considering this insane idea.
Sounds like a troll. Who in the US says "car note" instead of "car payment"?

Waaaaallll, in my neck of the woods people say that. I live right up in the thick of the “Alabama” region of Pennsyltucky. People here still take a “dinner pail” to work to eat at noon. They like to talk just the way their daddy and his daddy did.
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