Made in America
I don’t think that the guy from Ohio as less intelligent but I do think that he hasn’t seen much that gives him hope his kids will have a better life, or that he is valued as a citizen.
He had a good job, was a manager at a company that made stuff (cabinets), had friends, family and most of the things that people say they want. As he said, just a normal family man. I think he had what 99+% of all humans on this planet WISH they had.
But someone convinced him that he deserved more, and that the "more" he deserved was being stolen from him.
IOW, Trump tapped into his primal greed like he did/does to so many others. Holds himself up as an example - "All you have to do is be totally strong, and fight for what you deserve like I do." Not mentioned of course, is how helpful it is to first inherit $400,000,000 or so to help you "fight".
I do feel sorry for him, but also feel like he should be held up as an example of what happens to you if you are a trumpsucker. It was good IMO to hear about his life after 1/6. It would make a classic country song, losing his job and his former life... don't know about his dog but that would be a good add if he lost that too.
It's sad, but I don't hold him harmless - far from it.
We have got to give them space to do that.
I don't think we owe them "space" or anything else. They need to "summon the courage to do the right thing", to borrow a phrase from their mango model. If they won't or don't, they fucking DESERVE to lose it all.